I was seventeen that summer and even though I had a man’s body my mind was that of a shy teenager. I had never dated a girl and the few that lived in my neighborhood scared me with their giggles, bouncy boobs, and naked legs. As soon as I saw one, I would get a hard on and run away so they wouldn’t see. Later at night, I would masturbate alone in my bed remembering their soft looking skin and their tits hiding behind a T-shirt or tops.
My parents joked about me ending up as a monk, and my grandfather at one time suggested I might be gay. I hated it when they brought up the topic of me and girls and would walk away while they laughed. It wasn’t my fault I was shy; I had just turned out that way. While my friends would go on dates to the movies or for dinner I would sit at home playing video games or watch videos on the internet about diving. The silent world under the surface was my escape, my hiding place where I could be myself without the pressure of being a teenager.
As I sit here typing this out, I still remember with intense clarity that month in Spain. How it started off as any other vacation; the excitement, the sun, the beaches and the dinners out with my parents. But it ended with me turning into a man, a real man. A man who had had a pussy; and not only one but two hot pussies that made me come harder than any hand job I had given myself over the years.
The villa was located right on the edge of a deep cove. Across the blue water stood another similar villa and nothing else for miles. Both of them had trails leading down to swimming platforms but it was a dangerous walk over loose stones and rocks. When it rained during the winter the water dug deep furrows in the red earth and destabilized the steps. The owner fixed them each spring but it was impossible to keep up with Mother Nature’s destructive force. My parents let me use the steps but cautioned me to be careful and watch where I stepped.
The first day I went down them wasn’t the first day we arrived. We had already been in the villa for a few days but had gone to the beaches where I would spend hours in the water. It was much better than back home but still not what I had expected of the Mediterranean as far as underwater wildlife. Sure, there were fish, sea urchins, and a few other sea creatures but not what I had hoped for. I guessed it was due to the boats and people in the water.
I begged my parents to let me use the steps and eventually they gave in. That first time I began the long walk down I was scared shitless. The drop was well over a hundred feet straight down. The trail and steps snaked the way along the rock wall through small dry bushes and rock outcroppings. I guess the trail was about five hundred yards, and it took me almost thirty minutes to make my way down to the little platform at the bottom.
There was a bench in concrete and metal stairs leading into the water, similar to a pool ladder. The blue little waves lapped over the platform and wet my feet as I stood looking out over the shimmering water.
Across from me was the platform belonging to the other villa. It looked similar to mine but the distance from the villa down was much shorter and looked like an easier walk. I guessed the distance between us was about three hundred yards. As I stood there looking I heard laughter come across the water. I looked up and saw two figures making their way down the trail opposite me. It was too far away to see if they were men or women but the sound made me guess they were girls.
I bent down and cleaned out my mask and then put on my flippers. Walking backward I let myself fall into the warm water while pushing back from the edge. My vision cleared and I looked down. I gasped as I realized how deep it was. I guessed I was floating around thirty feet from the bottom. I had never been in such depth before. I slowly turned around and looked at the rock wall under the water.
There I saw a sea star for the first time in my life. I touched it and was surprised how soft it was. There were hundreds of sea urchins dotting the wall and small colorful fish sped in and out of holes and crevices. I giggled into my snorkel like a madman while looking at the amazing sight in front of me.
I decided to swim along the wall towards the shallower end of the cove and while I did I kept my eyes glued to it. Apart from the different fish I also saw an octopus glaring at me from inside a crevice and a bit further down a moray eel stuck out its ugly head and peered at me with evil looking eyes.
As it became shallower, I could make out rocks and sand on the bottom and the closer to the little stone beach I came I saw more fish and two more octopi. I wished I had an underwater camera so I could take pictures and show my friends back home. I decided to ask my dad if he could buy me one. I had seen cheap ones in a shop in town the previous day.
When I reached the beach I stuck up my head and looked around. It was filled with rocks and stones and not very attractive to sunbather but it was okay for me to rest a little bit before continuing my exploration. I had decided to swim around to the other side and then across it back to the platform.
When I began swimming again I felt the hot sun on my back. It had just come over the mountains and burned my skin. I should have put on sun lotion I realized and swam a bit faster to reach the shaded side of the cove. I swam over a wreck of a small speedboat that must have sunk in a storm because it was broken apart. The engine lay rusted and covered with seaweed and small mussels.
