I’d been looking forward to sundown, and the dark that follows after. I was going to a party, and boy was I overdue to cut loose a little.
Let me explain. I’d recently divorced, just gotten the final decree in the mail, so I was officially a free man once again. The marriage didn’t last long but the final death spiral was like a Hallmark card; it was the gift that just kept on giving. My now ex-wife and I had separated in September of the previous year, but no one was motivated enough to file for a divorce until the following March.
The marriage certificate hadn’t been strong enough to keep her from screwing everyone in town, but as the old joke goes, it’s not such a big town. As for me, I didn’t need a divorce. I sure as hell wasn’t looking for bride number four, and not being divorced kept me from doing something rash.
Some guys can break up and be dating the next week. The old ‘get back in the saddle before the pain sets in’ thing. That’s not how I roll. I had slunk off into the wilderness, licked my wounds for a few months, then cautiously poked my head out with half an expectation some female would blow it off.
I knew it was time to re-engage with the human race when an odd incident happened. I drove a tractor trailer and had a habit of checking out the ‘seat covers’ of cars who pull alongside. I was at a red light when a car came along, and the girl inside was young with long hair, long legs, slender arms, and a bulging belly. I thought to myself, “What a shame, a young girl letting herself go to pot like that..” It wasn’t until a couple hours had passed when my interior voice shouted out to me. “You fucking numb nuts, she was PREGNANT!”
I knew I needed a date like real bad, and real soon.
Part of my rehabilitation was finding a nice bar/ lounge to hang out in when the solitude became too much to tolerate. The place I’d chosen was deceptively small from the exterior, not being a very wide building as it faced the street. It made up for it by being deep, so a lot of people could actually gather there. The name of the joint was Strawberry Field’s.
It had live music on Friday and Saturday nights, and the house band was big on oldies from the sixties, beach music, and a good sprinkling of easy rock and roll. Not too bad for a bunch of local stiffs. They drew a pretty good crowd every weekend.
Most weekends since spring came I had found my way there either on Friday or Saturday night.
As you entered there was a long bar toward the wall on the right. It had dim lighting, lots of pictures, and the obligatory TV for the sports nuts. There was an ‘L’ at the end of the bar and that’s where I pitched my tent. No table for one (that looks just too desperate) for me. At the El I could see who was coming and going and Brenda (the usual bartender) could keep me well supplied.
Over the summer I’d learned who most of the regulars were. Most were young couples, roughly my age, which was a good thing. I didn’t look too out of place.
There were a few guys, lone wolves on the hunt. They may as well have been painted Day Glow Orange, they stuck out so badly. After a couple months Brenda told me some of the ladies wanted to know what the deal was with me. I wasn’t overtly on the prowl, and I didn’t give off a gay vibe so they were mystified. Women love a mystery, an enigma, a puzzle to solve. I told Brenda to just let them keep wondering. Who knows what seeds will sprout in the darkness.
Brenda was and is kewl as shit. She also bears the name of my first wife, so that provided some degree of protection. I don’t think I need to have dynastic relationships. She was working her way through college. She’d spent a few years between high school and college, long enough to suspect that a degree might mean a better life for herself. She was a hard worker, didn’t take any crap, and poured a heavy drink, all qualities that I liked in a woman. We talk a little crap back and forth but both of us knew it wasn’t leading anywhere.
So, I was getting ready to head down to Strawberry Field’s, looking forward to it, maybe a lot. Halloween was one of those occasions where if anything was going to happen, it’ll be that night. I met my lovely former wife on Halloween night a few years past. Once bitten, twice shy, three times is the charm, four times shoes the horse, fuck if I know what comes next.
I had bought a full head mask of a werewolf for the occasion. It was chilly, so the mask and a pull over sweater had me looking like my man Lon Chaney for real. I was set to howl.
I rolled in to the Field’s around seven. Not too early to be seen as over eager, not too late to miss out on anything. The music was loud, the waitresses were hustling their cute tushies off, and the place was packed. I lucked out as a girl seated in the El left, giving up my regular perch. I planted my butt on the pleather already warmed from her shapely rump.
