I had finished my studies and had the chance to fly back to the US for two weeks while my parents went on to Barbados for their summer holiday.
I needed a break and some sun and my uncle, who owned a place in Alexandria, in Virginia, just outside Washington DC had suggested I could stay at his place. He was also traveling to California for a week so I would have the pleasure of his company for a few days to show me around, then I’d have the place to myself.
I hadn’t been back to the US since I was fairly young when my father worked for a federal government provider in the IT field, so it was going to be an adventure and I was really looking forward to it.
About my uncle, at the time he would have been in his mid fifties, a smart athletic guy who I had met many times when I was younger, but not seen him for over five years at this point. He had never married but had had a series of girlfriends, all much younger than him. He was a wealthy guy with a great social circle, and he even said he would introduce me to his friends. Some politicians, also sportsmen and even some actors. Not one for being star struck but I was still very excited about this change from the norm and constant studying. I was studying business and was awaiting my results.
This period of studying really set me up for later life and starting a small business. I will always be grateful for the time afforded to me to learn and to be brave and bold about my decision-making and investments.
I was starting to become a confident young woman. I followed my own instincts and never the herd. I dressed, listened to music, read books and watched films that appealed to my own sensibilities, and I have never deviated from this since those formative years.
It was also at this time that I became sexually active. And like my other choices, this was also an area that I had my own strong feelings about.
So off to Dulles airport I flew, ready for the warm summer weather, my uncle’s swimming pool and the joys of Georgetown and Alexandria. My uncle collected me from the airport. He had changed a little since I had last seen him; he was definitely getting older, but still charming, funny, handsome and a fit guy who ran and cycled regularly. I guess I had changed somewhat too. Gone were the sweatshirts, jeans and trainers. I showed up wearing tight black leggings, a tight t-shirt and my long hair up. I was tall, my long dark hair flowed down my back, and my breasts had swelled to a thirty-four C.
I think the first thing that greeted my uncle were my breasts and it’s fair to say he was a little taken aback. He didn’t know where to look. We hugged and said hi and I was conscious of my effect on him. When my breasts rubbed his chest as we embraced, we both looked away a little embarrassed. Although truth be told, I was hugely turned on and never saw this coming.
All of a sudden on the drive to Alexandria from the airport, rather than listening to his plans for the days when we were together at his house, I found myself fantasising about wearing revealing underwear for him, or my tiny bikini in his pool, which I had originally planned to save for when he was out of town. As I came out of my erotic trance, I realised I was driving though the US with my uncle, yes my uncle. What was I thinking?
I kept my eyes on the road and tried to stop thinking about revealing myself and teasing my older uncle, but it was going to be difficult. We arrived at his beautiful home and my uncle showed me around his place, the outside pool area, which I intended to spend some time in, and eventually my own room, complete with my own en suite bathroom. It was very luxurious, and I was going to feel very comfortable.
My uncle’s name was Dave, and he was clearly very good at hosting and hospitality. His home was set up for guests with a small bar in the lounge area and a large kitchen and outside food BBQ area. The pool was also set up with a number of loungers and seating for al fresco dining. It was like my own holiday villa. To think I had the run of this place for ten days while my uncle worked away.
Despite my concerns over being over flirty with my uncle, I decided to have the afternoon by the pool. The time difference meant I would retire early so a few hours lounging by the pool seemed perfect. It was twenty nine degrees C, so wonderful bathing weather. This meant selecting one of my bikinis. I was unable to resist wearing a revealing bikini set that would, I’m sure, let me know how my uncle saw me. As his young niece? Or as a sexy young woman who he couldn’t resist staring at?
I have always relied on a stringy small bikini when I am looking for attention. I chose a yellow thong bikini with strings at the side. The front was a small triangle patch that could only be worn with a matching Brazilian wax, which I of course had undertaken prior to my trip. The back of the thong was just a small string and the whole thing could be dismantled with a pull of either one of the side bows, which I tied loosely. The top of my bikini, however, was what was likely to get the initial attention.
