Julia Goes Black Part 1

"Young Julia meets a club owner and her curiosity gets the better of her."

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Julia Prezi floated down the aisle, she didn’t walk, she didn’t strut or prance, she floated. That’s what her model instructor had taught her in Milan, where she used to live with her parents. She had joined the model agency at the age of five and had done many jobs over the years, mostly on catwalks but also magazines. She would never become a top model that was clear by the time she was fourteen.

She grew to be just under six feet, but the rest of her body grew too, at that age she had a perfect round ass and large full boobs, which made her a heartbreaking beauty but never a high-class model. She was disappointed in the beginning after her instructor had told her but when she realized she could still make a lot of extra cash, she was OK with it.

She had been happy with her life in Italy. She had her friends, a boyfriend of sorts, and they lived in a nice neighborhood. Then her father got the news that he had been offered a position as an art history teacher at a University in the States. Julia had been glad at first, thinking New York, Miami, LA, or even Chicago.

It was Cotton Hill University, Kansas, and not what she had expected. It was a small town of just over a hundred thousand souls. The heart of the community was the University which did rank high nationally in Fine Arts. The students came from all over the country and there was a large international student body too.

But it was not what Julia had dreamed off or even hoped for. She was very disappointed and showed it. She hardly spoke to her parents, and she did the minimum school work as possible. Just shy of nineteen she was a freshman at the same University where her father taught.

She quickly became popular with the guys and hated by the women. Her accent, her looks, her grace, everything about her oozed sensuality and sexuality. Her parents didn’t know, but she was no longer a virgin. She had lost it while they were on a family holiday in Portugal a year earlier.

The barman attending the pool bar had flirted with her and given her enough free drinks until she thought it was a great idea to go for a late night walk with him. They had begun to make out and his hands were all over her but when they slid up under her dress she tried to say no. It was a weak try because his fingers knew what they were doing and in no time he was on top of her and her dress were around her waist. She wanted him, hoping it would be as beautiful as what her friends had told her.

It was short, hard and completely unsatisfactory for her. Not that she knew what to expect but there had to be more to sex than some sweaty guy lying on top of her and humping, she had thought when she walked back to the hotel room. It hadn’t hurt one bit, and she suspected the guy wasn’t very big because she had hardly felt him enter her.

Julia arrived at her post in the makeup department in the large store off the Highway. She had gotten the job as a hostess for a small brand of makeup after applying online. It took them about twenty seconds to call her after she had sent her CV and photos. She was to start the next day.

This was her third week and she was bored. Most of the customers were women twice and sometimes three times her age, and they only looked and seldom bought anything which made her upset because her salary was partly based on commission.

Leroy King walked around the pile of soup cans and stopped in his tracks. He just stood there and stared at the being in front of him. He knew that it was a female human but he had never seen anything like her during his thirty-five years of life. While he watched, an elderly woman with blue hair, pink trainers and a red tracksuit approached the young woman behind the counter. Leroy couldn’t hear what they were talking about but he noticed that the younger woman looked bored, and only gave half-hearted answers to the blue haired pensioner. After a few minutes, she moved on and the young woman was alone again.

Leroy came from a long line of lovers. His father had ten children, his grandfather had twelve and as far as he knew, he had eight, there might be more but none of his many ex-girlfriends had come forward.

The success to Leroy’s luck with women was mostly because of his looks. He was over six feet tall, naturally muscled and only went to the gym to keep himself toned. His eyes here blue and his skin the color of milk chocolate. He also had charm and was a good listener, which women loved. That he could turn off his hearing and let the sound just drift in one ear and out the other was a benefit. He couldn’t do it physically but he did it mentally.

Julia noticed the black man standing at the end of the aisle looking at her. First, she felt uncomfortable, she had heard stories, but when she took a second look she also noticed his clothes. A nicely cut marine blue suit, white shirt, a dark red tie and shining shoes. He had a diamond stud in one ear and his head was completely shaved. While she watched him he began walking towards her.

