Power Transfer

"Female Sgt ends up commanding the black girl who first seduced and dominated her."

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I have worked hard to get where I am, always having to be twice as good as the men, to achieve the recognition. It took me even longer to get to my current rank because I had to take ten years off in the Reserves to have our three kids. I am back on track, Squadron Sgt Major, senior enlisted person of my battalion.

Above me is only the RSM, Regimental Sgt Major, the right hand of God Almighty, our CO. I stand five ten, body long, lean and toned like gym bunnies dream of but have no idea how to actually achieve. My body is stripped down, hard and corded with the exception of my 40DD breasts that stubbornly refused to return to their pre-child sizes after breast feeding my three girls. My hair is long and black, stretching to my mid back when it is not twisted up into the bun demanded by army regulations. My skin is tanned like leather below the short sleeve and PT short line, but milk white everywhere else. Eyes of ice blue and a face drawn from a mix of Celt and Germanic ancestors left me with the fine boned face of a hawk.

I have a secret that nobody can ever find out. I have a weakness I never dreamed of, a side I never knew existed. It was on vacation in the US, we were blowing off steam in the dance clubs after getting off a long and utterly boring course run by the US Army for those forces (US and Allied) who would be operating together. We few women NCO’s decided to go out together and cut loose without the guys who had been after us all course. We went as a group to cut down on other guys wasting time hitting on us. It backfired.

I ended up dancing with a black girl, she was about six inches shorter, and ten years younger than me. Her accent marked her as local. She had incredible moves and seemed to lose herself in the music. When the song grew more intense, her hands found their way to my hips and she moved in close to me. Her hands on me, she directed my motions and we were dancing together. Swaying together, her leg moved between mine and she began grinding on me. I flashed my wedding ring and shook my finger at her, laughing in a kind rejection, because I am not gay.

The next song she pasted herself behind me, moved with me, her hands running up and down my arms and sides until I melted back against her. She threw one of my hands over my shoulder around her, as her hands began to openly play with my breasts as we moved together, her lips kissing my neck. When the song was over I was lost, she dragged me off the dance floor and to the bathroom. Once there, she pulled down my top and sucked my breasts while her hand went under my dress and into my panties. I reached down and pulled them off for her. Married or not, straight or not, there was no doubt what I wanted now. She attacked my breasts, her fingers rubbing on my clit and I am embarrassed how close I was already as I came within less than two minutes. Picking up my panties, she dragged me into a stall, and sat down. She pulled up her skirt and gave my hand a jerk downward.

On the floor of the club bathroom stall, I got down on my hands and knees and ate her pussy. The first time I had ever thought about touching another woman, but I knew what I liked, and I thought I could do it. At that point I was so on fire I needed to do it. I attacked her pussy, kissing and licking, the taste was different than my own, gods knows my husbands cock has given me the taste of my own often enough. I liked it. She was pulling my white face into her black pussy, dark on the outside, light pink on the inside, strangely beautiful and shaved, unlike my own. I sucked on her lips until her clit grew hard, and big, I mean like a thumb size big, like a little cock almost. I sucked it into my mouth as I fingered her and she came hard for me.

That was a year ago, and I can’t stop masturbating thinking about it. I have never thought about being with a woman, or a black person before. Now I have been seduced by one that I will never see again, and I can’t stop thinking about her, even when having sex with my husband.

We were working up for a deployment. As SSM, I get to oversee the training operations, working hard long before anyone else really knows there is a job coming up. I begin losing my time with the family while the rest of the squadron is enjoying the stand down rotation. In that time, we get to meet the incoming attachments. Those are people of different trades or from our allies who are being added to our group for the work up and deployment. That is when the shock arrived.

The new group I was presented en-masse. One was a corporal from Intelligence who was being posted to us for work with the drone take. She was an American being attached to us because we would be working not just with our own drones, but with theirs as well. She was a software expert there to help us integrate their take with our own. It was her. The black girl from the club!!

I had my command face on, doing my wrath of god impression for those who thought this was time for empire building, or politics. When we get new people in for an operation, it is not time to get cliquey and freeze them out, it is time to get the fuck together and learn fast what each has to offer. You don’t get a second chance to drive that one home, so I make the most of the first one. I concluded with the standard, “my door is always open” which is there for those who don’t want to go on the record but who have problems that need fixing.

