Thirty minutes go by, the coffee is finished, the cigarette was gone, and the damn page is still laughing at me. Writer’s block, maybe, what do I know, it has never happened before? I need inspiration, so I go online, and watch a few porn videos, nothing; I don’t even become wet watching them. What is wrong with me?
I decide to go for a walk, which usually helps with the imagination. Watching people and asking myself ‘what if’ so and so would happen. After an hour I give up and begin the long walk back home, no inspiration at all.
Back in my empty silent apartment, I decide to do some cleaning. I have several boxes I haven’t open since I moved three months ago. Yeah, I’m kind of lazy.
In the first and second box, there are books, sheets, a pillow, more books, a few plates, and glassware. They go in drawers, bookshelf and kitchen cupboards. In the third box, old computer, cables, and….what is that? I move a few cables and there it is. My old vibrator, I laugh when I remember the day David had bought it for me. David is gone now, fucked off with some German cunt he met in a bar, fuck him and her.
I pick up the toy and turn it on, the thing works. Its vibrations fill my hand and move up my arm. Eight inches long, thick and with balls and a suction cup at the bottom. David had joked with me about using it when I write, but I had never done it. It went back in the box the day he dumped me.
I clean it in the kitchen and then take it to the living room where the blank page is still staring back at me.
I undress, lock the cat in the bedroom and turn on some music. My skirt, bra, panties, and blouse end up in a pile on the floor. I lick the suction cup and slam it down on my chair, making sure it’s tight and won’t move.
Gently I lower myself over the toy until its cock head is touching my lips and then I turn it on. It’s cold in the room and I shiver as the first vibrations flow through me. The position isn’t the best, hunkered forward trying to type at the same time. The rubber cock slides further inside and damn, it feels good, real good actually. My poor pussy hasn’t had any fun since David left, so she is eager to be filled again.
“Mm, this great,” I say when the toy is all the way inside me. I am actually sitting on the chair now, toy deep inside me humming away and bringing me closer to an orgasm.
It’s hard to type , very hard. I begin to ride it, up and down up and down, my pussy yearning to be fucked faster but I can’t, not while typing. I gasp, and I moan while my legs begin to shake under the table. So close now, so close.
“Yes, yes, oh, God damn, I am coming, just a few more minutes a few more lines of text and I will be there,” I say to no one special since I am alone.
I give up riding and just sit on it, moving a little so the vibrator reaches my G-spot and that’s when it happens. I come hard, moaning, and gasping. My fingers can hardly type as my toes curl and I let go of a final sigh.
Closing my eyes I turn the vibrator off and take it out. “Thank you, my friend, thank you.” I kiss the tip and put it down on my desk, and that’s when I see what I have written. I laugh and take the toy to the bathroom where I wash it and put it in its honorary place in the drawer of my nightstand where it will be close at hand.
Back in the living room I stare at the now filled pages and say, “I won.”