“Hi,” his voice was deep and soft.

“Can I help you?”

“Yes, it’s a friend of mine’s birthday and was wondering what you have that she might like.”

While the woman, whose name was Julia, he saw that on her name tag, went on explaining what she sold, Leroy zoned out her voice and looked at her. Her oval face was completely symmetric, which meant that both sides were exactly the same. Her straight nose ended above full curvy lips and her high cheekbones gave her an almost Egyptian look. Her hair was dark brown and naturally wavy. What caught his attention were her eyes. They had an odd color, something he had never seen before. The closest thing he could think off was caramel. Her skin was not tanned even though it was dark. Dressed in a short black cocktail dress and high heels she was a one of a kind beauty.

At first, he had thought she was Mexican or from somewhere else south of the border but her accent didn’t fit. Then it hit him, she was Italian.

“So, what do you think, will she like them?” said Julia.

The man was staring at her again and she got a strange feeling. It felt like he was undressing her with those blue eyes and she wasn’t quite comfortable with it.

“Excuse me?” she said.

“Oh, sorry, my mind was somewhere else. Yes, I’ll take that, that, those, and two of these,” he said while he pointed at the items.

The young woman smiled and showed perfect white teeth. She must earn a commission, he thought.

“Is there anything else I can get you?” she said, her accent strong, dark and sexy.

There were many things that flashed through Leroy’s mind when she had asked the question but none of them were prudent to say out aloud.

“No, thank you.”

She rang everything up and Leroy paid with his credit card. “Thank you for your help and I might see you again,” he said when he put the card back into his wallet.

“Please, come by anytime,” said Julia.

She watched him walk down the aisle and smiled. His purchase alone had netted her more than the last two weeks together. She really hoped he would come back, and soon. She realized she had judged him by his color, and that made her feel bad. He seemed to be a nice enough guy. While she stood there looking after him she felt someone tug at her elbow.

When she turned around she had to look down to see Mark Spencer standing there.

“Hi Julia, how is it going?”

She stepped back and made sure he didn’t put his hands on her. Mark was her boss and the sleaziest man she had ever met. He was a head shorter than her, with a soft body without being overweight. His small pig-like eyes bored into hers and she knew what he was thinking each time they spoke.

“Everything is fine, why?”

“Do you know who that was?” he said, pointing at the black man standing in line to pay for his other purchases.


“Leroy King, he owns the town’s only night club. The students have made him a millionaire.” 

“Oh, I had had no idea.”

“Well, stay clear of him. He is a womanizer and treats them like shit,” said Mark, spitting out the last word.

“Thanks for the advice but now I have to do some inventory,” said Julia and turned away.

Mark gave her ass a good look and wished he could ram his six-inch cock between her ass cheeks.

Ever since she had been hired, Mark had had a crush on Julia. Actually, it was more of an obsession with her. He knew deep inside that he had no chance getting into her panties if she even wore a pair, but that didn’t stop him from fantasizing about what he would like to do to her and that led to some very strong orgasms in the employee bathroom, where he often jerked off.


After she had eaten dinner with her parents Julia went up to her room to choose the clothes she would wear the next day. After trying on several outfits she decided on a pair of black shorts that showed off her ass and on top she would wear, a white tight blouse that you knotted above the navel. When she was done she hung the clothes on a hanger and walked naked to the bathroom. In the wall size mirror, she checked out her profile and grabbed her ass cheeks, making sure they were firm. Then she turned so she was facing the mirror and cupped her C size boobs with her hands. She loved feeling the weight of them in her hands and as she gently caressed them until her nipples grew hard.

Julia had learned from a friend back in Milan about the pleasure of masturbation and she did it at least ones a week, usually before bed and in the shower.

She got into the tub and turned on the shower head. Then she adjusted it so the water reached her as she leaned against the wall at the other end. She used her fingers and gently pulled her pussy lips apart.

