Ladies Afternoon Lunch

"Two old friends meet for lunch at the country club...."

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Sandy had known Judy since the first year of college. They were not close friends but often ran into each other at sorority and fraternity parties. They had grown up not far from each other and had similar interests, age and body shape. They would from time to time get together for dinner with their husbands. Her husband did purchasing, and Judy’s husband was in sales. Over time, they had grown to know each other better and become closer friends.

Judy has heard that Sandy and her husband have separated a month or more ago, which surprised Judy. They seemed the perfect couple whenever they were out to dinner together. They saw each other one afternoon while shopping and Judy invited Sandy to lunch at the country club. Sandy agreed since she did not have many close friends and wanted to talk to someone about her separation. The ladies decided to meet midweek at the club for lunch and maybe swimming.

Judy and Sandy got there just about the same time and met at the door of the country club. After exchanging pleasantries, the women headed to the dining area for lunch and drinks. Sitting in a perfect secluded table near the window where they could talk in private.

James, an older waiter, came to their table, “What may I get for you ladies to drink?” he said.

Judy said, “James I think I will have a Bloody Mary.”

“What you like to drink madam,” he said to Sandy.

“James, please bring me double Vodka on the rocks, no Olives,” Sandy said.

Judy was a bit surprised Sandy was ordering a double, which was not typical of her. Sandy was not much of a drinker during the times Judy had been with her. The women exchanged some news about their children, catching up on what was going on in their lives. Sandy still had one child living at home, soon heading off to college in a few months. Judy was kid free at that point since her youngest had moved in with friends.

James returned with the drinks asking, “Do you ladies wish to order lunch now?”

Judy looked at Sandy who said, “No James, we are going to talk for a bit, can you come back in thirty to forty minutes.”

“Of course,” said James “Just let me know if you need another drink before then.”

James headed back to the waiter station where he and a few of the clubs workers would hang out while serving the organization’s members.

Judy asked, “How are you doing with the separation?”

Sandy replied, “I am not doing well, not at all, I want Bill back home. He has no plans for coming back soon, if ever.” Judy’s expression is of shock.

Judy said, “You two have been married twenty-eight years or more, is he thinking of divorce? Is there another woman involved that is causing problems?” as Judy probed Sandy for details of what was going on with their marriage.

Sandy takes a few more sips from her drink and motions to James for another double.

“Judy I expect what I am going to tell you will be strictly between us,” says Sandy.

Looking surprised and curious Judy replies, “Whatever you and I talk about will remain between us and I ask you to do the same, it seems we are going to share will be very personal and I do not want it to leave this table.” She sees Sandy nodding in the affirmative.

“Bill and I have not been intimate for some time. He is a real sweet lover who always makes sure I am satisfied in bed. The problem is, his penis is too big, and it hurts when we have sex, maybe it is because of my body is changing, you know this mid-life crap,” Sandy says.

“What do you mean he is too big, you mean his penis hurts you, has it always hurt?” asks Judy.

“No, it use to be a little painful when we had sex because of his size, but we were young and in lust. I always thought I wanted a man with a big penis when in college, and I got Bill. We had a lot of fun and sex all the time. But as I got older when we have sex it hurts when we have intercourse,” says Sandy.

Judy looks surprised, and she had heard years ago when they were in college that Bill was well hung. She just thought that is what Sandy liked, as many women seem to enjoy men with larger members. Judy never thought about it ever being painful. Jack was always a perfect fit for her even as they have matured he still rings her bell when they make love. She loves Jack’s cock; he always satisfies her in bed. Judy often wished they had more time for sex.

“So you and Bill stopped having sex?” Judy asks.

“Yes, I would make up excuses for not being in the mood, or the kids, anything I could think of not to go to bed with Bill, I guess we should have talked about it, he got frustrated and moved out,” says Sandy.

Judy was in shock and curious how big Bill penis is in size and why Sandy never talked to him about the problem.

“Sandy when was the last time you two made love, and did you try lube or other things to help with the size pain problem, does he even know his size is the problem? Judy asks.

“Well that leads me to another issue, Bill is gentle in bed but it hurts even with lube and a lot of foreplay when he is inside me I am in pain, it ruins the mood and desire. I started not wanting sex at all about five years ago when it began to hurt. I use to have a high libido; our sex life began to slow down. How do you tell a man who is the father of your children a man you love that his dick is too big? Sandy asks.
Judy’s eyes are wide open as she listens to Sandy tell her about the problem. She has never heard about this issue like this before. This flies in the face all women like large male members.

“I am not sure how you deal with this problem, our bodies do change, and I do have more dryness than I did when I was younger. Jack takes more time now with foreplay to make sure I am ready. During the time we make love I am very wet, and there is no pain or discomfort, I am at a loss of words, how big is Bill? Judy asks.

“He is nine plus inches and thick, that was one thing when we first met that attracted me to him, I was young and lusting for him all the time. He always says eight, but I measured him. Once the kids came along things were still good till my mid-life changes began earlier than I had expected, that is when sex became painful with Bill,” says Sandy.

Judy was not sure what to tell Sandy; she has not had this problem with her man and she knows that men love sex and if they are not getting any they become grumpy and unhappy like women feel when they have not had sex. So she thought, but maybe Sandy does not need sex, some people are that way when they mature.

“I am not sure what to tell you, men want and need sex Sandy, if you and Bill are not making love I gather he is feeling frustrated. If you do not tell him what the problem is, he has no clue and resentment can become a problem.