I retired to my office, my mind on the dance club, her hands on my body, the feeling of her control, the passion she unleashed in me. The casual way she directed me, used me. I had cum a hundred times to the memory, her face was etched in my mind, as was her taste. Now she was down the hallway, and going to be with us for MONTHS. I was standing, facing my desk, leaning on it. My hands were shaking on my desk, I didn’t know what to think, what to do.

There was a knock at my door. Without thinking I answered “Come!”

A voice I remembered all too well answered with a rich American accent “Oh you did then honey, and you will now too”

I whirled, and it was HER!!

Striding across the floor after locking my door behind her, she walked right up to me and grabbed my neck and pulled me in for a hot kiss. I moaned into her mouth as her hand grabbed my ass and pulled me to her. I melted, my own hands moving to cup her face as her tongue raped my mouth and my own tongue swirled around her in welcome. She spun me around, and pushed me down over my desk, spanking my ass again and again.

“So my obedient little white cunt is big tough Sgt? Answer me!” She sounded teasing, but each strike was hard, my ass was burning, my pussy was getting soaked.

“Yes ma’am,” I answered. That is how I would address an officer, not a damned corporal I outranked!!

She laughed at me, running her hands up my back to grab my tits as she pushed her pussy against my burning ass.

“That is right, your rank is White Slut, and mine is Mistress, don’t you agree Slut?”

Her hands were on me and my mind was totally fragmenting, the pleasure of her touch was running through me and the whole year of fantasies about her had magnified her power a thousand fold from our first meeting. I had made this possible by a year of obsessing about her, thinking her safely gone forever, and now I was caught. I answered helplessly, honestly, and fatally.

“Yes Mistress, my rank is White Slut. I am your white slut. Please let me serve you!”

Laughing, she pulled back and asked me teasing “Why is my white slut in uniform? White sluts are naked bitches on their knees to strong black women like me. Strip bitch, and don’t keep me waiting”

I tore at my laces, undoing my boots in a hurry, then undid my combats and stripped down in a hurry, she opened her uniform blouse, unclasped her bra and snaked it out her sleeve without taking off her top.

Moving in on me quickly, the kissed me again, moving her hands up to my breasts. She kissed me hard and her hands squeezed my nipples as my own hands went to her breasts, caressing them. I kissed down to her breasts and began to caress and kiss the, taking her nipple in my mouth as I was overcome with desire for her, to touch her, to please her… to obey her.

“Hungry little white slut aren’t you? Don’t you worry, you are going to get lots of chances to suck on black titties, and pussies, and assholes. You are going to be a BUSY little white slut when I get you trained up. Oh yes, you are going to be one well trained ass licking white whore when I am done with you”

She had taken off her web belt, and doubled It in her hand. Using the broad strap, she began to whip my white ass as I sucked her tits. I must have worshipped her tits following her instructions for a good ten minutes, first sucking then nipping lightly with my teeth. When I was nipping lightly, she gave a stroke on my ass with her belt that she through her whole body behind, and I bit down in shock. She pulled me off my my hair and slapped my face, telling me that no slut was allowed to bite a mistress. She sat in my chair and ordered me over her knee at my own desk. Meekly I laid across her lap as she began to spank my ass.

Calling me a worthless slut, she spanked me hard, and slow. Each blow she would tell me what a cunt lapping little submissive slut I was. What a useless white whore I was, how I was good for nothing but licking black asses.

Between each stoke of her hand, she would toy with my dripping pussy. Soon she was switching hands, using her left hand under my body, rubbing my clit where I had been grinding against her leg, her right hand reaching across to deliver double slaps to my ass.

SLAP SLAP and her fingers on my clit, again and again, pleasure and pain, working me closer to the edge. She demanded that I beg her to cum, that I admit I was nothing but her slave, her worthless ass licking pussy eating white whore. I am ashamed to say it didn’t take me long to be not only repeating but embellishing her commands, promising to be her whore, her slave, her toy, her bitch, her piss mop, begging her to cum.

“Oh you have real potential you little white cunt.”

Grabbing me by my hair, she pulled me across my own desk, and working a fourth finger in my pussy, she spanked my ass left and right.

“You know why the symbol of black power is a raised fist bitch?”

I was out of my mind in pleasure at that point, broken by the combination of pleasure and pain, dominance and sensuality. I should have seen it coming, should have been afraid. I was not thinking straight, I was not thinking at all, except about pleasing mistress.

