Consequences For Brianna

"Brianna is sent to Mrs M as a punishment for having dealt with Andrew which made her Mum furious"

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This follows on from my story, Andrew’s New Experience:

Brianna was just one door away from Mrs M when she saw Laura coming towards her. She knew that Laura was also seventeen and also was sent to be dealt with by Mrs M. In fact, she could see that Laura was deliberately holding her hands in front of her, which was the normal sign that she wanted to make sure that she didn’t rub her bottom as she was walking along the street, but meant she had just been to Mrs M.

Brianna smiled at Laura and asked, “How are you? Just visited Mrs M?”

Laura winced as she replied, “I’m fine, Brianna. Yes, I have just been to Mrs M. A really hard spanking, both her hand, then thirty spanks with the hairbrush, and twenty- strokes of the cane. I know I deserved every spank and every stroke because I had been rude and threw a teenage tantrum. Jodie came yesterday, and you know that she is twenty-one. At least that means that I have several years to go before Mrs M will stop dealing with me, so I feel really lucky.”

Brianna smiled and said, “Me too. I hate to think what kind of a brat I would be if I wasn’t sent to Mrs M to be punished each and every time I needed to be.”

Laura said, “Mrs M told me you were coming. I understand you’ve been really naughty this time. I mean really, really naughty,” she said emphasising the point.” She added with a smirk, “I hate to think what your bottom will look like when she’s finished with you.”

Brianna looked rueful as she replied, “Well, I know I am about to find out but, like you, know I deserve it. I just couldn’t stop myself, and now must pay the price.”

Both Brianna and Laura loved being spanked and caned. Rather, they hated being spanked and caned because it hurt so much but couldn’t stop themselves from earning another punishment knowing they always reached the most amazing orgasms afterwards.

Brianna and Laura had to smile to themselves because here they were both dressed as schoolgirls, and of course, both actually still being at school, one having just been punished and the other about to be punished.

Brianna checked her watch and knew she had only a minute to get to the front door. She, therefore, said to Laura, “Really sorry, but I better get going.”

Laura smiled as she replied, smiling “I know the feeling. Being late isn’t the best idea with Mrs M, is it?”

Brianna quickly walked up the pathway and rang the bell. She was nervous, as she always was, knowing the amount of pain she would have to suffer, but wanted to.

Mrs M opened the door and beckoned Brianna in. Once she had closed the door she said, “Your mum tells me you have been a really naughty girl. Did you really spank and cane that man who actually came to see your mum?”

Brianna had no problem addressing Mrs M as, ‘Mum,’ because of the maternal relationship. So, she replied, “I did, Mum, and knew it was wrong. I just couldn’t help myself. That’s why I can see why Mum was so furious when she found out. Maybe after you have dealt with me I won’t make that mistake again?”

Mrs M replied sternly, “I rather hope so, young lady. Now go into the living room and get undressed.”

Brianna did as she was told, knowing that her being fully naked whilst Mrs M was fully clothed definitely made her mum in charge. So, she quickly undid her shirt, slid it down her arms, caught it, folded it, and put it on the sofa. She then put her hands behind her back, unclipped her bra, slid the straps down her arms, caught it, folded it, and put that with her vest top.

Brianna knew that she was hardly the curviest of girls. After all, she wore a size 32 AA bra but knew that didn’t make her any less sexy. She did have large nipples, which were ever so sensitive when caressed, licked, or kissed and knew that they were right now erect at the prospect of being disciplined, and that was what made her feel so sexy.

Brianna then took off her shoes and undid her skirt and pushed it down towards the floor, catching her knickers with her thumbs, stepped out of both items of clothing, folded them, and put them with her other clothes. She then turned and looked at Mrs M, fully naked, and waited for her instructions.

Mrs M looked Brianna up and down, and in a surprised tone, asked, “Have you shaved your hair mound since we last met?”

Brianna blushed as she replied, saying, “I have, Mum. For some reason it just makes me feel more like a naughty girl rather than the adult I am becoming.”

Mrs M supposed she understood that. She knew that Brianna was a natural submissive and she enjoyed the pain and therefore misbehaved on purpose. She wasn’t the only girl who was like that. Hence why Mrs M was quite happy thrashing them to beyond what they could happily deal with, knowing that by the time they were crying uncontrollably they were already looking forward to the orgasms they would give themselves as they played over the spanking and caning in their minds afterwards.

