The track speeding across in front of him cut into the rough patches of dried dirt he was standing upon. Reddish-brown tarmac, divided into four evenly spaced lanes cut horizontally through, running perfectly straight away from each opposite side of him until turning into outwardly, wide arching semi-circles. They swept largely around to join another parallel straight section of track that shot through the ground on the horizon to connect into the tarmac into a perfect large oval. Bold, white paint separated each of the four straight columned lanes.
The oval track bordered a freshly mowed green grass field from within. A thick, white painted line stained the blades of fresh grass, forming a large rectangle that touched the points where the track began its semi-circle. Large, white plastic goal posts had been placed in the middle of each of the shortened sides of the rectangular border, connected by another white beam that ran across the top of them. Bright yellow colored nets hung from the tops of these posts, each staked into the ground with thick metal rods to keep them in place.
At Frank’s back, a five row seated bleacher ran parallel to the tarmac track. Black square shaped iron bars supported long rows of flat silver aluminum benches that neatly ran the length of the straightened track. Silver colored iron posts dug into the ground at each back corner of the bleachers, launching high up into the air. Adorning the top of each of them were several spherical lights set up in rows of five across each post.
The opposite side of the tarmac also had lighting posts positioned at each outside corner of the track. A large rectangular gray bricked two-story building could be viewed centered in between them in the distance. A dirt trail leading from the track morphed into a straight sand sidewalk where it led to several flattened stone gray steps inclining into an iron double door entrance.
The track also traced under another set of black iron columns to Frank’s right as its circular route turned back towards the opposite parallel line. These narrow metal supports rose up into a flattened black scoreboard that had the Percy High Cavalier logo written across the top. Sections on the scoreboard underneath the logo presented the scores for the Cavaliers and the visiting team, as well as a timer. At the moment, the board’s lights were turned off, reflecting a dull black surface.
Frank drank the quiet moments in. Mixed smells of grass and sweat perforated his senses while he silently reflected. His roughened hands moved to his waist, tugging at the shirt tails of his gray buttoned down casual dress shirt. They worked to slip the shirt out from under his black leather belt, creating air pockets between the fabric tightly adhering to his stomach muscles. The hands stopped, leaving his shirt seams tucked inside the tan colored business pants.
The summer air was too humid for this kind of attire and he needed to allow room for the skin on his chest to breathe. Slipping the knot of his dark red necktie, he tugged it out from his shirt collar and wrapped the silk around a meaty left wrist. The tie still dangled from his roughened fingers as he unfastened the button on his collar. He placed the tie into his left pants pocket.
Frank tried to remember the last time the temperature had kept to such a sweltering state for such a late September week.
The bustling of student athletes milling about the field and track area created an environment filled with youthful activity. A few young people had taken spots on the bleachers, watching the players running about on the field. Intermingled shouts sporadically cut into the quiet nature filled serenity.
Frank focused back on his Danielle, watching her sprint around the field among the other female athletes on her team. The white top and crimson shorts of her Cavalier team jersey whipped around her limbs as she jerked her knees and sharply moved her elbows. Her waist was kept in constant rotation as she twisted the lacrosse stick with her fingers, jerking it sharply around in defensive movements.
Another muscular girl of African American descent kept fighting to keep the ball in her own lacrosse stick away from the harassment of Danielle’s own club. The spongy white ball, however, became knocked loose from the net as Danielle brought the stick upon it. His daughter sidestepped the black girl and attempted to scoop up the ball but Amy’s smaller frame darted past the scuffle. She stepped behind the determined dark skinned girl, snatching the ball up from the turf with her own stick’s net before Danielle could get to it.
“What? Amy, get the hell back here!” Danielle’s voice was heard shouting as it turned into a laugh. Her black haired Asian friend paid her no mind, retreating toward the farther goal post with the ball in the stick.
Frank calmly kept his eyes on his daughter as both girls gave Amy chase, watching Danielle’s honey blonde hair whip side to side with each stride. His eyes reflected a quiet admiration. His daughter was nothing else if tenacious. A feeling of happiness seeped inside with himself for creating some time to watch her practice the sport she loved to play.
His left foot took a step backward onto the dirt caked tufts of grass as he shifted his weight. As he did so, he took a moment to glance at the large parking lot in the left distance, making sure that his black mustang was being left alone.
