
"Glenda makes a new friend who is full of surprises."

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It was a sunny Sunday in February, and as I walked out of my apartment building I grabbed my sunglasses from my head and pushed them down in front of my eyes. They were raw, and I still had a splitting headache from the previous night’s partying. 

I made my way along the parked cars until I reached the street and turned left, heading for the local cafe. I needed a complete breakfast and my hands were so shaky from all the booze the previous night that I didn’t trust them close to a stove.

I was also still angry at Jake, who I had dumped at about 4 a.m. that morning outside the bar we had been dancing and drinking in with friends. Our relationship had been up and down for the last month, but when I saw him making out with a girl half his age I just lost it and told him what a prick he was and that he could keep his new little bitch.

I know, but I was drunk and didn’t really care who heard me and saw me. I am thirty-five and can usually handle any situation but it had just been too much. 

When I came home early in the morning I popped two headache pills and drank a glass of milk, not that it had helped because ten minutes later it all came up while I knelt in front of the toilet.


Since the weather was good and I needed the fresh air coming in from the sea I decided to sit outside, but first I went inside the cafeteria and ordered a coffee and the breakfast. Then I sat down outside in the sun. There were only a few tables outside and apart from mine only one was taken. A young woman sat reading the newspaper and I saw that she was looking at the classified section. 

When my coffee arrived I lit a cigarette and saw that my hands were still shaking, but I managed to light the poisonous stick and when I took a deep drag I began to cough.

“Are you okay?” she said in a soft voice. 

I coughed some more and waved my hand trying to say I was fine. I finally got my act together, and through teary eyes, I looked for the owner of the voice. 

It was the woman; she was looking at me with concern on her face. 

“Yeah, I am fine, thanks,” I said. 

“You don’t sound too good.” Her accent was South American and sounded familiar. 

“Sorry, I had a rough night and I guess I smoked too much.” 

She laughed. “I know the feeling, it happens to me all the time during the summer.”

I stubbed out the half smoked cigarette and said, “I’m Glenda.” 

She stood and took her coffee cup and sat down opposite me. She put out her hand and said, “Nice to meet you, I am Bella.” 

And she was. In Spanish it meant beautiful. Her raven black hair was in a ponytail high on her head and her heart-shaped face had a perfect makeup. The almond-shaped eyes were dark brown with long eyelashes, and her skin was like coffee with cream. 

Her hand when I had taken it was strong, with silk smooth skin and perfectly painted nails. 

This woman did not belong in this neighborhood, I realized. She wore jeans, a thick turtleneck sweater and a black leather jacket that ended just above the belt on her jeans. On her feet, she wore boots with the jeans on the outside.

“Do you live here?” I asked. 

“Right over there, third floor,” she said and pointed at an apartment complex across the street. 

I laughed. “Sorry, but you don’t look like the other women living around here.” 

“What do you mean?” 

“Well, most of them are older than I, divorced, haggard, and with several children.” 

It was her turn to laugh. “I lived in the city during the summer, but now since I don’t have much income I moved here where the rent is cheaper.”

My breakfast arrived and I asked if she wanted to eat something, but she declined. 

“Are you from South America?” I asked, after eating two slices of bacon. 

“Yes, from Colombia; how did you know?” 

“I lived in Panama for a long time, and I recognized your accent, but I wasn’t sure from which country. 

“I also lived in Panama for a while, what a coincidence.”

While I finished my breakfast we talked about places we both had been and it turned out that we had actually lived only a few miles from each other. When I asked her about her job she only said it had to do with customer service. 

I felt better after eating but I became very sleepy so I excused myself and went to pay the bill. 

When I came out I said, “I paid for your coffee. Maybe we will see each other again?” 

“Sure, I usually come here in the mid-morning.”

As I walked home I thought about the pretty girl I had just met. There was something about her that didn’t let me go to sleep when I came home. I lay in my bed tossing and turning trying to figure it out, but in the end, the hangover took over and I drifted off.


A few days later I was out walking. I try to do at least three miles each time to keep my ass and legs firm. I hate running so I just walk very fast. 

As I was coming back on the home stretch I saw Mrs. Valdez coming towards me. She is over eighty years old and will not stop talking. I decided to cross the street, but it was too late; she had seen me. 

“Glenda!” she called waving her cane in the air. 

I sighed and slowed down as I reached her. 

“Mrs. Valdez, how nice to see you.” 

“Are you married yet? You know that you are getting too old to be chasing men.” 

“No, Mrs. Valdez, I am not married yet, and I don’t chase men.” 

She peered up at me through thick glasses. “You are still very pretty, that is good.” 

“Thank you.”

