A Weekend In Sweden. Part 3

"Sheila, Stefan and Eva try pegging and Eva gets a mouth full of fun."

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The house was quiet as I walked down the stairs. It was still dark outside even though it was past nine in the morning. As I crossed the parquet floor heading for the kitchen I felt a dull ache in my ass. I was still hurting from the previous day’s anal sex with Stefan.

It had been lovely ones I got over the initial pain and shock of being penetrated by such a big cock in my tiny hole. Eva had been a great help, guiding and supporting me through the experience.

I turned on the light in the kitchen and began to fill the coffee maker with water and coffee. Then I took out two slices of toast and put them in the toaster. With the fridge door open I pondered the different options I had. Should I make some eggs or bacon? In the end, I decided on a bowl of cereal and to put cheese and ham on the toasts.

I sat down with my breakfast and was about to drink the coffee when I saw the light in the living room come on. A few seconds later a sleepy looking Eva walked in.

“Good morning,” I said.

“Uh-huh,” was all she said and reached for the largest mug she had in the cupboard.

I watched as she filled it with coffee and then sat down opposite me.

“Rough night?” I asked.

“Mm, after you went to bed we opened a couple of bottles of wine and stayed up talking till late. I was never good with red wine,” she sighed and sipped from the mug.

“Is Stefan still sleeping?”

“Yeah, he is knocked out. All that fucking and then the drinking, he won’t get out of bed until noon.”

Eva was wearing her bathrobe and it had opened up when she sat down. I could see her boobs and part of her tummy.

“What should we do?” I asked and gave her a seductive smile.

“Oh God, please, I can’t think about sex right now.”

I giggled. “Don’t lie, you always think about sex.”

She lifted her head and grinned at me. “Sure, but I can’t perform right now.”

I got up and put my plate and mug in the dishwasher and then turned to her. She was looking up at me and her eyes told me that they didn’t agree with what she had said. Her hair in a disarray and she still had lines on one cheek from the bedding.

“Bring your coffee and come with me,” I said.

I took her hand and led her to the living room where she sat down heavily on the sofa. I put her mug on the coffee table and then knelt before her. Slowly I let my hands slide up under the robe along her inner thighs. They were warm and very soft.

She closed her eyes and leaned back with a deep sigh. When my hand reached her soft cunt I felt that she didn’t wear any panties which made me smile. I let a finger run up and down her slit until it became moist and Eva moaned quietly.

I spread her legs and pushed up the robe until her pussy was visible. Then I grabbed her legs and gently pulled her towards me so her ass was on the edge of the sofa. Leaning down I gave her slit a tentative lick.

“Mm, I liked that,” she said.

“What about this?” I took her clit between my lips.

“Yes! That’s even better.”

Her hands found my head and she pressed my head against her cunt while I licked and sucked her. My face was moist from her juice and when she came she lifted her ass off the sofa and let go of a long quiet moan.

“That was nice, thank you,” she said when I let go of her pussy with my mouth.

“You are most welcome.”

She yawned and closed her eyes and within minutes she was asleep. I put a blanket over her and then went upstairs for a shower.


When I came back downstairs an hour later Eva was still sleeping and snoring. I adjusted the blanket which had fallen to the floor and then headed out.

It wasn’t as cold as the previous day and the sun had come up while I was taking my shower. The air was crisp and as I walked over the snow towards a trail that led in between the tall pine trees I heard birds singing.

It was my last day in Sweden. The following day I was leaving to Hong Kong, but I had second thoughts. I wasn’t sure I wanted to spend so much time on a plane so I was thinking about other, closer places to go. I wasn’t sure I wanted a warm or a cold country, probably warm now that I had spent a few days with snow and ice. Italy had been fun, but I had stayed in the city and never went to a beach.

Since it was in the middle of the winter I had to go far south to find warm weather. Greece, Spain, and Portugal were out of the question, I had to go further south. Since I couldn’t come up with a place my mind drifted back to the previous evening and what Stefan had said about my vibrator. What had he meant? Did he want to see me and Eva play with it together? I wouldn’t mind, I was sure it would be lots of fun.

After half an hour I was sweating under the down jacket, hat and gloves I was wearing. My feet were encased in the winter boots Eva had lent me and the extra thick jeans kept my legs warm. I decided it was time to go back and see if my friends had woken up.


“How was the walk?” said Stefan when I walked into the kitchen.

“Great, not as cold as yesterday and I heard birds.”

He was having breakfast at the table but I didn’t see Eva. He must have read my thoughts because he said, “she is taking a shower.”

“Oh, OK,” I said and helped myself to a glass of OJ.

When I sat down I said, “what’s the plan for today?”

Stefan pushed away his plate and stretched his arms above his head while leaning back in the chair. It made a noise and I thought it would break under his weight, but it didn’t. He was dressed in a white T-shirt and boxers.

