The Facesitting Bar (Part 3)

"Marriage counselling and glued on panties"

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The curvy woman had had a wonderful night. The man in box two had been a delight, the longer she sat on him, the more passionate he became. Repeated oral sex followed by anal stimulation when she had tried to slow him down by depriving him of air. He had been such a generous lover, intent only on her pleasure. 

Maybe she was imagining it, but it felt as though his face had been designed purely to interlock with her body. An exact fit, with her sit bones and round cheeks moulding so well to his evening stubble. It was like snapping two Lego bricks together. When she finally found her soul mate, she would insist that he have plastic surgery so that he too fit perfectly with her bottom. Her body tingled at the thought of a man changing his looks just to dovetail with the curves inside her skirt.

Mmm… maybe she shouldn’t have released him. Men could be wonderfully obedient under lock and key. She had suggested filling the box’s keyhole with liquid metal, condemning him to a lifetime as her sex toy, but that suggestion had only made his kisses more passionate. Men could be so easily misled. One day some loved-up fool might really befall that fate and become her forever seat.

Maybe she should have released him into her custody? So many things could happen behind a locked bedroom door. Her bed seemed particularly lonely right now, with a slot between her legs that desperately needed filling.

She rolled over and squeezed a soft white pillow between her thighs. At least she had padlocked the bar’s logo of curvy female buttocks around his neck. She had already hidden that key and he would be worshipping her libido-controlled body for days if he ever wanted to be released from that chain. Until then, he would be permanently branded. Then there was the matter of her sticky panties, that would really show how far his devotion went. Mmm… she closed her lashes and drifted off into the next fantasy.


By the next morning, Natalie and Jake were exhausted. They had dozed on and off, but the pheromone-filled scent and feel of each other’s arousal body would stir them into a frenzied urge to kiss and thrust. They alternated between crying out in ecstasy and struggling desperately to escape their head-to-crotch chain harnesses.

They were both still lost in the intimate confines of each other’s bodies when the curvy woman walked in wearing a short grey dress and a faraway smile framed by long unbrushed blonde hair.

“My helpless little love birds,” she whispered in a throaty tone.

With her eyes still dreamy from the night before, she sat down on the bed, her weight indenting the mattress as she aimlessly ran her hand through Jake’s dishevelled hair.

“Did you have a good night?” Jake croaked, looking up at her strong thighs and full breasts that threatened to spill from her dress.

The curvy woman smiled.

“You forgot to unlock our chains,” Jake panted, hoping to benefit from her happy dreamy eyes.

“I didn’t forget… you are beautiful joined together.”

On hearing these words, Natalie’s hips started thrusting against him and Jake instinctively pressed his lips against her clit. Natalie moaned, climaxed and finally locked her athletic thighs around his head.

Jake’s lips were once more confined within the folds of Natalie’s right buttock and he had to crane his eyes to look at the curvy blonde. Jake had been aroused all night and Natalie still had his aching cock in her mouth. With his body drained and speech now impossible, he reached for one of the high-security padlocks.

The curvy woman took a moment to focus and then, as if to prove a point, lifted her dress to reveal nothing but her naked body beneath. Jake moaned, helpless to prevent his cock from swelling in Natalie’s mouth. He was chained to a woman who seemingly wanted to stay chained forever, by a woman too aroused to remember where she had left her keys.

“The keys won’t help anyway,” the curvy woman purred, tracing her fingers over Natalie’s body that was completely interlocked with his, “She will never let you go.”


The curvy woman meandered back to the bar and smiled as a message from the man in box two pinged on her phone. He had taken a selfie with his thick dark hair brushed back and her underwear from the day before still superglued over his rugged face.

The text read, ‘Hi gorgeous’.

A good start, she thought.

‘I can’t unstick your lingerie!”

She giggled out loud, her panties had become lingerie, how posh. Whatever they were, the poor man had already spent a full night in a blurry satin filtered world, unable to eat and barely able to talk. In fact, she was impressed that he had managed to get home at all.

‘I love those panties. Please don’t cut them,’ she typed back with a wry smile on her red lips.

Wow, that felt good! A pair of her used underwear and a woman he wanted to please, and the poor guy was helpless.

‘Can I see you today?’ he typed.

‘Tonight,’ she replied.

There was a pause and no doubt panic on the other end of the line. The curvy woman poured some coffee,  sat down on an empty smother box and tried to imagine that he was still inside.

‘If they’re still glued tight… I’ll wear them tonight x.’

With her lover from the previous night now condemned to a very slow and sultry day inside her used underwear, she took a shower, redressed and started to search for her keys. Finally, she recalled that she had slipped on some old jeans to go to the all-night store and found the keys to unlock her conjoined lovebird still stuffed into the pocket beneath a crunched-up receipt.

She returned to Jake and Natalie and sat on their bed to tease them with her fingernails.

“That’s what I love about chains,” she murmured, “They never get any looser.”