Brenda came by and I ordered a whiskey sour. Yeah, it’s an old school drink but I’m an old school guy. Sometimes I’ll go out on a limb and order Black Russians but that’s as outre’ as I’m likely to get.
People were hoppin’ and boppin’, movin’ and groovin’, having a loud and high old time. I was enjoying the freak show, taking in all the costumes. There were elves and wizards, lumberjacks and fairies, Playboy bunnies and at least one werewolf. Oh, and two Mad Scientists complete with bald heads and white lab coats.
After a half hour and two whiskey sours my perch was assailed by two girls looking for refills. The leader was a very full bodied black haired vixen with dark eyes and a killer smile. She was wearing a snug black dress with a deeply plunging bodice displaying what seemed to be several acres of creamy white boobs. She was followed by a very slender, very quiet girl doing an amazing imitation of wallpaper. Vixen gave me a smile and said “I hope I’m safe here. Are you the Big Bad Wolf?”
“Nah, he’s my cousin. I’m a lot worse.”
Her eyes widened and she said in a low, breathless voice, “What could be worse that THAT?”
I gave her my best Joe Friday. “I’m an inspector with the FDIC, ma’am. I’m working undercover tonight. I see you have some very impressive assets. I may need to audit you before you can leave the premises.”
I stuck my wolf snout directly down her impressive cleavage and gave my deepest growl. Her smile went from bright to brilliant. “Why don’t you come over to our table in a few minutes and we’ll talk about that?” She gave me a big wink and gathered up her drink and set sail back toward her table, slim and silent in her wake.
I was sitting there congratulating myself in not getting my face slapped over my little move when a little frakus erupted at Vixen’s table. A guy had gotten loud, jumped to his feet, and was pointing a finger at her. I figured he was a boyfriend who had taken exception to her friendliness toward yours truly. He turned and headed for the exit, a path that put him very close to me. I didn’t know if he was coming for my shaggy pelt so I braced myself. He kept going, casting me a dirty look as he went by.
“Sucks being you,” I murmured under my breath.
I was interrupted in my thoughts by two more girls who docked beside me, empty glasses giving away their mission. Both were blondes with wavy hair, nice shapes, and happy smiles. The leader stumbled slightly and fell against me, treating my arm with a caress of her nice boob as I steadied her. “I say, I say careful there, sugah, before this heah wolf gets hisself all worked up!” It came out as a passable impression of Foghorn Leghorn.
She laughed and put her hand on my shoulder. “I’m Peggy and I’m so sorry. I usually don’t fall for strange men….err…wolves.” She giggled and I knew she’d had more than one refill. “This is my sister Jan,” I reached around Peggy and shook hands with Jan.
Peggy looked at me and said with a sad little pout, “Nobody at my table will dance with me. Will you dance with me?”
I’m a sucker for a cute pout so I said, “Sure, I’ll dance with you. I ain’t good but I make up for it with my enthusiasm!”
We left Jan standing there waiting for the refills to arrive. Peggy was a pretty good dancer and her jeans were tight and she was shakin’ it down out there. I was doing my best which means it’s a good thing the lights were low. If my costume matched my dancing I’d have come as Lurch from ‘The Addams Family’.
We danced a few and were enjoying it when I felt a pair of hands started caressing my ass. It wasn’t Peggy, who was turned away from me, dancing into her own groove. I turned to find Vixen had been playing with my ass. She giggled and said “I thought you were coming over.”
I told her, “Looked like my visit might make community relations at your table a little tense.”
“He’s gone now, no worries.”
“Okay, but I’m a little involved at the moment. Maybe a little later?”
She gave a sad smile, a little nod, and headed back toward her table.
“Who was she?”
Damn, Peggy had noticed our little conversation.
“Just a friend asking if I’d seen someone else she was looking for.”
About that time the lights came up and a conga line formed, dancers following in single file showing their stuff. Peggy and I bailed out, just watching the action. The crowd favorites were the two Mad Scientists. Every few steps they flipped their lab coats open to reveal huge dildoes protruding through their flies.They’d mince a few steps, flip their coats closed, then flip them open again. The crowd clapped, hooted, and roared with laughter. I wished I had the sack to pull that off.
