My freshman Year

"Between sixteen and nineteen a boy becomes a man."

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When does one become gay? When one’s born? When one realizes, or accepts that one likes other boys? When one has gay sex for the first time? I think it’s at birth, but some straight religious people will say no, if you never act on your urges you’re still ‘pure’ or ‘savable’. Well, this is my story.

When I was sixteen I had a job delivering newspapers. I also had to make rounds collecting subscription fees. One ‘older’ man (I now think he was probably about 40) told me to come in and went to get the money. As he handed it to me he reached down and squeezed my dick, which instantly became hard. He kept squeezing and stroking till I thought I was going to come in my Calvin’s when he unzipped my pants, fished my erection out, bent over and sucked the cum out of my balls.

That experience proved two things to me. I really liked sex with guys and what I wanted to do was suck cock, not get sucked.

The next year was my senior year of high school. I had to have a foreign language, so I chose Spanish. I found I was good at it. Sitting at the desk next to mine was a guy named Travis, who was not good at it. He was really struggling and our teacher asked me to help him. I was more than willing as I had flipped the moment I had seen him. It turned out I was a help, so he was more and more anxious for my assistance.

He started coming to my house so we could do more studying together. I wasn’t exactly tutoring him, but we worked together which helped both of us. But being teenagers, we spent a lot of time bullshitting and messing around, which cemented the friendship.

Every Friday night my parents went to play bridge or poker or something like that with some friends. They had been doing this for as long as I could remember. Travis had come over to study but after an hour we hit the liquor cabinet. We had never done that before. In fact, this was the first time either of us had ever drunk any alcohol.

We didn’t know what we were doing, and in no time we were high. Or more accurately we were drunk. We were at that stage where anything was funny. If one of us farted the other one laughed hysterically. Travis may have drunk more than me, because he would drift off, as if he were half passed-out, and would come back awake. He’d say something stupid and giggle and then put his head back and be gone. I watched him, and I became more and more…what?…intrigued?…aroused?…excited?

Whatever, while he had his head back, I reached out and began groping him. Now you may not think I was drunk, but believe me, I wasn’t usually that bold. Without the alcohol I would never had tried such a thing. After several minutes he opened his eyes and looked down at my hand, but didn’t say or do anything, as if he didn’t understand what was happening.

He was wearing baggy calf-length shorts with an elastic waistband. I kind of pulled them down in the front so I could get his cock out, but could only get the head out. I tried tugging them a little more and he raised his ass up and helped pull them down. But it was more like he was simply helping me do what I was trying to do rather than understanding what was going on.

His cock was free, and half erect, and absolutely wonderful looking. I leaned down and sucked it into my mouth and massaged it with my tongue until it got rock hard, but somehow still pliable. He put his head back on the back of the sofa, laid his hand on my shoulder and sighed. I slowly sucked and went up and down on his cock. I must have sucked and licked it for thirty or forty minutes. By movement of his hand and a slight movement of his hips once in a while, I knew he wasn’t asleep, but was aware of what was happening to his cock, and enjoying it.

The hip movement picked up speed and height, thrusting his cock deeper in my throat. I knew he was ready to cum and increased my movements to match his. With a sound that was a combination of a whimper and a groan, he started shooting his hot cum into my greedy mouth. I don’t know where he was, but I was in heaven.

When the cum subsided and his jerking stopped his cock began to soften. I didn’t want to take it out of my mouth, but he acted as if it were suddenly very sensitive. I let it go and sat up. He was looking at me with half-closed eyes and a slight, crooked smile, and massaged my shoulder with the hand that was still lying there.

I realized that it was about time for my folks to get home and almost panicked. I stood up and almost toppled over, righted myself, and got Travis to his feet. Travis lived about two miles from me, and we always walked from one house to the other, as there was no other way. When we got outside the cold night air helped sober us up, and I walked him halfway home.

On Monday everything seemed OK, but I wasn’t really sure. On Tuesday our Spanish teacher said we had a mid-term exam coming up on Friday and advised us to study for it. Travis said he guessed he’d come over on Wednesday night if it was OK with me. I said of course.

Wednesday he arrived and we went in my bedroom and hit the books. After two hours we were tired and had covered most of what we had to do. All this time we had been sitting or leaning on my bed. Travis stretched and lay back, and I put my hand on his crotch.

He grabbed my hand and pulled it away and said, “No,” in a forceful way.

He then said what we did was wrong and we could never do it again. Now I was the president of the debating society and was in my element. Travis didn’t stand a chance.

I told him of course he was right and continued to explain why he was wrong and there was nothing wrong with what we did. I said that we would never do anything like that again but why it wouldn’t be a bad thing if we ever decided to. He couldn’t come up with any good argument, and all his weak arguments I countered and showed him why they didn’t work, while appearing to agree with him. We ended the evening promising that we were still friends and would remain so, no matter what. I hugged him, which he returned, and kissed him on the cheek, which he didn’t react to.

