Room for Rent [Part 9 of 14]

"Mel arranges transportation, Bill gives his opinion, Having fun in public"

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It was Thursday before Labour Day. I was in my office at school. Actually, I shared the office with another graduate assistant, Zoey, so it wasn’t totally mine. She was new to the program, and I hadn’t actually met her yet. The only evidence of her existence was a new set of books lining her half of the shelves, and a few anime figures on her desk. The most intriguing of these was Shino Asada from the series, Sword Art Online. Most girls who were “into anime” usually went for mainstream Sailor Moon or Dragon Ball Z characters (or worse, Hello Kitty). This girl was obviously no poseur. I looked forward to finally meeting her.

Meanwhile, I was flipping through a text book and preparing some lecture notes for an undergraduate class the department had assigned me to teach. I needed to get them approved in advance of the class. Ugh. I wasn’t looking forward to confronting the bored looks of maybe a hundred freshmen suffering through COMM-101 for the next sixteen weeks, but my faculty advisor said it would be good to have some teaching experience on my resumé.

There was a knock at my open door, followed by “Hey, Bill…”

I turned around, surprised to see Mel standing there.

“Hey,” I responded. “What are you doing here?”

“Well…” she said in a tone that instantly indicated the girls wanted something from me. Between the three of them, I think they’d decided that Mel was the best ambassador to negotiate these deals. She stood there hanging on the door, exuding a kind of unconscious flirty sexuality that seems to come naturally to twenty-year-olds. She was wearing a black tank top, and a tiny pair of cut-off jeans, where the pockets hung down below the bottom of the shorts. A few years ago, it would have been obscene to see that kind of outfit on campus, but now it seemed to be a common style.

“Here, come in,” I invited her.

She sat in Zoey’s chair, swiveling it anxiously back and forth.

“What’s up?” I tried again.

“Well…” Mel repeated. Patiently, I stayed silent. Finally, she continued. “I have this really big favour to ask you – All of us, I mean. Bri and Kris, too. We… It would be good for you, too. Like, you would actually want to do this favour, but it would really mean a lot to us, and we don’t have any other options.”

“Mel, what is it?” I asked. My patience with this game was wearing thin. I had work I needed to do. And for some reason, having Mel here in my office seemed like a boundary violation. I wanted to maintain a professional reputation in the department, and keep my home life and all its little dramas at home. I wasn’t comfortable with this cross-over. I didn’t need my half-dressed barely-adult roommates coming around. I’m sure if anyone saw us, they’d just assume she was only another grade-anxious student trying to get ahead before class even started. But still…

“Okay, so you know how Kris’ parents have a cottage by a lake in Iowa, where we’re supposed to go this weekend, right?”

I nodded. The three girls had planned this end-of-summer trip together. I was looking forward to having the house to myself. I could get some serious work done without getting distracted by them. And if I wanted to sit around the living room in my underwear, or jerk off in the kitchen, or whatever I wanted to do – I’d be free to do it.

 Frankly, it was the jerking off part I was anticipating more than anything else. I’d been back from Wisconsin for a little over a week and had gone from constant sex back to no sex at all. Things with Jenny had cooled off considerably, even online. All we did was go on quests together. No more sneaking off to play maiden and the mage horn. So, I was horny as hell and frustrated with barely any relief. I couldn’t even watch porn with the volume turned up because one of my roommates was always hanging around and might overhear it.

“Well, Bri’s boyfriend-”

“The new one?” I interjected.

“Yeah. Well, she and him just had this huge fight.”

I rolled my eyes. Bri seemed to be constantly breaking up with guys. I wondered if that was the only reason she dated them in the first place.

“I know. But he was supposed to drive us up to the cottage with his buddies. Now we don’t have any way of getting up there…”

I could see my weekend alone slipping away.

“Unless…” Mel continued, then trailed off again.

I sighed irritably.

“Please?” Mel begged.

“But I have so much work to do,” I complained, flipping the pages of my text book. “I’ve barely even made a dent in it.”

“Can’t you bring it with you?” Mel asked. “I mean, think about this: Would you rather be stuck in this little stuffy office doing your work, or would you rather do your work while looking at a sunset over a beautiful lake.”