She turned to Natalie’s dreamy eyes, “Do I have your permission to release Jake from your body.”

Natalie let out a high-pitched sigh, she really didn’t want to surrender this wonderful power to hold Jake close. She was becoming addicted to his touch and loved how any movement of his strong body pulled the chains even tighter against her, “If I say yes, will you lock us together again tonight?” she whispered.

“I do have six women booked in for facesitting tonight,” the curvy woman mused, “Maybe I could hold a raffle… with your keys as first prize?”

“Oh wow!” Natalie exclaimed, trying to lift her head, only to be held down with a clatter by the chains that bound her to Jake’s muscular body.

“A gift to be used, or not used, as the winner decides,” the curvy woman could feel her body heating, “… you guys could be fucked.”

The curvy woman opened the padlock to free Natalie’s head and then handed Natalie the keys, “I’ll leave you to decide how much longer Jake stays down there,” she smiled as she left to prepare for the next event.


The curvy woman had always been infatuated with the power of intimate touch and it was for this reason that she was hosting the bar’s first group marriage counselling session.

The first two men had arrived and were already locked in their boxes, with the third and final husband irking her as he arrived late, still talking on his phone. The suited man was stressed and impatient and the curvy woman was relieved when she had strapped his wrists and ankles to the sides of the box. The lid made a satisfying clung as it thudded closed and she triumphantly sat on his lid as she turned the key to lock him inside.

Lucy, his wife, was waiting nervously as his smother box slid into the bar. She jumped at the sight of his face staring out of a hole in what was her red leather seat. It did feel nice to see his brown eyes staring up at her so intently. She smiled back nervously, playfully giving him a flick of her hips before modestly smoothing down her knee-length floral skirt.

“Ladies, please sit down!” the curvy woman called.

Lucy was apprehensive, “Sorry, I have to,” she whispered as she turned, lifted her skirt and hung with her bottom in the air as her legs flexed to hold her weight.

“He’s your husband,” the curvy woman called, “Treat him to your body.”

Lucy lowered herself down on to her husband’s face. She was rarely intimate with him and years of his indifference to her body had stripped her of her self-esteem, “Sorry,” she whispered again.

The curvy woman was now prowling, “Sit on his mouth, press his nose into the front of your panties and close your legs.”

“But I’ll be… all over him,” she whispered.

“Sit,” the curvy woman ordered.

Lucy was in shock as she felt her husband’s warm breath blow between her legs.

“Perfect, ladies. Now use your scent to bring him under your spell.”

Lucy could feel her husband trembling.

“Now he’s probably in shock,” the curvy woman announced, her heels clicking dominatingly back and forth, “You’ve taken all of his power and authority by shutting him away and your bottom will feel very intimidating.”

“Now open your thighs just a sliver and calm him with your voice,” the curvy woman continued, “This is your turn to talk and so any of his mumblings stay strictly between him and your panties.”

Lucy looked down at her thighs which now sealed her husband from the world. Her voice was soft as she talked about longing for his attention. There was a shaky breathy moan from the dark depths of her crotch, but nothing more. She looked closer to see his nose sucking in air through her worn white silk panties, “You bought me those,” she sighed, “… a long time ago.”

Lucy sighed again. She had worn her special lingerie so many times in the hope of feeling special that the damp scent-ingrained silk was frayed. It was also now fused to his nose, pulling snug like a vacuum every time he tried to breathe. Yet somehow Lucy felt special, he may have been trapped between her legs, but at least he was focused on her.

The curvy woman’s heels clipped closer, “Now ease back ladies and listen to him.”

Lucy barely moved and was still sitting on his lower lip as her husband tried to reply, “Do you remember that beach?” he finally panted into her body.

“Oh wow, yeah!”

“You stuffed these into my mouth… so they wouldn’t hear us make love!”

Lucy blushed, instinctively clinching her thighs together to reseal his airlock. She could no longer hear him, but his lips were making her damp as were his trembling moans.

“You remember that?” Lucy exclaimed.

“Sexiest thing… ‘til this,” he slurred.

Lucy beamed and rewarded him with slither of air between her thighs.

“That beach… your body… so amazing,” he moaned, struggling with each word.

“Well, it’s the same girl sitting on you now.”

“So beautiful…”

“Well, can you remind me of that? Please?”


The curvy woman knew she was grinning like a schoolgirl, but she didn’t care. The man in box number two had texted her several times during the session and when he arrived, he looked just as good as she remembered. Ripped body in designer jeans, tight black shirt and a rough chiselled face, still covered with her underwear.

“Can I take you to dinner?” the man smiled; his voice gorgeously gravelly.

“No! Not like that!” the curvy woman broke out in an uncontrollable laugh, “Sweetie, I didn’t expect you to spend the day with my pants glued to your face!”

“Yeah, they’re more restricting than you might think.”

“You’re crazy!”