“I thought we’d drive into Norrtalje, it’s the closest town. Not much to do there really, except go for a walk and maybe have lunch in a cafe.”

“OK, sound nice.”

He got up and when he did I saw that he had a semi-erection. “Someone is thinking naughty thoughts,” I said.

He winked and said, “yes, I am, but more about that later. I am going to put some clothes on and get my wife. I’ll see you in a few minutes.”


Since it was a Sunday most of the shops were closed. After walking around for a while we found a cafe where we had a light lunch and I tried Smorgastarta for the first time.

It is salmon, shrimp, dill, mayonnaise and a few herbs all mixed together and then spread in thick layers on the bread. It doesn’t look like much but the taste is unbelievable and it fills you up.

Over coffees, Stefan and Eva asked me what I was going to do in Hong Kong and when I told them I had changed my mind a wild discussion began over where I could go.

“Thailand,” said Stefan.

“No, Australia,” said Eva

After bouncing ideas back and forth we all decided the next stop on my adventures should be Jamaica. Stefan and Eva agreed that I needed the sun and a beach but also something lively and fun. So, using Stefan’s smartphone I booked a one-way ticket to Kingston for the next afternoon.

“Do you remember if the Pharmacy was open?” Stefan asked Eva after paying the bill.

“Yeah, I think so. But you better hurry; they close early on Sunday’s.

Stefan ran out the door and I asked Eva, “is he sick?”

“No, no, he went to buy more lubrication.”

“Oh, that sounds like fun.”

She took my hand and we walked out into the dark. It was only three in the afternoon, but already night had fallen.

After a few minutes Stefan came back and we walked back to the car.


Back at the house Stefan built a fire and Eva and I sat with a glass of wine each.

“Are you sure you should drink again?” I said.

“I’m fine. This is white, and I am OK with that.”

When Stefan was done he came back to us where we sat around the coffee table with me on one of the chairs and Eva on the sofa. Stefan sat down next to his wife and cleared his throat.

“Sheila, do you know what pegging is?”

“No, not really, does it have to do with wood work?”

Stefan laughed. “No, it doesn’t. Why don’t you explain, Eva?”

She drank from her wine and said, “pegging is when a woman fucks a man with a strap on.”

“Oh, OK. And why would she do that? I mean, she doesn’t get any pleasure from it,” I said, raising my eyebrows.

“Maybe not physical pleasure but mental. Actually, some harnesses do have a small vibrator that the woman can slide in while she fucks her husband or boyfriend with the larger. We have that on ours and let me tell you, it is out of this world.”

I looked over at Stefan. “You don’t seem to be the gay type, or bisexual.”

“I’m not, this has nothing to do with homosexuality, it’s all about letting go and trying new ways to have an incredible orgasm.”

I wasn’t getting it so I asked, “so, how does it work?”

Eva continued. “It’s quite simple, when I fuck Stefan the vibrator stimulates his prostate and on top of that, the anus, as you might know by now, has a lot of nerve endings.”

I knew I blushed when I said, “mm, how can I forget?”

Stefan leaned forward and said, “and there is something else. I get turned on by being the submissive in our relationship sometimes. I have so much stress at work and so many people to manage so it’s great to be able to let someone else hold the reins.”

I sipped from my wine and then I drank it all. “I guess you two want me to fuck Stefan with what did you call it, a strap on?”

They both nodded eagerly and looked so funny I laughed. “OK, I’ll do it.”

“Fantastic, honey, why don’t you go and get the toy,” said Stefan to Eva who got up.

While she was gone I helped Stefan move the coffee table so we could use the carpet under it. We moved it closer to the fire place and then Stefan threw a few pillows on top of it.

“Here we go,” said Eva when she came back.

From her hand hung a leather harness with a skin coloured vibrator and when she handed it to me I saw there was another much smaller one also.

“Let’s get naked!” said Stefan and grinned.

Within minutes the three of us were kneeling on the carpet and Eva was helping me to put on the harness. It took a bit of work to get it right but when it was strapped on and I had adjusted the little dildo so it had slid in to my already wet cunt, I was ready.

To my surprise Stefan did not get on all fours, but lay down on his back. Eva pushed a couple pillows in under his bum. Meanwhile he put another under his head.

“OK, we are ready,” said Eva and sat back. Then she reached for the lubrication and squirted a large amount into her hand.

She reached over and began to spread it out over the vibrator attached to the harness. It felt very weird looking down and seeing an eight inch plastic cock protruding from where my pussy was. But, it was a bit of a turn on also. For the first time in my life I would know how it was like to be the guy.

When she was done with the dildo she slid her hand between her husband’s legs. While I watched with my eyes wide open she gently began to finger fuck him, first, with one finger and after a couple of minutes with two. Stefan just laid there, eyes closed and breathing slowly. While I watched, his cock came alive and grew in length and girth until his cock head popped out and filled with blood, turned dark red against his white skin.

