Fouling the ref

"A girls high school basketball player has fun with the referee at a major tournament"

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I was excited that we were flying to Orlando over Christmas break to play in a national holiday tournament. Our high school basketball team was ranked second in the state of California and eighth in the country. With twin six foot girls already committed to UCLA, I was the five-foot-six, point guard ready to take my services to USC if I played well. As the plane landed, we unpacked in our hotel rooms before eating dinner as a team in the huge conference room downstairs. All the teams, coaches, and officials were present.

As I ate, I looked over at the referee table and saw a cute guy who looked to be about forty years old but in very good shape. I gave him a little smile and he nodded his head in return. I tapped my teammate as well as my roommate Alicia to comment on his cuteness. We may have only been eighteen but we still thought some of the older guys were hot. She looked over and we snickered while he flashed that sexy smile. We even talked a little about him that evening in the hallway.

The next day we were to play at the ESPN’s Wide World of Sports Complex on court two at 3:00 pm. We were playing North Carolina’s number one team and it was sure to be a battle with many college coaches in attendance trying to finalize their recruiting class.

As we warmed up, I couldn’t believe we had that same cute referee who had made eye contact with us during the dinner. He was just a little taller than me and had such a cute butt, showcased in those tight black slacks. He stood at the center court line while his two partners stood further away from him.

As we played in the intense game, when the opportunity presented itself, the ref would grin or speak to me. Late in the third quarter, I did something that was out of my character. When the ball got knocked out of bounds, I jogged over, picked it up and when I gave it to him, I patted his ass. If you go back and look at the video, it’s plain as day.

Finally, the game had ended and we had won by two points. As we shook hands with the opponents, the ref was signing the scorebook. I went up behind him and snatched the pencil from his hand and wrote my phone number under his name.

Later that evening, we were all hanging out in the lobby of the hotel when I received a text from the ref, “Hey, this is Chris, the referee and I think you play really well. U R pretty cute 2.” I responded to him and as we texted our flirts back and forth, I eventually invited him to the hotel. At first, I wasn’t sure why, but I think since he was older than me yet attractive and it would be such a high-risk adventure, I was curious. I told him that it would have to be late at night because we had such a strict curfew and I couldn’t get caught and risk not playing.

So, after talking for a while, my roommate Alicia had finally fallen asleep, I texted Chris, “Coast is clear. Text me when u get 2 room 356.” Around, 12:30 am, my phone vibrated and Chris was outside the door.

I was dressed in my shorts and t-shirt when I tiptoed to the door and slowly opened it.

Before Chris could say a word, I held my finger to my lips, giving him the shush sign when I whispered, “Hi, be very quiet. My roommate is asleep. I have to be in this room just in case of a room check by our coach.”

He nodded in agreement. Chris was nicely dressed in khaki shorts, a golfing shirt, and loafers. I slowly led him in the room with my body filled with excitement and electricity. I had just come off an affair with my teacher a few months before that time and combined with the sneaking him in, that same erotic feeling was overwhelming me once again.

As I closed the door, we embraced and began to kiss in the darkness. Our tongues probed each other’s mouth with just a dim light shining in on Alicia from the window. Chris and I never spoke. We had said it all in our texts.

Chris rubbed my boobs through my shirt. I had removed my bra before he had arrived. Eventually, he put his hand inside and softly pinched my hard nipples before squatting to suck them. I was afraid his sucking would wake Alicia, but as my pussy self-lubricated, I was willing to enhance the risk. I needed his cock inside me.

I squatted down and unbuckled his belt, careful not to allow it to jingle. I shimmied his pants and cotton boxers down to his ankles. I felt his cock and it was sticking straight in the air. After stroking his fat seven inches a few times, I led him by his hands while he shuffled his feet over to the edge of my bed.

I helped him sit down. While facing away, I pulled my wide legged Soffe shorts to the side and sank myself on Chris’s hard-on, before he mumbled, “I don’t have a condom.”

Even though it was too late, I whispered back, “We don’t need one. Don’t worry, I’m on the pill.”