Mrs M replied, “Fair enough then, Brianna. So, I have been asked to give you a very hard bare bottom spanking, sixty spanks with my paddle hairbrush and thirty-six strokes of the cane. I know that is a more severe punishment than you have had to date but playing your mum as you did is something that is so naughty, so a severe punishment is just what you need. Is that understood?”

Brianna was expecting a harsh punishment given the way that her mum was so furious with her as soon as she got home and found out what she had done to Andrew. However, this was rather more severe than even she had expected. However, knowing that she was in no position to argue, she replied, “Yes, Mum, I understand.”

Mrs M then went to the dining table where there was already a chair turned around into the room and sat down on it. She then glared at Brianna, pointed to the floor to her side, and ordered, “Come and stand here, young lady.”

Brianna quickly walked across the room and stood on exactly the spot that Mrs M had pointed to. When she heard the instruction to go across her lap, she immediately did that, balancing with her hands on the far side of the chair and then lowering her full weight across Mrs M’s thighs.

As always, Brianna loved the sight of Mrs M’s upside-down legs so close to her face, and her own legs dangling under the far side of the chair. They were two very real signs of submission which always turned her on. In fact, she could feel the quivers vibrating around her vulva even though she knew the pain was going to be so horrid and much more than she could hope to cope with. Still, it was such a well-deserved punishment this time and so a severe punishment was the natural consequence.

Just then, Brianna wondered whether such a severe punishment this time would actually raise the bar for future punishments. If it did, then it was only her own fault, but given the experience that she had, she told herself it was worth it.

Once across her lap, Mrs M placed her hand on Brianna’s bare bottom and relished rubbing in circles, knowing how that helped impose her control.

Brianna felt Mrs M’s hand and loved the fact that it was a woman her real mum’s age who was disciplining her. It made it so realistic, although she could also understand how Andrew may well have been turned on by being spanked by her, especially whilst wearing her school uniform, because she could see how some adults much older than herself would see that as a turn-on.

Brianna’s focus was quickly re-directed as soon as she felt the first spank which was then followed by spank after spank. She knew the spanking would take quite some time to complete, and before now she had been across Mrs M’s lap for twenty minutes just having her bottom spanked. Of course, she always told herself that once she was crying, all she had to do was lie there and take whatever punishment Mrs M decided was needed. It was Mrs M who was doing all the hard work, with the only effort needed by Brianna being to make sure she stayed across her lap.

Mrs M always saw these punishments as solely disciplinary and didn’t spank girls like Brianna for sexual reasons. She had never married and so had no kids of her own. She was, however, a firm advocate of spanking and never thought that anyone ever got too old to be spanked. If they knew the rules and broke them and knew that breaking the rules meant a spanking, then the spanking should be given. Brianna was seventeen, after all, and knew that if she disobeyed her mum then she would be told a spanking was in order. Even if she got aroused by the spanking, it didn’t prevent the spanking from being so hard that it reduced her to crying buckets, as that was why she was here.

Mrs M knew that whenever a spanking was earned she got a phone call or message asking if she was available just then to deal with the naughty girl. Invariably she was, which meant that the naughty girl got a spanking pretty much as quickly as she could. It made the disciplinary regime that much more realistic. Being the age that she was also gave it the maternal element that most of the girls she was asked to punish wanted.

Mrs M also knew that all of the girls sent to her were at least sixteen and had asked to be included in the spanking regime. Most were like Brianna, who freely admitted how much the spanking and the cane hurt, but still wanted to accept the punishment for the orgasms it gave them later on.

From Mrs M’s point of view, her part in all of this was to give the punishment. If that happened to produce orgasms, then that would have happened anyway, and so she didn’t see being the one giving the discipline spanking as being sexual.

Mrs M looked down at Brianna’s bottom and saw how red she had already turned both bottom cheeks and the tops of both legs. She knew she was very experienced at giving a spanking, and as much as her hand might start to sting, she knew very well that the naughty girl’s bottom and legs were stinging much much more.

Of course, Mrs M knew that once she stopped spanking the naughty bottom on her lap with her hand, there was still the paddle. So, she paused for a moment, turned, and picked up the paddle hairbrush, tapped Brianna’s bottom twice on each cheek, raised the hairbrush, and brought it down with a loud thwack on Brianna’s far bottom cheek. She knew that Brianna would struggle much more than when being spanked with her hand, but this was all her own fault for misbehaving and so she only had herself to blame.

Once again, Mrs M was focusing on the punishment side of this and had every intention of making sure that Brianna cried buckets so that she did understand that being naughty led to this exact type of punishment.