I sucked air through my teeth, doubtfully.

“Come on, Bill,” Mel pleaded. “This would really mean a lot to us. And we’d make sure you enjoyed it. I mean, we’d forget about the whole lying about your virginity and sleeping with all of us thing.”

“Shhh!!!” Why was she talking about that here? What if someone overheard her?

“Please, Bill,” she said pressing her hands together. “Pleeeaaaasssseeee… Pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease!”

“Fine,” I said just below a shout. “Jesus!”

Mel jumped up, smiling excitedly and clapping.

“Oh my god! Thank you, Bill. Thankyouthankyouthankyou.”

“You’re very annoying, you know that?” I asked irritably. But I also have to admit, I did like seeing Mel happy, especially when the cause of that happiness was me.

“It’ll be great,” Mel promised. “We won’t bug you, and you can get your work done. You’ll see.”

She stood up, threw her arms around my neck, and gave me a big hug, pressing her breasts into my face in the process.

“Is that all? Why didn’t you just call me?” I asked, when I could breathe again.

“We tried,” Mel said. “But we couldn’t get through.”

I picked up my phone from where it had been lying on my desk. The screen was dark, and wouldn’t come to life when I tapped it. The battery! I’d forgotten to charge it last night. I felt like an idiot.

“And…” Mel continued, resuming her ‘about to ask a favour’ tone.

“And?” I repeated.

“There’s just one other thing… I mean, it’s not really a big deal. It’s just for me, but…”

“What is it?” I demanded to know. “Just spit it out.”

“Do you think you could give me a ride to the mall? I’d need to go, kind of like… now.”


“I tried calling,” she said again as if this justified everything.

I gestured desperately at the text book on my desk, then to the screen of my laptop. Mel just looked back at me. After a minute I closed them both in frustration.

“Fine,” I grumbled.

“Thank you, Bill!” Mel squealed. She gave me another one of her breasty hugs, and kissed my cheek. “You’re the best.”

“Okay, let’s go,” I grumbled. I packed up my computer and some books in my bag.


At the mall, I’d wanted to just sit in the food court, eat a Cinnabon, and work on my laptop while Mel went shopping. But she had other ideas.

“Come on, Bill,” she said. “I need a guy’s opinion.”

I sighed, and allowed myself to be dragged into the large JC Penny store. She led me right into the ladies swimwear section! As a guy, I’d never been to this part of the store before unless I was passing through to another section. Now, I stood there, looking around awkwardly at all the skimpily dressed mannequins, feeling like a pervert, while Mel began to rifle through different swimsuit sets. Other women looking for end-of-the-season deals on swimwear cast glances in my direction. I was obviously out of place. I tried not to pay attention to them. I focused on Mel instead.

“Okay, hold these,” she said.

She had picked out about a dozen different bits of fabric. She handed them all to me except a top and bottom. These she held against her body, where they hung limply to give me a vague impression of what they’d look like on her.

“What do you think?” she asked.

“I don’t know,” I said, and then added hopefully, “They’re red?”

Mel laughed. “Goof!” she said. “I mean, do you think this would look cute on me?”

“I guess,” I answered, shrugging. Mel frowned. It wasn’t the response she’d been hoping for.

“Ok, well…” she shoved the set into my arms and grabbed another. “What about this?”

“It’s fine,” I said.

“Bill!” Mel shouted. “You’re supposed to be helping.”

“Sorry,” I said. “It’s just hard to tell what they’re supposed to look like. I mean it’s not like I know that much about bikinis or anything.”

Mel gave an exasperated sigh and looked around for a minute. “Okay. Come on,” she said, grabbing my arm and pulling me towards the side of the store. I followed behind her with my armload of dangling bikini pieces.

We arrived at the changing rooms. There was an attendant desk piled with clothes and empty hangers, but it was unstaffed.

“Wait here,” Mel ordered.

She took the swimsuits from me and headed back to the changing rooms. I stood there listening to soft rock over the PA system, and thinking Goodbye Yellow Brick Road wasn’t such a bad song after all. Then Elton John gave way to Tears for Fears, and then Simply Red, whom I’d never really cared for.