Three younger male students had been admiring the car’s sleek finish a few minutes ago. He didn’t mind if anyone took a moment to inspecting it, as he would have probably done the same. However, he had no intention of tolerating anybody who got the idea to place their hands on the waxed metal. Thankfully, though, the boys had all moved off to somewhere else.
As his vision horizontally moved back towards the field, he caught a few white and crimson garbed figures walking the left side route of the tarmac track. The group consisted of four people, all exceptionally slim figured girls. As he allowed himself a longer observation, he realized that each of them was wearing the crimson two piece uniforms of the Percy High Cavalier Cheerleading Squad. Crimson halter tops with white seams hung about their revealed shoulders while pleated crimson skirts bordered with a thin white line on each folded edge swished lightly about their thighs.
Frank’s muscles tensed as he picked out each girl one by one, praying that one of them was not a specific individual. The white tennis shoes of the girls padded the tarmac as they headed closer to where he was standing. Three of the girls were walking side by side while the last was casually following a few steps behind.
The three girls pacing next to each other each had adolescent figures, much too young to be considered desirable by an older gentleman like himself. Only the long legged blonde haired female in the center held any sort of mature attraction. The center cheerleader’s height was a head taller then the African American girl escorting her at her left side and the brunette Caucasian girl guarding her right was even shorter. While the shoulder-length blonde may have been considered pretty by most, the expression of entitlement reflecting on her young face drew an old embarrassing memory into Frank’s mind.
He blinked it aside, as his vision settling on the cheerleader following behind. This girl’s body was decidedly more mature compared to the others walking before her. Her height matched that of the blonde but her shoulders and hips held a more curvaceous adult appeal. A familiar shade of chestnut hair flowed straightly down into the back of her neck.
Frank’s spine threw a nervous chill through his extremities as he recognized the familiar soft facial features of Kelly.
‘Oh no,’ he thought.
Flashing visions of the sequence that occurred the other day began playing into his brain. Dreams of naked curved legs relaxed on the cream colored passenger seat of his mustang danced around in his mind. She had let him see the whole of them, even revealing her intimate pink panties to him. Since then, he had still wondered how that perverted scene had come to play throughout and more importantly why he had allowed it to happen. Thankfully, no one else had found out about it.
He swallowed hard as her approaching figure started to draw near. Purposefully moving his head to the right, he focused on the practicing athletes running about the lacrosse field, while placing his right hand into the folds of his tanned business pocket. Deliberately bringing up his left hand to his face, he openly palmed his roughened fingers across his left cheek, leaving it there amid scratching stubble in a pitiful attempt to pretend not to notice her approach.
As Kelly blindly walked behind the three members of her squad, she crooked her head when she caught notice of the tall experienced man standing rigidly straight in front of the approaching bleachers. Her eyelids slightly widened as recognition set in. Broad of shoulders and slim in waist, he cleanly wore the tall tan business slacks well. His gray shirt once again unbuttoned at the collar, pulled loosely up from his black leather belt, clinging tightly onto to his widened torso.
The hot sun was treating him harshly, blotting his casual shirt with sweat stains under his unbuttoned collar and armpits. His business styled brown hair, graying at the roots did little to hide his squarely hardened facial features. Danielle’s father stared with intensity at the lacrosse team on the school playing field, rubbing at the darkened sweat-moist stubble across his left cheek.
Thoughts of herself hiking up her cheer-leading skirt to reveal her panties to that man flashed back into her brain. A sense of excitement tinged through her at the memories of his expressions. The faces he had made inside that car whenever he had turned his leering eyes upon her legs had been priceless. A very visible battle had played out as he struggled in his job at driving the mustang, trying not to stare at her legs. Every time his determination failed however, she had rewarded him by moving her thighs, forcing her skirt to slip up to allow him even better and better peaks.
She couldn’t help but turn the glossy lipstick glazed corners of her mouth into a smile while she pressed her small tongue up against the tip of her right incisor.
“Excuse me, everybody,” she called out in her feathery voice.
The squad of girls stopped their pace for a brief moment, swiveling their hips to give Kelly their attention. Her smile grew to a more seriously thin expression as she narrowed her eyelids at the blonde girl’s annoyed face.