Because of my wetness, it slipped in between my smooth lips somewhat easily. Once I was situated, I began to lift up and sit down. It felt great but the bed started squeaking the faster I bounced. Alicia rolled over and with terror in my eyes, I stopped and sat on his lap, impaled on his meat.

After pausing for a few minutes, I felt like she wasn’t very sound asleep, so I got off Chris’s cock. I led him over to the corner so we were away from Alicia’s bed. He began to pull up his underwear, then his shorts, disappointed we had to abort our plan. With his boxers already up, I intercepted his shorts following suit. I yanked them back down and started rubbing his now leaking dick through his undies. He groaned so I stood up and put one hand over his mouth while I used two fingers to rub the outline of his cock. With me kissing on his neck, hand over his mouth, and my fingers rubbing his dick, he was squirming in place. You could the swishing sound of my fingers on the cloth as my movements increased.

He was getting closer and closer to erupting. I didn’t want him to splooge in his pants so I tugged them down just a little, allowing his head to peek out over the top of the elastic. I know the feel of that soft cotton rubbing his shaft was all he could take. Within minutes, he tried to moan louder so I pressed even tighter over his mouth to stifle the sound. He leaned forward and the first shot flew from his cock and landed on the tile. That was followed by shots of cum plopping on the cold floor below. Just to feel his vein, through the material, pulsate with each spurt, really turned me on.

When Chris finished cumming, some of it was on the back of my hand. It was so warm and thick, I had to slurp it off while he just stood there shivering his post orgasm recovery. When my hand was clean, I pulled up his boxers, then his shorts, and patted his crotch, to nonverbally say, “There you go.” I signaled he needed to leave but I would text him.

As the door closed, I dampened a towel from the bathroom so I could wipe up all the spunk off the floor. I then lay in my bed, rubbing and fingering myself to three orgasms! After licking my fingers clean, I drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, the team was eating breakfast when I received Chris’s text that he really enjoyed last night. I agreed but we had unfinished business. We were scheduled to play at 2:00 pm and I had about an hour window around 10:00 am to just relax.

We set it up that I would sneak away from the hotel and he would pick me up in his blue Mustang. I conveniently disappeared at 9:55, dressed in my compression pants, warm up shirt, and tennis shoes before hopping into his car a few minutes later.

When entering his car, we were finally able to speak freely. He told me about his cool job working in professional golf and I told him about my plans to play ball in college. We laughed and hit it off immediately. About five miles out of town, Chris pulled down this long road that seemed to lead nowhere and parked next to this small, secluded lake. As we got out and sat on the hood of his car, we talked even more.

“Britt, last night was so hot. You are so wild and I love it. I couldn’t stop thinking about you all night,” Chris revealed.

I giggled, “I know, right? Can you believe we did that? I thought for sure Alicia was going to wake up. Of course, we are all alone now.”

Chris took the hint and leaned over for a kiss. It transpired into a make out session before he helped me take off my clothes. I was completely nude, sitting on his car with only the warm sun shining down on me and the lake noises in the background.

He had me lay down on the hood and spread my legs. He went down and licked my pussy like he was auditioning for a pie eating contest. His tongue moved and vibrated the right areas. He blew his warm breath on my clit before latching on to my low hanging labia. Chris slid two fingers in and out of my pussy while he continued to lick all around. When he finally sucked firmly on my love button, I cried out in orgasm.

“Aaughhh, yes! Right there! Yeeesss!” I moaned.

I was cumming on Chris’s face and the car but I could tell he didn’t mind. Now it was my turn to recover as I held my legs up while he took off all his clothes, except for his shoes. He stood up on the bumper and slapped his dick on my puffy pussy lips. Putting his knees against the grill, he stuffed his member inside me. While holding me by my calves, Chris began to thrust. We were finally fucking and out in the great outdoors, nonetheless. The breeze was blowing and he pounded my pussy like he was angry. His dick was so hard and feeling great. I loved the girth sliding against my vaginal walls.

With my legs in the air and the car bouncing on its tires, I ordered Chris, “Go baby. Do it! Fuck me like you mean it! Pound me harder!”

“You’re so tight. Fuck, so damn tight. You’re gonna make cum,” Chris huffed and puffed while thrusting.