I started to get impatient and wondered what was taking Mel so long. I decided to go back into the change area to see if I could hurry her up. There were four stalls on each side and one at the end with a wheelchair sign on it. Despite the store being fairly busy, the change rooms were surprisingly not. There was only one stall occupied. I knocked gently on the door.

“Mel?” I asked. “Are you alright?”

“Yeah, I’m fine,” she answered through the door. “I think I’ve narrowed it down to three… um, just give me a minute.”


Simply Red passed into Alan Parson’s Project. My mother had been fond of all these bands when I was growing up. They were the soundtrack of the endless boring car rides of my childhood, and reminded me of the sickening smell of melted crayons and long lost Cheetohs baked into the back seat. Finally, I heard the click of the changing stall door unlocking. I turned around to see Mel standing there in a black bikini with thin vertical yellow stripes. The cut of the fabric showed off her curves nicely.

“What do you think?” she asked.

“It looks good,” I said.

“Yeah?” she asked. She spun around to show me the back. Her round buttocks overflowed the small piece of fabric in a sexy way. I started to feel myself getting aroused, thinking about how great her body felt. It would be so great to feel it again.

“Okay, remember this one,” she instructed with a smile. “I want your opinion on the others, too.”

She went back into the stall, leaving me with just the mental image of her. I kept it turning over in my mind. It was a pleasant change from my previous thoughts of summer afternoons staring at featureless miles of highway passing by the window of my mother’s old Ford.

“Okay, Bill, ready?” Mel asked from inside the stall after a few more minutes.

“Uh huh,” I said, turning to face the door.

This time, when Mel stepped out, her bikini was red and white. Somehow it seemed even smaller than the previous one. As I scanned her body, I noticed that the cool air conditioning had perked up her nipples so they were poking visibly beneath the fabric of her bikini top. Her nipples weren’t the only things stiffening. I also noticed a distinct sensation in my own pants.

“Well?” she asked, giving me another slow sexy spin.

“It looks good, too,” I said.

“That’s it?” she asked.

“It looks great?” I tried again.

“But do you like it better than the other one?”

“I don’t know, they both look great.”

“Ugh,” she shouted in frustration. “You’re such a guy!”

“Yeah, I am,” I admitted. “You look great in both of them. I kind of think you could put anything on, and it would look great because you look great. When you cancel out all the other variables, the constant is you.”

“Aww,” she cooed. “That’s sweet. Okay, fine. I’m going to try on the last one. Then seriously, you need to help me make a decision.”

She disappeared inside again, and I returned to my own thoughts. Those breasts, a nice round handful each! And those nipples! So playful, so naughty! I remembered how they had felt between my lips and on my tongue, while my fingers crept down below to the hot wet place between her thighs. I knew it was not the time or place for these thoughts, but they came anyway, against my will.

This time when she came out (to the ear-worm sounds of Men Without Hats), her bikini was navy blue. It had a sexy fringe along the edges of the small triangles that covered her breasts and left little to the imagination. The bottom was a barely-there strip of fabric, tied by strings dangling from her hips. She shook her ass as she spun, in a sexy little dance.

“Great,” I said without being prompted this time. “Really hot.”

“You really like it?” Mel asked.

“Yeah,” I said. “It’s sexy.”

Mel reached down to adjust the fabric of her top. Then she looked beyond her breasts to my pants.

“Jesus! Bill!” she shouted at me.

“What?” I looked down and noticed that my pants had become conspicuously tented. “Ah shit…um… sorry.”

“Wow!” Mel giggled. “You must really like this suit.”

“Well…” I said, trying to think of something witty to say.

Around the corner, we heard voices. The words were indistinct, but they sounded like an old married couple. I began to panic. What if they came in here and saw us standing here like this – Mel dressed in next to nothing, and me getting a huge boner in the middle of this department store changing room.

“Come in here,” Mel said, noticing the worry on my face, and thinking quickly. She pulled me into her change room with her, and then locked the door behind us.

The stall was a plain fake wood veneer over press-board. There was a small bench on one side, with a pile of the bikinis that Mel had tried on, as well as her own clothes and underwear. Across from the bench was a full length mirror, which made the stall look larger than its five square feet. With two of us in there together, it was a tight fit.

On the back wall was a notice reminding shoppers of the penalties of stealing.

