It was a stupid idea. Kate was sure of that now, as the carriage started to sway in the breeze. She must be nearly at the top now, surely. What was it about milestone birthdays that prompted these ridiculous bucket-list-style declarations? She should have attempted to conquer her fear of heights by standing on a penthouse balcony somewhere, not riding a Ferris Wheel alone. There wasn’t even anyone to witness her triumph. And it wasn’t like she was enjoying the panoramic view of the city by nightfall – she’d had her eyes squeezed tightly shut ever since she sat down on the damn ride!
Although she was frozen in terror, her right hand gripped the side rail of the seat tightly. When the whole carriage began to rock further, she cast about with her left for something else on which to brace herself… and came into contact with a warm, solid object. Opening one eye just a fraction, she saw a denim-clad thigh – and a hand coming over to cover hers.
It was a big hand, Kate noticed, with long, strong fingers, and tanned skin. And it felt good on top of hers. Comforting. Reassuring. Enough so that she felt able to widen her gaze properly and look at the owner. He was already looking into her eyes, and his were brown and kind…and definitely interested.
She started to apologise, and then realised it hardly seemed necessary. His other hand was on her thigh now, and somehow he was kneeling up on the floor of the carriage, in front of her, and his lips were on hers, and her arms around him, and his hand cradling her head and she couldn’t even remember why she’d been scared.
His touch was firm, but she was aware that he seemed to be letting her set the pace. His hands remained where they were, while hers explored the contours of his back, and his tongue only slipped inside her mouth once she’d willingly parted her lips for him. The kiss deepened, and she pulled herself further forward on the seat, her thighs apart, cotton fabric of her summer dress ruching over them.
His torso was snugly between her legs now, but the slow glide of his tongue over hers only made Kate impatient for more. Grasping his wrist in her fingers, she guided his hand under her dress to where she needed him. His touch was tentative at first, but she urged him on with her hips, until he slid her damp panties aside and she could finally feel flesh on flesh, there, in her aching cleft.
Still gripping his wrist, Kate pushed herself onto his fingers, her wetness easing their passage perfectly. She moaned into his mouth as he slipped inside her, and thrust herself forward aggressively, aware of every inch, invading and stretching and massaging her inner walls. Her other hand gripping his shoulder, she used him to give her what she needed.
And he let her. It was as if he knew she needed this control, as the Ferris Wheel spun slowly in the night sky. She had been wrong; their carriage was only just reaching its height – but when she felt herself begin to tense and find her climax around his fingers, she broke their kiss and looked over his shoulder, out into the blackness. She came then, whimpering, at the peak of her pleasure and the pinnacle of the wheel.
They began to gradually descend toward reality and the ground, but he allowed her to hold his wrist there, trembling on his hand while she, too, came down. However, when she attempted to shift backwards slightly, his mouth captured hers again and his fingers moved faster, more urgently inside her, finding and stimulating that spot deep inside. Melting into him, she gave herself over to the sensations, her need for control evaporating now that she had achieved her desire.
Kate was vaguely aware that lights from the carnival were intruding into the privacy of the darkness now. She came for the second time, gushing over both their hands as she still clung to his arm through the intensity of her orgasm. Kissing her one last time, he withdrew his fingers, and moved back next to her on the seat. She arranged her dress decorously and sat primly beside him, watching the ground move closer and closer.
The carnival attendant moved to open the door. “You want to ride again?”
Their eyes met, and he grinned. “Shall we?”
“Yes please,” she replied, demurely. “I’ve never done that before!”