One rainy day, I had decided I wasn’t gonna sit at home and wait out the rain. Chicago was amazing in the rain, with the hazy skies and the glistening lights of the city, moving through the wind with the water. I didn’t feel the most peppy, but I also didn’t wanna mope around my house all day, either.
So, I had decided I was gonna go to the coast and enjoy the rain falling on the water. I was gonna sit down, listen to some music, maybe read an E-Book, and just vibe.
I got off my couch, unwrapped my fuzzy blanket from my skin, and got dressed. I chose a black seamless thong and lavender sports bra with a cute cutout that made my boobs look amazing, black leggings with two stripes down the side, and a black crop top with lace down the sides. I chose a lighter jacket that would keep me warm if I got chili; it had cutouts for the thumb, which are my personal favorite, and off-white slides to wear in any weather. I grabbed my belongings and headed for the train station.
With it being mid-day on a Tuesday, not many people were riding the trains, much less to the beach. So, I sat down in a seat with a pole between my legs and looked out the window.
Rain relaxed me, maybe a little too much at times. There was something so sensual about watching the raindrops glide down the window, leaving a trail and a slight blur to reality behind them. I would imagine them all racing, flying down the cool glass to see who could reach the bottom first. I’d also pretend that the raindrops were dancing rhythmically with whatever music I had put on in my headphones. Rain just entered me into my own world; a private oasis of distorted reality that was mine alone, to do with whatever I pleased.
It was at this time that I realized I was no longer alone in my bliss.
As the train jerked back to life, I looked up around the pole and noticed a man…standing right in front of me. Now, he had his back slightly turned to me, so I couldn’t get a great view of his face. But, from what I could see, this man was angelic. He had shaggy brown hair and dark olive skin. He had on joggers and sneakers, with a black T-shirt that hugged his body in all the right places.
His skin was shiny and I could see he had goosebumps. My assumption was that he was either running in the rain, at the gym, or going to go for a run soon, and that was just from his wait outside. Either way, he was intoxicating. He smelt like pine and sandalwood, and his muscles looked like they were about to explode out of his shirt.
As I shifted about in my seat, trying to focus on anything other than the high I was on from him and the rain combined, he turned to look at me. “Finally”, I thought, “a good look at his face.” His jawline was chiseled, and littered with stubble. It didn’t look unkept, however. This was a stubble that sexy male models strive to achieve. He had full lips and a bit of an upturned nose, which led me to his eyes. Oh, God…those eyes. They were a piercing emerald green and they glistened in the foggy daylight. His face was so perfectly formed, I sighed out loud.
He smirked at me, took a hand from his pocket, and gestured as he said, “That’s some weather outside, right?”
I smiled back, tucking a loose hair behind my ear and nodded in agreement. “Yeah, the rain is crazy today, but honestly I don’t mind it.”
I looked into his eyes, as I noticed him staring at mine. It felt like he was taking me in, the same way you would a beautiful painting. It made my cheeks go red and I glanced away.
“Oh, I get what you mean. Rain is the perfect weather in my opinion. Anyways, I’m Gavin. Pleasure!” He extended out a hand for me to shake, and as he did, I noticed even more of his amazing body. He was angled just right, and he had washboard abs and a definite V-Line. My eyes trailed over his arm, where there was a lot of vascularity (which is a HUGE turn-on for me) and parts of a tattoo.
He shook his hand once more, and I realized I hadn’t spoken since.
“Oh, sorry! Hey, I’m Elise. And trust me…the pleasure is all mine.” I took his hand in mine and shook it, flashing a flirty smile his way as I responded. Call me crazy, but…I think he blushed.
“So, where are you headed this fine afternoon, if I may ask?” Gavin was so polite and yet deliberate. This man exuded power but it felt like he was giving me all the control here.
“I’m heading to the beach. I figured I’d enjoy the rain in my favorite place to relax. How about yourself? You definitely look like you work out. On your way home from the gym?” I surprised myself with the forward statement. Usually, I would never blurt that kind of thing out. Well, I said before, rain makes me feel sensual.
“As a matter of fact, I’m headed to the beach, as well! What a small world…” He chuckled and trailed off.
I cocked an eyebrow at him and he smiled. Oh, what I wouldn’t do to feel those lips.
Gavin simply said, “What? Rain is perfect running weather….no sweating!” followed by a wink at me. Although, as he was winking, I could feel his eyes scanning over my body. I just laughed and playfully touched his arm. I had decided that since he wanted me to take the lead, I would go full throttle ahead.
I stood up to face him, still holding his arm, and glanced back and forth from his gorgeous eyes to his perfect mouth. “That is true. In rain, you don’t sweat. But I don’t need to run in it to get a good workout. And, I certainly need a shower after I’m done.” I trailed off and walked towards the back, where there was more to view, smirking and blushing. My body was on fire, and that was my not-so-subtle way of showing my interest in Gavin.