I was just about to excuse myself when she said, “But, there is a prettier one here now, a real little puta.” 

The choice of word made me rethink my quick escape. “Oh, and who is that?” 

“She lives over there, and my great-grandson told me he had seen her on one of those websites.” 

Pepe, which was the great grandson, was about thirty and a known drunk. To him all women who didn’t sleep with him were putas, me included, so for him to use that word didn’t mean much.

“I will be sure to stay away from her, Mrs. Valdez.” 

“Yes, yes, you do that.” 

I said goodbye and walked back home wondering if Bella was the poor woman who had been nominated neighborhood whore.

After a big glass of iced-tea, I decided to see if there was any truth to Pepe’s accusations. There were only two websites on the island that dealt with escorts. The first didn’t have anyone I recognized and neither had the second. As I sat there watching the screen and smoked a cigarette I saw that there was a section for transsexual girls. I clicked on it and on the third row I saw her.

I read her bio and then looked at the pictures. She had an amazing body and there was no way to tell she had a dick. Then I saw that more pictures were available so I clicked on the link. When they opened up, I stared at them for a moment, not knowing how to react. 

Bella was naked in two of them and between her legs hung a long, thick dick but her balls looked small and a bit shriveled. 

I exited the page and closed the computer. How had I not known when I met her? Then I realized what I had felt after talking to her had been right, there was something off with her. She had a big cock.


Later that evening I went down for a glass of wine and snack. I went to the usual cafe on the corner. The night was cold and I decided to sit inside, so after making my order at the bar I sat down on a sofa close to the open fireplace. The heat made me feel better and I picked up a newspaper left behind. I was reading when I felt someone standing behind me. 

“Hi, Glenda, do you mind if I sit down?” 

I knew that voice. I turned and looked up at Bella’s heart shaped face. She wore jeans and a different turtleneck sweater and the same black leather jacket.

I had to make a quick decision. If I let her sit down, the rest of the customers would know we were friends which meant I would go on the list of hookers in the area. Then again, I felt a bit sorry for her; it must be a lonely life she lived, I thought. 

“Sure, have a seat.” 

She took off her jacket, and when she did I confirmed what I had seen in her pictures; she had a pair of full boobs. 

“God, it’s cold outside tonight,” she said and rubbed her hands together. 

At that moment the waiter arrived with my order and when he saw Bella he gave me a quick glance. I just smiled at him. 

“Do you want anything?” he said in a short voice. 

“A cup of black coffee, please,” said Bella.

When he had gone I leaned over the table, making sure no one heard us. 

“Bella, I ran into Mrs. Valdez earlier today and her grandson told me what business you are in. I didn’t want to believe her, but then I found your bio and photos.” 

I was sure she would deny it and blush. Instead, she smiled and said, “Did you like them? Personally, I don’t like the naked ones; it makes my cock look huge, and it’s not.”

I stared at her for a moment. I had no words and her response was so far off what I had expected. 

She looked at me, curiosity in her eyes, so I said, “Sure, yeah, the photos were great.” 

“So you don’t think my dick looks too big?” 

“Honestly, I didn’t look that close.” 

She gave me a mischievous smile but didn’t say anything. 

Her coffee arrived, and she gave the waiter a big smile saying thank you. He just stared at her.

“Excuse me for asking, but how did all this happen?” I said. 

“How did what happen?” 

“I mean, when did you know you wanted to be a woman?” 

Bella sipped the hot coffee and then said, “Let’s go for a cigarette, and I will tell you.”

We huddled in a corner staying out of the wind which had increased. 

“Ever since I was a little I knew that I was born into the wrong body. I used to dress in my older sister’s clothes and when I was in my early teens I would sneak into her room and put on her makeup. At first, my parents didn’t worry about it, you know, kids being kids but that changed.” 


She took a long drag on her cigarette. “See these?” she said and cupped her boobs and then continued. “I was about fifteen when my dad caught me wearing my sister’s bra. I had padded it with toilet paper and stood in front of the mirror. He got very upset and took me to a psychologist, and after several meetings the guy told my parents that there wasn’t anything wrong with me and that I wanted to be a girl.”

I looked at her and wondered how that would feel like, being in the wrong body. “So then what happened?” 

“Nothing, really, until I was eighteen. Then I moved out and flew to Panama where I got a job. I saved for a couple of years and then began my hormone therapy and had my boob job.” 

“Did you ever go back to see your family?” 

“Yeah, but when I showed up in a miniskirt, high heels, and boobs, my parents weren’t too pleased. My sister was okay with it and I stayed with her.”

We put out our cigarettes and went back inside and warmed ourselves in front of the fire. 