As I reached the rock wall on the other side I paused and stuck up my head to get a bearing of where I was. To my right across the water was the platform I had left and high above it I saw the white wall of the villa and a few palm trees. To my left was the cliff wall and straight ahead the open sea. I couldn’t see the platform belonging to the other villa and didn’t hear any voices. I thought that the people I had seen hadn’t made their way all the way down. That was good, I could use that platform to rest before I made it across to my side, I thought.
I began swimming again with my head turned to the left so I could see the fish along the rocks. A few minutes later I felt more than saw something big hit the surface in front of me. I stopped and tread water but kept my head under the surface looking forward. When the bubbled cleared I saw a body treading water some ten yards in front of me. It was a young woman’s body and she was naked. I quickly swam closer to the cliff wall and kept my head down. I realized I was so deep inside the shade and close to the wall that the person couldn’t see me.
While I watched another body hit the water and then laughter erupted. This new person was also a young woman and equally naked. The two bodies moved closer to each other and one of them put her hand on the other’s boob and squeezed it. I stopped breathing and kept completely still. This was better than any of the porn videos I had seen on my friends VHS player, a live lesbian show and under water. It was fantastic.
The two bodies moved even closer and the hand moved from the boob downwards until it slid in between the legs. I heard more laughter and then the person whose pussy had been touched used her hand to move the other away and then they swam away from me. I swore under my breath and risked moving closer, still hugging the rock wall. I scratched my elbow against an outcropping but didn’t care, I wanted to see more.
The bodies had disappeared and I was becoming worried that they had left when one of them hit the water just a few yards from me. The impact scared me since I wasn’t ready for it. I grabbed an outcropping and stopped moving. A few seconds later the other body hit the water. I realized there must have some kind of shelf above me from where they jumped.
This time, they didn’t touch each other but just swam away. I decided it was time to go before they saw me and accused me of being a peeping Tom. I turned around and began the swim back to my side along the same way I had come instead of cutting across the open water. I had swum for a minute or so when a stone hit the water a few feet from me and then another. I stopped and tread water with my head above the surface.
“Hey, you, this is a private area,” screamed a voice from behind me.
I turned and looked up. The two girls, who looked to be around my age, stood on a rock shelf with towels around them.
“You pervert, we will tell our parents,” shouted the second girl and threw a stone at me.
It missed my head by a foot and plunged into the water.
“You are crazy,” I shouted and began to swim as fast as I could towards the stone beach where I hid behind a big rock. More stones peppered the water around me for a while and then it stopped.
When swam out from behind the rock I looked back and saw the two girls making their way up the trail. I swore to myself I would never swim to their side again, no boobs or pussy in the world was worth the risk of being hit in the head with a stone. Crazy bitches, I thought when I was back on the platform and taking off my flippers. Then I began the long hot walk back up again.
When I walked through the little gate leading into the garden I saw my parents sitting under a large parasol by the pool with drinks in front of them. My mother saw me first and waved.
“Hi Jason, how was the swim?”
“Amazing, so different from the beaches and there is a small boat wreck down there. Dad, can you buy me an underwater camera tomorrow?” The words streamed out as I sat down at the table and reached for a jug of OJ.
“Stop!” said my dad and put his hand on mine.
He grinned and said, “It has vodka in it.”
I got up and went to get a drink from the fridge and when I sat back down again with a cool can of soda in my hand, my mother said, “We are invited for dinner tonight.”
“Oh, by whom?” I said.
“The Italian family that is staying in the villa across from us.”
Oh shit, I thought. This was not good. The girls would recognize me and there would be hell to pay for spying on them.
“Uh-huh, do I have to go? I prefer to chill out here,” I said.
“Yes, Jason. You will come with us,” said my dad.
“Right, okay. What time?”
“They said we should be there at nine for drinks and to watch the sunset together,” my mother said after taking a drink from her glass.
I checked my diving watch. It was only six in the evening so I had time to come up with a plan how to defend myself against any accusations.
“Okay, I will be ready. Formal clothes or can I go in shorts?”
“Dress nicely, please,” my dad said.
I took my soda with me and walked to my room. From the window, I could see the villa across the cove and wondered what the two girls were doing. That brought back the memory of them touching. If they were friends, that would be so cool.
I took a short nap before taking a long shower. I dressed in a pair of white cotton pants, a light blue short sleeved shirt and wore sandals on my feet. It was still hot when I walked down the stairs and met my parents in the hall.
“Ready?” said my dad.
“Yep, I am. Let’s go, I am starving.”