“But-” I started to protest.

“Shhh.” Mel raised a finger to her lips and quieted me.

There was the sound of shuffling outside, and then the stall door next to us banged shut, rattling the entire change room structure. A few seconds later we heard a woman’s voice:

“What size are you again?”

“I don’t know, Wendy,” came the reply from beside us. “It’s either thirty-six or thirty-eight. Maybe forty.”

“Well, which is it, Pete?” Wendy asked.

“Hold your horses! Jeez,” Pete complained. After a minute, he finally answered. “It says thirty-eight here.”

“But you’ve been putting on weight, dear,” Wendy criticized. “All that beer you’ve been drinking. It’s probably forty. Listen, Pete, try on what you’ve got in there, and I’m going to go out and find some other pants for you to try, okay?”

“Yeah, yeah.”

We stood there listening to this exchange with barely stifled giggles. We knew it was against the rules to have two people in a single stall, but that fact did nothing to decrease my excitement. If anything, it added to it. I couldn’t help but stare at Mel’s nearly naked body, taking in her sexy curves. Mel turned to face me. Noticing me noticing her, a mischievous look came into her eyes. Again, she placed her finger to her lips, signaling me to be quiet. I gave her a puzzled look. Then, to my surprise, her hand went down to the front of my jeans. There, it encountered the outline of my hard cock.

Her hands worked quickly at my belt, and undid my jeans. She reached inside. I felt her fingers circle around my shaft, and she pulled out my cock already at full erection. Without any support, my jeans and underwear slipped down my legs to the floor. Mel followed them, kneeling in front of me.

She took me into her mouth, deliciously sucking the head, and running her tongue along the shaft of my cock. I leaned back against the wall of the stall, trying to give her as much space as I could. Her blow job intensified, her head bobbing faster back and forth over my dick, her hands caressing my balls as she stared up at me. Then she grabbed my ass with both hands, and took me deep down her throat.

“Oh fuck!” I whispered barely above a breath.

After a few seconds, she came up for air again, breathing heavily. I looked toward the wall that we shared with Pete’s stall. If he noticed anything going on next to him, his occasional sighs, grunts, and throat clearings gave no indication.

Mel stood, and I reached out to grab her breasts as I’d wanted to since she tried on the first bikini. I pulled her closer to me, remembering what she’d taught me. I began to nibble on her earlobe, and then progressed down the side of her neck. When I reached her shoulder, I reversed course, kissing my way up her throat and to her lips. We kissed passionately. Her hand held my cock and stroked it steadily. My hands returned to her breasts, slipping the material of the bikini aside and tenderly thumbed her stiff nipples.

“Pete?” Wendy called out. “Pete are you still here?”

Mel and I froze for a second at the sound of the voices.

“Uh huh,” Pete responded. “Where did you think I’d go?”

“Look, I got some more pants for you to try on. Open up.”

There was the sound of the lock tumbling, and then the creak of the door swinging open.

“Thanks,” said Pete.

“Here, give me those other ones if they don’t fit.”

“They don’t.”

“Okay, I’ll take them back, then. But try these other ones.”

“Alright,” Pete agreed. His stall door banged closed again.

Mel turned and pressed her back against me. Her ass in her tiny bikini bottoms rubbed against my throbbing cock. With one hand I pulled on the strings securing her top. I watched them unravel, and the top fell to the floor. With my other hand, I reached around Mel and slipped into the front of her bottoms. They were already damp with her arousal. I found her clit, hot and swollen, and massaged it gently between my fingers. She inhaled sharply at my touch and pushed her ass more firmly into me.

Next door, Pete continued to make his old man noises; sniffing, grunting, scratching, and so on, reminding us of his presence. We could hear the shush of pants being pulled off and on. Sometimes there was an appreciative “hmm.” Other times he produced a dismissive “huh.” At any moment, if he paid the slightest attention to what was going on around him, we could have been caught. But the fear only pushed us to go further.

Mel reached between us for my cock. She leaned forward, pulled the damp navy bikini bottom to one side, and guided me into her. Fuck, she was so tight, but so wet! I slipped in, and the walls of her pussy closed around my dick in a warm slippery hug. I wanted to moan loudly, but I restrained myself, clutching tightly to Mel’s hips. I began to slide in and out of that beautiful twenty-year-old pussy as she steadied herself against the back wall, facing the sign about shoplifting.