Tied around the neck and back, it had two small triangle patches that fully showed off the shape of my round, full breasts, barely covering my nipples, which would undoubtedly let me down in a moment of arousal. The material was micro thin and my nipples were large and when erect very noticeable. They are also extremely sensitive and love attention, whether it be from eyes, hands or mouths! I covered my bikini with a small white linen robe, see through, but not overly revealing and made my way to the bathing area by the pool.
I was becoming an exhibitionist, I loved older men and found myself becoming promiscuous and extremely turned on by the thought of pleasuring older men in all kinds of scenarios. I was clearly going to test the boundaries of our ongoing relationship. What followed set the tone for the rest of the trip.
My uncle walked over to where I was sunbathing and asked me if I would like a drink. I asked if he could bring me over some water and while he fetched it, I removed my robe and sat up; there was no way he could miss my breasts thrusting themselves at him over my bikini, so I waited for his reaction. I wasn’t disappointed. He could not take his eyes off of them, or the rest of me. He sat and spoke awkwardly before making his way back into the house. Boy this was going to be fun, but how far would I go?
I retired early after a sandwich and made my way upstairs to finish unpacking and take a shower before getting some sleep. It was just before nine o’clock, so I had held out well given the six-hour time difference. I noticed Dave had followed upstairs fifteen minutes or so after and I was surprised that he went to bed so early. I heard him go back downstairs however after an hour or so as I tossed and turned, in and out of sleep, unable to fully rest due to the jet lag.
In the morning I came down for some breakfast and made a coffee. My uncle was already up and ready to leave for a meeting he had in DC later that morning. He reiterated that I was to help myself and treat the place like my own. He was really very kind. I told him I would be there all day and sunbathing so hopefully the neighbours wouldn’t object to a topless sunbather next door! It was clear he would be rushing home from his meeting! As I sat in the lounger I again fantasised and decided I would increase the flirting upon Dave’s return.
As his car approached the drive, I removed my bikini top and sprawled out on the sun bed. He came into the house and grabbed a couple of water bottles and came out to the pool area to see me, offering me a cool bottle. As he approached me the tingle started in my stomach, hovered around my legs and straight to my sex area resulting in a moistening in the area, an invisible effect; my nipples, however, were not so subtle. Out they came, ready to poke him in the eye!
I looked down at them and smiled. Now we will see his reaction! As he came over to me he looked everywhere but at my chest. But before long they caught his eye (not literally, he wasn’t quite that close!) and he was gobsmacked, and I would suggest, turned on.
“Well you have turned into a very beautiful woman, Beth, haven’t you?” he said.
“Thank you, Uncle Dave, I’m glad you approve,” was my retort, flirting with real intent, to hell with the consequences. Dave got up and went for a shower and to put his swimming trunks on, then he came back to join me. We talked and flirted a little but kept the conversation at fun level only. The fun had definitely started.
The night ended in similar way to the previous night. Tiring early again I retired around nine. Uncle Dave followed up around twenty minutes later as l lay in bed reading and if I’m being honest, masturbating quietly! Dave went back downstairs around thirty minutes after he came up. I did wonder why this was what he had done on both evenings, and the next two that followed.
After some lazy days, more flirting at the pool and the introduction of me walking around the house with only a t-shirt and panties, my white thong seemed to get a lot of attention! Uncle Dave then announced that he was flying to Chicago rather than California and would only be gone for two days. His California trip had been put back. I waved Dave off and said we would have a nice dinner when he returned. I planned to dress sexily and had planned to find a way to expose myself to him in the house one day.
While Dave was away, I started thinking about his trips upstairs every night after I went to bed. He would always head over to one of the rooms that was not his bedroom, but a guest room, and he seemed to stay there for twenty to thirty minutes or so before heading downstairs. I decided, after trying to convince myself not to do it, that I would take a peep inside the guest room to see if I could see any obvious reasons to be up here.
The room was empty but for a king size bed, built in dressing rooms, a small bathroom and an office desk and chair. The desk had a small laptop PC on. I went to the desk and pressed enter on the keyboard. The computer was signed in, so I went to Internet explorer. It opened on to the last pages, his recent history. Five or six webpages were open, and they were all porn websites. The one that opened directly was featuring a small clip with an older guy and a babysitter; she was on his lap and his cock was deep insider her. A second website had a young nurse masturbating with a vibrator in front of the screen. I think she was on a webcam.