We decided to walk since my parents assumed there would be wine on the menu and they were careful about not drinking and driving. The walk took almost thirty minutes at snail pace because of the heat. When we arrived at the villa we were soaked in sweat and I didn’t feel very fresh at all. My mom knocked on the door and a few minutes later it opened.
“Hi, and welcome,” said a petite woman with short black hair and dressed in a white skirt and blouse.
“Please come in out of the heat. The AC is on and you will soon feel better,” she continued and held up the door.
My dad wiped sweat from his forehead with a paper tissue and led the way in. She was right, the house was very cool and there was soft music playing from hidden speakers. It was something classical but I didn’t know by whom.
When the woman had closed the door behind us she said to me, “hi, I am Monica.”
“I’m Jason and it’s nice to meet you.”
“My daughter Paola and her friend Rina are out by the pool. Why don’t you go and introduce yourself while I take your parents to the living room where my husband is.”
She pointed to open French doors to my left and I took a deep breath before I faced my fate. At first, I didn’t see the two girls. I was standing just outside the door looking out over the calm infinity pool with the sea behind it. Then I heard the sound of glasses and I took a few steps forward and looked to my left.
“Hi, are you Jason?” said the shorter of the two brunettes that sat at a round table.
“Come, sit down. Don’t be shy,” said the taller one.
When I did ,the shorter said, “I am Paola and this is my friend Rina.”
“Nice to meet you,” I said, wondering if I could be so lucky that they didn’t recognize me from earlier.
“Do you want a drink?” said Paola.
“Cool, come with me Rina, we need new ones too.”
When they stood up I realized they wore the same kind of clothes, white summer dresses that ended less than half way down their tanned thighs. Paola had smaller boobs than Rina; hers were large and she showed off her cleavage. They weren’t wearing bras and I felt my cock grow in my pants. I swore over my choice of clothes. If I had to stand up, they would see my dick poking against the fabric. When they walked away from me their asses moved seductively under the dresses and I had to look away or my tongue would have fallen out like a dog’s.
A few minutes later they came back. Rina’s boobs bounced in her dress and when she put down a glass in front of me I could see down her cleavage.
“There you go, a nice cold Mojito,” she said.
“Oh, I usually don’t drink alcohol,” I said.
Paola looked at me, surprise and confusion in her eyes. “Why not?”
“Well, my parents don’t let me.”
“How old are you?” asked Rina.
She laughed. “We are sixteen and our parents let us drink, not a lot, but we are on vacation so they don’t really care.”
“Lucky you, mine are assholes.”
They both laughed and then we touched glasses. The Mojito was strong and burned its way down my throat, but it tasted good.
“Before you arrived we were talking about a man, a real pervert who we chased away by throwing stones at him earlier today,” said Rina after she put down her glass.
I played it cool. “Oh, sounds dangerous. Do you know who he is?”
“No, it’s the first time we have seen him since we arrived last week. But he swam along the rock wall so we couldn’t see him and then watched while we bathed naked,” said Paola.
I swallowed hard and tried to sound serious. “Maybe it’s not a good idea to go skinny dipping?”
“Why not, it’s a private platform attached to this house, and we have rights?” said Rina, a little bit of irritation in her voice.
Both girls spoke good English but had sexy accents. My cock was still semi erect in my pants and I moved my chair a bit closer to the table before saying, “That is true, I guess, but the sea is not and anyone has the right to be in it.”
Paola glared at me. “So, you think it’s okay for some pervert to stare at us? He could have raped us!”
“I am not saying it is okay, all I am saying is that now that you know he is around, maybe you should wear bikinis.”
“Bullshit, I like to tan naked,” said Rina and drank from her glass.
And I like watching you naked; I thought and did the same.
There was a long silence before Paola smiled and said, “Tell us, do you have a girlfriend back home?”
“No, and you, any boyfriends?”
The girls giggled and looked at each other.
“No, we don’t. All the guys in school are assholes anyway,” said Rina.
While they told me about life in Italy I took a few moments to take them in. Rina was half a head taller than Paola with almond shaped eyes and a full mouth. Her hair was slightly wavy and she liked to move it with her hand. I knew she had a curvy body and her boobs must be at least a C cup.
Paola was similar to her mother but not as short. Her hair was dark brown and straight. It ended far down her back and she wore it a loose ponytail. Her face was oval and with a small mouth. When she picked up her glass I noticed that her hands were small and I wondered if her fingers would reach all the way around my shaft. They both wore perfect makeup that made them look at least three years older than they were.
