Summoned by the call of my past, I marked the fateful day where I chose to undo my mistakes.
In slow steps, I thread the evening that was filled with the sonorous hymn of cheerful men and women. The music of the occasion was blissfully sung with the joyful carols of children who busied the streets with the sound of their evening games. As the snow of winter fell, the radiant lights kept flickering together with the songs that kept the mood strong. The lights of the street shone with the brilliance of romance and hope for the year that would soon renew.
Everything I came to see was filled with dazzle and awe and there was nothing more pleasing to see as I continued my trail.
I soon came upon the place that holds the memory I now loath the most – the gazebo from which Myra confessed to me. The autumn roses that once decorated it are now gone into twisted black stems buried underneath the snow. In their place, colorful lanterns hung by the edges of its roof and its fences were graciously adorned by small Christmas lights that showcased how the place is being taken care off in spite of the rare visitors.
Above the evening waters, its reflection shone bright and lonely like a stage after the curtains fell.
As if defiling the joyful theme of the city, the place maintained its calm and serene isolation. All but the sound of the ruffled snow and the quiet flow of the river accompanied me on the way. Upon reaching the edge of the abode, I leaned over the fence and amassed myself at the otherworldly sight of the evening city scape that majestically glistens with the flow of the water. The winter wind blows and with it wafted the lovely scent of the distant sea – a scent that will soon be lost once the fire show was started.
As I hum a Christmas song, I sat on the edge and pulled out my phone. “I have a present for you. Do you mind picking me up at the lakeside gazebo?”, I wrote and send. After the notification came out, I let the phone drop into the water without a care in the world.
Now smiling even wider than before, I opened the little bottle of distilled beverage and slowly fell to the venom of the liquor. In slow gulps, I savored the sensation that left my throat and lungs burning in the effervescence. With a heart burning with the alcohol, I was taken possession by the spirit in the bottle and my ability to think slowly decayed into the artificial joy I most sought. By the time I let go, my entire body was already emblazoned in fumes. Intoxicated by the large amount of alcohol, I quickly succumbed to the intense heat that made my body grow sick, but I still managed to cough a small laugh as I cling on the pillar for support.
“I wonder if she’s on the other side,” I said, while staring on the dazzling lights from the other side of the river. If she is there, and checked her phone, I wonder if she can get here in time. If she even get the message, at least.
Stretching my ears a little allowed me to take note of the loud music that was being blared from the far side of the city. It was the songs of the local band and the cheers of the local people who are all eager to greet the upcoming dawn of the New Year with all the vigor that they can unleash. Though faint, I can feel their explosive cheers.
After a few songs, I checked my clock and saw that it is almost time for it.
From my bag, I pulled out the metallic object that would set this year at its finest beginning – a small pistol just the size for a small caliber. In its clip, I loaded a single bullet and cocked it ready. Never in my life have I ever thought that I will ever get to use it, much less in this way.
Standing straight to face the water’s edge, I readied my gun and listened to the distant crowds who began the countdown
“It must have hurt right?”
My tears have long dried up and all I seek now is to be forgiven for this final act. Pointing the cold steel at the temple of my head, I joined the countdown.
“I never wanted to hurt you”
Smiling softly, I held the gun close. Though the fear of death has been nullified by the alcohol, my ears caught the noise of the ruffling of branches and snow behind my back.
“Don’t worry…”
Without letting go of my grip, I turned and saw the sight I least expect. She was there – worn down by the rough terrain, she stood by the entrance of the gazebo. Her image was bent and panting loudly from rushing in.
I greeted her with a welcoming smile. Whether the sight was real or just a delusion of mine mattered not, for I have nothing to give her but this final act of redemption for my soul long gone. From my lips, I whispered the words:
“It’s my turn now.”
Then I pulled the trigger.
