Life for me growing up, particularly during me teenage years, was never easy as I was different. My name is Katherine Ackles, twenty-five years-old, and this is my story on how I met the woman who changed my life forever.
It was spring in 2014, and plants and nature were blooming, and the birds were singing, and the dogs barking in nearby gardens. It had been an ordinary day, like any other day, when the door to my own arts and crafts shop opened and in walked the most beautiful woman I had ever seen in my life. She was tall, slim, but curvy, with long dark hair.
The woman looked around my shop and sensed I was watching her so she turned her head slowly back over her shoulder in a seductive way. She turned her body and walked towards me with a smile. “Hi, do you have any paintings of wolves?” she asked.
I shook my head and my long, strawberry blonde hair in a side ponytail tumbled around my shoulders. I held my breath as my heart started to beat as I continued to look at her. “We only do sunsets.” I informed her.
“Aw, that’s a shame,” she replied with disappointment.
“But would you like some coffee while you look around?” I asked.
She smiled and tucked her hair behind her ear. Was she flirting with me? “I’d love some. Do you do frappuccinos?”
“Starbucks is down the street,” I said quite sternly.
“Sorry, just plain coffee then.”
I turned to the coffee machine behind me and began making her a cup.
“Your shop is really lovely,” she complimented.
I set her a mug of coffee on the counter. “Thank you. I designed it myself.
She took a sip of coffee. “Mmm, that’s delicious. Oh, where are my manners? I’m Megan Hathaway,” she extended her right hand and shook my hand.
“Katherine Ackles,” I replied. “Pleased to meet you.”
Suddenly, there was a loud car beep outside the shop.
“Oh, shoot!” Megan complained with a groan.
I looked out the window and there was an annoyed looking young man in a truck. I turned to her. “Is that your boyfriend?” I asked, as my heart sank.
“Fiance,” she replied. “But I ain’t happy with him.”
“Miss, tell me to mind my own business, but a beautiful young lady like you don’t need to be with someone like that,” I told her from the heart.
Megan placed her left hand on mine that sent an electrical spark between us. “Thank you, you’re so very kind. I will be breaking it up with him soon.”
Another loud and annoyed beep came.
“Will I be able to see you again?” she asked with hope.
“The shop can’t run by itself,” I said with a smile. “Yes, I ain’t going nowhere.”
Megan smiled and turned and walked towards the shop door. She looked back and smiled then walked out.
I watched as she got into the truck with her fiance who seemed to be yelling at her before he drove off. I smiled to myself just as my heart beated loudly against my chest. Would I see the most beautiful woman I had ever set eyes on ever again? I hoped I would. Was I in love? I think that I was.