When the stream of water hit her clit she gasped with pleasure. Within a minute she was moaning and finally she ended up sitting in the tub, breathing hard from the orgasm that had just washed over her.

She stood up and then used an expensive soap her mother had bought her for Christmas and a bath sponge. After washing the soap off her body she shaved her pussy so there was just a thin landing strip about two inches long.

When she crawled into bed that night, she thought about the black man she had met. What was his name? Then she remembered, “Leroy King,” she whispered before closing her eyes. That night she dreamt that she had sex on a beach, but it wasn’t with the barman in Portugal. It was a stranger, an older stranger and he took her hard against the soft sand.


“What’s up, girl?” said Jenny.

“Not much, how are you?” said Julia.

They had met outside the entrance to the campus and now walked together towards one of the buildings. The day was sunny and warm, and there were several students lying on the grass around them taking in the sun in groups of just talking.

Jenny was the closest thing to a friend Julia had on campus. They shared several classes together and had the same taste in music and movies.

Jenny was a lot shorter than Julia and her skin was white. Her baby blue eyes were kind, but she had a mean streak to her if you got on her wrong side. Her hair was blonde and cut short above her shoulders. She usually wore jeans and a sweater and didn’t bother much with makeup. She was pretty but no beauty.

“What’s the name of the club in town?” asked Julia as they walked up the steps to the music building.

“Glory, why?”

“Have you been there?”

Jenny stopped and turned to her friend. “Why? Are you thinking about going?”

“Maybe, if I can find someone to come with me.”

Jenny grabbed her arm and pulled her away from the rest of the students walking around them.

“You have to be twenty-one to get in. Do you have a fake ID?” she said when they were alone.

Julia laughed. “Look at me. Do you think any bouncer would try to stop me?”

She was right, thought Jenny. Her friend was beyond good looking. She could easily pass for twenty-one. “I know what you mean, but what I have heard is that the card everyone because they are afraid some under aged person will sneak in. If there was a police raid they could lose their license.”

“Mm, you have a point. What if I knew someone who worked there?”

Jenny’s eyes grew wider. “Who?”

Julia made sure no one was close and then leaned down and whispered. “Leroy King.”

“You are shitting me! How do you know him?”

Julia cleared her throat. “Well, I don’t really know him, but I met him yesterday. He bought some things from me while I was at work.”

Jenny checked her watch. “C’mon, we are late for class. We will talk about this later.”


At that exact moment, Leroy King rolled over on his side and put his hand on the firm ass that was attached to his latest conquest. Her name was Nina and she was twenty-two. She was strikingly beautiful but sadly she had not been gifted with intelligence. Leroy didn’t feel like having breakfast with her and listen to her going on about her shopping trips and friends.

He gently slid a hand between her thighs and when his fingers touched her pussy she moaned a little and turned over on her stomach. Her face was amazing, he thought, as long as she kept quiet.

Leroy moved on top of her and using his legs, spread hers enough so he could push his cock against her cunt. When he felt her lips against his cockhead he slowly began to push harder. It took a while but when he slid inside her she opened her eyes.

“Oh my, this early, baby?” she said, her voice whiny and high.

“Shh, just enjoy it.”

“Mmm,” she moaned and was quiet.

Leroy pushed his hands under her ass and then began to thrust in and out of her until he pulled out and let go of his cum. It landed on her tummy and she giggled as it ran down her sides.

“C’mon, up you go. I have to work,” he said.

She looked hurt. “But I thought we could have breakfast?”

“Sorry, no time.

Take a shower and then I need to be alone.”

He watched her round tight ass as she walked into the shower, and then he slumped back on the bed. His mind came back to the Italian girl from the previous day. Linda was hot, Julia was like the sun, burning hot. He wanted to get to know her but didn’t really know how to get around to it. He was used to women coming after him, not him after them.

She was young that was for sure, maybe too young even. He was still thinking about Julia when Linda came out of the shower.

