Beside You

"She sleeps like an angel in the early morning after."

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Lying still beside you,
in the early morning hours,
my love for you is blooming,
like a field of wild flowers.

Like a field of wild flowers,
swaying in the breeze,
my heart and soul is dancing:
mind and body are at ease.

Mind and body are at ease,
with the perfume of last night,
when we did the dance of love,
and got the movements right.

We got the movements right,
each and every one,
as we held each other tight,
burning hotter than the sun.

Burning hotter than the sun,
on a humid August morn,
our senses were renewed,
deep feelings were reborn.

Deep feelings were reborn,
and I pray they will remain,
in the early morning light,
in the sunshine, in the rain.

Published 8 years ago

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