I think it left something to be desired because he soon followed. The train stopped to pick up passengers, and when the doors were closing, he was right behind me, looking out over my shoulder. Suddenly, we felt the train jerk forward, and I stumbled. I would’ve tripped and fallen down, but Gavin put his hands on my hips and pulled me into him. I gasped, startled, and he whispered, “Don’t worry, Elise. I won’t let you go.”
I felt a wave of seduction come over me, and my cheeks were blood red. However taken I was with Gavin, I couldn’t let him win. At this point, it was more of a game. So, I leaned into him with my ass and glided his hands over my stomach, holding his arms as he held me to him. I leaned my head back, let out a slow breath, and replied, “Well, that’s good. I’ve got something to straddle so I won’t tip over.” As I said so, I pressed my ass into his crotch, feeling his erection begin to grow.
Then, just as quickly, I broke free and gripped the pole beside me, turning to face him. “It’s the perfect size for my hands. See?” I slid my hands down the pole from my eye level, down to my hips, and ended at my thighs. His eyes followed closely, and I watched him tense up with the heat. I could see his jawline clench as he inched his way closer.
He wasn’t quite behind me anymore but wasn’t fully beside me either. I felt one hand touch my back and the other come over my hand around the pole. He moved so close, I could feel his breath against my neck. Admittedly, I tilted my neck towards him some, hoping he would kiss it. I was aching for more, but I still wanted to win.
Gavin leaned in close to my ear, and said in a low sexy tone, “Mmm. We can’t have you falling anymore. You’d better hold tight then.”
With that, he kissed the nape of my neck, but so lightly and gently that I almost didn’t feel it. Of course, since I’m so hot already, it set me on fire. I let out a small, barely audible moan, and leaned my head back into his shoulder, my neck exposed to him. I felt his grip tighten on my hands and it made me gasp with anticipation. He chuckled and kissed my neck again, this time more deliberately. I could feel his lips on my skin, and they were soft like silk. They were warm and in sync with my breathing.
He kissed from my neck up to my ear and whispered, “Can I come to the beach with you, baby girl?” as he softly bit my earlobe.
I moaned a quiet “God, yes”, and I felt him loosen his grip on my hand and smile. I turned and kissed him deep and slow on his lips, desperate to taste him. Gavin pressed me up against the pole and I felt a hand on my ass. In rhythm with our kissing, his hand moved from my ass to my thigh, gently lifting my leg up some. In turn, I wrapped it around his leg, and I could feel his cock growing harder by the second.
As his hand slid up my leg and to my hip, my hand slid down from his hair, to his neck, down his perfect torso, and to his V-line. I teased and traced circles just under his pants line, lightly brushing over his cock, but not fully touching it yet. As I did so, I could feel his breath quicken, and then he pulled away and sighed.
“Fuck, what are you doing to me? You’re driving me insane, baby girl.” He kissed me passionately and I breathlessly said, “You’re driving me crazier too. I can barely hold on anymore.” We continued our heavy kissing until we heard our stop on the speakers.
As we gathered our belongings, Gavin took my hand, kissed it, and guided me off the train.
As we walked down the train station together, we stopped in an alley for another kiss. He pushed me up against the wall, hands on my hips, and pressed his body against mine. I could feel his heat and I lost it. Our lips crashed together and I played with his tongue in my mouth. I gently bit his lip and twirled my tongue over his.
At the same time, my hand went into his pants and I started stroking him through his boxers. He started to moan and his hand fondled my breasts. I leaned my head back and moaned out loud, panting and eager. Gavin looked at me and kissed my neck from one ear to the other. As I started to find the seem of his boxers, he stopped me, took my hand out, and held it in his. Panting, he looked at me.
“Not yet, sweetheart. We’re not there yet.”
We kissed once more and he lead me down the sidewalk.
We raced to the beach, giggling and smiling like teenage idiots in love. Neither of us knew what this was, or what it could be later, but it didn’t matter. In the moment, we were happy. As our toes met the sand, we flicked our shoes off and set out to find the perfect spot. We wound up going to an area with a bundle of trees near the water. Dry enough that we could sit and not be soaked from the rain, but close enough to feel the mist from the water. He sat down and pulled me into him, wrapping his arms around me tightly.
My body was on overdrive, committed to feeling Gavin’s touch. From behind, his hands moved from my hips to my thighs, slowly going upward with the beat of my breathing. He switched from kissing my lips, to my shoulder, to my neck. His other hand was on my breast, now under my shirt. I was growing impatient, and I decided to kick it up a notch.