“Oh my God, you are still hard,” she said.

Leroy looked down at his stiff cock. “I guess, but you have to go, baby.”

While she dressed she kept watching his dick and to her surprise, it didn’t go limp. The last thing she saw before closing the door to Leroy’s bedroom was him lying on his bed, with his cock in the air and a big smile on his face.

Leroy stopped daydreaming about Julia and his dick slowly went soft again. He got up and took a long shower and then dressed in an Italian suit. On his way out he grabbed his car keys and then drove over to Glory, where he had a meeting with a provider.


Julia was on the phone with Jenny at ten that evening. They had decided to try to get into Glory that same evening. It was a Friday and they didn’t have classes the next day and no important homework.

“I’ll pick you up in thirty minutes,” said Jenny.

“Cool, I’ll be outside.”

She checked herself in the bathroom mirror and was happy with what she saw. Julia had decided on something simple for the evening. Not because she didn’t like to dress up when she went out but since her parents didn’t know she was going to a club it was better to keep a low profile.

She wore a peach colored dress with thin straps over her shoulders, and it ended half way down her thighs.

Under she wore a white thong but no bra. The cut of the dress held her boobs in place and gave them extra cleavage. She touched up her makeup which was subdued and then picked up her purse from the bed.

“Mom, Dad, I’m leaving,” she called out.

Her father came out into the hall and asked, “Where are you going?”

“Jenny is picking me up, we are going to a movie and after we are going for a late dinner.”

He eyed her and said, “Okay, but I want you back by no later than one.”

“Dad! Don’t be such a bore. I’m almost nineteen, and I can take care of myself.”

“Sure you can, but you are not twenty-one yet, so no bars, do you hear me?”

She didn’t answer, just turned around and walked out the front door which she slammed shut. Asshole, she thought.

Jenny arrived on time and they reached Glory twenty minutes later. When they drove by, they saw that the line was long and the security guards checked IDs.

“Fuck! We will never get in,” said Jenny while she parked the car.

“Relax, it will work, trust me.”

They walked back to the club and when it was their turn to show their ID’s Julia said, “Is Leroy here?”

The bouncer looked at her from top to bottom. “Who is asking?”

She gave him her most seductive smile. “Julia.”

The bouncer said something into his earpiece and two minutes later he got an answer. The people in the line behind them were getting irritated because of the hold-up.

“He says he doesn’t know any Julia,” said the Bouncer.

She put her hand on his cheek and whispered, “C’mon, try again. Tell him we met yesterday.”

Leroy was sitting in his office watching the security camera on a monitor. He sipped from a drink and smiled. The girl from the shop was outside with a friend. Since she hadn’t shown her ID she was obviously underage, which didn’t really bother him, as long as she was over eighteen.

“Let her in and the friend too,” he said into the radio headset.

“Welcome to Glory,” said the bouncer and stepped aside.

Jenny gave him a big smile and followed Julia inside.

“We made it, I can’t believe it,” she said when they reached the main room.

“Let’s get a drink first,” said Julia and walked towards the bar.

When they had two cocktails they sat on bar stools and watched the crowd. Even though it was early, the place was full. Most of the men that walked past them stared at Julia and completely ignored Jenny. She didn’t mind, she was used to it.

Julia was craning her neck trying to see if Leroy was around, but she couldn’t see him. He must be here somewhere, she thought. Then again, what would she say if she saw him? What did she want with him? Her parents would never approve of her dating a man his age.
The cocktail was good and she ordered another round. While she sipped on it, her mind turned her options over and over and the result was so surprising to her that she turned to Jenny and said, “I want him to fuck me.”


“Leroy King, of course, who else?”

Jenny couldn’t believe her ears. “Why on earth would you do that?”

“Because I think he is sexy and good looking, and even though my parents would never find out, I would know that I had done something they would never approve off.”

“It sounds like a bad plan to me,” said Jenny and sipped on her drink.