At that moment, the hands of the clock stopped ticking. Set aflame by the surge of emergency, Myra took off in a dire rush. Arms stretched out and legs in a terrified sprint, she contested the words of the fates with her giant strides. The crescendo of her beating heart boomed in loud echoes as she defied her instinct to flee. Leaving the last vestiges of hesitation behind her back, she had nothing but a prayer to guide her way and she bartered it all into a single leap that carried her faith.
The moment she felt Ismene’s clothes against the tips of her fingers was the point where the threads of fate fell to her grasp. With all the strength that she could muster, she pushed the girl all the way back. The impact sent Ismene falling out of balance and her hand missed its aim. By the time the hammer ignited the bullet, it was unable to land on anything but graze her skin through its heated trajectory.
Then the fireworks flew across the sky. The pigment of colors soared through the black canvas of the evening, defiling it with the ethereal shade of the holy celebration. And as the artisans of fire made their trade known, the city bloomed bright and shaking with the undying blare of the people.
And amongst the ones who cherished this scene are the maidens once lost. They fell unto their backs and became witness to the fiery skyscape. The sound of their tears broke through the wall of unceasing noise. Pined to the ground by Myra’s weight, Ismene can do nothing but watch as how the girl she loves cry out in wails. Though she cannot say a thing, the words need no voice to speak.
It was in this moment where her mind felt most clear. No longer cowering behind the mask that she so foolishly wore, Ismene smiled for the first time in her life. Redeemed and re-liven, the tears of joy flowed in her eye. As they shared this moment under the veil of fire, she wrapped her arms around Myra’s neck and pulled the girl close. Then, with a smile, she whispered in her ear: “I guess I hurt you again.”
But Myra paid those words no mind and returned the embrace.
After the fireworks ceased their fire show, the cheerful crowds exhausted, and the songs reverted into slow paced love songs, Myra and I sat in an awkward silence. With our backs behind the wall, we held each other tightly as we savor the comforting silence. It is humorous to think this is how our meeting shall go after months of being separated without any sort of contact. But we had no qualms about it.
Finally finding the courage to make the first move, I asked her a simple favor: “Hey, can I stay over at your place tonight?”
And she nodded in approval.
Without speaking a single word, we took our leave and walked through the city crowd. Though we respectfully paid heed to the air of comfort and company, we both know that we can only play this game of pretend for so long. At the back of our minds was the gnawing fear for the conversation that we do not want to start. Whether this was a better result than my original plans, no one holds the answer. But, still, this is something I would like to see to the end.
When we reached her place, we were greeted by the same tea house that I love. Though the windows are closed, and the lights are off, just being close to it fills me with warmth. Inside was just as welcoming as it has always been and she let me in without any questions.
Under the dim light, she gave me the sign saying: “My parents won’t be home till the day after tomorrow”
“I see…”
“I don’t really have much leftover at the fridge but I have a lot of teas and cakes. Care for some? ”
“Sure,” I answered. I made myself as thrifty in words as possible but right my chest, I could feel the warmth of my blood flowing once more.
When Myra began to brew, the wafting scent of leaves and sugar assailed me. How long has it been to feel so alien with this familiar scent? As she busied herself in brewing the leaves, I nonchalantly instigated the inevitable. “Hey” I called out “Are you not gonna ask me yet about what I almost did?”
The clanging of glass and teaspoons halted for a second but resumed just at once. She placed the cake and warm tea on the table before finally making the sign “I’m ready to listen if you wish to speak”
I let loose a loud exhale as a way to loosen up the pressure that started building up.
“Your parents were right when they said that you won’t be rejected,” I said, my head low, trying to hide my face. “But we live in different worlds, you see?”
“My family has a long lineage of success and just the name alone signifies history and authority. I am well respected in my field and expectations of all kinds have to be met. I live my entire life under the dictation of others and disobedience can result into irreparable damages. If it is just me, it’s fine. But I have a family that relies on me and many other people whom I am responsible for.”
“I…just…” I began struggling to find my voice as the tears began welling up once more. “I just can’t take it anymore.”