He passed the exam and Friday of the following week he came over to study and we had sex again and regularly after that. The only difference between the first time and all the others was we weren’t drunk. He loved having his cock sucked and I believe he loved having me suck his cock.

I haven’t mentioned her, but Travis had a girlfriend. She was a virgin who was determined to be a virgin on her wedding night. When they had been necking too much and Travis was in danger of having blue-balls, he’d come to my house and tap on my window and I’d sneak out and we’d go far out into the back yard where it was dark and I’d suck him off. Then we’d talk and he’d let me kiss and suck on his soft cock. On rare occasions he’d get hard and I’d suck him off a second time.

Graduation time came. Travis’ father had been pestering him about us. He was suspicious about the amount of time we spent together. He needn’t have worried, as I was going out of state to college. There was no college in Travis’ future, so with his father’s urging he decided to join the army. Thus Travis quickly became a part of my past. I have often wondered if any other guy ever sucked his cock.

In September, at the age of eighteen, I arrived at the university to start a whole new phase of my life. I didn’t know anyone on this campus, had never been on my own, and the life I had lived in a relatively small city had left me fairly inexperienced. I had been assigned a room in the freshman dorm plus a roommate. When I found my dorm and my room I was feeling trepidation, but suddenly it seemed I was fortune’s favorite child.

My roommate was already there and greeted my warmly. His name was Chuck, he was gorgeous, and he was twenty-seven. After working a dead-end job for a couple of years after high-school he had joined the marines, put in six years in the medical corps, been discharged and now was a freshman planning to become a pharmacist. I found all this out during the first week. Chuck had the fighting-man’s creed drilled into him; that your mate was family who had your back no matter what. We were now mates. We got along well, although he teased me about my age and innocence.

About the third week, when we were comfortable with one another, we were sitting at our adjoining desk studying and not talking, when Chuck looked up and asked, “Harry, are you gay?”

No one had ever asked me that and I had never expected them to. I was flummoxed. How did I answer? Did I just boldly say yes, or deny it and try to bluff it out? Did I try to play coy, or ignorant? If I said yes would he tell the people in charge and I’d be kicked out?

While I hesitated and tried to decide where to run to, Chuck said, “I don’t care. I just was thinking since we’re roommates, we should be honest about some things. Most things.”

I kind of decided to take a chance and said, “Yeah. Why?”

He said, “No reason. I’m broadminded. I’ve known gays before, so don’t sweat it. I just wanted to get it out there.”

Two more weeks passed and nothing had changed. I had basically forgotten about that brief conversation.

There was a beer bar across the street from the dorms, off campus. One night I was in bed reading and was about to finish the chapter and turn off the light when Chuck came staggering into the room. He had obviously been drinking and smelled of beer. He made a couple of his usual witty kidding remarks which made me chuckle, stripped down to his boxers and undershirt ( he wore those kinds with shoulder straps, like a tank-top) and lay down on top of the sheets.

I went back to my book when Chuck said, “Harry, what do you do?”

Without looking up or stopping my reading I asked, “What do you mean?”

He said, “I mean do you suck cock, or what?”

Stunned, I looked over at him, and he was lying there with his hard cock in his hand.

He looked at me and said, “Cause I like to have my cock sucked, if you’re interested.”

I couldn’t respond. I couldn’t even think. I was staring at his cock. I had loved Travis’ cock and remember it as plenty big. But I was looking at something bigger than I had ever imagined, plus he wasn’t circumcised. I had never seen an uncircumcised cock.

He was still looking at me and said, “Really, I do. It ain’t happened for a long time, but I’d like it if you would. How ‘bout it?”

I guess he was drunker that I had thought. I still couldn’t find words, and if I had, I doubt they would have come out. But I was hooked. For five weeks I had been looking at this good-looking twenty-seven-year-old man who seemed unattainable. Now here he was offering me something I had not even dreamed of. I couldn’t speak, but I could move.

I swung my feet to the floor and stumbled the few feet to his bed, dropped to my knees and lowered my face to an inch above the tip of his cock. I was fascinated with the way that the foreskin covered about two thirds of the head, just showing the end of the head and a large piss-hole.

He moved his hand aside and in a strangled voice whispered, “Go ahead. It’s clean.”

Not knowing uncircumcised cocks, I didn’t know what he meant, but I put out my tongue and licked just the exposed tip, licking the piss-hole. He raised his head and looked at me licking his cock-head.