Mrs M made sure that having told Brianna she was going to get sixty spanks with the hairbrush, that would be exactly the number that she did receive. She counted carefully, even as she landed spank after spank, and watched as Brianna’s bottom cheek flattened each time, listened to each louder and louder yelp, and then howl, but kept on spanking the very naughty bottom across her lap.

Brianna was really struggling with the pain and the constant spanks landing all over her bottom. She hated every spank because of the pain but knew she had to take every spank because she was a very naughty girl. She knew that Mrs M had to make the spanking hurt, and she was.

Once the sixty spanks had been given, Mrs M never gave any breathing space for recovery, but instructed, “Right, Brianna, get up now. You need the cane.”

Brianna forced herself up although she was still crying. Once standing, she knew she mustn’t rub her bottom, and as soon as Mrs M stood up she immediately bent across the dining table, stretching her arms and clasping hold of the far side of the table.

She actually preferred this position to bending over and grabbing hold of a chair because it was easier for her to force herself to stay in position by clasping hold of the far side of the table, whereas just bending over and holding onto the chair was not quite so easy. She also loved how, with her legs well apart, it made her feel so young now she had shaved her pussy hair, which Mrs M would see. Also, unlike curvier girls, her 32 AA breasts didn’t flatten on the tabletop.

Mrs M watched Brianna obediently bend over the table. As she did, she looked at Brianna’s very red and blue bruised bottom and knew this was the intended particularly severe punishment. However, she was seventeen and coped well enough so far, just as she would no doubt be able to cope with thirty-six strokes of the cane. That was more than ever before, but when she had been given twenty-four strokes on several occasions, Brianna had even said that she wondered what thirty-six might feel like. Well, she was going to find out today.

Brianna was still sniffing back tears as she felt the cane being rubbed from side to side across her bottom. She had to admit that she was excited, though, because she did want to know what thirty-six strokes felt like.

She even hoped that once she had dealt with thirty-six strokes a few times, she could up that to forty-eight strokes. After all, when she was back at home after the caning and could run her fingers along the thick welts, she invariably got incredibly aroused and knew how much the pain aroused her. Therefore, hopefully, it followed that the more the pain the greater the arousal.

The first stroke landed and Brianna let out such a loud yelp. She had never been given sixty spanks with a hairbrush before and knew that her bottom would be bruised. Therefore, she reckoned that the cane landing on top of those bruises would hurt so much more than ever before. Well, it certainly did.

Brianna knew that Mrs M had no sympathy for her because she felt the second stroke land just a few seconds after the first, and a few seconds after that the third stroke landed. She was up for it, though, resolutely clasping hold of the far side of the table with all her strength, and so wanted to get through the full number of strokes for all of the benefits that she saw that would bring her.

Mrs M knew that the school would only ever give up to six strokes of the cane, but that this was a very different form of punishment. She was pretty sure that a very small number of those at the school would have deliberately misbehaved to get the cane, just as she reckoned Brianna would do if this arrangement was not in place. Therefore, she saw nothing wrong in giving the much more severe punishment that was set for Brianna and fully intended doing so.

As each stroke landed so Brianna let out another yelp or howl, knowing that Mrs M wouldn’t stop. She didn’t even leave a gap after each six strokes because Brianna had already counted nine strokes and there was no gap. Nor was there a gap after the twelfth stroke.

Mrs M knew that Brianna could deal with twenty-four strokes as she had done so often before. She therefore fully expected Brianna to deal with thirty-six strokes, albeit struggling rather more to do so. She had already given thirty-six strokes to other naughty girls Brianna’s age, and to three girls in their early twenties, she had already given forty-eight strokes. However, each time she was thanked by the naughty girl, who might well be crying uncontrollably, indeed would undoubtedly be, but still knew she wanted to come back to take another punishment.

So, Mrs M continued with landing stroke after stroke. She landed as many as she could in parallel lines, but as Brianna was one of the slimmer girls that couldn’t go on forever and she was finding that she had to crisscross strokes as well. She knew that hurt even more, but that was no reason to make the strokes any lighter. Indeed, Brianna was still howling even louder but stayed in position which told her just how much she accepted she needed to be caned.

Brianna lost count of the strokes, which was hardly surprising because the pain took over every sense she had. Well, except for the full intent of keeping hold of the far side of the table to make sure she stayed in place and had her bottom correctly presented for the next stroke.

Mrs M carried on landing very hard strokes but still was able to look closely at Brianna’s bottom. In fact, as Brianna had quite correctly stood with her legs wide apart, and Mrs M saw again her shaved pussy lips. she understood why Brianna had done that because lots of girls do, although in Brianna’s case it wasn’t sexual but to make her feel younger than she was.