“I know it inside me that I love you as much as you love me but it would benefit none.” Then I look up to her – my eyes burning with the desire for an answer. “Isn’t it just right to value what would benefit more in the long run?”
“But…” I bit my lips a little “Why can’t I be happy about it?”
She listened to my rambling while stirring her cup. When she looked back, I can’t help but recognize her mocking smile. Then she made the sign that says “That sounds like a bad story to tell”
“I…” I paused for a minute to take in her words. Then I began giggling at the thought “I guess it is”
From a simple giggle, my smile soon stretched out farther and I began guffawing hard. The sound of my uncontrollable laughter can be heard far and wide in the middle of midnight. Myra on the end of the table was taken away by my outburst and began laughing with me. She cannot voice out any sound but her posture and muscle movements show that her stomach is shaking from the humor that we just found.
Within the dead of the night, we made a mockery of the circumstances that led us to this mess.
It took us a few good minutes before we could finally exhaust what little energy we have left. And when that happened, it was Myra who carried the conversation. Eyes still watery from the sheer intensity of our laughter, she made the sign. “For better or for worse, everyone’s life is their own to lead. If you wish to forsake your own joy to win the approval of your parents, then, I have no rights to speak against it. If you want to reject me for your own dreams, then I will accept it.”
“But,” she made a firm sign “I have my rights to my own life as well. I believe that I have a duty to protect those that I cannot live without. Whether they like it or not”
Clever words it was that left me smiling in response. Then I replied “You’re a selfish one, aren’t you?”
“Probably,” she replied
Then she leaned her head closer to me. Facing each other with eyes of full intent, she wrote the words that would start us all anew: “Ismene, would you be fine with being my lover?”
There was no need for any answer. With a smile on my lips, I leaned closer and kissed her on the lips.
Short and simple, it was a clumsily done kiss, but that little moment we shared confirmed the mutual affection that we hold dear. The taste of sugar and cream lingered on my lips as I slowly felt the heat rushing through my veins. After we parted, we exchanged silent glances – our eyes reflected the hunger that lies within. And we heeded that call with glee.
Lured by the mood of the moment, Myra stood out of her chair and moved closer to me. Looming above me like predator, her eyes registered the lust that can no longer hide. Her cold hands fell on my cheeks and moved my head up before she leaned in closer and planted another kiss.
This time, the kiss run deep and set the thrill of romance running amok. With our tongues waltzing with each other, we felt our animalistic instincts taking over in the sound of small growls and soft moans. Inexperienced yet eager, my body burned with her deep kisses. I closed my eyes and reach over to the strands of her hair then pulled her closer to me, letting her know of my demands for ravishment.
And it was a demand that she so gladly obliged.
Without letting go of the kiss, I felt her hands slowly slipping down to my waist and slither down to the area between my legs. There was not a single hint of resistance and I slowly parted my legs to her call. Slipping though the thin and flimsy cloth of my skirt, she wasted no time to claim her prize.
When I felt her fingers run across to the garden that I hide, I immediately responded by clamping my thighs closed, as if regretting the actions I made. But Myra refused to be denied. She responded to me by pulling her kiss away from my lips and redirected it down to the nape of my neck. In languid circles, her tongue flicked around my skin as if savoring the taste of sweat that slowly forms with my frantic heartbeat. Every stroke of her warm tongue sent me moaning in deep breaths.
All the while, her other hand found itself into my breast and cupped it in her hands before toying with it in a lustful manner. At first, she fondled it playfully as you would a small ball but as my arousal grew, so did her ministrations went fiercer. In rhythm with our frantic kisses, she slipped her hand underneath the fabric of my clothes and twiddled with my nipples until it began to harden.
Slowly succumbing to the allure of the libido, all my resistance softened with her ministrations and it wasn’t long till I began calling her name under my breath. With my heart now ready, the legs that I once closed so tightly welcomed her touch once more. Delighted, Myra’s fingers continued right where she left off and she reached for the crevice underneath. With her careful movements, she skillfully traced the entrance of my folds and caressed its sensitive opening.
