My Dramatic Soulmate, Part 4

"I didn't give a shit about anything. My entire life revolved around his dick..."

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It’s a dark and shiny place,
But with you, my dear, I’m safe, and we’re a million miles away.

Karen O.

* * * *

They locked eyes.

They dropped to the floor.

His weight was bearing down on the frame of her hips, his eyes meeting hers, her hands gripping his back, pulling his chest to hers. She heaved a thick, deep sigh, boasting relinquishment of all control. A fiery force rose from her pulsating pussy, instantly surrounding her with golden glowing light, and painting her cheeks with natural, luscious blush. He feels me, she thought, as the head of his cock landed gently between her legs, making contact with the thick layer of juice coating her clit.

In that moment, she felt the overwhelming vibration, a universal energy, compounded by the volatile mystery of ten million stars, the eternal pull of a billion planets, and the black holes of uncertainty, making the universe a landscape of dalmatian spots and ground black pepper.

The supernova statement she would not dare spit out filled her being with ecstatic tremors.

She was in love.

* * * *


The elevator. It had arrived. Just like an elevator does. Unfortunately, it stopped on the 14th floor. We were naked. My pussy was dripping hot wetness down my leg. His cock was at its peak, a massive temptation at least eight inches long. It was throbbing. I needed him to fuck me. I also realized I was probably about to lose my job, and quite possibly face charges for my insanely outlandish behavior. To say the very least, panic set in REAL FAST.

We grabbed our clothes and ran across the floor, as far from the elevator as we possibly could, before the doors inevitably opened. Strangely, I was so grateful in that moment, knowing that there were no walls, no cubicles, no furniture to encumber our escape.We had to hide from whoever was about to walk into our den of sin.

I felt like I was seventeen.

Surely, they would smell it, I thought, as I bolted across the undivided room. The sweat, the pre-cum, and the dense fog of pheromones… in my mind, it was a dead giveaway. We were about to get busted. The rock in my gut was so heavy I felt nearly paralyzed. I was so horny, yet so doomed.

The adrenaline propelled me forward, sly and swift, escaping the fate I imagined. I needed to get fucked. I followed him. He had a plan. We somehow slunk up a tight stairwell to the roof. A perfect crime. The heat of my love turned the moment gold. We had the same desire. It was the sexiest experience of my life. He was real. I was ready.

We found the roof and slammed the steel door behind us. It was perfect. We were still naked. We picked up where we left off. He pushed my body hard against the door, grabbing my tits, and frantically kissing me, like I was the last woman on earth. I felt like such a nasty girl. It was magic.

“Fuck me,” I said, as I looked into his fiery eyes. He couldn’t even utter a word as I grabbed his cock and shoved it into my hot throbbing pussy. He grabbed my ass cheeks and lifted me up against the steel door, thrusting his massive cock inside me. I never could have imagined such a surreal sexual experience. I was so smitten. I started to moan. I didn’t give a shit about anything. My entire life revolved around getting rammed by his perfect dick.

“Damn it I need you to give me that dick… go balls deep and fuck me hard, baby….”

“I never thought it could be this good. I want to shoot my load inside your pussy baby. Can I give it to you?”

“Fuck yes! Fill me up. You are so fucking nasty…”


Published 8 years ago

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