As my excitement mounted, I picked up my pace. My thrusts became more intense. A time or two my hips collided with her buttocks. The sound wasn’t very loud, but since we were trying to be inconspicuous, it seemed almost deafening. Each time, we paused for a moment, waiting expectantly for Pete or Wendy to call out to us, demanding to know just what the hell we thought we were doing in here. But they just carried on their old married couple conversations.

As I continued to piston in and out of Mel’s beautiful pussy, she kept pushing her ass back into me, encouraging me to go deeper. At one point I slightly lost my balance, not remembering that my pants were still around my ankles, and I fell back against the door of the stall. In my mind’s eye, I imagined the door flying open against my weight and me tumbling backward. Wendy would be standing there, staring at my hard throbbing cock, covered with the creamy juices of Mel’s delicious cunt.

But fortunately, the door held. We froze for a full minute, with me half in and half out of Mel. We were certain we’d been caught. And then came Wendy’s voice:

“Pete, come out here and let me see… mhm… No, I don’t like them.”

“What’s wrong with them?” Pete asked with frustration. “They’re pants. They’re like any other pair. They cover my legs and ass. What more do you want?”

“I don’t like them,” Wendy repeated. “Go try on that other pair I brought.”

“These ones?” Pete asked.

“No, the other pair.”


“Yeah, those ones.”

“Okay.” Pete’s door banged shut again.

Mel turned around and mouthed ‘oh my god!’ at me. I nodded back in agreement. That had been close!

Mel gestured for me to sit down on the bench. Then she sat in my lap, her legs spread astride mine. Again, she pulled her bottoms to one side and guided my cock into her pussy. This time I watched us in the mirror as she slowly moved up and down on top of me. It was strange seeing myself like that. I almost didn’t recognize myself. I didn’t look like a dorky looking awkward nerd – I looked kind of like a porn star. It definitely wasn’t the same Bill that would have been looking back at me a few months ago.

“We look good like this,” Mel said in a barely audible whisper.

Her hand went to her engorged clit, and began to rub it in circles. I supported her hips as she rode me at a slow, steady, sensual pace. Her other hand reached up, grabbed the back of my head and pulled me towards her for an awkward kiss, while we regarded our own performance as if we were two characters different from ourselves.

“You like these?” Pete asked Wendy.

“Turn around,” she said. “Yeah, they look good. What do you think?”

“I think they’re fine.”

“Good,” Wendy said. “Let’s get these ones, and those. You get changed, and I’ll return these other pants.”

A couple minutes later, we heard the door bang shut for the final time, and Wendy and Pete were gone.

“Holy shit,” I said.

“I know, right?” Mel agreed, laughing.

We both allowed ourselves to moan softly, and breathe a little heavier after that. We still didn’t want to make too much noise, though, in case someone else came along. Mel continued to ride on top of me, sometimes up and down, sometimes grinding back and forth. Whatever she did, it felt amazing. She was so wet, I could feel her juices running from her soaking wet pussy down my balls. I was getting close to climaxing as she picked up her pace.

“Shit, Mel, I think I’m going to cum soon,” I said softly in her ear.

“Fuck. Yes!” she encouraged me.

“It’s getting close,” I said.

“Will you do something for me?” she asked.

“What?” That slowed me down a little. I thought she was going to ask me for another favour – maybe take her to the beauty salon, or something.

“When you cum, I want you to cum in my bikini.”

“The one you’re wearing?” I asked.

“Mmm. Oh fuck, yes!” she said intensely. Despite being alone in the changing room now, we still spoke in whispers. “I want to feel like a dirty slut with your messy cum all over my clean new bottoms.”

“Mm. Okay,” I agreed. The idea of it kind of turned me on, too.

“Just let me know when, you dirty old man.”

“Soon,” I said. “I’m going to cum in those nice clean bottoms soon.”

With a few more strokes, I felt myself passing the point of no return.

“Now,” I said.

Mel raised herself off of me, and I slipped out. Then she lowered her ass back on to me. Reaching between her legs, she grabbed my cock, wrapped the thin cottony material of her bikini bottoms around my cock, and began to stroke me enthusiastically through them.