I would miss sex if Jack just stopped and did not tell me why,” says Judy.

Sandy sighs and takes a big drink, “I know what you are saying, and I need sex too. Which leads me to the other issue, remember your promise what we talk about stays at this table between us. I met a man some months back at the gym while working out. He is younger than I am. He asked me if I wanted to go out for a drink. We went out had some drinks and he invited me back to his place. Bill being out of town, one thing led to another, I spent the night at his place,” Sandy tells Judy.
Judy’s jaw dropped as she was listening “You spent the night with another man, did you have sex? Judy asks.

“Yes we did, we had been drinking and started to kiss, soon after we were disrobing in a passionate exchange. Sam is a good-looking man well built from biking. He is as tall as Bill in height, and once we were naked, I saw he has an average size penis. Not having sex in so long and being intoxicated I could not help myself. We slept together all night long; I felt like I was back in college; he has a cut penis that I enjoyed in me without pain. His cut cock is just right and since he bikes all the time he is shaved smooth as a baby below his belt line. We have become friends with benefits, he is divorced and lives alone.” says Sandy.

“Wow, yes everything we talk about remains at this table, just wow. I never expected to hear this today. I knew you, and Bill were having problems, but I did not expect to hear what the problem is and about the FWB.” says Judy.

“I did not expect to be in this situation either, I like this man, and we have a lot of fun with sex. He is dating other people, our relationship is just for sex, and there has been a lot of sex. His ample average size penis does not hurt, and my loins now love the feeling of him thrusting his cock into me, he fills me perfectly, I also love him shaved, that makes the oral sex so much better,” says Sandy.

“I hope you are using protection Sandy; you do not want to get anything from this man. Does Bill have a clue that you are having sex with another man? Judy asks.

“We do use protection sometimes, but not all the time, he seems safe, and I like the feeling of him in me when the feeling when he cums. I am in love with Bill and I want to get back together and work out our bedroom issues.

Until then I am enjoying the sex and the size of this man’s cock. First time since college I have been able to deep throat a penis. I like sucking his cut cock; Bill is so large it is impossible to get more than half in my mouth. It is different sucking him as compared to Bill’s uncut cock, smoother like the last cut guy I had dated in college before I met Bill. He is a tiger in bed, good at oral and he knows how to use his manhood. I enjoy the sex with him so much after no sex without pain for so long,” Sandy says.

Judy sits listening in total amazement about what her friend is enjoying. Most times when the women talk many of them want to have sex with a man that has a large penis. Sandy has had that for nearly 30 years and wanted to downsize. Judy had a couple of guys she dated in college that were close to how big Bill hung. Judy had sex with them, and it was fun, but she does recall there was some discomfort during intercourse. Jack has been such a good lover Judy never really thought about his size. Judy can understand now why Sandy and Bill are having trouble, but she is at a loss on how to advise her friend a solution to get Bill back. There is a lot more happening than Judy expected.

“Sandy you need to tell Bill about the problem with having intercourse between you two. He cannot try to adjust to the problem unless he knows what the problem he is facing. There are things you may be able to do to reduce if not eliminate the pain issue,” says Judy.

“I know I need to do this, and I was going to till I met this man. Now I am having so much fun that I am not sure how I want to handle getting back together with Bill. Best world is to have Bill come home and keep my FWB on the side,” says Sandy, with a sheepish smile, “Can they do penis transplants or reductions?”

“It does sound like you are great in bed with this man, and I know how important sex can be. Making love is the one thing that keeps Jack, and I bonded. We click when it comes to sex, and we put time away each week for our time alone. It is much easier now that the kids have moved out,” says Judy.

“Well, we have a date tonight at my house with dinner and Sam spending the night. He lives in the trendy part of town, and he is going on an overnight bike ride in the morning. I have no worries about Bill stopping by, he does not know about other men and myself, or do I know if he has a woman friend. Since he is visiting our son for the night, I know he can not pop in. Maybe after tonight I will give Bill a call to meet and tell him what has been bothering me with our sex life. See if we can go to a sex counselor for advice on how we can make love again pain free and both enjoying the sex,” says Sandy.

“I think you need to take time with Bill and try to make things work as you have mentioned. The two of you have been together so long not to work on your marriage. You did say you are still in love with Bill, are you? Judy asks.

“Yes I still love him deeply, talking to you has helped me understand I need to end my fun with Sam and concentrate on getting back with Bill in bed and emotionally. He is the man I love; I should have addressed this long before he moved out. It is not easy to tell a man he is hurting you when he thinks you should be enjoying lovemaking as I mentioned, I need to figure out a way to tell a man who has been making love to me for so long that now his penis is too big.” says Sandy.

“I am not sure how you can approach that topic; I think he may understand if you explain to him that your body is changing. He knows that already, even though you look as good as you did back in college. Be honest about how his large member no longer fits like it use too. Be sure he knows how much you love him and want him back home and in bed,” says Judy.

The women finish lunch as they exchange some other news about common friends and people they see at the club. As they get up from the table they, exchange hugs and well wishes.

“Enjoy your date tonight and good luck with your talk with hubby,” Judy says.

 “Thanks, Judy I will, and I will keep you posted as to what all happens in a couple of weeks,” Sandy says, as she heads out the door with Judy not far behind as they head to the parking lot to go home

Published 9 years ago

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