We continued to talk and had another round of drinks before Monica showed up.
“Dinner is ready,” she said and smiled.
We got up and I felt the Mojito had gone to my head. This was the first time I had tried alcohol and I didn’t want to make an ass of myself in front of Paola and Rina. For some reason, they made me feel comfortable, not like the girls back home. Maybe it was because they seemed to be more mature than my classmates. In any case, I decided not to have more drinks that evening.
The dinner was a huge affair with many plates one better than the other. There was anti-pasta, pasta, fish, Italian meatballs and lots of red wine.
When it was time to leave my parents were quite drunk and so were Monica and her husband Pietro. He was a big man with a large belly who obviously enjoyed his food and talked loudly. I found him a bit strange in the beginning but he had grown on me as the evening progressed.
Rina and Paola were also quite drunk by the time we left. They both leaned against the wall in the hall giggling with their hands against their mouths. They looked adorable standing there, their tanned skin playing off the white paint. My cock came alive and I turned quickly before they saw it.
As we walked down the steps to the road Paola called after me. “Come by tomorrow, and we can go swimming together.”
“Cool,” I said without turning around.
It took me a long time to take my parents back to the villa in the dark. My mother had been smart enough to bring a flashlight but still, it took me almost an hour before we opened the front door and they stumbled in. They decided to have a nightcap by the pool but I was so tired after all the food and the Mojitos I went upstairs and crashed onto my bed. I did manage to take off my clothes and drop them on the floor before sleep took me off to dreamland where Paola and Rina kissed naked on a large bed.
The following morning I found my parents in the kitchen nursing huge hangovers with coffee and breakfast.
“Hi,” I said.
“Uh, I feel horrible,” my dad said and pressed his hands to his temples.
“Me too,” said my mother.
“That’s the price you pay for drinking too much,” I said while building a mountain of bacon and scrambled eggs on a plate.
“It was a nice evening, though. Will you be seeing the girls today? They seemed very nice and it would be good for you to be around people your own age,” she said.
“Yeah, I will walk over after I have eaten. What are you doing today?”
“Nothing,” said my dad and closed his eyes.
Half an hour later, I walked under the burning sun along the road leading to where Rina and Paula were staying. In the daylight, I could see that the house was much bigger than where I stayed. I carried my swimming gear in a plastic bag but had decided to leave my snorkeling equipment behind, just in case they would recognize my yellow flippers.
“Hi, the girls are in their room getting ready, can I get you a drink?” said Monica when she opened the door for me.
“No, I am fine, thank you.”
“Okay, wait in the living room, they will be right down.”
Monica looked as fresh as a daisy with no sign of a hangover. I found Pietro in the living room where he was reading a paper with his fat legs on a glass table. It was a wonder it didn’t break under the weight.
“Good morning, young man. How are your parents?” he said when he saw me.
“Hungover but okay.”
He laughed. “Yeah, they did have a bit too much to drink.”
“I guess they are not used to it, they don’t drink much at home.”
“Oh, well we Italian always have wine with dinner, it’s part of the fun.”
At that moment I heard voices and a few seconds later Paola and Rina walked in. They were both dressed in colorful wraps that they had tied around their hips and wore bikini tops. Rina’s boobs almost escaped the small flap of fabric and I saw that Paola’s nipples were erect.
“Hi Jason, are you ready?” Paola said.
I got up. “Sure.”
“I followed them around the pool to a similar gate to the one the villa I stayed in had but there the similarities ended. This villa had a proper trail to follow down to the swimming platform and it was an easy five-minute walk down.
“Do you like jumping and diving?” said Rina when we arrived.
“Sure, why do you ask?”
She pointed up and to our right. There was a cliff shelf about fifteen feet above us. “We can jump from there, the water is very deep so there is no danger,” she said.
I took out my towel and wrapped it around my waist and then took off my shorts I had been wearing and put on my swimming trunks. When I looked up I realized the girls were staring at me.
“What?” I said.
“We don’t wear a bikini when we swim,” said Rina.
“But I thought after what happened yesterday you would.”
“No, we will not let a stupid pervert stop us from skinny dipping,” said Paola and untied her wrap while Rina did the same.
In front of my eyes, the two girls then proceeded to take off their bikini tops and bottoms. When they were naked they climbed up a few steps carved into the cliff face until they stood on the shelf above me. I had had a clear view of their asses and pussies as they climbed up and my cock stood straight out in my trunks.