He gently put his hand that had been holding his cock on my head. He didn’t push, but let the weight of his hand urge me to take as much of it as I could. There was no way I could have gone all the way down without choking to death. (I couldn’t have gone all the way on Travis’ cock either.) But what I could take was wonderful, and Chuck seemed to be more than satisfied. He whispered and mumbled things I couldn’t understand, but thought I caught scattered words like ‘cock’, ‘suck’, ‘good’.

After ten or fifteen minutes of me sucking, he started moving his hips, not only up and down, but in a circular motion. Then he rose up and took hold of me under my armpits and pulled me up on the bed so we could both get more comfortable. I sucked and he slowly thrust for another ten minutes, then he began going faster and harder and breathing really hard.

Probably another five minutes passed with more and harder thrusting and breathing, when he suddenly stopped, grabbed my head with both hands and shot cum down my throat again and again, over and over. He dropped back on the bed exhausted with hands still resting on my head. I didn’t try to get up, enjoying lying there quietly with his cock in my mouth. Slowly his cock softened in my mouth.

He raised his head again and asked, “You OK?”

I let his cock plop out of my mouth and said, “Yeah. I’m fine.”

He said, “God, I’m drunk.”

I said, “Yeah, I know.”

He said, “We should go to sleep. We’ll talk tomorrow.”

I reluctantly got out of his bed and went back to mine. I heard him lightly snoring before I dropped off to sleep.

Chuck had early morning classes and was gone when I woke up. That afternoon, when I got back to the room he was there, but so was another guy who was friends with Chuck. They were talking about a football team they both were fans of. The other guy finally left and I busied myself sorting laundry. There was only one chair, other than the desk chairs, in the room…a 1950’s style chair with yellow plastic-covered seat and back cushions and wooden arms.

Chuck dropped into it and said, “OK Harry, let’s talk. Or rather, let me talk and you just listen. First, I’m sorry for what I did last night. Not what we did, because I remember you were into it, but how I brought it about. It wasn’t the way to go about it. It was crude, and drinking too much is no excuse. So for that I apologize. Now, I’d like to say something about myself, if that’s OK with you.”

I had sat down on my desk-chair and only nodded.

He continued, “I like sex, everything about it. I mean I like it a lot, probably too much. I can never have enough. When I met you and had the feeling you were gay my sex gauge went up. When you confirmed that you were I thought I had hit the jackpot. Since that day I had been thinking about how and when I could get you in my bed. I know you’re probably shocked but all this is the truth and where we stand. I guess that’s all I have to say.”

He just looked at me, as if he was waiting for me to pick up the ball and run, but I didn’t know how to play the game.

He sighed and said, “Just talking about sex with you has made my dick hard.”

I looked down at his crotch and saw the outline of his dick pushing against the fabric of his pants. I stood up, took three steps, dropped onto my knees and pressed my face against it, opening my mouth and biting on it.

After half a minute he said, “Harry buddy, that feels great, but someone might walk through that door at any minute. Get up. We can wait till tonight.”

That night another new phase of my life started.

We had sex almost every night after that. He loved the way I sucked him off. He taught me new positions so it was never boring or routine. He never lay back and left me to my devices. He was part of the action, and always watched his cock sliding in and out of my mouth.

He face fucked me lying on my side and on my back. Sometimes his knees were on each side of my chest, and others he turned the other way so they were beside my head. Sometimes I lay with my head hanging over the edge of the bed and him standing on the floor leaning over me shoving his cock as far down my throat as it would go, and others I sat on the edge of the bed and he stood holding my head and fucking his cock in and out of my mouth. 

There are some people who would never think about licking an ass-hole, but if you’re sucking and licking a cock, then you’re going to lick and suck the balls, and then you’ll probably move and lick the guy between his legs, and then it’s only another inch to his ass-hole. I’d licked Travis and he loved it, so of course I wanted to please Chuck. He told me no one had ever done that to him, and it was great. I got him to squat over my face and lower his balls into my mouth and then move his ass onto my mouth.

He usually shot off in my mouth, but sometimes I’d tell him I wanted to see him cum and he’d jack off on his stomach and I’d lick all his cum off. Sometimes he climbed into my bed, and others I’d climb into his bed and start sucking him while his cock was still soft. When we finished he never made me get out of his bed right away, but let me play with his cock and kiss it and we’d talk about all sorts of things as if we were just sitting at our desks.

Sometimes, but not often, he’d say he was really hot, and after he came and we talked he’d get hard again and we’d do it again. And even sometimes he’d come three times. I was in cock-sucking heaven.

When we were having sex Chuck frequently said things under his breath, talking to himself more than me.

He’d say things like ‘Yeah, that feels good.’ ‘That’s the way I like my cock sucked.’ ‘ Suck on it hard.’ ‘ Take all my cum.’ ‘Lick my dick.’ ‘I wanna cum in your mouth.’ And so on.

