When I was discharged a few days later he gave me the number to a woman he thought could help me and I went to see her the following day. After talking about general topics she asked me to start a diary about my sister. Every day I would write down a memory, good or bad.
At first, it was very difficult for me, I cried a lot and again my husband became worried, but I kept at it and after a week I felt better and looked forward to the time I would sit down and write. Today I will write about the weekend that changed my life, maybe it was for the good or for the bad, I really don’t know, but after thirty years I don’t think it will matter much. It happened ones and never again.
It was 1988 and our parents had decided we could stay at home over the weekend instead of going with them to visit my dad’s uncle. Jenny and I were happy that we didn’t have to go and decided to watch movies on the VHS player and eat junk food.
Jenny was three years older than I and in 1988 I was to turn seventeen. Jenny was already in college and commuted every day. She drove a blue Toyota which my father had bought her.
Her mother had divorced her first husband two years earlier and had met my dad at a convention. They fell in love but kept it a secret for several months. My mother had left my dad when I was little and I had very few memories of her. Apparently, she was an alcoholic and had run off with a man she had met at an AA meeting.
Jenny was my opposite. I liked to play softball and hang around with the guys. She rode horses and took ballet classes. She was tall, with dark brown wavy hair and a beautiful angular face with high cheekbones and full lips.
I had short cut hair, and on the chubby side of light without being fat. My eyes are clear blue and at the time my cheeks were round and Jenny loved to pinch them.
We got along very well from the beginning. Maybe it was because we were so different in our interests, I really don’t know. We never fought about clothes, makeup, or shoes. The few fights we had were mostly over what TV channels we should watch at night or similar stupid things.
Jenny liked guys and guys loved Jenny. She began showing boobs and hips early on and my dad had to walk with her to the park so that men would leave her alone. She looked much older than her real age and it was a problem. When she turned sixteen she fell in love with a guy who was in his twenties. My dad and her mom put a stop to that as soon as they found out. She threw tantrums and slammed doors and told them that they were assholes.
I had no idea what was going on, guys were so far from my mind that they could have lived on Jupiter. I had boys at school that were my friends but they never whistled after me or tried to touch my ass or boobs. I guess they knew I would have knocked them on their asses if they had tried.
As we grew older Jenny began to wear outrageously sexy clothes. It was micro skirts, tight tops, and boots. My father complained that she looked like a hooker but she didn’t care, she loved the attention it brought her. She would walk down the street and men of all ages would turn after her and she looked so proud and secure in her sexuality.
I hated my boobs; they were in the way when I played softball and soccer. While Jenny had perfectly round B cups I got huge D cups. She sometimes told me she was jealous of my tits and I told her she should be happy with the ones she had.
That weekend started off well. Our parents left and we walked down to the video rental place a few blocks away and picked up four movies to watch. When we got back home we ordered pizza and was about to sit down and eat it when the phone rang.
Jenny jumped out of the chair and ran over to answer it.
“Yeah, oh, hi, baby. Yes, they left. Nothing much, eating pizza with Pam. What are you doing, uh-huh? I think so, I’ll call you later.”
“Who was that?” I asked when she sat down again.
“Just a friend.”
A smile played on her lips and I insisted. “What friend, anyone I know?”
“No, he is a new friend.”
“Ah, I see. Does Dad know?”
She looked up at me. “No, and don’t you tell him a thing. I am old enough to have a boyfriend, but he keeps being an asshole about it.”
“Well, maybe if you could keep a guy for more than two months, he wouldn’t”
“It’s not my fault I have high expectations.”
I laughed and pushed my plate away. “Yeah, like they have to be rich, dark and handsome.”
“What’s wrong with that?”
“Nothing I guess, just they seem to be hard to find in this town.”
“Yeah, you are right. I should have gone to a bigger university with more options. Anyway, his name is Darren and I was wondering if it would be okay if he came over. We can still watch the movies.”
I had met several of my step-sisters guys and most of them had been alright, maybe not the sharpest tool in the shed, but cool enough. I figured Darren would be no different.
“Sure, no problem, I won’t tell Mom and Dad.”
Jenny got up and walked around the table and gave me a hug. “You are the best!”
Darren showed up an hour later and he had brought a twelve pack of beer with him. He was pretty good looking I must admit, tall, dark haired with kind puppy like eyes. He was dressed in jeans and a shirt that were clean, which was an improvement from some of the others.
“You didn’t tell me she was so pretty,” he said after he shook my hand.
I blushed and looked away.
“Why would I, then you would want to date her,” said Jenny and kissed him on the cheek.
We sat in the living room with me in one chair and Darren and Jenny on the sofa.
“Do you want a beer?” said Darren to me.
I looked at Jenny who nodded.
“Sure, thanks, “I said, trying to sound adult.
Darren took out three bottles and went to the kitchen to put the rest in the fridge. Jenny got up and went over to the VHS player to put in the cassette. As she bent over her skirt rode up and showed parts of her tight round ass. In that exact moment, Darren came back and stopped in his tracks.
“Wow, that is beautiful,” he said slowly.
Jenny stood up and when she turned around she was blushing and giggled a little. “Thanks, babe.”
It made me sick. Were all men only interested in ass and tits or did any of them have any thoughts that did not include sex, and Jenny how could she be so blatant in our home? I thought she had gone too far, but kept my mouth shut.
The movie came on and we sat in silence sipping our beers. Darren finished his first and when he went to the kitchen to get another Jenny leaned towards me and said, “What do you think?”
“He is cute, but why did you show him your ass?”
“Oh please, that was nothing, just some skin to keep him happy.”
I shook my head and turned back to the movie, which was quite good. I was so concentrated on it I didn’t pay much attention to anything else until I heard a moan coming from the sofa.
