Abandoned Wife Chapter 4(a)

"She receives excitement from an unexpected experience."

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A week had passed. I couldn’t get David’s telephone call out of my mind. I couldn’t get Chris out of my mind. I couldn’t get sex out of my mind. I was constantly on the fringe of orgasm, almost able to come by simply rubbing myself up and down on the car seat covers while I was driving. It may sound good, but it keeps your nerves on edge all the time.

Masturbation occurred while I was studying or watching television. Or just before I fell to sleep and during the night when I woke up. Also, first thing in the morning while I was in the shower, at work, and even once in the restroom at school. As was his normal reaction after one of these scenes, Chris had fallen back to a purely professional mood, not bothering me or even being suggestive. Actually, he was very respectful. What I would have once thought of as being a reprieve was now a temptation I was not being offered. I was almost at the point of thinking about being the aggressor.

Relief appeared to come in the person of Sheila. She worked in the office with me and had been there for some time. I didn’t exactly know her age but I’d guess about twenty-five. She was actually the one who got me the job. David said a friend of his had a girlfriend who worked in an office and was looking for a part time person. Based only on the phone number given me, I met with her and she greased the way for me.

It wasn’t lost on me. I was really grateful to her and gained a respect for her abilities at work. She was also a knockout! She had a great body, long brown hair and a perfect smile. She was my idea of a real Southern California girl with the sophistication that I wished I had. It came as a surprise to me to learn that she rode motorcycles.

Even through all this, sometimes people will surprise you. The two of us were working late one evening, just collating material that had to be in court the next morning. Somehow, but not all that unusual, the conversation turned to sex. After about thirty minutes of the usual stuff, including me telling her about my marriage, she went off on a little bit of a path I had never traveled.

“Have you ever been involved in any type of bondage?” she asked, very casually.

I hesitated, almost embarrassed to ask, “What do you mean?”

“Well, have you ever had sex with somebody who had physical control of you. I’m not talking about being raped or anything rough, but just where they can ignore anything you say and you are completely at their whim.”

“No, not really.”

“Not even having your hands tied by your husband? Just as a harmless game?”

I didn’t want to seem too much a little girl. “Well, there have been a couple of times that David wanted me to but I didn’t want to. The thought of it scared me.”

“I’m not saying it’s for everybody, but you might want to give in to it sometimes. It can be a monster turn-on.”

I hesitated for a few seconds, considering what Sheila had said. “I guess I just don’t see where there could be that much enjoyment out of it,” I said. “Besides, if I was being taken against my will, I know David wouldn’t want any part of it.”

“It’s a fine line.” She smiled at me. “You would be surprised what turns them on. Especially when the woman hits that orgasm it causes. It can be explosive at the least. And, if you haven’t consented to it but as it happens you enjoy it and don’t feel violated in the end, it even makes it more erotic. If you are just attacked and it is a harmful event, that’s another thing altogether.”

“Well, I guess so.”

Again, she smiled at me and gently punched my shoulder. “Believe me, if it ever happens to you, you’ll know the difference. It is a huge rush that can give you massive orgasms. And the funny thing is, it can never be repeated with the same person with the same results.”

“I notice you say ‘they’ or a ‘person’. ”

She looked at me as if I had just come out of junior high. “Who said it had to be with a member of the opposite sex?” I backed away from that immediately and we dropped the subject. She had just mentioned a world with which I was totally unfamiliar.

On the following Friday afternoon, she asked me my plans for Saturday. Even though we never inquired about each other’s private lives, I think she already knew I never had plans and that the weekends were my nemesis. The loneliness seemed to be stronger at that time than any other. She invited me for a motorcycle ride with a couple of friends, saying that she would be riding one bike and I would be on the other as a passenger.

When I accepted, she warned me that, although these weren’t dirt bikes, they weren’t the fancy big bikes I was accustomed to seeing on the highway. Rather, they were intended for more of an off-road use. Although it would require a short ride on the freeway, our ultimate destination would be the hills east of San Diego. She also reminded me to wear jeans as a safety precaution even though it would be hot.