“Mm, yes. Give me that dirty cum. Fill up my bottoms, and make me your filthy slut.”

“Ohh, fuck! I’m cumming!” I growled through clenched teeth. “Uuunnnhhh”

My body tightened, and my hips bucked up against Mel’s weight. I could feel my hot sticky semen pumping out of my cock, splashing against the smooth hairless skin of her pussy and soaking into the material of the bikini. I hadn’t cum in so long, I’d built up so much. Spurt after spurt loaded into Mel’s fabric-covered grip as she rubbed the material all over, spreading as much of it around as possible.

“Mmm, yeah, Bill,” she said. “Give me every last drop that you can. Make me your dirty girl with the filthy bottoms. Ooohh.”

Finally, I was spent. My chest was rising and falling as I regained my breath. Mel stood up, letting go of my cock, and allowing the now cum saturated bottoms to fall back into place. She picked up her top from the floor, used the cups to mop up some of the excess from my cock and the bench where a pool had dribbled, and then put it on, smearing my semen over her nipples. She yanked the tags off of both the top and the bottom.

“What are you doing?” I asked, even though it was obvious.

Mel put her shorts and tank top back on, over the now cum-soaked bikini. I couldn’t believe that despite the warning sign she was going to actually steal these garments! On the other hand, after what we’d done with them, I couldn’t see anyone else wanting to buy them. Nor could I imagine trying to pay for them at the checkout. It felt dangerous, but no more dangerous than fucking in the change room. Besides, I was enjoying the devilish expression on Mel’s face when she looked at me. It was a look of collusion – we’re in this together, pal. It made me feel bonded to her in a way I’d never felt with another person. We were now partners in crime.

Mel picked up the other two bikinis she’d chosen. Examined them briefly, and then decided to purchase both. She left the others behind, along with her own old underwear. We quickly left the change room and went straight to the cashier.

“Did you find everything you were looking for?” The cashier asked. She was a middle-aged blonde woman with a vacant, smiling expression.

Mel and I looked at each other, and couldn’t help laughing. The cashier regarded us with puzzlement.

“Uh, yeah,” Mel said finally, regaining her composure.

I looked around nervously for security guards closing in on us, but there were none. Mel stayed cool, giving nothing else away, and I admired that. I tried my best to follow her lead.

“Yeah,” I agreed. “I think we got what we came for.”

Mel cast me a quick smiling ‘oh, you’re bad’ glance, and smacked my arm. I realized I’d made a double-entendre. The cashier decided whatever it was, she wasn’t interested in knowing. She just rang us through with no more words than those required for her job. Mel took the receipt from her hand, wished her a good day, and we headed back to my car.


“Oh my god!” Mel exclaimed as the car door shut behind her. “That was so fucking hot! I’ve never done anything like that before!”

“Really?” I asked. Despite my experiences of the past few months, I still assumed that everyone had done everything sexual a million times. Everyone except for me, of course.

Mel shook her head. “I’ve never had sex in public, and I never shoplifted anything either. It was so much fun, though!”

“I totally thought we were going to get caught.”

“By that couple?”

“Yeah, and then when we were checking out.”

“Shit!” Mel said. “I thought when we were walking, your cum was going to start dripping down my leg. It felt like there was so much of it!”

“There was,” I agreed. “I’ve never cum in a girl’s bottoms before.”

“Me neither,” Mel said. “I- I mean, I’ve never had a guy cum in my panties or anything. Not on purpose, I mean. There was one guy who got too excited once, but… And then walking around in them! The feeling of all that cum in my nice new bottoms… I thought about it a few times, you know, while I was masturbating. I really wanted to try it.”

“And?…” I asked. “How is it?”

“Mmm…” she moaned. “It really makes me feel such a dirty little slut. You know, in a sexy way. When we were walking, I could feel your cum all kind of squishing around in there. I can still feel it. God! It’s such a turn on, all your cum in my stolen panties, with all those people around us in the mall. Mmm…”

“So does this mean I’m forgiven?” I asked.

She looked at me and laughed.

“Yeah, Bill,” she said. “I think you earned my forgiveness.”

Published 8 years ago

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