OffWorld: A New Life

"In the far off system, a man is introduced to an entirly different life."

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To whom this may concern, I am writing down my memories and adventures while living on Rigel VI. For those who are unaware, it is the largest planet in the Rigel system on the very edge of our galaxy. It is also home to some rather odd traditions compared to inner system planets. The one that stands out the most is the “pleasure-slave” business that everyone on the planet seems to accept. This wasn’t the same as slavery of Earths past, it was more of a legal contract that both parties had to agree to before it was put into effect. Of course, if an agreement was met the servant was at the whim of their masters sexual needs.

There were laws protecting the slaves as well, causing physical harm was not accepted and a punishment was put into place by a court of law. Masters were able to discipline their slaves, punishments ranged from rationing of food and pay. Over all, from what I can tell, it’s a very successful system of their culture. I had spent nearly the last year researching all I had to know about Rigel VI, since I was going to be living there for at least a while until I got my late Uncles affairs in check.

I should introduce myself, my name is Samuel Grayson, I’m only 27 years old. I served in the Military for a little over 5 years, I had planned to make a career out of it, even elevating myself to a Captain of a ship after about 4 years. Unfortunately, after a year, my ship suffered an undetectable fault before colliding with a large asteroid. Luckily no lives were lost but during the crash a terminal had exploded near me, which resulted in shrapnel taking my left eye. I was honorably discharged, as the Captain the blame was still mine as well as my injury made me ineligible for military service.

After a year, I received a message from a city official on Rigel VI, from a city called Kassis. He informed me that my Uncle Richard had passed away and that I had been named as his sole successor for his rather large fortune and business. I had known that he had been in rather poor health for many years but I hadn’t known how bad it had really gotten. I quickly booked a trip to the planet and left, I had only worked a few odd jobs after being discharged from the military so it was easy to sell my apartment and leave the inner system. I had also investigated the current affairs of my Uncles estate, well, I guess MY estate and holdings now. I learned that my Uncle had only two pleasure slaves when he finally died, he had to sell the rest to pay for his constantly growing medical costs.

On my arrival to Kassis, I took the long ride in a transport vehicle to my new Estate. It was about half an hour outside the business of the inner city. I just managed to get comfortable in the backseat before the vehicle came to a halt. I glanced out the window to see four people standing at the end of a long walkway to large white house, it was gorgeous. I quickly exited out of the vehicle but before I could get to the truck, one of the men from the group had moved to the trunk and grabbed my bags of luggage and began to walk towards the house without even addressing me. Which I thought was a little rude before I turned to face the other three.

There were two rather attractive women, flanking a middle-aged man. I couldn’t help but look over the women. The one to my left had perfect porcelain skin and was rather tall, only an inch shorter then me in black heels, she had legs that went on forever. She had perfectly curved hips, a slim stomach and what I guessed where B cup breasts. Curly red hair framed her face, it looked like it went passed her shoulders by a few inches. A black dress hugged her body, accenting her curves. The one to my right seemed like the opposite of the other, she was much shorter even in heels but her bust made up for her height, easily rocking a set of double D’s. Her skin was a incredible bronze color, it was clear that she spent a lot of time out in the sun. She had really short black hair, the longest segment was her bangs that covered her right eye perfectly. She was an exact copy of the other woman’s outfit, it was hugging her curves.

The older gentleman couched, drawing my attention to him. “Mr. Grayson, I’m Theodore Charles. I’m sorry that we must get right to business, transferring all of your Uncles properties and finances will take a while and the sooner we get the paperwork filled the better.”

I nodded to the man. “I completely understand. Who are your associates?” I asked, waving my hands at the two woman.

The man looked at me with a raised brow, surprised that I didn’t know. “These two were the last pleasure slaves of your Uncles, they will be part of the transfer. If they wish they will become your property or they will choose a different path.” He looked looked at the two woman. “Well, introduce yourselves.”

The tall woman step forward before bowing slightly, her red hair falling off his shoulder and dangling towards the ground. She grabbed my hand and kissed the top of it softly. “My name is Sasha, Sir.” She spoke to my hand before stepping back and straightening her back, a bright smile appearing on his face.

Before I could say a word the other woman stepped forward and did the same as Sasha, grabbing my other hand and kissing it as well. “My name is Triss, Sir.” She backed away too, a smile also gracing her lips.

“Well, it’s a pleasure ladies.” I said to them, with a smile. I did notice that the were occasionally glancing at black patch that covered my left eye, I could only guess what they were thinking about why I was wearing it. It would be explain it later, if they decided to stick around.

With the introductions complete, we all walked into the home. I was amazed at the size and how well kept it still looked even though its owner had been dead for over a year. The four of us entered what seemed to be the living room, I sat down across from Mr. Charles but surprisingly the two woman sat on either side of me, suddenly I felt a hand on either of my legs. I looked down at my lap and watched as the two hands began to slowly caress my thighs.