“Do you have a boyfriend or a husband?” Bella asked when we had sat down again. 

“I used to have a guy, but it’s over between us.” 

“Did he meet someone else?” 

I sighed. “I guess, at least he made out with another girl, and that’s when I dumped his sorry ass.”

I finished my food and then asked her, “Why are you in the escort business? There must be other ways to make money.” 

“Sure, but they don’t pay well and I don’t have any education, only high school.” 

“Isn’t it dangerous?” 

She shook her head. “Not really, at least not here. Most of the men I meet are just regular guys with a curiosity, or sometimes couples.” 

“Really, couples?” 

“Oh, you’d be surprised how many women I have been with.”

“That is so strange. Why would a woman want to be with a transsexual?” 

She smiled and said, “Maybe because they get the tits, the soft skin and the cock in one package.” 

It made me laugh. “Okay, but still, I think it’s odd.”

We had another drink and by the time we left the rain was pouring down. I pulled up the collar of my jacket and got ready for the run home. Bella did the same but before she dashed off she said, “Come and have dinner with me tomorrow.” 


“My place, it’s on the third floor, door number three. Come by around eight.” 

“Okay, see you then.” 

I watched her run across the street to her door and when she was inside I took a deep breath and ran back to my place.


I wasn’t sure what to wear since I didn’t know if it was just her and I or if Bella had invited more people. I decided it was better to be overdressed. 

The evening was clear but a bit chilly, so over my black dress I wore a long coat. I chose a small purse since I only needed my keys and cigarettes. After double checking my makeup I walked the short distance to Bella’s place.

“Hi, welcome,” she said when she opened the door. 

I could smell food cooking and there was soft music playing. She took my coat and hung it on a hook by the door. 

“You look nice,” she said. 

“So do you.” She wore a black skirt and a white blouse which showed off her ample cleavage. 

“Please, come inside. Would you like a drink? I have wine, beer, and stronger stuff if you want.” 

“A glass of red wine would be nice.” 

“Have a seat in the living room and I will be right with you.” 

I walked down the hall and into a large living room.

The view was towards the sea. There were several candles lit on a few tables and they gave off a soft yellow light. I sat down on the black leather sofa opposite a large bookshelf with a TV in the middle.

“There you go,” she said when she handed me a glass. 

“Thanks, this is a nice place.” 

Bella sat down in on a chair next to me and said, “Yes, it is. I was lucky. The owners are in Germany for the winter and they gave me a great price.” 

“Is anyone else coming?” I asked. 

She smiled and sipped on her wine. When she put the glass down she said, “No, it’s just you and me.” 

She lit a cigarette and offered one to me which I accepted. We sat in silence a few moments inhaling the smoke and looking at each other. I felt the tension in the air, like little electric bolts flying between us.

It was hard to take my eyes off her; she looked almost magical. Like something from another dimension. Her skin glowed in the dark and her eyes told me that she wanted something much more than just dinner with a friend. It made me feel a bit uncomfortable. The thought of being with another woman had never entered my mind and even less so with a transsexual. 

“Am I making you uncomfortable?” she said in a soft voice. 

“A little,” I admitted, and drank my wine. 

“I am sorry; it’s just that I find you very attractive.” 

I laughed, more out of insecurity than anything else. I took a deep drag from my cigarette and then stubbed it out.

“I am going to check on the food,” she said and stood. 

When she walked away from me I could swear she put some extra swing into her hips. I quickly finished my wine and sat in the semi-darkness wondering what I should do. The simplest thing was to get up and walk out. Go back to my apartment, have some more wine and write the whole episode down to a not so comfortable experience.

Then I felt stupid. Why would I assume she wanted something more than friendship from me? She had said I was attractive, but that didn’t mean she wanted to have sex with me… or did it?

After all, she was a man and men have a higher sex drive than women. We need things like love, attention, romance to get us going. All men needed were some ass and tits and that was it, cock hard and ready to go.

Curiosity got the better off me and I decided to stay. If things got weird I could always high-tail it back to my place. 

“Dinner is ready,” I heard her call. 

I took my glass with me and went to the kitchen. A table for two was set up by the window with a candle in the middle. 

“What is it?” I said, 

“I won’t tell you the name, it’s too long, but it’s a fish dish from Colombia.” 

I sat down and refilled our glasses from the bottle that stood on the table. Bella put down two plates and then sat down. 

“To new friends,” she said and lifted her glass. 


While we ate I told her about my work and my asshole of an ex-boyfriend. She listened attentively and made a few comments and asked some questions. 

The wine flowed and by the time we were finished a third bottle had already been opened. She opened the window and we had cigarettes while she cleared the table. 