“How does it feel baby, are you ready?” said Eva to her husband.

“Mm, I am.”

Eva turned to me. “Get between his legs and then gently push the vibrator inside him. Don’t thrust, just turn it on and then keep a steady pressure on it.”

I twisted the knob and it came alive with a buzzing noise. I moved across Stefan’s muscular legs and knelt before him and he spread his legs a bit further so I could crawl up close to his cock.

When I was in position he lifted first one and then the other leg and placed them on my shoulders, I thought my shoulders would break from the weight but they didn’t.

Using my right hand I grabbed the dildo and tried to find his anus without being able to see.

“A bit to the right, down, yes, there, keep it there and apply pressure,” said Stefan.

I was still kneeling and the position wasn’t the most comfortable, but I supposed my friends knew what was best.

After a few minutes Stefan began to moan. “Mm, yes, mm, yes, I can feel myself opening up, push harder, Sheila.”

I had to lean forward and when I did Stefan pulled back his legs against his chest so my face came close to his. He grabbed my head and pulled me down and we met in a deep kiss.

Then I felt it, suddenly I slid inside him and he let go of a long sigh and then gasped a couple of times.

“Good, you are inside him,” said Eva who was behind me, caressing my ass and sliding her fingers up and down my slit.

“Oh, wow, I love this,” moaned Stefan and continued. “Now fuck me, slow and steady.”

I knew how guys did it, but when it was my turn, I found it hard to find a rhythm. When I eventually did, I big smile grew on my face.

“Wow, this is fantastic! I am fucking a man,” I said, and actually laughed.

“Yes you are, and you are doing a fine job,” said Eva.

“Oh, oh, a little faster, Sheila, fuck me a bit faster,” moaned Stefan.

I used his chest to support my hands and then began to move faster and for each thrust Stefan moaned louder. Then, to my surprise his previously hard cock which had been pressing against my tummy went limp.

I turned to Eva and said, “his dick just died.”

She laughed and said, “don’t worry, it’s normal, keep on fucking him.”

Then Stefan moved his legs and put them around my waist. I swear to God, that at that moment I slid in another inch and he let go of a long deep moan.

Eva was busy playing with my cunt as best she could. The little vibrator inside me was doing a marvellous job, and I was a bit concerned that I would come first.

“Let’s change position,” said Stefan.

I slowly pulled out and he turned over pushing his ass against me. In this position it was much easier to find his hole and within seconds I was pumping him again.

“Reach around and grab his cock,” said Eva.

“Wow! That is so hot,” I said.

What I was referring to was that Stefan’s dick was oozing pre-cum. I began to stroke his shaft using his own juice as lubrication. When I was about to begin to jerk him off Eva moved in from the side and laid down on her back.

She moved in under Stefan I didn’t actually see her do it, but when he let go of a long moan I understood she had taken his cock in her mouth.

I changed rhythm and went back to slow deep thrusts, letting the vibrator be inside his as for a second or two before pulling back.

His legs began to tremble and shake.

“Oh God, I am almost there, almost, it is so intense, so fucking intense,” he said.

I heard Eva slurping and sucking and my own orgasm was just seconds away when Stefan let go of a deep moan that became gasps and finally a howl. I heard Eva gag as he emptied his load in her mouth and when it was over I gently pulled back and that’s when my orgasm began. It spread from deep inside my pussy out to every part of my body and I was afraid to move, instead I knelt behind Stefan with half of the vibrator in his ass and holding on to his ass cheeks for dear life while my body shuddered.

When it was over I sat back and collapse to the side, lying there gasping. Eva moved out from under her husband and Stefan slumped down, breathing hard. For a while we were quiet, and then Eva said, “that was incredible. I don’t think you have ever shot such a big load, baby. I had to swallow three times.”

Stefan was quiet at first, and then said, “I am so spent, and I don’t think I can move to the bed tonight. I’ll just sleep here.”

I looked over at Eva who was lying on her back with her head resting on Stefan ass. I crawled over to her and then slid in-between her legs.

“Now it’s your turn,” I said before kissing her.

Her legs wrapped around me and with a little adjusting the vibrator slid into her. Now when I knew how to move I began to fuck her hard and deep. The little vibrator, still in my pussy immediately began to send signals to my G-spot.

“Oh yes, oh yes, God, you are good at this,” said Eva in my ear.

“I love it, I haven’t had this much fun in a long time,” I managed to say between gasps and moans.

When we came together Eva dug her nails into my skin so deep I yelped and tried to pull back but she held my as tight as a kitten would hold its toy.

When her body relaxed so did her grip and I moved away from her and kissed my way down to her swollen cunt where I rested my head.

She stroked my head and cheeks and then I fell asleep, thinking about what I would find in Jamaica.

Published 9 years ago

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