The next morning I dressed appropriately, wearing jeans and a long sleeve though very sheer blouse. Just as I heard them arrive, I took a last minute look at myself and second-guessed my choice of clothing. The jeans I had on were so tight they pulled up real hard in my cracks, both front and back, clearly outlining my labia. The blouse was thin enough that my always-hard nipples were clearly apparent through both the blouse and the super thin bra I had selected. Just as I thought about doing a rush change, there was the knock.

“Are you ready to roll?” Sheila asked. She was standing there in a pair of old jeans and a sleeveless cut-off blouse. The fact that she wasn’t wearing a bra was pointing straight at me. Her hair was loose and flowing, I assumed that’s so the helmet would fit. I told her that I was ready to go.

“Here’s your helmet. Let’s get it adjusted for you.” She was the same now as at the office, always giving a hand. “You are going to ride with Barry. He’s a real safe and experienced rider and you’ll like him.” She adjusted the strap for me.

When we went out to the parking lot, she walked me over to my ride. Barry was dressed similar to Sheila, an abbreviated shirt and jeans, and was standing beside a bike much larger than I would have expected. It could snugly seat two and still fit a small satchel on the back.

Sheila saw me look at the bag and said, “We bring water and a small snack along with a first aid kit. I have one, too,” she added, pointing at hers.

Just then Barry removed his helmet and said, “Hello.”

I don’t know if either of them caught the hesitation or the look on my face. I couldn’t believe it. I was staring straight into the smiling face of one of the guys I had flashed at the school. There was no doubt in my mind. First, one of them shows up in my life with a video camera, now one is giving me a ride. The percentages were way too high for this to be incidental. What was happening here?

“Hello,” I almost stammered back.

“I’m Barry. Great to meet you.” He extended a hand and I accepted it. The shake was warm and friendly. “Have you ever ridden before?”

“No. My mother would never allow it.”

Maybe my voice or my face was giving me away. “You don’t have to go, Sarah. If it’s too much for you, we don’t mind.” Sheila offered me the out.

“Absolutely,” Barry threw in. “We’d love to have you and I’m sure you’ll enjoy it, but you really need to face it without any reservations. Well, without too many, anyway.” They laughed it off.

“Oh, no. I’ll be okay.”

What could I say? ‘Sheila, I’ve intentionally shown this man my pussy!’ No, I was going to have to eat this appointment.

“Good, let’s get out of here. I still need to pick up my rider.” Sheila put on her helmet.

“First rule is to ride with me as one person,” Barry said. “That means being up close to me and getting the hang of leaning when I do. That’s how we keep our balance.”

With that, he swung a leg over and straddled the bike. He motioned for me to do so. I wasn’t near as graceful, struggling to straddle it. He looked around at me and said, “Make sure your helmet is on tight. Put your feet on those two braces and avoid the exhaust. It gets hot.” He pointed out everything.

He put on his helmet and started the bike with a roar, but not louder than I had expected. He reached back, took both my hands, and placed them securely around his waist. He nodded at me, and away we went. It scared me to death, fear easily replacing any other thoughts I had at the time. Sheila came past us and took the lead before we even left the parking lot.

We rode about five miles to our next destination. Actually, it was a good thing. It was all street driving with no freeways and we had to make quite a few turns, giving me a chance to get used to leaning in unison with him for balance. He didn’t have to worry about me staying close to him. I was glued to him with fear. When we stopped to pick up the other rider, he’d put his helmet on long before we stopped. With a partial dark faceguard on, I had no idea what he looked like and was a little surprised when there was no introduction. I gave it little thought as we left again, this time picking up speed. Within a mile, we were on the freeway.

At first, I was apprehensive about the traffic around us, but Barry was very careful. In a few minutes, my anxiety diminished somewhat and I started to get the feel for the ride. Sheila was running just behind and to the right of us. She and her rider could see us well, but we had to turn our heads considerably to see them. All I could hear was the sound of the wind and the engine. Barry made no attempt to talk to me at all.

Within a few minutes, the freeway led us away from town and into the foothills. In addition to the nice scenery, I began to become aware of something else. There was a constant vibration coming from the engine, sometimes more intense than others, according to our speed.

