Newlywed Game

"Tiffany and Nick meet some newlyweds on vacation and want to play a little game."

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My friend, Nick, and I had always been good friends. We met Freshman year of high school and somehow managed to stay friends for the next ten years without ever getting romantically involved, which is rare for a girl and a guy during those years. That’s not to say there were never rumors. People always suspected that there was more than we were letting on, but we honestly treated each other like family.

For whatever reason, it just never happened. We had each other’s backs through our individual strings of shitty relationships throughout high school, college, and beyond. We always knew more about each other than anyone we were dating. There were some close calls, especially in college when alcohol was introduced into the mix, but there was always something that held us back. Maybe it was the fact that we already knew how bad we both were at relationships and didn’t want to fuck up our friendship.

As the years went on, we grew closer and closer. It was that closeness that ruined a lot of our own relationships. I can’t even count the number of guys and girls that left us in that time because we spent so much time with each other. I totally understand it now, too. Nick is a really attractive guy – a little over six feet tall, lean and muscular. Guys didn’t want me hanging around with him so often; they couldn’t believe we were just friends. Girls were the same way with me. I could tell the instant I met them that they didn’t like or trust me around Nick. And who could really blame them. I’m a petite girl with blonde hair and perky breasts – who would want that around their boyfriend all the time.

But like all things of this nature, lines were bound to be crossed at some point. Perhaps if we were not habitually terrible at being in relationships, it never would have happened. One night, after about two bottles of red wine, Nick and I were doing our usual bitching about our current relationships. She was too needy for him; mine was too insecure for me.

“Jesus, Nick, I swear we’re just going to have to forget this whole dating thing and just fuck each other already,” I joked.

“Tiff, you couldn’t handle it, trust me!” He shot back.

It was a joke we had made about a thousand times over the past couple years.

“Oh please, you and that little dick wouldn’t last two minutes!” I said, laughing.

“Little dick?! You must be talking about someone else!” Nick replied.

“Oh, yeah, Mr. Big Shot? Prove it,” I challenged him, the wine making me a little more aggressive than usual.

“Oh, don’t be ridiculous. We make the same jokes week after week and it always ends the same. It’s like a game of chicken!” he said.

“Chicken? You’re saying I would stop first?” I said, growing stubborn.

“I know you would,” he said, defiantly.

“Pull it out then. Let’s see who the chicken is.”

Lines were definitely being crossed as Nick stood up off the couch in front of me and hooked his thumbs into the waistband of his athletic shorts. He gave me a look as if he was looking from me to stop him. But I dug my heels in. I was not going to let him win this stupid game.

He shrugged and yanked down his shorts, revealing himself to me. My jaw must have hit the floor. I sat there staring at what was easily the largest cock I had ever seen. Even soft, it must have hung down six inches. Seconds passed but it felt like minutes. Time slowed down.

I remembered this was just a game and decided to step it up a notch. I reached out and grabbed it while looking up at him, smirking.

“What have you been hiding from me?” I asked, feeling him growing in my hand as I slowly stroked it.

No more words were spoken. The rest of our clothes were torn off in seconds and we spent the next twenty minutes sucking and fucking each other to powerful orgasms.

However, that is not the story I want to tell today. My story today is how that encounter changed our relationship for the naughty and turned us into a devilish sexual duo. Today’s story is about a game we started playing after a few months of being fuck buddies. Like I said, we weren’t the relationship types and knew it…


I’d won an all-expenses vacation for two after being the top salesperson for the fourth straight quarter. I certainly wasn’t going to waste the trip by taking the guy I was about to break up with so I asked Nick if he cared to join me for a free week in Jamaica. He had more vacation days than he knew what to do with so he took the week off and came along.

On the second night, we found ourselves in the hot tub next to the private pool that was only shared by a handful of other villas in the resort. We were drinking, laughing, and joking like we always did. The best part of our arrangement was the lack of pressure we put on ourselves. Our occasional romps in the bedroom did not affect our friendship in the least.

A young couple approached the tub and asked if we minded them joining us. We said of course not and invited them in. They introduced themselves as Tina and Phil. After a few minutes of small talk we found out that they were on their honeymoon after being married the previous weekend. They were probably in their mid-twenties and were somewhat nerdy in character. She was petite like me, with dark brown hair and smaller breasts. He looked like an accountant – a little paunchy but not terrible looking. They were a cute couple and seemed to be a great fit for each other, looks wise.