“I will catch up later with you all. Is that okay?” Kelly informed with a noticeably less then feathery tone.
Allison took a few seconds, her facial features showing Kelly that it wasn’t. She shrugged her slim shoulders.
“Yeah okay. See you later Kelly,” Allison spoke shortly.
The squad positioned on their heels, giving each of their pleated skirts a small twirl before tracing their pace up the lanes of the track. Kelly watched their backs for a brief moment before letting out a small sigh. Then she pivoted her white ankle socks towards the tall older gentleman.
Out of the corner of his left eye, Frank watched the squad of girls briefly exchange words. Kelly had seemingly said something to them that had caught their attention. At the end of the brief conversation, he realized Kelly had broken away from them. Not only that, but her new trajectory was straight toward his direction.
Great. He felt a sudden heaviness pour into his chest. He thought that, maybe, he could have avoided another confrontation with her, at least for awhile. But he had to settle for the day’s present reality. At intervals, he switched his left brown eye above his palmed cheek between the playing field and the approaching cheerleader.
Kelly’s white tennis shoes paced along the track, taking small purposeful steps. The shoes brought her closer to his standing figure, stepping diagonally to the edge of the outer lane. Her pace was deliberately slow. White tennis shoes stepped off the track and kicked along the rough patches of lawn. The shoes reached about a foot away from his own and then straightened to a full stop, both of them evening out to about two inches apart on the dirt.
His eyes saw white crew socks neatly folded in a circle around small smooth ankles. Tanned young shins inclined from them into smooth hairless skin that traveled provocatively upwards around extremely female curved calves. Creeping up into a slight triangle, both legs drew into circled knee caps connecting to youthful tan thighs. Fleshing out from the knees, the soft skin’s perimeters slightly grew as they crept invitingly up into the hemline of the red and white pleated cheerleading skirt.
Kelly’s intuitive senses knew that his revealed eyeball was glancing at the skin of her legs. She crooked her left knee backward and pointed the tip of her left tennis shoe into the dirt so as to catch the hemline of her skirt with the front skin of her thigh.
“Hello, Mr. B.” Frank heard the feathery voice greet him.
She stifled a giggle as he pretended to look up from his palm. Sliding the rough darkly tan hand from his cheekbone, he bunched his fingers into the left pocket of his slacks. Then he allowed his eyesight to fall on the whole sight of her. Calmly, he cleared his throat.
“Hello, Kelly,” he greeted back with as less expression on his face and in his voice that he could muster.
“Have you come to pick up Danielle today?” she asked in her simple feathery voice as she drew her wrists alongside the back of her halter top, swiveling her eyes momentarily to the playing field before bringing them intensely back onto his square face.
“I have, yes,” Frank replied to her with a simple nod as he met with those eyes.
Her face was as young as he remembered it from a day ago. Light pink blusher adorned her cheeks now and her glossy lipstick matched the creamy tan color of her smooth skin. He took notice in the difference of her hairstyle. While before the strands of her chestnut color hair had been fairly wavy, now it lay flat straight around the back of her neck.
“Did you change your hairstyle?” Frank asked, trying to find a way to avoid the monumental elephant in the room that they two alone only both knew about.
“Oh yes,” She crooked her neck back as she responded with her feathery tones,” Sometimes, there are things that can just get in the way.”
Frank wondered if there was a hidden meaning in her comment. He swallowed and looked away, thinking about the humidity in the air. The pressure of Kelly’s presence was causing his clothes to become even more uncomfortably hot.
Several brief seconds followed as she stared directly at him, never flinching a muscle. A nagging pressure of eyes watching him emerged. Shifting his stance uncomfortably, he eventually gave into the hypnotic urge to stare back into the wide circled eyes of the cheerleader. Her ability to lead people with those eyes was amazing.
“So,” his hands fumbled about in his pockets as he tried to think of some other subjects to discuss with her.
His attention started to wander downwards from her lips to the skin above her halter top, ”Are they your Squad?”
Kelly’s eyes averted down the side of the track to where the group of girls was still walking. They had already journeyed along the track to the opposite ends of the bleachers. When Kelly turned her neck, Frank’s glance found a chance to shoot down to the rounding material of her crimson halter top.
“Yes Mr. B. We are practicing a new routine today, so I cannot talk to you for very long,” she explained.