I turned my head back and forth between Sasha and Triss, there was a small smirk on their lips but they weren’t looking at me, instead looking at the old man.

I spent what felt like hours filling out files and signing more papers then I could count.

Eventually the man placed down two forums that grabbed the attention of the two woman, they sat forward slightly.

“Well the final piece of business is the transfer of ownership of these two here to your procession, if that’s what they want?” He looked over at the two woman but before he could say anything else.

“We do.” They said simultaneously, catching me by surprise.. They both looked over at my, with questioning looks.

“Well then, now do you want them?” Mr. Charles turned his attention to me, waiting for an answer.

I looked over at the man but before I could answer, the two wondering hands found their was to my half mast cock, beginning to stroke me through my pants, it was becoming clear to me that they were trained for this and had been pleasure-slaves together for a while, they knew how to work together when it came to their jobs. Then I felt two lips against my ears as the began to whisper some pretty dirty word into my ear. They were trying to get me to agree to take them, even though from what I had learned it would take a few days for them to actual become mine if I did agreed.

I was going to agree anyway, but some incentive was always a good thing. I reached out and quickly signed the papers, Theodore gathered up all the papers and looked over everything. “I’m going to have to look over all of these and do some final signing. Why don’t you girls show Mr. Grayson around the house. I’ll come find you when it’s time to leave so we can get the rest of the paperwork done.”

The two girls jumped up from their seats, Triss moving to stand next to Sasha, both of them waiting for me. “Oh, Mr. Grayson, if I can see your finger for a moment. I need a blood sample to add you to our database and so they can get their tattoos assigning them to you.” I looked over at him for a moment before I extended my hand, the old man grabbed it and used an alcohol whip to clean my finger tip before he pressed a small device against my flesh, I hissed as a sharp pain shot through my finger. He released my hand before nodding to the two woman. “He’s all yours.”

I looked over at the two lovely woman, they both extended a hand to me which I took happily. I stood, they both gave my hand a soft squeeze before they moved my hand to rest on their asses. My fingers instinctively dug into the soft fleshes of their asses, Sasha had a larger ass then Triss’. They guided me through the house but it seemed like they were leading me to a very particular spot. Almost like they had read my mind, Sasha opened a door exposing a very large bedroom. Unlike other rooms that I had been shown before, the two woman dragged me into the room.

They shut the door behind me before the strutted out into the room standing there in front of me. Then before I could even realize what had happened, both dresses were black puddles on the floor around their ankles. “We figured that you must have some stress from your long trip.” They smiled at one another. “We want to help you relieve it.” Then those gorgeous smiles turned towards me. I was still rather hard from their touching earlier.

They quickly closed the distance and squatted down in front of me, I was impressed that they could keep there balance but of course they were well trained in this sort of thing. Their hands quickly undid the front of my pants, before pulling them and my underpants down to my ankles. My cock sprung out , free from its confinement. I saw the two girls bite their lower lips before they stared up at me, they both began kissing my cock lovingly.

Sasha pulled away for a moment. “We haven’t been with anyone for more then a year, Richard was to sick to take care of our needs at the end.” She happily ran her tongue up the length of my dick, a shiver of pleasure ran up my spine.

This time Triss pulled away from him. “We’ve been so lonely, with only one another to satisfy us. But know we have you.” She winked up at me before they returned to continue to please me.

It had been an unbelievable long time since I had been with a woman, I had never had the pleasure of being with two woman at the same time. Now here I was, two stunningly beautiful woman kissing, licking, and sucking on my cock and balls. I was fast approaching my climax, I reached down and grabbed both of the women’s head together as I finished, the first spurt streaking across Sasha’s face, the next two covering Triss. A petite, tanned hand reached up and grabbed my cock, directing the last of my cum being pointed at both of their open mouths.

I couldn’t stop the groan of relief escaping my lips as I was finished. I refocused on the two woman below me, they stuck out there tongues, covered in white. They turned to each other and began to kiss, clearly putting on a show for me. It didn’t take long for them to clean one another up, not a drop of my seed left to be found, there was a soft knock on the door. Both of the girls giggled and began to redress themselves, I did the same. “Come in.” I yelled to the door now that my pants were in there rightful place, the girls didn’t take long to get their dresses back on.

Theodore walked in and gave the three of them a professional smile. “All right, ladies, the taxi is here to take you to town.” He turned his head to him. “We will probably get done rather late, I’ll find a room for the girls in town and return in the morning to complete the purchase.”

The three of them left, not before the two girl blew a kiss at me, disappearing through the door. “What a day.” I whispered to myself before going to lay on the bed, letting out a soft of relief.


(Author’s Notes: The universe that this story is written is the intellectual property of a separate author on this site, Reddead2010. All characters in this story belong to me, however. If you go to his page, you can find his story there.)

Published 9 years ago

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