Just then I clenched up and screamed, “I’m cumming! Oh! Oh! Ohhh!”

I quivered as the inside of my pussy jolted in multiple spasms. The feeling was incredible. Chris just kept pounding away. I could tell he was getting close. His breathing was getting shallow and irregular. His ab muscles were getting tighter.

The out-of-breath Chris desperately asked, “I’m gonna cum. Where do you want it? Where do you want it, baby?”

I moaned, “I want it in my pussy. Please, shoot it in my pussy! Shoot it deep!”

That is all it took as Chris cried out, “Oh fuck! I’m cuuummmin’! Aughh, shit!”

His chest muscles contracted and the veins in his neck bulged, while he exploded inside me. I could feel the twitches of his cock and the warmth that flooded my pussy. He deposited his seed like a husband trying to impregnate his wife. I thought he would never stop cumming. Finally, when he pulled out and we jumped down, I knew it would be essential for him to run his car through the car wash, judging from the cum smeared on the hood.

He drove quickly while I dressed in the car. My panties were soaked. I knew I wouldn’t have time to shower, so I was going to have to play with Chris’s sperm swimming around inside me. He dropped me off, I ran up to my room and while ignoring Alicia’s questions, got dressed ready for the game.

That day, Chris was not refereeing our game but I played amazing. I scored fifteen points and dished out twelve assists as we knocked off the top team in the state of Florida.

Chris and I continued to sext each other our naughtiest thoughts, not to mention the provocative pictures, over the next few days. We never had an opportunity to see each other again over that time frame.

We continued to win and advance to the championship game. Ironically, we were to play the number one team from our home state of California and Chris’s crew was assigned to it. It was going to be nationally televised by ESPN.

Our team was sitting in the first row, awaiting our turn to warm up while the consolation game was being played. We were wearing our candy-striped snap up pants and warm up shirts over our uniforms. I happened to look over and saw Chris and his refereeing crew stretching, dressed in their striped shirts and black pants. During halftime of the consolation game, I walked over and talked to him. He wasn’t quite himself.

We went back further by ourselves into the tunnel for some privacy and I asked, “What’s wrong?”

Chris was taking an occasional deep breath and replied, “I’m so nervous. This game is nationally televised and I want to do a good job.”

“As long as you don’t call any fouls on me, that will be a good job,” I snickered, trying to lighten the mood.

He chuckled but I could see he was still very anxious so I took him by the hand and led him to our locker room.

When the door closed, I smiled, “I’m going to help you relax.”

I unzipped his black pants and got down on my knees in front of him. I fished his cock out through the opening and began to suck it. It immediately became hard and he held onto my blonde ponytail as my head bobbed back and forth.

“Oh, shit. That feels… um… that feels fuckin’ great but I hope nobody comes in here,” he grunted.

I kept sucking with my lips pressing against his pants every time I went inward. Eventually his hand went to the back of my head as my hands went around his ass. Chris started shifting like he had done that first night. He also moved his hips to coincide with my sucking. His cock began to throb and swell. The bulbous head got so rigid.

I clenched his butt checks through is slacks and he let out a loud yell, “Here it comes! Fuck, I’m cummin’! Unngghhh!”

Chris blasted his sperm into the back of my throat. I continued to hold his clenched ass, to slow down the hip thrusting and allow his load to release comfortably. His pleasure was causing him to choke and I allowed the slime to pool on my tongue. When he finished ejaculating, Chris let out a tremendous sigh of relief. I pulled off his softening dong, and stood up before I swallowed my reward. I reached down, helped his cock find it’s home back inside his boxers, before zipping him up.

“There you go, baby. Now you are nice and relaxed. Have a good game,” I laughed.

As I walked out, I saw the other two officials. They asked me where Chris was and I replied as I wiped the corners of my mouth, “Don’t worry, he’s coming.”

Then I snickered to myself. I went on to have a great game once again, but unfortunately, we lost. I had two great games with Chris’s sperm either swimming around in my vagina or my tummy. Maybe I should have taken him with me to all my games.

We stay in contact to this day.

Published 8 years ago

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