The crimson fabric had been made to size high school figures. But Kelly’s decidedly more adult chest had seemingly outgrown it. Her halter top’s bottom hem struggled to touch the waistband of her pleated skirt but more often failed, showing off slight sections of her slim rounded stomach. The white letters sewn across the crimson on her chest conformed around large perfectly circled hills that severely rose out from her torso.
The crimson shirt adhered around their spherical sides forming into a noticeable cleavage in between them. The top did not even slacken off from the spheres until it tightly curved midway around their bottom perimeters. To Frank, the crimson red made her breasts look like unpeeled red delicious apples. His mind fought back creeping thoughts of his roughened hands pressing down upon them, his fingertips squeezing into their sides.
Kelly finished her brief glance away as she brought her attention back to Frank. She caught his stubble chin jerk as his dark brown eyes darted up to meet her face again. She swiveled her eyeballs counterclockwise, taking the view of her shirted breasts into them. Then she brought them back to Frank’s eyes. The tips of her lips pointed upwards.
She took her hands from the small of her back and squeezed her shoulders together. Her forearms traced into the sides of her halter top, causing her breasts to press inwardly toward each other into a deepening cleavage.
“Something interesting catch your eye, Mr. B?” she asked.
Frank coughed. His muscles tensed up but revealed to her absolutely nothing. He felt guilty enough as it was for the other day. But her continued movements were fighting to pull his attention downwards again. His vision involuntarily glanced down to her shirt. A soft female left wrist raised up along the crimson side to purposefully bump into the rounded left mound, jostling the soft flesh into the raising fabric. She performed her smile again when his eyes returned to her face.
“You can touch them if you want to, Mr. B.” a soft feathered whisper floated out.
Frank suddenly jerked himself into full awareness.
Kelly placed her tongue on her incisor as she took a breath.
“Can I ask you a question, Mr. B?” her feathery tone inclined.
Frank’s mouth dryly clammed up. He wasn’t sure what question this girl was possibly going to ask, though there was no good reason not to deny talking with her. Maybe, he thought, she was feeling just as guilty about the whole sordid business.
“Alright,” he simply agreed with tense anticipation.
“Do you like peeking at women’s panties, Mr. B?” she asked.
Frank’s stomach nearly doubled over in shock, flabbergasted that she would just come out and ask him such a lewd question. He straightened up, roughened hands flying from his pockets, then balling them up into fists. His eyes scanned around the field, looking for anyone who might have been near enough to overhear her loud question.
Kelly watched his expressions, trying not to laugh. He turned an angry glare upon her face.
“That’s an inappropriate question,” he growled at her in a hushed voice, ”Completely inappropriate.”
“So is peeping at women’s panties, Mr. B,” she flatly replied to him with a crooked smile.
Frank felt a sudden surge of guilt run throughout him. He hadn’t expected the subject to just being brought up right here and now, at least not in this way. But he did know that at some point they were going to have to talk about what happened, at least if she remained to be Danielle’s friend. What he had done, in his mind, had been wrong and furthermore immature. His facial features slackened as he switched his tone to relay the shame he felt in the matter.
Frank looked her square in the eyes, purposefully stating to her, “That should not have happened, Kelly. It was irresponsible of me to take advantage of you in that way. I apologize.”
Kelly rocked forward on her soles and shrugged her shoulders, “Oh, I didn’t mind Mr. B.”
Frank blinked at her in full surprise. What?!
“You can look at my panties if you want to, Mr. B.”
She picked her left tennis shoe off the dirt slightly, pointing her left knee, her silky left thigh pushing at the pleated skirt’s hem. It revealed to him a slight section of a smooth curved thigh. Frank felt his penis grow to attention immediately inside his pants at the mention of the suggestion.
Taken aback, his eyes darted around the field, again looking for anyone who might have heard her make such a ridiculous suggestion. There were a few people standing around near the bleachers and more now congregating on the parking lot. Thankfully, no one had been close enough to hear her speak.
He gulped back his dry throat, pulling at his neck collar, attempting to find the adult inside of himself. It was time to put a stop to this nonsense.
“Kelly,” he started meeting that youthfully intense stare of hers.