“How long have you two been together?” Tina asked us.

Nick and I shot each other a quick look that told us both all we needed to know. Time to play a little game.

“Oh, gosh, what has it been? About seven years?” I asked Nick.

“Eight. Eight years!” He playfully corrected me. “At least one of us can keep track of it!”

“Well, it’s tough because we’ve been together for so long and have been married for a little over two. Sometimes my math isn’t great!” I said and we all laughed together.

“Oh my, you two seem like newlyweds, too!” Phil said.

“Do you guys remember that gameshow? Newlyweds?” Nick asked them.

“Oh sure! The old one where they would ask the couples questions separately and the other would have to guess what their spouse said!” Tina said, excitedly.

“I think we should play, guys!” I said. “We can whisper the answers to each other’s mate and see who knows who best!”

“That sounds like fun, Tiffany!” Tina replied.

“Alright, Tina, let’s switch places. We’ll go by the honor system. No cheating!” I teased.

The game was on.

We had done this before. Well, not this exactly but something similar. We knew what we were doing.

After a few questions and everyone getting more comfortable with each other, I started getting closer and closer to Phil when we would trade answers. On top of that, I wasn’t moving away quite as quickly. As the game went on, I noticed Tina noticing my actions just like I had hoped. No matter how cool a woman thinks she is, she will never be one hundred percent okay with a cute, busty blonde hanging all over her man.

That was part of the plan though. It was a tactic. Women are territorial. When she saw me getting close to Phil, she started to do the same to Nick. It was her way of trying to even the score and make me jealous, whether she was doing it consciously or not.

About thirty minutes had gone by and the game was still in full swing. Nick sent me a glance that told me it was time to make our moves. Now, had we brought up swinging or trading partners, they would have gotten up and left. The key is to not make it a rational decision.

Because of the bubbles, we were hidden from the chest down. I took advantage of that fact and let my hand make its way over to Phil’s crotch. He was startled but clearly didn’t want to make a scene so he just shot me a quick look that said what the hell?! I gave him a quick wink and turned back to the game. An advantage to looking like I do is that men aren’t very quick to tell me to back off.

Little did Phil know that something similar was happening across the hot tub from us. I knew Nick’s move. He’s smart too. Had he gone right for Tina’a pussy, she would have slapped him and left. He simply pulled out his monster dick and directed Tina’s hand to it under the bubbles. I knew when it happened because I was looking for it. Her eyes went wide with shock – first from his bold move, then because of what she felt.

There we were, a pretend couple and a newlywed couple playing with each other under the cover of hot tub bubbles. Tina and Phil were clueless as to what was going with each other and Nick and I wanted to keep it that way for now.

It was my turn to be bold since I knew what Tina was doing over there. Funny how women seem to be so much less jealous of how I act with their man once they get a handful of Nick. I saw my opportunity during the next question. When we got it right, I acted overly excited and leapt into Phil’s lap, giving him a big hug. As I did so, I was sure to grind myself down onto his hard cock, rubbing it against my bikini-clad pussy.

He knew what I was doing and gave me a look as if he didn’t know what to do. He was a man with a woman all over his dick for the last ten minutes so, of course, he wanted to fuck me, but his brand new wife was sitting only a few feet away. He honestly looked tormented.

“Nick, will you come with me to grab a beer?” I asked sweetly.

“Aw, come on, honey. I’m pretty comfortable here. Phil, would you mind going with her?” he replied.

“Oh, uh… sure, yeah…” Phil stuttered. “Let me just finish this beer and I’ll be ready to go.”

What he meant was Please stop touching my cock for a minute so I don’t have a boner when I get up!

I got the hint and let go of him. I could tell that Tina had not stopped stroking Nick, though. Her shoulder muscles were rippling just slightly, so I knew what she was doing.

About a minute later, Phil asked if I was ready for that beer and we got up and exited the hot tub, leaving Tina and Nick alone. Once we got down the hall and around the corner, I turned and pushed my body up against Phil.

“What are you doing?! I’m on my honeymoon!” he whispered.

“Well, you hardly stopped me,” I said, smirking.

“How could I? It would have caused a scene!” he replied, in a bit of a panic.

“So you don’t want to fuck me then? You don’t want me to get down on my knees and suck you off right now?” I said, teasingly.