So this is what he gets up to, I thought! But why come upstairs to do this, surely it would make sense to look at porn downstairs or in his bedroom if I am in the room next door? I looked in the dressing room while I was there and fantasied about having my own bedroom with dressing room one day; it was very elegant. There were a few clothes in the room, mainly old suits and gym-wear, but it could have been an amazing dressing room. As I was leaving, I noticed a small panel on the wall that looked like a door. I touched it and it opened a little. There was a very small space with a stool inside and nothing else. Very strange I thought. I went inside and wondered what it was for?
There was a small piece of wood on the wall with a nail through it, as I touched it, it swung around, revealing a hole behind it. The hole went directly into another room in the house where I could see a bed, a TV and a suitcase on the floor.
My suitcase. It was my room.
I ran out and into my room to see where the hole was. On the wall where the hole should be I could see nothing, in fact there was a picture there. I removed the picture and I saw the hole. When I returned the picture to the wall, I could see that the picture also had a hole in it that blended into the dark flowers. It was the perfect spying hole, not visible from this side unless you were looking for it. Wow, the realisation hit me that my uncle had been spying on me undressing for bed every night.
My range of emotions kicked in over the next few days while my uncle was away on business. Anger, rage, betrayal, bemusement, curiosity, wonder and eventually settling on extremely turned on and ready to act. Was this the opportunity I had been craving?
The day before he returned, I played through a number of scenarios that I might play out for the night he returned. One thing was for sure, when I went to bed and if my uncle did his usual spy routine from the spare room, then he was in for a show. Dave returned around lunchtime, and I was sitting by the pool reading and relaxing.
He unpacked his things and we took a coffee together before he left for the local store to pick up some groceries for a meal this evening. I had promised to cook him Penne a la Vodka, a specialty of mine, which he was keen to try. Dinner went well and I drank a few glasses of rose wine whilst preparing to get in the mood, I was determined to maximise this opportunity. After dinner I told my uncle I was going for a shower. I went and showered, lingering for a long time in there touching myself and fantasising.
Before going to bed I decided to go downstairs and have an espresso and use these twenty minutes or so to tease and turn my uncle on as much as I could. I didn’t want him missing out on a spying mission tonight through tiredness after his trip, so I wanted to get him in the mood for an elongated look at me this evening. I came downstairs, smelling of an expensive Jo Malone perfume, wearing a tiny pair of pyjama shorts, which were very tight and very short, and a loose, open neck pyjama top, with no bra. My breasts were moving around as I moved, so I stayed as mobile as possible to attract attention to them.
I made the coffee then sat down next to my uncle on the sofa, throwing my bare legs over him and telling him I’d missed him while he was away, that it was good to have him back. I smiled and was enjoying the attention. My breasts were swelling out of the side of my top and I could see my uncle’s gaze fixing on them when he thought I wasn’t looking.
After coffee I gave him a slightly too long kiss on the lips and said goodnight. “Mmm, I can’t wait to get undressed and into bed,” I said. I looked for a reaction. I got a nervous smile that made me think he was wondering if I had an inkling.
He just responded, “Well go and get some more beauty sleep, not that you need it you little fox!” Very flirty, I liked it.
“Nighty night, hot Uncle,” I said, “sweet dreams.” I blew him a kiss and a lingering sexy smile as I slowly left the room and climbed upstairs.
I was tingling all over. I got into bed and turned the small lamp on so that there was a good view into the room from the spare room spy hole. I lay down and started to drift, then I heard my uncle’s footsteps up the stairs. He was clearly trying to not make too much noise.
He entered the room next to me and closed the door. I lay silent and with my new information, I could almost hear and imagine him creeping into the small peeping cupboard he had created and taking his seat. I was extra quiet as I tried to listen for the wooden cover being moved from its position over the spy hole. I’m pretty sure I heard it. Show time.
Lying on my back, I started to slowly run my hands over and stroke my tummy. I slowly lifted my top higher until it was just beneath my breasts. I put my hand inside my top and tweaked my nipples, one after the other. I then lifted my top over my breasts leaving them on full display. I squeezed them gently I then arched my back to access my shorts, which I slowly peeled down. I had no panties on and so started to…