After a while, the sensation it caused was hard to ignore. There seemed to be a spring under the seat cover that was not right and caused the leather seat to have a very slight protrusion exactly where the crack of my tight jeans came in contact with the seat.

With the freeway ride, it was just a tingle at the steady speed we were riding but I was starting to get a steady stimulation. The electric feeling was feeding right through those tight jeans straight to my clit. I don’t know if I was trying to lift up to escape it or down to capture it, but I was getting a definite reaction to it. The result was that I was slowly humping the seat, moving my ass backward and forwards along that little hump.

It was then, more than before, that I became aware of Barry’s body. Before, it had been my lifeline, protecting me from harm. Now, as I was wrapped close to him with my legs open, my breasts and sensitive stomach became aware of how hard I was pressed against him. My arms were tight around his waist, which I noticed was small and very hard, the muscles apparent. With that loose shirt flopping openly in the wind, my hands were touching nothing but skin. I was starting to feel the heat from it. The tingling between my legs started to be more than just from the vibration. I wondered if he felt my taunt nipples through our shirts.

He left the freeway, taking a two lane, winding road. We were definitely starting to gain altitude by the sound of the engine. With those changes, he settled on a speed that caused the greatest vibration. Within a minute, it was shooting straight through me. I know I was starting to make little noises and was muttering to myself under my breath. My pussy was on fire and my nipples were just dancing on the back of his shirt, rubbing them into a little frenzy through the thin cloth.

I glanced back to see that Sheila was right behind us. I continued to rock back and forth on the seat and didn’t want them to see it. Finally, my clit crying for relief, I started talking real soft to myself. I was teasing Barry out loud about needing his cock and how wet my pussy was. I knew he couldn’t hear me because I was talking softly. I did wonder, though, if he was as aware of me as I was of him. Surely he had to feel it.

I got my answer. Very slowly, he took one of my hands and then the other and moved them from his stomach up higher on his chest, slipping them under the shirt.

Despite the rush of cool air on him, his skin all of a sudden felt really hot to my touch. Why I did it I don’t know, but in time I started gently rubbing with my fingertips, moving around slightly on that tight body. I fought the temptation to find his nipples. There was no telling what he thought of me already.

He began pressing back against me, squirming his ass. I guess my touches were transmitting the message that was coming from between my legs. The vibration continued and so did that tingling assault on my clit. I held him closer, gripping him harder and harder. I knew that I was on the verge of an orgasm. I just couldn’t quite go over. I became a steady stream of softly moaning, then muttering, female flesh, quietly begging for some relief. I was so glad he couldn’t hear me. Within the safe confines of the helmet, I could get it all off my chest. It was a good thing we were on that bike. I would have been an absolute pushover for anybody at the time and didn’t want that to happen.

He slowed down and made a turn onto a small dirt road. I looked back and was surprised and dismayed to see Sheila shoot right past us. Shortly, the road turned to a well-worn path, which we could carefully navigate but a car could not. Then it ended in a small canyon with only a tiny path going up the hill ahead. Barry swung off and assisted me, grabbing the satchel off the back.

“I think you will really enjoy this,” he said, pointing to the path.

“Where is Sheila?” I asked nervously.

He laughed it off. “We’ll run across them shortly. For all the space out here, the trails have a tendency to cross each other. Besides that, we both have cell phones and know the area well.”

We walked over the hill on a trail that became smaller and then suddenly came upon a small stream running through the otherwise dry hills. There was not an abundance of green there, but with the rippling water, there was just enough to make it refreshing and cool. I was very impressed with the find. Walking over to the edge of the stream, he stopped near the shade of two very small bushes, each of them probably not more than a couple of inches in diameter and standing about two feet apart.

He sat the bag down and pulled out a small blue cover of some type, laying it on the ground and then bottled water, one for each of us. “I love this place,” he said, then went on to tell me all about the area. He said he had lived there as a boy before his family had to leave with his Dad’s job. That’s why he had returned to San Diego, just to be able to return to the hills when possible. “The big difference is now I ride the hills with a motorcycle instead of a bicycle,” he laughed. “It makes a big difference. I’ve actually seen places now that I never saw as a kid.”