He just stared at me in disbelief. Without waiting for an answer, I dropped down in a squatting position in front of him and yanked down the elastic on his bathing suit. His half-hard cock bobbed in front of me. It was pretty much what I expected – not too big, not tiny. Tina probably enjoyed it just fine. I assumed it was the only one she’d ever had. Before he could react, I slurped him into my mouth and ran my tongue all around the swelling head. Phil groaned as I did so.

Within a second or two, he was back to full mast and hard as a rock. I gave him a few more sucks and licks. I knew I could probably make him cum in a minute or two, but I had other plans. I released him from my mouth and stood back up.

“Come on, let’s get those beers and get back before they wonder what we’re doing,” I said with a wink.

He was too stunned to reply. I simply turned and walked the rest of the way to the room while he struggled to put himself away and keep up. We made our way to my room, picked up a few cold ones and walked back to the hot tub. When we arrived, Phil tried playing it cool but was a total mess after what just happened in the hallway. Luckily, Tina was preoccupied and didn’t notice what a fool he was being.

We settled back into our previous positions across from Tina and Nick.

“Gosh, you guys are such a cute couple!” I chirped. “I swear, Tina, your husband is such a gentleman! I’m honestly a little jealous!”

“Isn’t he great?” she said, laughing at my comment.

“Sometimes I wish Nick was as sweet as Phil is being tonight!” I replied, continuing my joking.

With that I jumped onto Phil’s lap again and wrapped my arms around him.

“What do you think, Tina? Maybe we could trade?” I said, with a laugh.

Phil laughed, uncomfortably. He squirmed a bit beneath me and I pushed my ass down onto his groin, feeling his hardness.

“Oh, really? Two can play that game!” Nick said, pulling Tina onto his lap. She giggled as he did so.

This was now a game of chicken. Who was going to blink first? I knew the next move that had to be made. In order for Nick to make his move, I had to get Phil in a position where he had no room to argue.

Our playful banter continued for the next couple of minutes and it all seemed like a big game. But all four of us knew it was no game – it was a lie Phil and Tina were telling themselves. As we chatted, I reached below the water and freed Phil’s cock from its constraints. He lifted his hips slightly to allow me to pull his bathing suit to mid thigh. Once he was free, I pulled my bikini bottoms to the side and lined him up with my wet slit.

The situation alone had me dripping. It had very little to do with Phil. In one smooth motion, I dropped down onto him and he penetrated me to the hilt. I let out a little laugh, otherwise I would have moaned and Tina would have known exactly what was going on. Not that she could really say anything. As Phil entered me, she had her thighs closed around Nick’s cock and was rocking ever so slightly, grinding her cunt on its thickness.

I whispered in Phil’s ear, “Are you ready to watch Nick enter your wife? Keep your eyes on her face. You’ll know when.”

He started to protest but I flexed my pussy muscles, squeezing him inside me. All he could go was groan and remain silent. We watched together as Tina raised up off of Nick ever so slightly – just enough to get the right angle for him to penetrate her. Nick’s right hand disappeared under the bubbles to hold himself steady.

We watched Tina’s face as her eyes rolled back slightly in her head and she gasped. I knew Nick had just popped that big, bulbous head inside her pussy. She was trying too hard to remain calm but was losing her cool with every inch that disappeared inside her. Suddenly, it became too much for her to contain.

“Oh my god, oh my god,” she panted. “Holy shit!”

Her body quivered and the first orgasm of the night rolled through her. Nick smiled and Phil’s breathing behind me became heavier. I was barely moving but now that everything was so obvious, I began gyrating my hips and fucking Phil slowly.

“Tina, dear, I hope you don’t mind me fucking your husband,” I said, sweetly.

She looked at me and smiled.

“I hope you don’t mind your husband fucking… oh fuck, oh fuck!” She couldn’t even get through her sentence when Nick grabbed her by the hips and thrust up into her.

Gracefully, Nick slid he and Tina up to the ledge of the hot tub so that Phil and I could see what was going on. This was much more for Phil’s benefit, as I already knew what he was doing to her. Hell, he’d done it to me plenty of times. Tina continued to slide herself up and down all ten inches of Nick’s shaft.

“Holy shit! Is that… Oh my God, that’s the biggest…” Phil was speechless. He just sat there staring at his wife of a couple days bouncing on Nick’s horse cock.

