Standing naked in her large closet, Nancy carefully selected what she was going to wear to work. Since it was Friday, she knew that there would be no opportunity to spend any more time with Noah, but she wanted to make certain that she looked extremely good and left a good impression to carry in his mind until Monday.
She decided on a bra and panty set that was very sheer and exceptionally sexy. Once she had the set on, she turned to and fro in front of her full-length mirror. She decided that Noah would get quite turned on seeing her in nothing but this lavender outfit. The bra wasn’t lined, so he could easily see her nipples. The panty left very little to the imagination.
As she admired herself, Nancy began to come up with a way to tease Noah in his office. Retrieving her cell phone, she posed in the mirror and took several photos of herself wearing the sexy lingerie. Nancy had never had a reason to do any ‘sexting,’ but decided it would be a good way to keep Noah’s attention over the days ahead.
As she posed, she suddenly realized that the photos shouldn’t include her face. While she was more than happy to be Noah’s whore, she decided that it would be completely insane to give him evidence that could be used against her in the future. The pics that showed her smiling face were quickly deleted and replaced with new ones that were just as sexy, but did not show her face. He would still know that it was her.
Another idea came to her and she began searching in her closet for a particular skirt. Finding it, she pulled it from the hanger and held in front of her as she faced the mirror. “No business suit today,” she said aloud. Finding the perfect top to match the skirt, Nancy stood in front of the mirror smiling and said, “Today I’ll just be stylishly dressed and seductively sexy to at least one person.”
It was 2:30 in the afternoon before Nancy walked into Noah’s office. When he looked up from his desk, his mind instantly cleared of anything other than the woman standing in front of him wearing a lavender skirt that moved like silk. The skirt seemed to caress her hips. Her blouse was a creamy silk that seemed to only touch her around her beautiful breasts. He tried not to stare, but he believed that her nipples were pointing through the fabric.
“Are you glad to see me?” she asked in a seductive voice.
“I’m always happy to see you, Nancy,” he answered, still trying not to be obvious with his staring.
“As happy to see me as you were last night?” she asked in low, sexy voice as she moved to one of his guest chairs.
He watched her sit down before he answered. Looking toward his doorway to make certain there was no one near, he answered in a soft voice. “Maybe if you were naked as you were last night.”
“Did you like seeing me naked?”
His eyes flicked to the doorway once again. “After last night I’d have to say that I’d pass up a paycheck to see you naked again.”
She smiled. “Then I’ll take it that you did enjoy me naked.” Nancy adjusted herself in the chair so that she was directly facing him, with her hands on the armrest and her knees pointed in his direction. “But you know that you needn’t give up anything to see me naked. I’m yours to use.”
Before Noah could respond, Nancy placed her hands on the hem of her silky skirt and began to slowly pull it up her thighs. She watched his eyes get larger as she moved the skirt. “I think maybe you’d like to see me naked now,” she whispered.
When he seemed unable to speak, Nancy began to slowly move her knees apart. In a matter of a few seconds, he could see that her legs were bare … two more seconds and he could see inside those lovely thighs. With one last motion, he could easily that her panties were the same color as her skirt.
“Do you like what you see?” she asked.
Noah’s eyes were glued between her legs. He could only nod his agreement.
“I think you liked this part of me last night,” she said as she ran a finger between her legs, lightly touching her sex. “I felt your tongue between my legs at least six times. And, I seem to remember that you made me cum at least two times with that lovely tongue of yours.”
Noah’s eyes cut back to the doorway for an instant before he said, “I believe I’m correct in saying I told you last night your pussy was the sweetest I’d ever tasted.” When he spoke the word pussy, he whispered it.
“Yes you did,” Nancy replied as she kept moving the finger between her legs. “This morning while I was in the shower I was thinking about what you said. I remembered how good your tongue felt and how your big cock stretched me open.”
He could see her fingers touching her panties.
“I got so aroused that I had to do what I’m doing right now.”
It was impossible for Noah to miss that she was rubbing her fingers up and down the outside of her panties. He watched as she closed her eyes and seemed to be deep in her pleasure.
“I just couldn’t stop myself, Noah,” she said as she opened her eyes. “When I thought about you putting your cock in my mouth and filling it with your cum, I had a great orgasm.”
“Did you like me cumming in your mouth?” he asked seriously.
She seemed to rub herself harder when she answered. “I absolutely loved it.” She looked down at the hand between her legs then back up to him. “You’ll do that again, won’t you?”