She kissed him on the cheek and then ran her fingers over his two-day stubble. The smooth satin still formed a complete seal around his eyes, nose and mouth. The man had evidently not eaten or seen clearly for almost twenty-four hours and this wasn’t lost on the curvy woman who loved acts of devotion.

“I need to get dressed,” she smiled sweetly.

“You are,” he replied, “I love the dress.”

“Nothing underneath,” she admitted, leading him by the hand to the nearest box.

She lowered the lid and slid the box into the bar, her black high heels clipping as she walked around to meet him. She lifted her sheer grey dress and twirled to show off her shaved crotch and round cheeks.

“I’ve worn nothing since you left…”

“We all make sacrifices,” he smiled.

“I can’t believe you kept them on for so long,” the curvy woman gushed, “That’s so cool. The least I can do is to wear you…”

She hitched up the silky grey fabric and lowered her curves on to the back of the red smother box cushion and propped her heels on the front of the seat.

The man seemed transfixed by her body, his face trying to escape from its tight red cushioned surrounds as she eased her feet into her underwear and wriggled then up over her luscious legs. The closer the lingerie came to her hips, the closer her vagina came to his mouth and before long he was once again hidden from view.

“You did steal my lingerie,” the curvy woman teased, “For which you will be punished.”

“I did return them.”

“I know, but now they’re never leaving my hips ever again.” She was already trembling. Her need for male touch was insatiable.

“Well then we have a problem,” he breathed, “They’re kinda part of me now.”

She tensed her legs, lifting herself slightly only for the satin to pull wonderfully tight between her legs.

“Yes, they are,” she panted, “but that’s not the problem.”

She could feel her arousal growing as her cute stranger’s face willingly sunk into the depths of her crotch, “Fuck, you feel so good,” she mouthed, her underwear alive as it pulled and kissed her body. His tongue had found her vagina but couldn’t penetrate through its satin cell.

“That’s the problem,” she whispered, pulling a pair of nail scissors from her brown leather handbag and carefully reached inside her lingerie to cut a slit through just wide enough for his tongue.

Immediately, she felt his tongue protrude and flash against her clit. She spread her legs and leaned forward, thrusting against him with the closeness of their interlocking bodies and her lingerie holding them together. She orgasmed and sunk down to listen as he unbuttoned his trousers and followed her, masturbating only seconds later. They orgasmed again before she rested her curves deep around his face.

“Better than sex,” he panted, well aware of the mess he had created from blindly masturbating in the box.

“I know,” she replied coyly, her inner thighs closing like a vault.

She sat still in the afterglow, basking in the thrill of her power. Her lover couldn’t up and leave, all he could do was kiss and worship and beg for more. She was sitting right atop his face now. Her vagina was out of reach in this position, leaving his tongue to lick blindly between her cheeks.

“Panty theft… I should really sit here until the police arrive,” she murmured, her tongue circling her lips.

“Need to escape!” he gasped.

“From a smother box? With me sitting on top?” she laughed and then opened her legs and looked down with her blonde hair flicked to one side, “Impossible, but fuck, please try!”

He tensed his abs and forced his head up against the lid, his body clattering inside the steel box. The box moved slightly, but the lid stayed closed.

“I haven’t locked the box… it’s just me,” she breathed as the face beneath her became more animated.

He used his powerful body to thrust up again, her two round cheeks were all that sat between incarcerated and freedom. The box shuddered and the curvy woman steadied herself on the front of her seat. Still, her round cheeks sat spread out over the soft red leather.

She could feel his tongue flashing up and down her crack, but he was tiring, his perspiration soaking into the thin layer of satin between them. She knew he was close to orgasm and so eased back to let him kiss her clit. He was a man obsessed as he feverishly licked her bouncing body until they both orgasmed, accompanied by more desperate crashing from inside the box.

“Still here?” Her flushed thighs, so sensitive to his touch, were forming an impenetrable prison wall around him.

He looked up hopefully and placed a gentle kiss on the back of her thigh. He was so gentle and doting that she desperately wanted to keep him there.

“You know, you could sentence me for the crime,” he breathed, “I’m already locked in the cell.” He tensed again to prove his point.

“Yes, I don’t get any lighter,” she mouthed, “And you my sweetie are exhausted.”

“Dinner?” he asked again.

“Okay but think of it as day release… you’ll be back where you belong tonight.”

She reached discreetly between her legs to dab solvent on the damp satin fabric, “I’ll even let you out of my panties… briefly.”

She continued to dab the solvent while easing her hips side to side. At first, her rolling hips pulled against him, distorting his face, until finally, they separated, and she could rise to her feet.

The man climbed out of the box and mopped himself as best as he could before turning to kiss her. Her full breasts bounced, and her blonde hair was like an untamed mane. The heavy chain clattered around his neck and he looked expectantly at his new crazy friend.

“No way, sweetie,” her voice was sultry, “And I’m going to glue you back inside my lingerie later,” she kissed him, “What better way to keep a man under my realm.”

Published 2 years ago

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