I looked over and saw Darren kissing Jenny’s neck and he had his arm around her shoulders. His other hand was caressing her thigh. She kept on watching the TV but I could see she was enjoying his touches. Sometimes her eyes would close ever so little and a smile played on her lips.
Apart from the miniskirt, she was wearing she had a tight top that showed off her navel and no bra. Her nipples were erect and showed through the fabric. I turned back to the movie with a sigh. If I hadn’t been there they would probably be fucking by now.
I knew Jenny wasn’t a virgin; she had lost it when she was seventeen. I still was, and I was in no rush to lose it either.
The movie reached a slow part and I took the opportunity to go to the bathroom. When I came back things had changed in the sofa, to the worse.
Darren and Jenny were making out, their lips pressed together and his hand was under her skirt.
“Hey, guys, I am here, hello!”
Jenny pulled away from him and wiped her lips with the back of her hand. “Sorry, Pam. We got carried away.”
I sat down in the chair and ignored her. But, something was happening, something felt off, and I couldn’t put my finger on it. Then I realized what it was, my nipples were hard. When it dawned on me I involuntary put my arms over my boobs and sat there with them crossed. I was wearing what I usually do at home, sports pants and a T-shirt.
I glanced over at Darren and Jenny who were back to kissing, ignoring me and the movie. I then uncrossed my arms and looked down, and sure enough. Even though I was wearing a sports bra I could see the outline of my erect nipples. This was bad, very bad. It usually only happened in the morning when my bedroom was cold, but the living room was nice and warm. Why had they reacted the way they had and to what?
The movie picked up and I forgot about my nipples and concentrated on the TV. Beside me, I heard the wet sounds of kissing and the occasional moan, mostly from Jenny. When I tried to block out the sounds they were making I couldn’t. I reached for the remote and turned up the volume a bit on the TV which helped. When the film ended I realized it was my turn to take the dog for a walk so I got up and turned to Jenny and Darren who were still making out.
“I’m taking Sparky for his walk; change the movie, will you.”
“Okay,” said Jenny between kisses.
The evening was warm and I walked Sparky for three blocks and then back again. After giving him his food and water I went into the living room but stopped in the doorway.
My jaw dropped as I saw what was happening on the sofa. Jenny had her hand around Darren’s cock which she had pulled out from the zipper opening. It was big, and the head was gleaming in the light coming from the TV. Darren had pushed up her top and was nuzzling her boobs.
“What the fuck, guys!” I called.
“Oh shit, your sister is back,” said Darren and his cock went limp in front of my eyes.
He quickly put it back in his pants and Jenny pulled down her top. “Sorry, Pam, I am so sorry. Please don’t tell Mom and Dad.”
“Look, I know what sex is, but show some respect and don’t do it in front of me. Go to your room if you have to do it.”
Darren glanced at Jenny who kept her eyes on me. “Yeah, maybe we should. If that’s okay with you?”
“I don’t care, all I want is to sit here, watch the movies and hang out. You can do whatever you want.”
They got up and before they went upstairs Darren said, “Thanks, Pam, you are really cool, and if you want to, you can have the rest of the beer.”
I muttered a response and then pressed the play button on the remote. Jenny hadn’t even changed movie so I had to get up and do it. I decided to have another beer and when I sat down again I heard the door close to Jenny’s room.
Halfway through the movie, my nipples became erect again. This time, I knew why but I didn’t like it. I just couldn’t get the image of Jenny holding Darren’s cock in her hand. She had looked so horny doing it, her face had changed and she had been looking down at it with hungry eyes, like if she would have sucked on it if I hadn’t walked in.
Ugh, I thought. Why on earth would she want to do that? I had never even touched a cock, not even kissed a guy. The idea of having sex was so far from my mind that it wasn’t even funny.
I looked down at my erect nipples and for some reason, my right hand was moving towards my right boob. I stared in fascination as it came closer and closer. It was as if it had its own life and I was watching it from afar. Suddenly my middle finger brushed against the nipple and I shivered.
Then to my own discussed I cupped my own large boob and gently squeezed it, and it felt good. It felt very good actually. I continued to massage it while watching the movie but the more I did it the movie became less interesting. My left hand came up and cupped my other boob and before I knew it I was half sitting, half lying in the chair playing with my tits.
I had never done that before. Don’t take me wrong, I knew what masturbation was and some of the girls in class had giggled over it, but I had never done it at sixteen. It was not something that had interested me.
But now, suddenly, my body had reacted to my own touches and there was a tingling sensation from between my legs.
I let go of my right boob and after checking that no one was behind me I slid my hand inside my pants and under the hem of my panties.
What was happening to me? Of course, I knew what it was, I was horny and my pussy was wet. But why had it happened, and why this specific day, what had changed in my life?
Then I realized what it had been. The sounds of Jenny and Darren making out, the sight of his cock and his lips kissing Jenny’s boobs, I had been turned on by my step-sister and her boyfriend. God, how sick was that?
The feeling from my cunt hadn’t gone away, it was still there, telling me to touch it, to explore and see what would happen. My mind was spinning, was I normal, did all the girls at school do this, or was I turning into a sex crazed nymphomaniac?
I moved over to the sofa and lay down. My nipples were still erect but my right hand was drawn to my pants and slid under the hem quickly this time until again my middle finger touch the slit. I moved it back and forth a few times and felt something go hard under it, my clit, I realized. As I pressed on it with my finger and moved it in a circular motion it felt very good. I closed my eyes and continued doing it until my lips parted and a low moan escaped. I put my free hand to my mouth, had that been me? Had I just moaned like Jenny had done earlier?
Suddenly my body responded to the stimulation from my finger and I bucked a little. My finger slipped inside my cunt and it was very wet and warm. I was about to take it out but…