“No Mistress, your white slut doesn’t know”

Working her thumb into me, I gasped as I had been filled like never before, I grabbed on to the edges of my blotter, holding on for dear life as she moved her hand inside me.

“It is the fist we use to break uppity white cunts like you!”

I cannot describe it. She made a fist, inside me! I have never been that wet, she had been working me over for the better part of half an hour, but still, I was nowhere near ready for even her tiny fist in my pussy, but it was there. She moved it, my body helpless beneath her as she began to fist me, the slaps on my ass distracting me from the intense stretch. I can’t believe it, but it started to feel good, I mean really, really good.

“Please mistress, may your white slut cum?”

I was begging, I was sobbing, I was no longer caring about anything but being allowed to cum, and about pleasing my Mistress. She made me repeat it again and again until I was desperate, afraid; no, terrified that I would cum without permission. I was trying so hard to stop myself. I was sobbing, no pride left at all, so desperate to not cum without permission when she finally relented and told me to cum for her. I gushed around her fist, it was like I pissed myself.

As I came down she was laughing, pulling slowly out of me and kissing my back stroking my neck, telling me what a good pet I was, what a good girl. I am ashamed to admit, with every bit of praise, a shot of pure joy shot through me.

She unbuckled her belt and dropped her pants. Climbing up on my desk after helping me off, she commanded me to kiss her black ass.

I have never done that, not even for my husband whom I love. I didn’t care. This was my mistress, and I would please her, no matter what it took. I felt the burn of my own well whipped ass cheeks, and the painful stretching I would be days recovering from in my pussy, but here was a perfect ass, unmarred by the touch of any spanking hand or whipping belt. This was a mistress ass, not a slave one. I caressed and kissed her black ass, marvelling at her rich curves and dark skin, I planted little kisses and licks, then longer ones. Parting her cheeks, I exposed her dark rosebud, shaved and almost purple in colour. Kissing it lovingly, I began to lick around it. The taste was not unpleasant; it was actually quite nice. I licked around and around, finally, pushing my tongue in.

“Ah that is it, my little white slut has good instincts. You were bred to be a black ass licking whore. I am going to train you up proper. Get that tongue deep in there, bitch. Make me cum!’

Her voice inspired me, drove me. I began to drive my tongue into her tight asshole like I was tongue fucking her. That was right, white sluts get fists shoved up them, black mistress get tongues. That was as it should be.

Pushing in and dancing inside, teasing inside her tight ass up and down, I moaned as I worked her tight little hole. My fingers snaked underneath to begin to work her clit as her hands came back to hold her ass open for me. Two fingers in her pussy, one hand on her clit, and my face pressed flush against her black ass, I drove my tongue to the limit to open her ass. Shaking my head like a terrier with a rat, I shook my head side to side to add lateral to the up and down dance of my tongue in her ass. I guess she liked it because she let go her left ass cheek and pulled my hair hard into her ass.

I could not breathe!! She was smothering me in her ass and not caring. I didn’t care either, all that mattered was making Mistress cum, not my life, not my needs, not me. She was screaming as I felt her gush over my fingers as she came, her ass rocked up and down madly as she came, finally sliding forward onto my desk to escape my tongue, pulling me back by my hair.

Gasping for air, I looked upon the little black corporal who had turned me from a strong confident woman to a begging slave with little more than a kiss. Confusion and despair written all over my face, I watched as she pulled up her pants and pulled me to her for a gentle kiss, and then another one.

“Relax baby girl. I know, I know, you are confused. Listen. What goes on in here is between you and me, OK? In here, you are White Slut and I am your Mistress. You need that, I need that. It is part of us, it is not all of us OK? Out there, at home, at work, in the field, you are my SSM, I am your corporal. You have a job to do, and I have a job to do. You say jump and I say ‘How high Sgt Major!’.”

I hugged her and she hugged me back.

“I am so lucky to have found you again. I have been dreaming about you since I met you in the club. When I walked into the briefing room and saw you up there, I just about creamed my panties. I have a career just like you do, I am not going to let either one screw it up. I want you, and you want me. I think we can make each other happy, what do you think?”

I reached out and caressed her cheek, kissing her lips gently. My blue eyes shining into her dark brown ones, I smiled.

“Yes Mistress”

Published 8 years ago

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