“Why? Haven’t you ever been curious about how it would be having sex with a black man?”

“No, never, and you know I have only been with one guy.”

“Right, but still, it would piss my parents off and there nothing more fun than that.”

“Would you tell them?”

Julia shrugged her shoulders. “I doubt it, but I would know and that’s enough.”


Leroy walked through the crowd towards the bar where Julia and her friend were sitting. He had watched them talk and drink for a while before deciding it was time to introduce himself.

He came up to them from the side and whispered in Julia’s ear. “Hi.”

She jumped at the surprise of him standing there. “Oh God, you scared me. Hi, how are you.”

“Fine, who is your friend?”

“Jenny, this is Leroy King; Leroy, this is Jenny.”

They shook hands and Leroy kissed both girls on the cheek. Julia breathed in his aftershave, and it turned her on, so manly, so dark, and so sexy.

“What do you think about Glory?” said Leroy who was standing between them, facing the bar.

“It’s cool. I’m surprised there are so many people here already.”

“We have a special on beer tonight, people come early.”

Leroy let his eyes run over the young woman sitting in front of him. Her dress had ridden up and showed a good part of her long thighs. He wanted to put his hand on them and slide his fingers up and in under her dress but he wasn’t sure how she would react.

“You look nice,” he said instead.

“Thank you. You look very handsome too,” said Julia, looking at his black suit and pink shirt.

They made some small talk and then Leroy had to go and see someone he had recognized. He said he would be back in a few minutes.

“So? Are you going to do it?” asked Jenny when he was gone.

“Oh yes, I just don’t know how to do it. I can’t ask him if he wants to fuck me.”

Jenny laughed and spilled some of her drink. “Are you blind? He was eating you up with his eyes. All you have to do is kiss him or touch him, and he will handle the rest.”

“Maybe you are right, but I can’t do it here, can I?”

“He must have an office somewhere, ask to see it.”

When Leroy returned the girls had just finished the drinks. He offered to buy them another round but Julia said, “Maybe later. Do you have an office? I would love to see it.”

“Sure, do you want to see it too?” he said to Jenny.

“No, I’m fine. I’ll have that drink while I wait for Julia.”

Leroy walked up the stairs to the second floor with Julia right behind him. When he entered his office she went directly over to the large windows from where she could see the dance floor and the bar.

“This is so cool,” she said.

“Glad you like it.”

She turned around and was facing him. She gave him her most seductive smile and then let her fingertips run down the front of his suit.

“So, do you have a girlfriend?” she asked.

Her fingers continued down until they reached the belt on his pants and she tugged at it a little.

“Nothing serious. Why do you ask?”

“Well, I think you are very hot, and I thought that we could have some fun.”

Leroy chuckled and put his hands on her shoulders, pulling her close to him. When her boobs pressed against his body he let his hands slide down her back and down to the hem of her dress.

Her skin was smooth as silk when he touched it. She didn’t move when his hands slid up under her dress and grabbed her ass cheeks.

“Mm, you have a nice ass, baby girl,” he whispered in her ear.

“Thank you.”

His hands continued up and then pulled down her thong. She helped him by wiggling her ass a little, and when it fell to the floor she stepped out of it.

They met in a kiss, her lips soft against her his, and when their tongues met a moan escaped her. His hands moved around to the front where they began to massage her boobs, and her nipples went hard under his touch.

Julia wanted to touch his cock so she pulled away from him and then knelt. She quickly opened the belt and then the pants. When they fell to the floor she pulled down his black silk boxer shorts, and to her surprise he was still limp.

That didn’t make any difference to her because she gasped when she saw the size of him.

“Oh my God, it is huge,” she moaned.

Leroy watched her inspect his flaccid dick. She lifted it up in her hand and then hefted it.

“Wow, it’s so heavy.”

“Kiss it,” he demanded.