“Can I ask you something personal?” I said. 

She was at the sink washing the plates. 


“Would you do the final operation?” 

She wiped her hands on a towel and turned. “You mean having surgery so I would have a vagina?” 


She thought for a little while and then sat down opposite me. “I have thought about it, actually I have been awake for hours thinking about it, and honestly, I am not sure.” 

“So, some part of you is still a man?” 

She laughed. “Maybe, I think it’s more a fear of not being able to have an orgasm.” 

“Oh, is that a sure thing?” 

She shrugged her shoulders and poured more wine. “There is always the risk; it’s a very complicated surgery.” 

“So, when you are with your clients, what happens?” 

She drank from her wine and her almond shaped eyes didn’t leave mine for a second. 

“Why do you ask?” 

I giggled. “Curiosity I guess.” 

“Most of the men either want to fuck me and a few want me to fuck them. I am both submissive and dominant so it makes no difference to me.” 

“What about the couples?” 

“Oh, that can get very kinky. Usually, at some point the woman wants me to fuck her husband or boyfriend while she watches. Most of the guys say no, but the woman always wins.”

“Wow, I don’t think I would want you to fuck my husband if I had one.” 

“Like I said, some people have their fantasies and I am there to fulfill them. What about you, what’s your deepest darkest fantasy?” 

“I don’t have one.” 

She raised her eyebrows. “Really, I think we all do, it’s just that most of us don’t act out on it.” 

I thought for a while and then said, “No, there is nothing.” 

She got up and grabbed the wine bottle and her glass. “Let’s go to the living room.”

I sat down on the sofa and Bella put down the wine bottle and headed to the bathroom. Some of the candles had burned out so the room was darker than before. Shadows played on the walls and outside it had started to rain.

When Bella came back she sat down next to me instead of on the chair where she had sat before. 

“Hi,” she said, her eyes large and searching. 

They focused my lips and as she moved closer I moved backward. 

“What are you doing?” I said. 

“Try it, you might like it.” 

I had moved as far back as I could and she kept coming closer. Her lips brushed gently against mine as a butterfly’s wings. They were warm and soft as silk. 

“Close your eyes,” she whispered, her breath on my lips.

Against my better judgment, I did; I will blame it on the wine but the entire situation was surreal. I could hear the rain against the windows. 

She pressed her lips harder against mine and her tongue ran across them. I could taste the wine it and then I opened my lips slightly. Her tongue searched for mine and when they met I shivered and pulled away. 

“No, I can’t do this.” 

She pulled away a little and put her hand on my thigh. My dress had slid up and was bunched close to my ass. Her hand was warm and she gently squeezed my leg. 

“What’s wrong, Glenda?” she whispered. 

“This, you, everything.” 

“C’mon, that isn’t true, is it?” 

I reached for my glass and finished the wine. “I think I better go.” 

“Wait, let me guess. You are not into women, and this whole thing is making you uncomfortable?”

“Yeah, you could say that.” 

“Look,” she whispered. 

She slowly rolled up her skirt and when it was almost at her hips her cock sprung out, hard, thick and ready. 

“Oh my God!” I said. 

“See, I am a guy too.” 

I stared at her dick, not being able to take my eyes off it. I have seen a few over the years but nothing like Bella’s. 

“You can touch it if you want.” 

I looked up at her and then back at the cock and up again. 

“This is so fucking weird,” I said.

Her beautiful heart shaped face with the perfect makeup and the large eyes together with her boobs made her look like a young woman. Then when my eyes moved further down her hard cock stood straight up between her legs. 

“Don’t be shy, touch it,” she said again.

As if in a dream my hand slowly moved towards the shaft and when I wrapped my fingers around it Bella sighed and leaned back, her head on the armrest her legs half off the sofa with her feet on the floor.

I didn’t say anything and neither did Bella. Slowly I began to stroke her shaft and she sighed and moaned a little. After a little while, she lifted her legs up and placed them on my lap and then spread them a little. 

I was using my left hand and the position wasn’t the best but I was afraid to move, as if I did, the magic might end and I would scurry back home like a frightened school girl.

A drop of pre-cum had formed on her cock and ran slowly down the shaft before it was caught in my hand. Then another ran down and another. Within minutes her shaft was slippery. 

I was staring at her dick and didn’t notice Bella eyeing me. 

“You can suck it if you want to.” 

I came back to reality. “What?” 

She giggled and continued. “I know you want to suck it, you had your mouth half opened and you were licking your lips. 

Shit, I thought, I am going crazy. My hand was still sliding up and down the wet shaft. 