“You shouldn’t be showing off your,” he paused to swallow to get the word out, ”panties,” his penis was uncurling inside his pants as he spoke the word to her, ”to strange men.”
Her mouth curved straight downwards into a deliberate misunderstanding.
“Oh, but you are not a strange man, Mr. B,” Kelly answered back.
She again curved her lips into that crooked smile, while tapping the dirt with the point of her shoe, jostling the skirt’s hemline more with the thigh.
“I feel comfortable when I am around you, Mr. B.”
The shoe pressed the dirt as she arched her left knee outward, causing the skirt to slip around inwardly across the soft flesh.
“So, if you were to ask.”
She straightened her knee, comfortably resting her shoe on the ground. The skirt swished as the thigh withdrew.
“You can peek at my panties.”
Frank’s penis grew rock hard. He uncomfortably shifted his legs underneath his thin business pants, wondering if they could keep his arousal toward this dirty conversation concealed. He changed his expression to a seriously fatherly look.
“No, thank you,” he simply answered.
She simply responded to him with her crooked smile, then shrugged her shoulders, touching her fingertips to the sides of her pleated skirt.
He began searching for a way to change the subject, carrying it from these naughty suggestions. His brain linked to the memory of the curious question he had thought about in the car. Again his focus was on the talking wide eyes of the sexually attractive girl.
“The school,” he mumbled.
Her eyes answered with a widening recognition of his words. It was hard for him to think because she kept tugging the sides of her pleated skirt with her fingertips, causing the hemline to slowly rock across the front of her thighs. Each time, the hemline would creep a slight centimeter higher up the skin. Not only that, but her arms kept nudging up against the outside perimeters of her round apples, which would cause them to jostle.
Pausing to moisten up his drying mouth, he swallowed before continuing.
“Shouldn’t you be wearing gym shorts under your skirt? The school has to have some kind of regulations,” he bravely asked her.
Her eyes reflected the received question. She quit rocking her fingers about the skirt’s hemline, which was good because the continuing visual effect was beginning to make his stressed muscles feel bothersome.
“Oh. Yes, Mr. B,” came her nodded response, a bit of guilt reflecting off her eyes, ”We do have to wear those awful shorts.”
She paused, letting her words sink into his brain. She let go of the skirt and brought her arms up to her torso crossing her wrists just under her breasts to gently nudge at their undersides, bending her waist slightly towards him.
“Truthfully, though,” her feathery tone grew a bit quieter, leaning her neck into the exchange.
Frank didn’t realize it himself but her lowered tone had caused him to take a step closer, also slightly leaning his chest forward into the conversation.
“Those shorts are a little too restricting. I prefer the feel of having my soft cotton panties rubbing against my skin when practicing cheers,” she explained.
Frank’s blood pressure elevated to nigh-near heart failure. Suggestive movies of panties clinging about her rear as her thighs worked under her skirt flitted on his brain, causing his member to stretch.
“Sometimes, Mr. B,” the feathers in her voice grew even fainter as she leaned in more.
‘Sometimes?’ he thought.
She clenched her tongue between her front teeth, her intense gaze locked straight onto his.
“I don’t like to wear anything.”
He clenched his jaw at the extremely intimate revealed piece of information . His blood was pouring through him hotly as he thought about the implied suggestion. The thick log inside of his pants fiercely rammed it’s spongy tip on the insides of his boxers, while his mind flickered to pictures of chestnut hairs surrounding a soft pink entrance.
Kelly struggled to hold back the giggles that threatened to pour out of her as Frank’s multiple attempts to keep a straight face failed. Reflections of shock, with slight intervals of perceived interest, flashed through his reddening facial features, his hurried breath loudly relaying to her his impressions about what she had just told him.
Frank’s could not stop his eyes in time, his vision bolting down to the front of her pleated skirt directly folded into her valley’s hidden position. Her eyes swiveled with his, following as they drew downwards, the heat of his attention placed on her midsection. She knew exactly what he was wondering right now.
She rotated her eyes up onto the man’s blood red face. The fingers on his rough hands were balled into fists, his skin creating more sweat spots on his already soaked shirt. She pressed her pink tongue against her front tooth.
“Especially on really hot days like today,” she finished in a hushed whisper.