Rina had a beautiful round ass with a narrow waist. Her boobs had bounced nicely when she climbed up the rock and I caught a glance of a pink pussy when she stretched one leg in front of another. Paola had a slimmer body and a small tight ass, and both their bodies were perfectly tanned.
“Hey, take those trunks off and come and join us,” Rina called down.
“Uh, I can’t,” I said.
“Why not, are you afraid of heights?” said Paola.
“No, it’s not that, I just can’t right now.”
I heard them giggle and then Rina said, “Jason, do you have a hard on?”
“Yes you do, how cute is that?” said Paola and giggled.
Rina laughed and said, “It’s okay, don’t worry about it. As soon as you are in the water it will go away. We don’t mind.”
I felt so stupid standing there with my trunks away from my body due to my erection. Maybe they were right, the water might help. Fuck it, I thought and pulled them down.
“Yeah, look at that,” said Rina and pointed.
“Wow, that is big,” said Paola and then she took Rina’s hand and they jumped.
I climbed up and by the time I reached the shelf my hard on was gone. When I looked down I could see the girls treading water below me.
“Here I come,” I called and jumped.
The water was warm against my skin and it was a strange feeling swimming with my cock free. It felt nice, though, and as I swam up to the girls I laughed.
“What’s so funny?” said Rina.
“This, I have never swum naked before, it’s cool.”
“C’mon, let’s do it again,” said Paula.
We probably jumped another ten times before I called a stop to it. I needed a rest and the sun was shining invitingly on the platform. I climbed out of the water and folded my towel which I sat down on with my back against the cliff wall.
Rina and Paola got out of the water and did the same so they sat opposite me.
“This is so nice, “I said and closed my eyes, letting my muscles relax.
“Yeah, I don’t want to go back home,” said Rina.
“When are you leaving?”
“We have another three days,” added Paola.
We sat in silence for a while and I almost drifted off to sleep when I heard a strange sound. I slowly opened my eyes and when I saw what was happening in front of me I sat absolutely still.
Paola sat with her knees pulled up and her legs apart. Rina was leaning in and they were kissing while Rina’s hand cupped Paola’s pussy. I realized she was finger fucking her friend because that was the sound I had heard. It was wet and sounded so fucking sexy my cock grew hard in an instant. I didn’t move, instead, I just sat there watching them.
Paola slowly moved so she was lying on the platform with her head on the towel where her ass had been. Rina moved on top of her facing me and when she looked up she saw I was staring at them.
“Oh, I hope you don’t mind. We can’t do anything in the villa. Paola’s parents don’t know we have sex and they would kill us if they did.
I didn’t answer but slowly nodded. Rina smiled and lowered her head and I saw her pink tongue come out as it touched Paola’s clit. It resulted in a moan from her and then Rina began to suck on her friend’s pussy. From the movements, Rina was making I realized that Paola was giving her the same treatment. The girls became louder and their gasps and moans floated out over the water beside us. I looked down at my cock, pre-cum was oozing out and I wanted to jerk off right there and then.
I had hardly finished my thought when Rina said, “Jason, would you like me to help you with that?”
“I would,” I said in a weak voice.
“Paola, I’m going to take care of Jason, if you want to help out.”
“Sure,” the muffled voice of Paola said from under her.
When Rina moved away from Paola she sat up and I saw her face was gleaming with pussy juice in the sun.
“Oh my, that it a beautiful cock,” she said and licked her lips.
I had to ask them. “I thought you were lesbians?”
Rina giggled. “We are bisexual; it’s just that we take the opportunity here to be together, back home we live quite far from each other even though we go to the same school.
Before I had a chance to answer she wrapped her fingers around my shaft and I sighed with pleasure when she began to stroke me.
Paola came over and sat down next to Rina. She began to caress my chest with her small hands and then she leaned in and kissed me. I could taste Rina’s pussy on her lips and I loved it. I had never tasted anything so sweet and still tangy in my life. Our kiss became deeper and when I felt Rina’s lips slide over my cock head I had to pull away from Paola and gasp.
The warm feeling of the month around my shaft was better than anything I had imagined while watching porn. I looked down and the sight of Rina’s full lips stretched around my cock was such a turn on I thought I was going to come right there and then. She went at it hard, gagging and moving her head up and down fast.
“Slowly, you are going to finish him off before I have a chance to try him,” said Paola.