Needless to say much more dancing and much more alcohol happened.
“Would you like to say good night to me now or good morning to me later?” I delivered it with my best ladykiller smile. That’s when I learned to never ask a drunk chick a multiple choice question.
She only paused a few seconds and then responded, “Yes.”
“Uh, ok, which is it?”
“The second choice. That’s the one I’d like.”
I breathed a mental sigh of relief. She went off to break the news that she wouldn’t be going back home with her group.
I drove us to my apartment being very carefully. When we got there she walked beside me to the door, carrying her sandals in one hand.
We entered and I flipped the light on. I was glad I’d picked the place up, had the dishes all washed and in the drainer.
“Would you like something to drink?”
She responded with, “Just an ice water, with lemon if you have it.”
“Will lime work?”
“Sure, that’s fine.”
I fixed us both tall glasses of ice water with lime wedges left over from a close encounter of the tequila kind earlier that week.
She sat on the sofa, head back, eyes closed. I was afraid she’d go to sleep on me, but she roused herself. I noticed her eyes were green, very pretty and large. I hadn’t noticed that in the dimness of the lounge. As I looked into her eyes she leaned toward me and gave me a very long deep kiss. Her mouth tasted slightly of lime, very enticing. Our tongues tangoed and played together. She was a very good kisser.
We settled ourselves and enjoyed kissing a bit. My hand fell onto her thigh and started caressing it. It moved up to her belly, finding its way beneath her top. My hand finally found her breasts, cupping each one in turn, a very nice handful. She leaned into me, not at all shy, enjoying my touch on her warm skin.
Her hands were busy too, also caressing my thigh. Hers wandered and found my bulge which was becoming painfully apparent. She teased me, her hands rubbing then squeezing, working their magic on me.
I dropped my hand to her waist, undid the catch of her jeans, slowly slid her zipper down. My hand entered the front of her jeans, found her warm (and now moist) mound and started to massage it through her panties. I could feel her full lips under my touch.
I took both hands and started to lower her jeans, her shapely ass rising to make the task easier. I savored the sight as her panties, then her thighs as they were exposed to my sight. For me there is always magic in that moment when a woman allows herself to become exposed, vulnerable to her lover. Every woman is different, yet every woman is the same, exquisite in her vulnerability.
I kissed down her belly, lower and lower, kissing finally the crotch of her panties, breathing in her intoxicating scent, the musk of an aroused woman. As I kissed her she slipped her top off and undid her bra. She gave them a toss and they landed on my easy chair.
Her breasts were beautiful, pale, perfect. She wasn’t large, a B cup, but there was no sag to them, no drooping at all. They were very pale, almost milky, with a tracery of fine blue veins exposed under the skin. Her aureoles were pale pink, the size of half dollar coins, capped with rosy nipples puckered and hardened by anticipation.
I kissed my way back north, over the slight rise of her belly, up her rib cage, her breastbone, finally to her silky globes. I kissed each nipple gently, tenderly. I flicked them lightly with my tongue, took each one between my teeth, held it there with light but firm pressure. I suckled each breast like a newborn, gentle yet insistent, kneading the soft flesh with my fingers as I suckled.
I placed a hand between her legs and she opened to me willingly, even eagerly. I could feel the warmth there, the sticky moistness.
I stopped kissing and suckling her breasts and put my fingers into the waistband of her panties. I slipped them from her hips, down her thighs, from off her feet. She lay there totally naked for my sight, my pleasure. I knelt between her thighs and bent to kiss her puffy lips. They were full, swollen with heat, puffy and full like her lips above. I kissed her crinkly bush, pale blonde hair glistening with her flowing nectar. I traced each outer lip gently from top to bottom and back again with the tip of my tongue. Finally I put my tongue into her channel, tracing downward. I was rewarded with a liquid treasure, salty and silky as my tongue lapped at her. I worshipped her exquisite cunt, taking in every scent, taste, texture, warmth…all to be stored forever in my memory of that moment.