Julia had never sucked cock before but that didn’t put her off. She took the shaft in her right hand and then kissed the tip.

“Lick the head,” said Leroy.

She did and he responded by growing in her hand. Watched she watched, her fingertips grew apart and the cock went thick and hard. She began to stroke it while licking the head, and when it was fully erect she opened her mouth as much as she could and let her lips slide over his soft skin.

She had never in her life felt something so exciting. Emotions ran through her body, hot, dirty, forbidden, lovely, dangerous, and so fucking sexy. She began to bob her head up and down and soon realized she would never be able to take him all the way. When she looked up at him with her lips stretched to their limits he smiled down at her and gave her an encouraging smile.

She sure could suck cock, thought Leroy, at least for being so young. The best part was that she seemed to enjoy it. Most women do it because it is expected of them, but Julia was doing it with gusto.

He pulled out of her mouth and she said, “No, please, I want more.”

“In a second.”

He helped her up and sat her own on his desk. She lay down on her back and put her long legs on his shoulders. Then he pushed up the dress and bowed his head until his tongue touched her wet slit. Her pussy was beautiful, with small lips and a tiny clit hiding in the folds.

Julia stared at the black man licking her pussy. No one had ever done that before, and it felt so good. She knew she wouldn’t last long and when his tongue slid inside her, she lay back down again and closed her eyes. Her back arched and her fingers grabbed the edge of the desk; a long moan escaped her lips.

Leroy loved watching women come, and Julia was one of the most beautiful sights he had ever seen. When the orgasm washed over her, she smiled and then her mouth formed a circle. She gasped several times before thrashing her head from side to side while arching her back. Her pelvis pushed against his face, driving her soft wet pussy hard against his lips.

“Oh, oh, yes, yes, lick my pussy, lick it,” she said between gasps.

Leroy grabbed his cock and guided the tip to her swollen lips and with one hard thrust he was deep inside her.

Julia opened her eyes and looked down at her cunt. All she could see was his black shaft sliding in and out of her; the feeling was overpowering. It hurt but at the same time it was delicious.

“Mm, I can’t believe I have a black cock in me,” she said, still watching him.

“Do you like it?” said Leroy.

“I love it, give it to me, fuck me hard.”

That’s all Leroy needed to hear. He grabbed her hips and began to fuck her harder and harder until she giggled and came again, and again, and again.

“Wow, you are amazing,” she gasped looking down at his hard cock sticking up between her legs.

“Come and finish me off,” he said.

She got up on her knees and arms and then moved towards him on the desk. When she reached the end she simply opened her mouth and Leroy slid his dick inside.

He grabbed her head and began to fuck her mouth gently but deeply. Julia gagged a few times, but when he finally came she took it all and licked her lips when he pulled out.

“Thank you,” she said.

“My pleasure, baby girl.”

Julia picked up the thong and put it on. When she was done she said, “I’ll better go down stairs or Jenny will worry about me.”

“Cool, and please, come and see me again.”

She walked up to him and grabbed his still semi-erect cock. “You bet I will, now that I have tasted black cock, I will never go back.”

He laughed and kissed her on the forehead.


“How was it?” said Jenny when Julia sat down next to her.

“Amazing, you got to try it some time.”

“Really, that good?”

Julia used her hands to show the size of Leroy’s cock and Jenny’s eyes opened wide. “Oh my God, are you serious?”

“You have no idea.”

Jenny checked her watch and said, “We got to go.”

In the car back home Julia told her friends about what had happened in the office and when she was done Jenny asked her. “Did it hurt?”

“Hell no, well, maybe at first but it felt so good I forgot about it.”

“You are crazy,” said Jenny and they both laughed.

In his office, Leroy sat behind his desk thinking about what it would take to get Julia to do a three-sum with him and her friend. He was pretty sure the hot Italian wouldn’t mind trying to lick pussy. He smiled at the image that formed in his mind and decided that he would visit her at her job the following day.

Published 9 years ago

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