During the conversation, he casually sat down on the cover and motioned me to do the same. Even though I was enjoying the scenery and his conversation, there was a warning inside, reminding me that I was in a desolate place with a person I didn’t really know, despite how nice he might seem. A man that had reacted openly to the touch of my fingers on his naked chest a few short minutes before. I mentally began looking for an out.

“Boy, I wonder where they have gone,” I said.

He brushed it off casually. “Sheila likes to be brought to the top. She’s probably climbing a hill somewhere, one way or the other.”

That sounded strange. “What do you mean?”

I had barely noticed that his hand had slid up my arm. He pulled it gently, causing me to go down onto my back. “What do you think I might mean, little innocent girl?” His teasing laugh caused me to turn red.

Just as I was thinking of how it had flown over my head at first, he leaned over me and tried to find my lips with his. I turned my head, taking his mouth on my cheek.

“Don’t, Barry.” I kept my face turned from him.

“Why not?” His voice was gentle, not demanding.

“Lots of reasons. First, I’m married. Second, we don’t even know each other.”

His hand had slid down to my leg, touching and then rubbing me through my jeans. “I know all that. I just thought that after that ride there might be something there.” His touch became bolder and moved up my thigh.

Reaching down, I grabbed his wrist and stopped the action. He was right. I knew that I had touched him in a very promising way and now it had evolved into becoming a teasing way. I felt bad about it, but it had to stop here.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that.” I took the blame. “But, there was no intent meant.”

“You weren’t being turned on?” Barry looked closely into my eyes with the question.

I hesitated, and then decided on the truth. “Yes, a little. I think the ride itself sensitized me. But, that doesn’t mean I can continue.”

“Oh, I see. All that squirming against me and your touches were just a tease, then?”

“No, no. I don’t mean that. I just got a little out of hand, that’s all.” I was apologizing for what we both knew I had done wrong. “I didn’t mean to be a tease.”

My apology was heartfelt and sincere. I thought that he accepted it as it was.

“Okay,” he said. “It’s best if we both know where we stand.”

In relief, I turned slightly away from him to break the eye contact. I heard and felt him messing with the satchel for a minute or so and moving around above me.

Finally, he quietly said, “Look, let’s not make this difficult or ruin the day. It’s just something that came out of nowhere, ended up as nothing, and is gone.”

I turned back to him in relief. “Thank you, Barry. I really didn’t mean to start anything.”

“How about this? One nice kiss to seal it and call it quits.” He had a forgiving look on his face.

There was a long hesitation. “Okay, but just one time, Barry,” I said with some misgiving.

He gently pulled me over on my back, pulled both my hands up over my head, and slowly lowered his mouth to mine. I guess since it was a one-shot deal, he was going for gold. It was soft yet somehow strong, very deep and then very intrusive with his tongue finding mine. As much as I had hoped, it was still difficult to resist and I had promised him the kiss. I returned it as he offered it: deep, full and intensive.

My mind was on our mouths, not our hands. I hardly noticed that one of his had left mine, then the other. Suddenly, I felt two little tugs on my wrists and broke away from his kiss. Trying to pull my arms back down, they both stopped suddenly with a jerk.

Twisting away from him, I turned over and looked at my situation. There were little black cords, more cloth than rope, tying each of my wrists and going around those small bushes. He had tied me up!!

“Barry, let me go,” I shouted. I couldn’t believe I had gotten into this.

He smiled in a very devilish way and said, in a very low, menacing voice, “Oh, I’m not going to hurt you in any way. I’m just going to tease you a little. I’ll apologize to you later for it; like you did me.”

“Please, Barry, let me go. You know I didn’t mean anything.”

“Oh, I’m sure you didn’t. I don’t think you meant to tease me in the café, either. You were just trying to please yourself.”

I felt my face turn beet red. Oh, boy! All this was coming back down on me. How was I going to get out of this disaster?

“Have you always been a tease, Sarah?” he asked quietly. “Did you do it to David before you were married?”

I caught my breath a little. “No,” I said quietly.