She let her sadistic side surface as her constant teasing brought me to soft whimpers and signals that beg for her touch. But instead of answering the call, she immersed herself at how I reacted to each of her stroke. As if unsatisfied, she brought her lips to my earlobes and bit it softly – the quick sense of pain made me yelp but instead of showing guilt, my expression of pain only fueled her fire.
As the heat accumulated to my head, I started racing for my next breath. My vision and sense of rationality dissolved as I felt a warm liquid trailing down between my legs. Desperately begging to be teased no longer, I relayed my message into the sound of uneasy breathing and a skin that shivers with her touch.
Myra caught the signal and a small smile peek underneath her bangs. Finally answering my call, I felt her finger slowly making its way inside my folds. I felt it all – her lithe and delicate fingers rubbed the coarse and smooth walls of my privates – and for her fierce entry, I replied in kind with muscles that contracted, pulling her deeper and alluring her to go rougher. The warm fluids permeate from my caverns and messily trickled down to my thighs and down to her hand.
Trying to contain the embarrassment, I tried to withhold my voice from rising further by biting on my lips, but the sight of my vain struggles to resist only encouraged Myra’s sadistic approach. Driven by a mischievous intent to break my will, the next thing I knew was her strokes that she merrily hastened. From the inside, I felt her finger that curved and stimulated my innermost folds with a relentless assault on the most sensitive areas. Greedy to see more of my reactions, her fondling of my breast were intensified and she clamped my nipples between her fingers then torturously pulled them every now and then. All the while, her lips stimulated the nape of my neck with malicious kisses and playful bites.
For how long the ordeal lasted, I cannot remember, but when I finally felt my grip loosening, all my sense of rationality finally came to an end. Unable to resist the desperate need for release, I was forced to make my moans even louder. My arms reached out and coiled tightly around her neck, as if scared for the inevitable.
Then, with a sudden jerk, the last threads of my sanity snapped and I lost it all.
Carried away with a gentle scream, I felt a powerful charge course throughout my body that made me lose control of my muscles in trade for a bewildering sense of bliss. Together with a vision that dissolved into a blank slate, my legs kicked around and my knuckles clenched hard – some of the fingers dug deep into Myra’s skin.
When it finally subsided, I lay there in a mess – my chest heaving heavy and racing for air, a thick layer of sweat covered my overheated skin, and my limbs sprawled and hung lifelessly. As my privates ache from Myra’s agonizing torment, warm fluids leaked through it and trickled down my legs and down into the floor. And for this unsightly view, Myra gave me a smile filled with contentment before she placed her hand on my cheeks and leaned closer to give me another kiss on the lips.
In my hazy vision, I read Myra make out the words. “Hey, mind if we continue this on the bed?”
From it, the only word I was able to make out was “Huh?”
Then, the next thing I knew was her slipping her arms under my knees and another arm on my back. To my horror, I was lifted off the chair with a very unladylike strength and I hold onto her neck for support as she carried me away to her bedroom. And from there, she threw me into the bed.
Locked away from the outside world, I felt weak and vulnerable. Instinctively, I responded by covering my half naked body with what little clothe I can reach. But when I saw Myra’s lascivious stare, much as I try to hide it, I know that I can feel my heart pounding again from excitement. Then, joined me on the bed.
With her two arms placed beside me, she caged me in place and loomed above. The flame in her eyes was a testimony to her intent that remains unsatisfied from what we did earlier. And those stares instilled me with so much fear that I tried to turn my head away but before I could, she leaned in close to kiss me once more.
Deep and hungry, this new kiss was filled with a profound craving for the most undiluted affection. Seamed together in our unified breaths, I felt her rising growls as her tongue coerced mine to join in another waltz – an invitation that I cannot refuse. As her kisses took me away, her hands slipped through my guards and undressed me like a child eager for her presents.
