How Would You Like Me?

"It’s your fantasy"

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First timer, she thought, watching him fumble with his belt buckle. Everything about him was tense: furrowed brow, clenched jaw, averted eyes. She sat back on her haunches, hands resting lightly on her thighs. This one was going to need coaxing.

“Can I help?” she asked.

“No, I’m…” He flinched as someone rattled the door handle. A nervous smile flickered across his face. 

Smiling back, she pushed strands of wet hair away from her face. “Ignore the outside world. This bathroom is yours. So am I.” Water dripped from an errant ringlet, beading on skin as pale as the white enamel bath in which she waited. She brushed the drops away. “Now then, how would you like me?” 

“In there’s fine.”

Amusement danced in her eyes. “I meant my position. Sitting? Standing?”

“Oh, I see.”

“This is your fantasy, so tell me what you’d like.” Straightening her spine, she caressed her breasts. “Would you like to hose these?” French-polished fingernails circled hardened nipples. “Pretty, aren’t they?”

Gulping, he nodded.

“Or maybe…” She slowly, deliberately, parted her thighs. “You’d like to aim here?”

Her fingertips stroked her shaved mound then, venturing further, she spread her labia. Her sex was moist and puffy. A single digit touched her slit and, giggling, she raised her hand, waggling a fingertip coated in girl-goo. She popped the sticky finger into her mouth and sucked.

“In there,” he said, staring at her puckered lips.

“Good choice.” Her impish smile grew. “Would you like to come too?”

“Can I?”

The man’s eyes widened as he spoke and she noticed his cock, dangling freely, had thickened. Good. She’d enjoy sucking that but first… she lifted her chin and opened her mouth.

“Now? Right now?” the man stammered.


“Erm, okay…” He shuffled forward, trousers and y-fronts shackling his ankles. Grasping his cock, he shifted uneasily. “Wait, one second.”

“Take your time, I won’t look.” Recognising ‘stage fright’, she closed her eyes. “We’re safe in here. The door’s locked and we can’t be heard, the music’s too loud.”

“You sure?”

“Yes. I’m certain.” She screwed her eyes tight, anticipation tingling along her spine. “Are you ready?”

“I guess so.”

She shuddered. Any moment, it would happen – the heat, the stench, the bitter taste. She longed for it, craved it. The exquisite naughtiness made her pussy throb. A soft moan escaped with her breath and arousal flushed her milky flesh.

There was an awkward hiatus.

“Does this feel wrong?” she asked when nothing happened.

“Yes. Sorry.”

“Do you think it’s filthy?”


“And yet, you’ve been dreaming about this, haven’t you? Fantasising. That’s why you’re here, to live out your fantasy.”

“Yes but—”

“Just do it. Piss in my mouth like they do in the porn you watch.”

“I don’t watch that sort of—”

“Yes, you do.

You love it. You love this.” She drew a breath. “So do I. It turns me on. Does it turn you on?”


“Then take a chance, live the fantasy. Fill my mouth with your nasty piss, spray it all over my body and…”

“Oh, yes, fucking yes, yes…” He uttered a rumbling baritone moan as the floodgates opened. “Ahh… yes.”

Eyes still closed, she opened her mouth, welcoming the deluge. The first warm jet soaked her cheek before his stream hit its mark. She didn’t flinch as the acrid fluid filled her gaping maw. It burned her throat and spilled over her chin, pouring down her body in crisscrossing rivulets. Yellow diamonds beaded her quivering flesh.

She drank what she could. How she loved it. Not the bitter taste, not the smell but the sheer wickedness of playing her role in a taboo act so frowned upon. It was primal, depraved, utterly exhilarating.

Her sex throbbed. Reaching out, she grasped the pissing cock and sank her lips over the tip. She sucked hard, swallowing piss while the man grunted his pleasure. Need growing, she drew him deeper, rasping her tongue along his shaft while piss ran down her throat.

“Oh fuck… fuck…” He clutched the bathtub to steady himself. “Holy fuck!”

It was a wonderful but, inevitably, brief moment. His cock twitched as his stream diminished, his bladder almost drained. Groaning lustily, she sucked harder. Her head bobbed back and forth, back and forth, like a metronome, until the salty tang of pre-cum mingled with the bitter taste of urine. The fun wasn’t over. Not yet. When his cum hit the back of her throat, she moaned and quivered. She swallowed greedily, loving the taste and held the second shot in her mouth, opening wide to show him.

“You taste delicious,” she spluttered, her mouth full. Grinning, she swallowed. “Are you alright?”

The man looked down with the widest smile creasing his face. “Oh yes. You?”

“Never better.” She was having the time of her life. Fiery twinges scorched her sex and she was dangerously close to the brink of orgasm. One touch, one word, would send her crashing over the edge… but not yet. Fighting for control, she flicked back her hair and pointed at the sink. “You can wash over there.”

She reached for the showerhead, taking deep breaths as she stood beneath the powerful jets. Yellow stains swirled around her feet before spiraling away down the plug hole. She washed quickly then, still dripping wet, resumed her kneeling position.

The man smoothed his ruffled hair, straightened his tie and adjusted his trousers. He took a moment to fasten his belt then turned, meeting her gaze. “Thank you. I never thought…” Snorting, he shook his head. “Well, I’ll erm… I’ll go.”

“Enjoy the party,” she said, waving. “Have a few drinks. Have a lot. I’m not going anywhere.”

The man smirked, unlocked the door and swung it open, letting in the hubbub of the outside world. He glanced back before nodding politely to the two men waiting. The door shut and heavy footsteps strode across the floorboards.

The woman smiled sweetly. “Good evening gentlemen. How would you like me?”



Published 8 years ago

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