Most of the sex words and expressions I have in my vocabulary I learned from Chuck while I was sucking and rimming him. The thing is, he never cursed unless he was really angry, and never sprinkled his conversation with “dirty words”. It was strictly a having-sex thing.

When Christmas break came I found out Chuck was staying on campus. He said he had nowhere to go. I told my folks I hadn’t turned in an essay and that I needed to do research in the university library and returned to school early, all to get back to sex with Chuck. He was surprised to see me but seemed happy to have me back.

What was great is that there was almost nobody on campus or in the dorm and we didn’t have classes, so that week we could have sex any time of day or all day without fear of anyone barging in. I loved having wild sex in the daytime. Chuck often remarked about how lucky we were to have been thrown together by fate.

When spring break came I lied to my parents about problems I was having in a class and needed a remedial class, and stayed with Chuck. It was at that time that Chuck told me he had wanted to fuck me for the last five months but was afraid he might hurt me. He felt now that maybe we could do it if we took it slow and asked if I was willing to try. I was always willing to try whatever he wanted to do.

He bought some kind of gel he said would kill the pain but not the pleasure. He smeared it all around my ass-hole and pushed his fingers in. We waited a few minutes while I slobbered all over his cock to get it good and wet. When he tried to enter me, it still stung. I tried not to let him know but he could tell. He stopped and we waited and then tried again. We continued trying for about four days and he finally got the head in. I wanted him to go further, but he said we’d do it the next day.

And we did…and almost every day thereafter. I didn’t know it was possible to like something so much. Again we fucked in as many different positions as he wanted.

Sometimes I was on my stomach with the pillow under my dick pushing my ass up so he could get in better. Sometimes I was on my side with my leg up in the air so he could get his long cock all the way in and get a good view of his cock fucking my ass. Sometimes he lay on his back and I sat on it sliding all the way down and then sliding back up. Sometimes I lay on my back and he held my legs up in the air. Just as when I sucked him, in almost every position he made sure he could watch his cock go in and out of my mouth or ass. Sometimes he fucked me slow and gentle and sometimes he’d knock the wind out of me. When he got over-excited and brutal he’d always apologize afterwards and let me decide how to do it the next time. I never got tired of him fucking me but I also missed not having his cum in my mouth.

It isn’t that I stopped sucking him off… it’s just that I wanted to do both at the same time, as though he had two cocks. And when he was hot, just as I could suck him off two or three times, we’d lie and talk with his cock still inside me, and then he’d start up again and pump another load of cum in my gut. The really great times would be when I would suck him off and get fucked the same night.

The school year ended and I had to go home for the summer. I was miserable with the thought of being away from Chuck and his magic cock for so long. He also left, not telling me where he was going. It wasn’t a bad summer actually but seemed like it would never end. My folks were very happy that I liked school so much and was dying to get back to my studies. They had no idea what kind of education I was getting.

When I put in my bid for a room in the upper-class dorms, I also included a request for Chuck as my roommate. I figured he was doing the same, so I was sure we would be sharing the same room again.

When I got back and checked in I found I had a new unwelcome roommate named Jeff. He was a goofy-looking guy with a bad body that I wouldn’t suck off for a million dollars. And he was a little crazy. Like he wore his underwear backwards for good luck, and if anyone forgot and left their dental floss packet in the communal bath, it wouldn’t be there when they went back for it. Jeff had a shoe box full of them. And that is just a couple of examples of his many quirks.

Anyway, I quickly went inquiring around and shortly learned Chuck was living in a rooming-house off campus. Of course I went to see him to find out why, and when and where we could get together. I was told he was in the “lounge” which was just the old living room. When I walked in he was sitting on an old leather sofa with a girl wrapped around him. He was surprised and I felt he was a little uncomfortable to see me. He quickly introduced me to what he called his fiancée.

I wasn’t prepared for any of this and didn’t have a clue what to say. I don’t remember what I did say, probably something bumbling and stupid. He asked me a couple of inane questions like how my summer had been and what courses I was taking and then there were a few long seconds of dead silence.

I said, “Well, I just wondered how you were,” which he answered with ‘fine’ and I said, “OK, well then, I’ll see you around,” and made a hasty retreat.

So that’s basically the end of my story. I had learned the year before that there was a whole gay social life on campus, but I had no idea how big it was. I now joined, and became a very active member. The next three years I had lots of sex with lots of guys, but none like Chuck. And I have been in the gay life ever since, and God knows how many dicks I’ve sucked or had up my ass, but none like Chuck’s.

I started this by asking ‘When does one become gay?’ Now I want to ask, how would you classify Chuck…a closet gay, a bisexual, a man with over-active hormones? To me he was always just a nice gorgeous guy who liked to have his cock sucked.

Published 9 years ago

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