With a long slurp, Rina took my cock from her mouth and Paola took over. She had a completely different way of doing it. While Rina was hungry and deep throated me until she had gagged Paola was gentle and sweet. Her little mouth looked like it would break at the edges as she forced herself to take me all the way inside. Her eyes opened wide when my cock head reached the back of her throat where she kept it while her tongue moved around that special place under my cock.
“God, it feels so good, please don’t stop, Paola,” I moaned.
She didn’t, instead, she took the head in her mouth and let her tongue run around it until I was gasping and my legs were trembling.
She let go of my dick and said, “Can I fuck him first?”
“Sure,” said Rina and moved away.
While keeping eye contact with me, Paola straddled me and then Rina grabbed my shaft and guided it into her friend’s cunt. When she sat down on me I let go of a long sigh as I slid into the warmth of the young Italian girl. She whimpered as she slid all the way down and then bit into my shoulder.
“Ah, you fill me up so much more than any other guy,” she whispered before she began to ride me.
Her back was wet with sweat and her face and forehead too but I didn’t care, she looked sexy as she moved up and down my shaft. Her eyes lost their focus and she opened her lips and her warm breath touched my face and she rode me faster.
“C’mon, my turn,” said Rina.
“No, no, I want more,” said Paola between gasps.
“He will come any minute. Please, let me try him,” insisted her friend.
“God, you are selfish,” said Paola when she got off me.
I was trying not to shoot my load. I thought of everything unsexy I could think off and then Rina grabbed my shoulders and pulled me towards her.
“I want you on top of me.”
She lay down on the hard platform and then spread her legs while pulling up her knees. I looked down and saw her swollen pussy lips and I knew wouldn’t last long in that position.
Then Paola did the coolest thing. She squatted over her friend’s face and Rina understood what she wanted. I waited a few minutes watching Rina lick her friend’s pussy before I gently pushed my cock inside Rina’s soft cunt. It was not as tight as Paola’s, but much wetter. She wrapped her legs around my waist and pushed her pelvis hard against me and when I began to thrust we found a rhythm that wasn’t too fast or slow and let her continue to lick her friend.
To my great surprise Paola came first. She let go of a few small yelps and then literary fell back on her ass. She sat there with a goofy smile on her face but Rina didn’t let me look at her for long before she pulled my face towards hers and we kissed. Her nails ran down my own sweaty back and then they dug into my skin.
“Oh yes, oh yes, fuck me, fuck me like you have never fucked before,” she said into my ear.
Before I could stop it, I had already said the words, “you two are my first.”
Then I came. My balls contracted, my mouth opened and I long moan escaped my lips and I looked down at the young girl under me. Her hair was wet from sweat and plastered to her face and forehead. Her lips parted as I pumped my seed into her and then she came. She bit into my shoulder and I yelped as her teeth broke my skin. Her legs held me harder and I could feel her pussy grabbing at my cock. Then she relaxed and let go of me.
“Ouch, that hurt,” I said when I sat back and rubbed my shoulder.
Rina smiled at me but didn’t get up. She lowered her legs and then stretched her arms behind her head and her hands searched for Paola.
When they found her legs she said, “Paola, I can’t believe he was a virgin.”
“Neither do I, he was very good and lasted a lot longer than I had thought.”
“Thanks, I’ve got to be the luckiest guy in the world. Imagine, two girls at once my first time.”
They laughed. I looked at them and then my gaze moved down to Rina’s pussy. It looked so inviting my cock grew hard again. When it did I saw a drop of cum gleaming at the end and I realized we hadn’t used protection.
“I hope you two are on the pill,” I said, a bit worried.
They both nodded, and the Paola said, “It looks like you are ready for another round?”
“Yeah, I am.”
Rina got up and then said, “Good, but first I need a swim to cool off.”
“Me too,” said Paula and did the same.
I watched them dive into the blue water and thought to myself that I would not leave the platform until they begged me not to fuck them anymore.
All that happened twenty years ago. Rina is sitting next to me on the plane and we are flying towards Spain.
After that summer we kept in contact, first by regular snail mail and then later on by e-mail. I met Rina again when I was thirty; we fell in love and married the following year. Paola was always in our life, but she married a Polish man and moved to Gdansk.
She had recently gone through a nasty divorce and when she called and asked if we could meet, both Rina and I said yes. We decided to rent a villa together, and guess what? It is the same one that they stayed in all those years ago.