How did he know my husband’s name? I had never mentioned it.

“How come I have a little problem believing that?”

While he was talking, I was constantly moving, trying to turn over to free myself from my bonds. I could see that my wrists were just held by loops. My hands were far enough apart that I couldn’t free myself with them, but maybe by sliding upward I could get them to loosen on their own.

He was on to it, letting me squirm all I wanted, but then very gently pulling me back down on the cover, slightly tightening the cords. Inside me, I knew there was no escape. For some reason, it wasn’t fear I felt but rather just helplessness. Sheila was near and I thought that I was in no real danger. Barry just wanted to tease me and would let me go any minute. Nothing was going to happen!

Barry started kissing me, no place in particular but rather taking what I gave him. If I was on my back, he went to my face and neck and I turned my head when he tried to kiss my lips. If I turned over, he went to the back and sides of my neck, pulling my shirt collar away to expose me. Finally, after a long while of leaving me to my own movements, he had me on my back and very gently straddled my hips, taking away my ability to turn over.

“Let’s see what everybody is so excited about,” he said.

Leaning over me a little, he started unfastening the buttons on my blouse, very slow, very teasing, as he watched my face. I turned my head aside, either out of shame or not wanting to give him any satisfaction.

He undid the top two buttons and said, “This is starting to get very interesting, don’t you think?”

I just shook my head and said nothing. What was I going to say? And what did he mean by ‘what everybody was excited about’?

“What treasures are these next buttons hiding?” he whispered to me.

I knew he would expose most of my breasts, barely covered by that wisp of a bra I had on. I held my breath, my face turned from him, as he undid the next buttons. Then, completely surprising me in this teasing game, he didn’t open my shirt any further, opting instead to keep it closed while he unbuttoned the whole thing.

I knew the time would come, though, and it did. Suddenly, he swept apart both sides of my shirt, totally exposing my torso. My reaction was to turn my head directly toward him, looking both at my breasts encased in the flimsy cloth and at his face, all in a second. My breasts, as I expected, were full and overflowing.

His face was something else altogether, his scornful look having turned very soft, absolutely appreciative of what he saw.

“Wow!” he said gently, and that was all.

It was amazing, under my present circumstance, that one little word coupled with the look on his face sent a little shiver down me. Not a cold shiver, but one that started and stopped between my legs.

Leaning over me, he began a steady attack of kisses, starting from the very top of the bra where my nipples were slightly exposed, up to the top of my head, moving his mouth along my captured arms to kiss my hands and fingers and then back again. My body was squirming under his advances, not so much a mental reaction as physical. How could anybody stay still under these touches? He went back and forth, sometimes making a long trail and, at other times, jumping from my breasts to my fingertips. It was driving me crazy and I begged him to stop.

He was in no obvious hurry. I was a captive audience, to say the least, and he was definitely center stage. As he continued his barrage on me, I made less and less effort to turn my head when he tried finding my lips. Never once did he try to force it. There just came a point where I started giving in to him a little, receiving light contact rather than anything deep or probing. His hands never made contact with my breasts, but rather stayed on my upper shoulders and arms at all times, letting his mouth do all the action.

Through all my apprehension and under his touch, my mind did an unexpected drift. I gave a quick thought about what would have been my reaction if David had spent this much time teasing me. Even with this stranger, I couldn’t deny the sensitivity I felt. With my husband, surely it would have lead to all those orgasms that I had so desperately wanted and needed but never got.

I swear Barry was reading my mind. He leaned over me, holding my face in both his hands, but I kept my eyes closed as he began a steady barrage of light kisses all over my face and lips. I had to fight to keep from responding any more than I did.

“Does he make you cum?” His question was not demanding.

“Who?” I felt stupid after I said it.

“Who do you think?” He laughed gently into an ear that he then nibbled on. It made me bring my ass up off the ground in response.

“Yes,” I lied.

“Oh, really! How often?” He stared at me with a dubious look on his face.

“All the time.” I couldn’t believe this. I was lying there with my wrists tied by a complete stranger and was having to lie to him about my private sex life. How my life had changed in such a short time!

Published 9 years ago

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