I flipped around, facing him now, and sat cris-crossed between his legs. I pulled him in and kissed him with one hand, while the other found its way to his cock. Finally, I was going to feel it fully. Still very erect, I slipped under the fabric of his boxers and began stroking him. I felt his breathing change and kissed him more deeply in response.
His hands moved from my upper thigh to my inner thighs, brushing over my area and making me moan into his mouth. I pulled my hand out and began unzipping his pants. Before I could slide them down, however, Gavin stopped me. He looked at me with passion in his eyes and shook his head. “No, baby girl. Not yet. I need to taste you first.” I kissed him and we switched positions.
Now, I was leaning against the tree and he was sitting between my legs. He explored my body inch by inch. His lips traced my nipples as his hand slid under my leggings. I began to moan, and he paused.
“Fuck, you’re so wet. Your panties are already soaked, baby girl.”
I shook my head, smiled, and replied, “Correction; thong.”
He smiled and began stroking outside the satin fabric, making me go crazy. I moaned for him to give me more, and he began moving the panties around.
Gavin effortlessly slipped his hand underneath and finally, I was met with his skin. He was stroking the length of my lips and began to focus on my clit. I was moaning more intensely as he kissed me, and I felt a finger go in. I inhaled sharply as he started slow, and I moved my hips into his hand. It felt like magic, a sacred dance between us. He slipped in two fingers and was pumping in and out of me in time with his kissing. I felt a wave of pleasure and moaned louder, welcoming the first orgasm. He didn’t stop, though.
Gavin continued to finger-fuck me, so good I moaned louder still. His lips crashed into my mouth and he muffled my sounds with his tongue, moving perfectly in rhythm. I took my hand and pressed him in deeper, then began stroking his hard cock again. I was hungry for something I’d never felt before, and I was gonna do anything to get me more of him.
Finally, Gavin pulled out of me. He stopped kissing me and pulled my pants and thong down together, holding them at my ankles. He then put my feet over his head and kissed my inner thighs. Without warning, his lips collided with my body and I felt a wave of ecstasy come over me. I again moaned loudly, and his hand found my mouth. Understanding what he wanted, I sucked on his fingers hard as he ate me out, trying to contain my sounds. Gavin felt like a drug to me. I had never had something so good. As I was sucking on his fingers, his other hand started pumping me while his tongue worked my clit. He licked and sucked on me. All while fingering my G-spot, hitting it every time he moved. I had another orgasm and pulled his head up. With my legs still over his shoulders, I pulled him in for a long wet kiss, tasting my lust on his tongue.
I laid down and he put his cock near my face, inviting me to take it in my mouth, but not forcing it. I nodded, and he moved closer to me. Without a second thought, I took him in my mouth, finally feeling how excited he was for me. At long last, I could taste how bad he wanted me. As I sucked him deep into my throat, I was so happy I began to moan. I pursed my lips and flicked my tongue over his shaft and it made him moan.
His voice was low and husky, he was moaning “Fuck, Elise. You’re gonna make me cum and we haven’t even fucked yet”, and it made me wet with desire. I couldn’t believe it; I was getting off on making him happy. This was a level I hadn’t reached before, and I needed more of it. He pulled away before finishing and kissed me hard. His tongue intertwined with mine and I could feel how ready we both were.
Finally, I grabbed his cock and guided it into my opening. I let him go and he teased my aching clit, kissing my ear while he did so.
“Fuck!” I moaned to him, “put it in. Please, God, put it inside me. That feels so good but I need you deep”.
Suddenly, Gavin plunged into me, going deep but not yet fully, giving me just what I asked for. We moaned together and got lost in the lust. He fucked me hard and slow and gave me everything I wanted. He held my hands above my head as he was on top of me, still hitting my G-Spot. With the next moan came my third orgasm, better than the last two.
Once I came again, we switched positions and I got on top of him. I grabbed his hands and told him to fuck me however he wants me. He grabbed my hips and pumped deeper into me than before, almost making me scream. Moaning, he asked me what I wanted. Rather than a verbal response, I grabbed his hand and placed it around my throat. He got excited and choked me how I wanted him to. With my other hand, I began stroking my clit, bringing on another powerful orgasm.
We switched to doggy style and he grabbed my hair and pulled it; not enough to hurt me, but enough to make me scream as he thrusted into me from behind.
“FUCK! Uhhhh, that feels so good Gavin! Go harder…harder!”
He obeyed and fucked me hard as hell, still pulling my hair.
“Oh God, baby girl, I’m gonna cum soon!” He moaned into my ear.
I told him to choke me again, and as we came together, he choked me and kissed my back.
He came on the sand and then wrapped me in his strong arms. We got situated, kissed again, and cuddled up to watch the rain. It was a perfect day, and we went on a few dates afterward. It’s still new, but there’s nothing as good as Gavin.