“I hate to be a party pooper, but what do you all think of taking this to our room? We are a little exposed out here, wouldn’t you say?” I asked the group.

Once lust hits a certain level, there is no more rational thinking. Had I suggested this even a few minutes ago, perhaps Tina would have decided it had gone far enough. But now that her husband had witnessed her taking a huge cock, everyone was so turned on that it wasn’t even a question. She wanted more of Nick. Phil wanted more of me. Nick and I wanted more of the seduction and fucking of strangers.

Tina slowly rose up off of Nick and as the head finally exited her, his cock slapped against his stomach with a wet, sloppy smack. No one spoke as the four of us climbed out of the hot tub. The guys covered their erections with their bathing suits, while Tina and I adjusted out bikinis so they were covering us properly. Silently, we walked down the hall to our room, not even bothering to grab towels.

When we walked into the room, it was like a sexual bomb went off. Previously timid Tina was all over Nick, pushing him to the bed and straddling him. Meanwhile, Phil’s hands were all over my ass and tits as he kissed me deeply. Clothes were being torn off each other with no sense of romance whatsoever. This was animal lust, pure and simple.

Nick wasted no time getting both he and Tina completely naked and rolled them over so that he was now on top of her. I took the opportunity to break my kiss with Phil and positioned myself behind him so that my tits were pushing into his back while I reached around and stroked his cock. We could now both watch what was happening on the bed.

“Watch. Look at how she has to stretch to take him,” I whispered to Phil.

We watched together as Nick lowered himself and pushed his fat cock into Tina’s tight cunt. Even though she had already taken him tonight, it was still a tight fit. She squirmed and squealed. He took it slowly for the first four inches or so before slamming the rest of his piece into her. She screamed in pleasure and clawed at his back.

All the while, I was stroking Phil and was honestly worried he was going to explode all over the floor. I decided I needed to pump the brakes for Phil and get involved with Nick and Tina.

“Pull it out and let me taste her pussy,” I told Nick.

Not needing to be told twice, Nick pulled out and offered me his hard, wet shaft. I grabbed it at the base and took a long lick all the way to the tip. Once I got to the top, I opened up and took him in my mouth. I sucked and slurped on him, tasting the sweet taste of Tina all over him. She was sweet and tangy. I loved it.

After I licked all traces of her off of him, I aimed him back towards Tina’s dripping pussy. Once he was lined up, he went right back to plowing her. She was close to cumming and I knew she would be at her most vulnerable. Without asking, I swung my leg over her body and lowered myself backwards onto her waiting mouth.

My instincts were right. Not only did she not object, but she went right to town, licking and sucking my pussy like an old pro. Like many women, she had a natural instinct for finding my clit and sucked it into her mouth. She flicked her tongue over my nub rapidly and I knew she was going to get it done for me within minutes. She was amazing!

I motioned to Phil to come over and join us. Grabbing him by the cock, I pulled him up onto the bed so that he was standing next to me. I took him into my mouth for the second time tonight and completed the four person orgy.

There was a perfect rhythm in that bed. As Nick fucked the shit out of Tina, Tina sucked my clit better than anyone before, and I sucked on Phil with abandon. It was poetry in motion and the room was filled with the sounds of all four of us moaning and groaning, with the occasional scream from Tina when Nick hit the right spot.

I think the moment finally caught up to us. Tina started to moan louder and louder into my cunt, but never stopped giving me attention. Phil and Nick were also breathing heavier. I was not far behind. The dam finally broke as Tina cried out as she came all over Nick’s cock. Being the trooper she is, as she lost her mind in an incredible orgasm, she reached up and rubbed her fingertips over my clit, which sent me over the edge. I moaned and shook violently as I came. This was finally too much for Phil and he exploded in my mouth.

I held it all in my mouth until he was done spilling his seed. I then shifted myself off of Tina and leaned down to give her a big, wet, cum-filled kiss on her mouth. She kissed me passionately and accepted all of her husband’s semen. Apparently, that was all Nick needed to see. Like the skilled cocksman he is, he pulled out of Tina in one swift motion, scooted up so that he was near where we were kissing, and let fly on our faces. It was quite the load and smashed across our cheeks, lips, and tongues as we continued to make out.

Finally, the hottest night of seduction and sex of my life had come to a sweaty, sticky close. We were a mess. Five minutes later, the four of use were fast asleep in a heap of sexual satisfaction.

Published 9 years ago

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