I enjoyed her for quite a while as she also enjoyed me and my attentions. I could hear her soft moans, her cooing as I found her hard little clit hidden within it’s folds. I exposed it, blew cool air on it, bathed it with my tongue, kissed it, gave it the obeisance it so richly deserved. Finally she began to moan from deep in her throat, her breath becoming more rapid. Her belly and thighs were becoming beset with tremors, muscular small quakes to foresage the coming major quake of orgasm. Finally she clenched her teeth and
started huffing her breath through them as her body thrashed in a thunderous climax. It seemed to last for minutes as she was locked in a seizure of pleasure.
Finally, she pushed my head from between her quivering thighs, unable to endure another iota of stimulation.
“Oh my GOD, I’ve needed that for SO damned long baby.” I could see sweat glistening on her breast, hear her ragged breaths coming in heaving gasps.
Like all good boys, I’m very happy to make his lady pleased. I lightly kissed down her thighs to her knees.
“Your turn now.” She came to me and our kiss was very deep. I knew she was tasting herself on my lips, on my tongue.
“Where is it?”
“Where is what?” I asked.
“The mask. Put it back on.”
I’d taken the mask off when I’d fetched our water. It was laying on the easy chair that held her bra and top. I got it back on as she pushed me down on the sofa. She kissed down my chest, nibbled my nipples, bit them hard. My cock jumped in response to her roughness, almost dumped my load right then and there. Her hands undid my jeans, unzipped the fly, roughly jerked them down my hips, my boxers following quickly. She kissed down my chest and belly. Her hand reached under and cradled my balls. She kissed the head of my swollen cock and a thin stream of precum was suspended from cock to lips like a crystaline spider web strand, shining in the light of the lamp on the end table beside the sofa.
She sucked the head of my cock into her mouth like a succulent cherry. Her tongue caresssed it, swirled around it, flicking the fringe quickly and insistently. I could see her eyes shining as she looked up at me, seeing the wolf she was blowing so well.
She slowly took my shaft into her mouth. She almost had it all in when she gagged on it. Not many women can take all of me but she came close. I lay back with eyes closed, soaking in the sensation of her warm mouth on my cock. She took me out and licked down my length, nibbled around the base, sucked my balls into her mouth, gave them a tongue bath. Some gals do that because their guy loves it. Peggy did it because SHE loved it.
She took my hand and raised herself to her feet. She pulled me to my feet and whispered, “Take me to bed, baby. I want you to fuck me on your bed.”
I led her to the bedroom. I was going to leave the lights off but she asked me to turn on a lamp. I did, and she pushed me down onto my back on top of the coverlet. She straddled me in a cowgirl up position, taking my hard cock in her hand and guiding me to her opening. A couple slippery shifts and I was in the right position. She slowly lowered herself onto my cock and I watched it disappearing inside her wet and warm pussy.
She started to slowly rock back and forth with me inside of her. That went on for a bit then she started to grind her pussy on me, using the friction of her bush on mine to create intense sensation. Every few grinds and she’d raise herself halfway off my cock only to slam down as hard as she could then go back to the grind. I loved it, knowing I was being taken, being used for her pleasure. She was fucking me exactly the way she wanted to, as hard as she wanted to.
All I had to do was lay back and enjoy the show, watching her hands caress and pinch her breasts as she ground her cunt against me.
Well, I had to keep from blowing my load too, and that took some doing. I think I figured out what all the prime numbers are up to five hundred thirteen.
Finally she came again, great shuddering spasms wracking her as she ground herself almost painfully against me. I watched every emotion, every nuance, every flicker of sensation as she enjoyed her second intense orgasm of the evening. When through she sat there with my cock still hard within her. She lay on top of me and started corkscrewing her hips, working my cock within her. That lasted a while, then she raised herself up on her hands with locked arms and started fucking me, rising up and down on me faster and faster. After everything else her rapid stroking soon took me over the edge and I blew a gushing explosion deep inside her. The spasms lasted and lasted, and it felt like I came for an hour, but I know that’s impossible.
After this the cumulative effects of dancing and drinking and fucking took its toll. We collapsed with her ass spooned against my crotch. We planned to catch a short power nap and go at it some more. Much to my surprise I awoke to the sun peeping through my blinds. I turned over to see Peggy’s lovely green eyes open, just watching me.
“Good morning,’ I said, and kissed her.