“Are you certain you want it to happen again?” he replied. By the time that he had reached his desk this morning, he had convinced himself that Nancy would be embarrassed by her behavior and the subject would never come up again.
“Do I need to beg?” she asked.
He leaned forward and whispered, “No, Nance. Of course, you don’t, but I need to know that you really want it.”
“Can you see my fingers?” she asked in an almost breathless tone. “I’m fingering myself while I’m sitting in front of you. I no longer have any pride, Noah. I’m nothing but a whore for you and I’ll take whatever you choose to give me.” She took a breath and asked, “Do you want me to suck you off right now to prove it?”
“That probably wouldn’t be a good idea,” he told her with a smile.
“Do you want me to come to your home this weekend?” she asked. “I could probably get away Saturday afternoon.”
“Is that a good idea?” he easked.
Nancy sat up straight. “I’m asking if you want me,” she said fiercely. “If you want me I’ll find a way to make it work.”
Before he could reply, she asked another question. “Noah, is your dick hard right now?”
He was a little stunned by the question but answered honestly. “It feels like a rock, Nancy. I’m so hard right now it hurts.”
Her face softened. “You do want me, don’t you?”
Once again he glanced nervously at his door. “I want you more than anything I can think of,” he whispered. “If that door was locked, I’d bend you over my desk and fuck you till you begged me to stop.”
Nancy smiled. She got what she wanted. Standing up, she let her silky skirt drop down to cover her lavender panties. She walked around his desk and stood beside his chair. “I do understand that we can’t do it in the office,” she said in a soft voice. “But I don’t even want to think about not seeing you again until Monday. Would you mind if I came by your house for an hour or so on Saturday afternoon?”
“I’ll be there all afternoon,” he admitted. “Come by when you can, but once I get you naked, I might not let you go.”
“Touch me,” she whispered. “Where I’m standing no one can see. Please, Noah. I need to feel you touch me.”
Holding up some papers in one hand, he hoped that anyone looking in his door would think that they were discussing a business matter. He placed his free hand on the inside of her thigh and quickly moved it upward.
Noah was having one of those, “I’ve died and gone to heaven” moments. This exceptionally sexy and beautiful woman was begging him to do something that most of the women in his life had refused to do. Now his cock was so hard it really did hurt.
Just then they heard voices outside his door. Both of them assumed normal positions and began looking at the papers he was holding. With a light knock on the door, Nathan Flowers, their company CEO, stepped inside Noah’s office. “Excuse me,” he said. “Am I interrupting?”
“Not at all,” Nancy answered with a calmness that Noah didn’t feel. He was certain that his face was flushed and he prayed that he wouldn’t be asked to stand up.
Looking down at Noah, Nancy said, “I can see your point, Noah, but I’ll still need some additional back-up before I can approve your expenditure. I know that you have confidence in what you’re proposing, but I’m responsible for the budget and will require something more that guesswork.” She nodded at her boss and strode out of the room.
When she was gone, the CEO looked back at Noah saying, “She’s a damned good lookin’ woman, but she will certainly boil your ass in oil if you fuck with her budget.”
“Tell me about it,” Noah answered, feeling like he had just dodged a bullet.
Nancy did spend two hours with Noah on Saturday afternoon. Almost every minute she was with him was spent in his large bed. She also managed to find a way to see him on Sunday afternoon when she told her husband that she needed to make a run to the store while he watched sports on television. Each visit was loud and explosive. They fucked like wild animals, growling and snarling as they moved from position to position. Noah found Nancy to be insatiable. But her never-ending desire to please him only made him want more.
The following week they took a long lunch hour at his home. On two evenings Nancy’s husband had things to do that kept him away until late. On both of those occasions, Nancy rushed to Noah’s home for more unbridled passion.
After the first week, their mutual lust became something of a routine. At least one day a week they would leave the office separately and meet at his home. It was rare that they didn’t see each other in the evenings at least twice a week.
Nancy spent so much time with Noah at his home that she had her own device to open the garage door when she pulled into his driveway. She had two drawers in his dresser for the ‘things’ that he would buy her and then require that she model them for him. The bedside table in his bedroom became filled with the toys he ordered for them to use. Fantasies were discussed and lived out until it seemed that there was nothing more to explore … nothing other than their burning mutual lust.