Frank was about to lose it. The naughty scenes of a naked vagina surrounded by chestnut hairs continued to appear in his brain, causing his imprisoned member to rock against the inside of its cave. His arms felt like they were about to rip through his shirt sleeves.
She bent her heels, rocking her knees slightly in a continued standing walking motion, tapping her thighs against the front edge of the pleated hemline repeatedly. The thighs locked his vision to them as they bumped about the thin edge.
“Hey, Dad! Hey Kelly!” a familiar energetic voice called from the direction of the practice field.
Both of them caught each other in one last knowing stare as they slightly pivoted their focus on a sprinting Danielle heading towards them, completely oblivious to the conversation she was interrupting. Amy was jogging along with her at the back of Danielle’s left heel. Danielle’s hair bounced about, her athletic strides quickly closing the distance.
Frank felt a huge surge of relief toward the welcome interruption his daughter had unknowingly provided. He knew he would have found absolutely no appropriate response to Kelly’s perverted revelations.
Danielle halted her run after they briefly crossed the track, standing before the two individuals, with Amy slowing down to the left of Danielle’s side. They both took slow bated breaths while holding onto their knees so as to catch their voices.
Frank took a moment to observe the young athletes. Danielle and Amy’s red and white lacrosse jerseys were dotted with grass stains, dirt, and sweat. Danielle’s face remained bright and cheerful, but the Asian girl’s attention darkened as it focused on to Kelly’s taller figure.
“What are you two talking about?” Danielle asked Kelly out of simple curiosity when she, at last, caught her breath.
Kelly breathed an inward sigh, disappointed that her fun was ending.
She smiled sweetly back to Danielle, simply answering, “Clothing.”
Danielle’s brows scrunched up into her partially freckled face.
“That’s kind of an odd subject for you guys to talk about,” Danielle commented.
Frank thought he should say something. Maybe, somehow come up with an excuse. Anything to steer this conversation away from Kelly’s dirty responses as there was no telling what she would say. He quickly came up with a half-truth.
“Kelly and I got into a conversation about your school uniforms,” he explained while nodding to his daughter.
“Ooooh,” Danielle’s face spread more into a relaxed expression, ”well, what about them?”
“How uncomfortable they can be,” Kelly’s feathered voice replied before Frank could even open his mouth.
Kelly put her tongue to her front right incisor as she launched a quick stare at Frank Bradley’s face. His mouth shut tight like a vise grip.
After standing in the muggy heat of the late summer day, having had this damned girl talk so openly naughty, he could only silently agree with her. His flat chest muscles were left itching under his sticky shirt and his legs felt extremely restrained against what now seemed like uncomfortably enclosed pants. The painstaking awareness of his cramped penis only added onto his awkward stance.
Danielle’s expression suddenly changed to a more worried face as she watched her dad’s body language. She took a few more steps toward him, moving past Kelly.
“Are you OK, Dad?” She suddenly asked, quickly adding, “You’re not looking so good.”
Frank instantly smiled at his daughter, not wanting to cause her worry,” Oh yes honey, I’m fine. It’s just really damned hot today.”
Amy’s watchful eyes glanced towards Frank before switching to the cheerleader standing to her left, her dark expression growing.
“I should get back to the practice, Mr. B,” Kelly informed in a flattened voice that lost most of its feathery tones, the corners of her glossy lips morphing into a masked innocent smile, ”The other squad members may get upset if I stay and talk for too long.”
‘But, you didn’t mind taking the time out to talk with me about those dirty subjects,’ thought Frank aloud in his brain.
Kelly started to pivot her shoes toward the tarmac just as Danielle’s attention shot more to her father. Amy’s disapproving eyes followed Kelly as she began a deliberate pace past the athletes. At that moment, Danielle snapped her head up, her flat freckled cheeks, staring up at her father.
She asked Frank enthusiastically,“Oh hey Dad, are you coming to the game this Friday?! It’s our first one, against the Delanie High Dragons.”
Frank realized his gaze had never really started to leave Kelly’s departing backside. Reminded of the other girls, he forcefully shifted his rightful attention on Danielle. Softly admiring her youthful energy, Frank placed a loving fatherly hand on Danielle’s right shoulder as if to assure her of his positive answer.
”Of course. I definitely will not miss seeing you play,” he told Danielle.
