Sassy and her Saint Nick

"It's that time of year again ..."

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So here Sassy was sitting
and thinking about Ole St Nick
remembering last years saga
and how lovely and big was his dick

Have I been a good girl this year?
Oh yes I have my dear
I deserve more than coal
Smiling as I think about your pole

So Sassy put on her red mini dress
trying to look her best
As she heads out to sit on Santa’s lap
to have a long talk with the Chap

As she walked up towards the bearded man
he remembered with her how it all began
so big was the smile on his face, 
and his mind immediately began to race

“So Sassy, all classy, in your little red dress
did you come her to sit on my lap and confess?”
“Yes Santa, I have been a very good girl”
She said, as her tongue over her lips did swirl

Now Santa, did stir, deep in his pants
He was thinking about her doing her dance
On his big pole she would slide
bouncing up and down, with so much pride

Her luscious tits in his face would jiggle
while she would laugh and giggle
and just as he would let out his moan
She knew that Santa his load had blown

So once again, Sassy made his good girl list
Sweet and and sexy his lips she kissed
“Thank you Santa for being my man
I love and please you in every way I can.”

So all my friends another year has passed
I wish you all Happiness, love and for the things you asked
Thank you for being your Sexy selves
Hoping the elves leave you something special on your shelves

I’ll see you all again next year
Have fun and be safe my dear 
I leave you with a kiss on your cheek
Looking forward until the next time we speak.

Published 8 years ago

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