The casual observer at their office would never have guessed that either of these two people had any interest in each other. In fact, there were many that wondered why Mrs. Townsend disliked the handsome Director of Marketing, as she seemed to always be after him for some reason. Their act was well rehearsed and well performed.
There were times when they both threw caution to the wind and became involved in some sexual activity at the office. One afternoon when most of the company’s executives were away, Noah went to her office suggesting he needed a blow job. After her door was closed, she dropped to her knees and gladly fulfilled his request. On another occasion, Nancy dropped another pair of dripping wet panties on his desk in the early evening. She insisted that she needed to be fucked right then and there and simply wouldn’t take no for an answer. With the door locked, Noah had bent her over his desk and satisfied her needs.
In the six months since their first sexual liaison, Nancy had checked off all of the boxes on her bucket list. There wasn’t anything that they hadn’t tried and there was absolutely nothing that she didn’t enjoy. There were times that she would become angry because she realized that she had missed so much sexual pleasure in the twenty years she had spent with Russell Townsend. However, her bad moods could quickly be wiped away with a few minutes alone with Noah.
Nancy had especially developed a taste for anal sex. She had seen many videos on the internet porn channels, but was suspicious of the women in them. During one of their evening sessions, she had let Noah talk her into an introduction to anal sex. She had been doubtful that his large organ was going to fit into her ass, but found he was very knowledgeable on the subject and coached her to a successful start. By the third time they tried it, Nancy had become a believer. She had even told Noah that she had longer and stronger orgasms while having anal sex.
On one of her evening visits to his home, Noah had provided something new that was his own idea. He produced a good sized dildo that had a suction cup on the end. After he stuck it on the corner of a low table, he explained that he wanted her to fuck herself with the rubber phallus while she sucked his cock. Nancy was excited with his plan and found it was stimulating and exciting. Later she found that the dildo could be stuck to Noah’s headboard and she could fuck herself in the doggie position while giving oral stimulation to her lover.
It took a couple of months before they became totally comfortable with being together. Nancy found that Noah enjoyed watching her masturbate. Often she would come into his home quietly, undress and lay back on his bed after selecting one of the toys he had for her use. When he saw that she was nearing a climax, Noah would undress and put his cock inside her mouth. It was an experience that they both enjoyed and would lead to some long and loud fucking.
She let Noah lead her into every imaginable kind of sex. For the most part she guided him by dropping well planned hints. Due to the frequency of their sessions, Nancy watched much less porn, preferring the real thing whenever possible. But she still checked in from time to time for the purpose of making certain she wasn’t missing anything. She felt a connection with some of the older stars that were known as MILF’s. Now she was like them … an older woman that had discovered what pleasure her body could bring.
Neither of them made any pronouncements of love. They both knew that their relationship was based on their mutual need for sex. Nancy continued to call herself his whore. There was never a time that she didn’t tell him to use her as he wanted. One night, standing naked in front of her mirror at home, she considered her body and said aloud, “Nancy, you are a whore. The only redemptive thing about you is that you don’t take money for what you do.”
Standing there she took a breast in each hand and squeezed her nipples. Looking into the mirror she said, “At least when I’m 90 and sitting in a rocking chair, I won’t say that I wish I had been bold enough to step into the unknown. There isn’t anything I haven’t done and I’ve enjoyed every fucking minute.”
Picking up her phone, she took a photo of her hand between her legs. Looking at the picture, she smiled. The photo clearly showed that one finger was buried inside her pussy. She quickly sent the shot to Noah with a caption: Thinking of you!
Leaving her large closet, she found that her husband was already asleep and happily snoring. Picking up her tablet, she decided to go downstairs to have a nightcap and perhaps check the porn channels.
Curled up on a large couch in their family room, Nancy had a snifter of cognac in one hand and her tablet in the other. Scrolling through her favorite internet site for adult entertainment she found a twelve minute video with two of her favorite MILF’s. As she sipped the cognac, she watched what turned out to be lesbian sex between the two older stars. One would have an orgasm quickly followed by the other. It was obvious that both women enjoyed giving and receiving. As she watched, she thought to herself, “That’s something I can’t get from Noah.”
When she finally slipped into bed and closed her eyes, her mind quickly went to Noah’s large bed. She could see herself on her knees, holding onto his headboard and grinding her pussy into his mouth. She smiled as she thought of how wonderful it felt. Just before she dozed off, the picture in her mind changed. The face she was riding wasn’t Noah’s, but rather a woman’s.