Mrs M knew that that wasn’t so uncommon either, at least amongst some of the girls who came to see her to be spanked and caned. In fact, it wasn’t uncommon for Mrs M to see dribbles of sex juice, particularly by those who were just spanked, also occasionally by those who got the cane. She hadn’t had that view with Brianna today, at least not yet.

Brianna continued to find the caning so hard to cope with, although never asked herself why she wanted to be caned. Not now, anyway. She knew she could never cope with the pain and would be crying uncontrollably well before the end, but she loved the way her vulva vibrated soon afterwards and the multiple huge orgasms she gave herself.

Mrs M always counted the strokes carefully, and when she got to three from the end she did one of her infamous triple strokes. It was intended to make sure that the end of the caning was particularly difficult for the naughty girl to deal with, but it also indicated the end of the caning. It always seemed to work for the naughty girl being caned.

Brianna was still howling after each stroke, but when it came to the triple she didn’t howl until the third stroke. She hated that triple stroke but loved it as well because it told her the caning was at an end. She had wondered in the past what it might be like if Mrs M decided to include double and triple strokes during the caning but reckoned that she would tell her first if that was going to happen. Still, it would add to the punishment, so she wouldn’t argue if Mrs M ever told her it was going to happen.

Mrs M savoured the sight of Brianna’s red and blue bruised bottom, as well as the multitude of welts crisscrossing her bottom. She knew without doubt that Brianna’s bottom would be stinging more than ever before, but, knowing Brianna, reckoned this would be the start of making thirty-six strokes her standard punishment. She was sure that Brianna would indicate to her if that was something that she wanted to happen.

Satisfied with the punishment she had given Brianna, Mrs M instructed, “Get up, Brianna, as your punishment is over this time.”

Brianna pushed herself up albeit with some difficulty, but, at least once she was standing she knew that she was able to rub and clutch her stinging bottom. She also stepped from foot to foot at the same time doing her spanking dance, not at all worried about the fact that she was fully naked, but was certainly thinking about how much her bottom stung.

Mrs M watched, smiling as she always did, as the naughty girls did their dance around the room. She loved the sight of it.

Brianna continued her dance for a couple of minutes before calming down. Once she did, she was still sniffing back tears as she stood still, but with her hands still clutching her bottom cheeks.

Brianna knew this was the most severe punishment she had ever had, but she was feeling the quivers flying around her vulva because the feel of those welts was turning her on. Well, she had wondered what thirty-six strokes would feel like, and now she knew. It hurt much more than twenty-four ever did, but she had to admit she loved the feeling she was now experiencing.

Even though her vision was blurry, she went over to Mrs M, threw her arms around her neck, and said so sincerely between sniffing back tears, “Thank you, Mum, for punishing me. I know I deserved every spank and every stroke of the cane. I do mean, every stroke of the cane, Mum.”

That told Mrs M that thirty-six strokes would definitely be the minimum she gave Brianna in future, as well as the sixty spanks with the hairbrush. It all took longer, but not that much longer, and Mrs M was very happy to oblige. It meant the punishment would be that much more intense, but, equally, would be more meaningful, which was pretty much why some punishments at school might be just two strokes, whilst others were six.

Mrs M hugged Brianna back and knew she didn’t have to acknowledge her very clear request, and instead said, “Okay, sweetie, you’re a good girl again now. Stay good, for as long as you can, and then I will deal with you again. Best to put some cold cream on your bottom when you get home, and you’re obviously going to find sitting very difficult.”

Brianna’s reply was an enthusiastic, “Thanks, Mum. At least I know that you will deal with me whenever I earn a spanking and caning. It helps me so much.”

Mrs M said, “Okay, Brianna. Now you had better get dressed and get home. You’ll have some homework to do, and I think you’ll be going to bed at seven-thirty tonight.”

Brianna smiled as she also knew the rules about early to bed when she was punished. It was okay, she told herself because it would give her even more time to bring herself to some fantastic orgasms. Once again, whilst the punishment may well fit the crime, the benefits of the punishment took over, and Brianna always smiled to herself at that thought.

Happy with her punishment, Brianna quickly got back into her school uniform. She knew she had the short walk back home, trying to make sure that she didn’t rub her bottom, although to be fair, several of the neighbours knew that she was still spanked. They thought her mum spanked her though and didn’t know it was Mrs M. Brianna didn’t mind people getting it wrong, because the important thing was still to make sure that she was punished whenever she disobeyed her mum, even when she disobeyed her deliberately.

Published 2 years ago

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