Piece by piece, she took away all my defenses, and with it, I came to face the overwhelming sense of fear and cold. After the last fabric fell to her hands and was discarded into the floor, Myra let me have a short time to retake my breath. And in that short time, she amassed herself at the sight of my naked image. Her gaze made my skin crawl and I end up responding by pulling my arms close to my chest – taking the sheets with me.
But she spared me none of such mercy. Like a predator that just made its pounce, she grasped my wrist with a powerful grip and forced me open. Then, she kissed me on the chest –a kiss that strangely brought me to calm. Slowly, bit by bit, she made her way down, to my waist, leaving kisses after kisses wherever she go. When she reached my navel, she playfully licked it. Those few strokes of her tongue made me squirm and latch on the sheets.
And when she finally made her way down to the flower that I hide, a jolt coursed through my body. Amplified by the sensitivity from previous orgasm, just feeling her hot breath against my crotch was enough to make me writhe, but, at the moment I felt her tongue, I immediately bucked in surprise. She quickly retorted by grabbing my thighs and pinning me down in place.
Helpless and powerless, I soon felt her fingers that slowly pried my flower apart. Letting her sadistic side run rampant once more, she kept me hanging for a while longer. As if twiddling a fabric’s tender threads, she caressed the opening of my blossom and teasingly let it run it circles around the bud until I could already feel it swelling from the excitement that I do not wish to recognize.
Humiliated beyond belief but powerless to escape, I surrendered myself to her will…regrettably.
When the nectar of arousal comes flowing, Myra inevitably responded by placing her tongue around my thighs to catch its viscous flow. Her tongue traced the skin of my legs and slowly made its way up to the source where it finally settled and let her indecency come forth. In suggestive strokes, she lap on my little flower, greedy for the ounce of honey that she loves so much. And with every swipe of her tongue, came moans that escaped from my lips – moans that I desperately reduced into quiet muffles.
Falling for her playful methods, I began to feel my privates throbbing as the sound of my pulse banged at my skull. Unable to contain the torrent of pleasure, my thoughts began to misfire in discord and I squirmed on the bed. And on the moment her tongue squirmed through my passage, all resistance became null. Small and delicate, I felt her little tongue wriggle around my inner passage – its cold and soft texture teased and pleased my sensitive walls. Squirming through the most sensitive areas of my delicate walls, she ravished me in a way a blood-starved beast would.
Trembling at every touch, I was completely overtaken by the madness of her methods. On that small bed, I wriggled and buck, enticed with the new sensations that I cannot comprehend. As her tongue glide through my insides, every inch of my skin quivered at her calling. Unbridled by any morals, she made me her own playground.
But the concept of my torment was not the only impulse that made her move. After a few minutes of untamed fervor, she made her discontentment known by outright lifting my legs then placed her crotch against mine. Like two roses sharing a kiss, our little flowers shared an intimate moment coated with the essence of our love that is leaking through our fissures. The nectar of our valued bud intermingled with each other into a fine and warm ambrosia that flowed thickly. The scent of our combined bloom hung heavy in the air, intoxicating us with the enslaving fragrance of pheromones and our unbridled romance.
Slowly, Myra leaned closer to my face and kissed me again. The taste of the banquet she feasted on fell on my lips and intoxicated my tongue more than it already was. Enthralled by her deep kisses, I pulled her body closer and locked her in a tight embrace – one of my hand managed to grab on the cheeks of her buttocks, cupping it playfully and eagerly. She responded to this by pressing her breast against mine, then, after securing our positions, she finally grinded our privates together.
As we shared our tight embrace, I was immersed in the sensation of her warm and adhesive fluid that lubricated the part where our privates meet – a sensation that heightened the more she grind them together. Fierce and guttural, her new ministration was with an aggressive fury. And with every rough swaying, we made the bed creak loudly but it was still nothing compared to the sound of my moans that echoed loudly on the walls.