“Come, lie down between my legs,” she said and lifted one over my head so I was caught between them.

My mouth was drawn to her cock like a bee to a flower. I licked the shaft from the base all the way up to the dark red cock head where I gently nibbled on it. Then I took her in my mouth, deep down, as far as I could and Bella let out a long sigh and a little giggle. 

“Yes, Glenda, just like that, suck on it.” 

I began to move my head up and down, and after a while, my jaws began to ache from the cock’s girth. I took it out of my mouth and went back to stroking her. 

“This is so fucking strange and so hot,” I managed to say. 

“I will make it even stranger for you,” she said with a smile.

She pulled up her top and exposed her boobs. Tiny dark nipples that were hard and skin that looked soft as velvet. 

“Touch them,” she whispered. 

My left had snaked its way over her flat belly and reached her right boob. It was firm and when I pinched her nipple she giggled again. 

“Wow, this is weird,” I said while massaging her boob. 

“Mm but it feels so good.”

I went back to sucking her while playing with her boobs. I drank her pre-cum and I knew I was soaking wet between my legs. 

“Now it’s your turn,” she said and began to sit up. 

I got up on my knees and then leaned back so my head rested on the armrest. She got into the same position I had been in earlier and pushed up my dress so my white panties were exposed. 

She rolled them down and pulled them down my legs and off my feet. Then she spread my legs so one foot was resting on the back of the sofa and the other planted on the floor. I felt very exposed and I could even feel the cold draft on my cunt lips.

“What a pretty pussy you have,” she said while lowering her head. 

“Thanks,” I managed to mumble before her lips touched mine. 

I tensed and for a second I thought of pushing her away but then her tongue found my clit and I moaned as my body relaxed.

She spread my lips and ran her tongue down my slit and then up to my clit again. When she sucked on it I moaned louder and lifted my hips off the sofa. 

“Am I doing it right?” she said. 

“Mm, so very right; don’t stop or I will run back home.” 

She giggled and went back to licking me. I drove my hands into my hair and pulled at it as my orgasm grew closer. My back arched and when I did it the second time she said, “I think you are ready.”

I opened my eyes. “Ready for what?” 

She got up on her knees still between my legs and grabbed her shaft. “For me to fuck you.” 

I didn’t say anything. She sat there with her cock in her hand, the candles giving her skin a golden shade and her boobs heaved as she breathed. 

Then she lay down on top of me. She was so much lighter than any man I had ever been with. Her boobs pressed against me and her lips searched for mine.

We kissed deeply and suddenly she was inside me. 

“Oh, God, you are big,” I sighed. 

She began to move slowly while she wiggled her arms around my body and pulled me closer. I wrapped my legs around her waist and my nails dug into her skin. 

She began to fuck me harder and I met every one of her thrusts, my body wanting every inch of her inside me. 

“Yes, Bella, fuck me like this, fuck me hard and deep,” I managed to say before my cunt gave the first sign of my orgasm. 

It grew from deep inside me and when I came I dug my nails deep into her back and Bella yelped. 

“Don’t complain, it’s your fault,” I said as she continued to fuck me. 

“Yes, yes, almost there, almost,” she moaned in my ear.

She pulled out and jerked herself off, the cum spraying over my tummy and boobs. With a last long squeeze she slumped down on top of me and we lay in silence. 

I was first to speak. “That was different.” 

She pushed herself up so her face was above mine. “Did you like it?” 

I looked down at my body and saw the cum glistening in the light from the candles. Her cock hung semi-hard between her legs. 

“I did,” I said and reached for her. 

“Mm, you want to go again?” she said, her eyes closed and her cock hardening in my hand. 

“Yes, I do.” 

She opened her eyes and kissed me gently on the lips. “Me too, but let’s go to the bed, it’s so much better. 

“Okay, but I want to wash off your cum first.” 

She giggled. “I have a better idea, why don’t we take a shower together?”

It was close to four in the morning when I stepped out of her building. The rain had stopped but the street and sidewalk were wet. I pulled up the collar of my coat and began the short walk back to my place. 

My mind was racing, and I was confused. What had just happened? I had been fucked by Bella and she had done it better than any man had ever given it to me. Did I want to see her again? Yes, I did. Would I let her fuck me again?” I wasn’t so sure about that. While we were in the bed the wine had worn off and I was pretty sober. 

When I reached my door I made a promise to myself. I would not let Bella fuck me again; this was a one-time experience which I had liked, but at the same time, it was just too much. I decided to keep a distance and not go back to her place. If she wanted to meet then we could do so in a public place. I simply didn’t trust myself to be alone with her where there was a bed.

Published 8 years ago

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