Kelly halted her stride upon hearing this. Her face looked up straight ahead towards the playing field, her pink round ears listening in on the group of people. Her mind began reflecting a contemplation.
Danielle raised a pumped right fist with proud excitement, her shoulders twisting as her dirt-caked tennis shoe spun at the heel. Her body whirled to face the others, noticing Kelly’s still close proximity. Danielle excitedly called to her.
Kelly’s attention snapped up from her thoughts. She too moved her right shoe horizontally so that she could twist her waist to the right to return her reply, her eyes swiveling into Danielle’s. Danielle peeked up into her dad’s face momentarily as she motioned to Kelly with her hands.
“You might be able to catch Kelly’s cheerleading routines too, Dad. She’s the best squad member in that group,” Danielle pridefully boasted.
Frank chanced an eye on Kelly, who for once, did not have her intense stare locked onto his. He was grateful that his muscles, including the tree branch inside his pants, had finally been given the chance to settle down.
“But you’ve already given him an act,” whispered an extremely low voice that was near Kelly’s left earlobe.
The cheerleader’s eyes swiveled to the left, crooking her chin so as to place the location of the low-pitched whisper. Amy had inched closer toward the cheerleader’s back unnoticed. Kelly ignored Amy’s hinted words and crooked her head toward Danielle to give her a sweetened soft smile, unlike the one she would turn onto Mister B.
“You are sweet to boast about me Danie, even if that is untrue,” she simply explained to her friend after which she crooked her neck upwards, her eyes rotated up onto Frank Bradley’s.
She continued on with a softened smile, ”However, I would like that.”
It was then that a very naughty idea shot across her mind. As her eyes stayed fixed on Frank’s corneas, the corners of her tan glossed lips curved up into a very crooked smile. His cheekbones clenched as she stared at the hardened skin on his face.
“I would really like that,” with a voice so feathery that it made Frank shift in his shoes.
Danielle’s smile grew wide as she pivoted her hips, beginning to walk back toward the practice field. She motioned to Amy with her left hand as she passed through the gap between her and Kelly.
“Hey, c’mon Amy, we gotta go get our stuff before we can leave,” Danielle remembered as she started to break into a jog toward the playing field.
Amy shot one last glare at Kelly before following Danielle, showing the back of her own white jersey to the pair of them. As the girls ran out of earshot, Frank found himself suddenly aware that he was once again being left alone, still standing in close proximity to Kelly.
He could sense the hypnotic power of her eyes. Dammit. He had no choice but to slowly take his attention away from the backs of the sprinting girls and lock them on the intense stares of the chestnut haired cheerleader. When their eyes again met, he found her young glossy lips still spread into that mischievous smile. This time, however, her grin was spreading even further across perfectly white teeth.
She bit back on her glossy lip as she swiveled her tennis shoes to face him directly once more. The tip of her right tennis shoe lifted up as she crossed her right ankle in front of the other, digging the tip into the dirt.
‘Great,’ he thought, ‘alone with her again.’
He placed his hands in his pockets nervously as his eyes glanced at her fruity orbs that lay under the Cavalier letters. They darted down to the motionless pleated hemline loosely hanging in front of the round young thighs.
“Can I ask you a question, Mr. B?” her feathers floated into the silence.
He swallowed. At this point, he had no idea what she was bound to say to him. Whatever question she had come up with in that pretty haired head of hers was bound to be dangerous. There was no getting around it, however. Uncomfortably glancing about for any nearby listeners, he deemed it safe to respond.
“Alright. Go ahead,” he granted.
“What is your favorite color, Mr. B?” she asked in an almost normal tone.
Frank was surprised. Was she actually asking an innocent question? Nothing about this girl seemed innocent, though.
He brought himself to the asked question. What was his favorite color?
Images of his late wife began to dance into his head. The slender woman, brunette in hair, round in face and always showing off a happy smile. The first day he had met her at that college dance, she had been wearing a brightly colored one piece dress.
“Purple,” he answered ruefully.
The smile withdrew into a single small line as pondered reflections danced upon her soft pink cheeks. Her eyes rotated away from his, her slowly swirling tennis shoes showing off her backside.
“Hope to see you at the game, Mr. B.” the feathery voice called out.
White tennis shoes powered the back of slender curved calves which carried her away from him with slow thoughtful steps.