Closer to each other than ever before, we felt our hearts beating in a melodic symphony.
It wasn’t long till we finally felt something culminating within our precious spots. It was the peak of our music that will soon come to take us away. Moving her arms around my neck, she returned my embrace and we held each other tighter as if terrified by the thought that it would take us away.
Then, it happened.
With my scream to lead the forte, our thoughts were explosively dissolved into nothing. The surge of pleasure came crashing down in the figure of a vision that flashed into a blinding white. As our backs arched, the joints and muscles of our body stiffened in place. And for those few seconds of instability, not once have we let go of each other.
And when the quaking moment finally subsided, Myra’s entire weight fell on my body before she rolled away to my side. Coated with a thin layer of perspiration, our skin visibly quivered together with our panting that went heavy and deep. With a soft and affectionate smile on our lips, we held each other’s hand before leaning over for a one final kiss.
It was that kiss that sealed the deal.
On that winter night, the frozen wind came to a still. Through the snowy woods, a large house stood tall. Its grand presence dwarfed its neighbors by the shadow of its grandiose walls. Seemingly shut away from the world that it deems, inferior, sharp icicles and a thick cover of snow have piled on the hinges of its great and unwelcoming gates. But tonight, those steel bars were opened as they welcomed the arrival of a lady that the master of the house is most fond of.
Accompanied by no one, she walked through the icy pavement down to the front of the house where her mother stood, accompanied by her maids. Wearing a loving smile, her mother greeted her with open arms and invited her to take rest in her warm abode – an invitation that her daughter declined with a polite smile.
In lieu, she gave her mother a small letter. Old but still recognizable, it was the birthday card that she once sent to her child in hopes of making up for her absence. She never questioned why her daughter never returned it, but tonight, it shall finally find its solace.
When her mother opened it, she came to witness the days that was hidden underneath the shade of her egoistical misguidance. In a few brief words, the chronicles of her time with her child was rendered broken. Every childish stroke was a testimony to the story that was buried in silence and irrelevance. This little paper of aging hue relieved the nightmarish days that she forced unto her child.
As her body began to tremble, her eyes waivered in tears, as if desperate to find forgiveness for the cruelties that she have done. But by the moment she dropped the letter, her girl was gone. All but the cold breeze and the squeaking of the metal gate marks the place where her daughter once stood.
Down the icy road, another maiden can be seen. Illuminated by the bright lanterns, she stared at the stars above – her patient breath blew into a smoky fog. But soon, another girl came to her company – a girl with a sad and melancholic smile on her face.
“I did it” Ismene said. “It’s over…”
Then Ismene fell on Myra’s shoulders and began to cry “I’m sorry” she sobbed “I should have done this long ago.”
Embracing her tightly, Myra comforted her girl as she let her tears flow for one last time. Finally unchained from the vestiges of her past, her overflowing joy came in the rhapsody of a bittersweet melody. Under the mantle of this holy night, they were baptized by the song of a life now unbound. As the torrent of her emotions was set loose, Ismene looked up to Myra with tearful but loving eyes.
Then they shared a kiss.
As the veils of the night sway, little flakes of snow slowly took their descent. In their elegant dance, they sung a symphony for the couple who brought the brightest light in this starry night. In this silvery theater of love and joy, their devoted love set the curtains rising for the prelude of a brand new tale.
And it would be a tale that they would sing forevermore.
Author’s Note
Wow, I can’t believe that it’s been years since I last uploaded something on Lush. Please let this overly long story be a token of my return.
Also, sorry for being a bit too long. I just can’t flesh out the characters enough if the story is so short. Don’t worry though, as I am planning to write a second chapter. And this time, it will no longer be so heavy with drama and would instead take its focus on the sexual content. And quite possibly, some tinge of humor and comedy as well.
Additionally, I also have to return back to my other story which I promised to continue…years ago.
Thanks for reading. Hope you folks liked it