The Christmas Visitor

"Is there still good in this world?"

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I have always found it hard to get into the Christmas Spirit. I could never understand why people would put themselves in debt, for gifts that in a week or two, would be placed in a pile of unused items. Besides, people become all cheerful on Christmas, but as soon as January rolls around, they are back with the same old sour puss attitudes.

Just because I do not get into the Christmas Spirit, doesn’t mean I am a scrooge. I had much rather give than to receive. I have always help out at the local mission throughout the holidays. I gave to the Toys for Tots and do my share to fill the little red kettles. I get a real good feeling about helping others who are not as fortunate as I am.

My whole feelings about Christmas changed a couple years ago. In South Georgia, we dont have to worry about a white Christmas, but more times than not, we have wet ones. On this particular Christmas Eve, it had been raining off and on for a couple of days. The rain had caused the clay roads to become slick as glass, and each time I rode on one of those roads, I was thankful for my four wheel drive.

I was heading to a friends house for an oyster roast when up ahead I saw a car in the ditch. I slowed my truck down, and as I approached, I could tell the car had slid off into the ditch. The driver of the car was an elderly lady, so I parked and got out to see if I could help her.

“Oh you are an angel, son, I have been stuck on here for over an hour and no one would stop,” the lady said in a soft voice as I approached her. I examined the situation and check the front of her car for a place to hook my tow strap.

“I will have you out of here is a jiffy,” I replied with a smile. I pulled out my strap and hooked it up to the front of her car. I maneuvered my truck around and hooked the other end to my back bumper and pulled it tight.

I got back out and helped her into her car and gave her some instructions on what to do, then I returned to my truck. Within a couple short minutes, she was out of the ditch and back on solid ground. I unhooked everything, and made sure she was okay, before walking back toward my truck.

“How much do I owe you sonny?” She asked.

“Just have a Merry Christmas,” I replied and got back into my truck. She followed me back to the main road, and I waved as she went on her way.

Later that same evening while on my way home from my friends house, I spotted another care with its hood up. Luckily, this car was on the highway, so as I approached, I slowed down and pulled onto the shoulder behind it.

As I got closer to the car, I could see a car seat in the back seat. In the front seat was a mother and she had her baby clutched in her arms and they were asleep in the front seat. I gently tapped on the window, and the woman jumped with fright.

“I am sorry,” I started. “Can I help you?”

The woman laid her baby on the seat and covered it with her coat, then opened the door. The cold night air caused her to hug her upper body with her arms. “It just quit. I was on the way back from a friends house and the battery light came on, and within a few minutes it was dead,” she shivered.

I peaked under the hood, I was certain that the alternator had went out, or a belt had broken, but it was Christmas Eve and there were no part stores open. “Would you like to use my phone? You could call someone to come and get you,” I offered.

The woman teared up and her chin began to tremble. “My husband is in Afghanistan. This is our baby’s first Christmas, and he is going to miss it. My parents are home, but they are not in good health and can not see good enough to drive at night.”

I smiled and closed the hood of the car. “You and your baby get into my truck, I will take you wherever you need to go, and I will come back and tow your car home.”

The woman broke down crying. “I don’t know how many people drove past us tonight, and wouldn’t even stop. You do not know how much this means to me, you doing this.”

“Don’t mention it, it’s the least I can do,” I responded.

I helped her move her car seat over to my truck, and we got in and headed toward town. Once we arrived at her parents house, I helped her get her stuff and made sure her and her baby were inside before I went to retrieve the car. It was just a little before midnight when I unhooked the strap from her car, safe in front of her house.

I smiled to myself as I climbed back into my truck. It had been a good night, and I was ready to get home and into the bed. While driving home, I seen an old man walking down the street. I pulled up beside him and told him to get in. The rain was falling and no one deserved to be walking in that weather.

The old man smelled of cigarettes and beer, but I cracked my window to let some fresh air in. I drove him to the homeless shelter and walked him inside.

He thanked me for the ride, and wished me a Merry Christmas as he stumbled toward one of the open cots.

I looked around the big open room filled with line after line of cots. People from all races and nationalities all huddled together, just trying to stay warm. I felt a knot forming in my throat and tears began to swell in my eyes. I turned and went back to my truck and once again headed home.

It was midnight when I pulled into the drive of the small house my ex-wife and I had bought after we married. I got out of my truck and walked up to the porch and went inside. Without even turning on a light, I went straight to the bedroom, undressed and laid down for the night. I had all intentions of sleeping my way through Christmas.

All of a sudden I was awakened by a banging on my door. I got up, slipped on some shorts, and grabbed my pistol. I slowly made my way to the door and peeked out the window. I was shocked to see the elderly woman, that I had pulled out of the ditch, standing in front of my door.

I unchained and unlocked the door and opened it. She smiled. “Jacob, I am so glad you are home.”

The first thought that come to my head was how did this woman know my name. No one but my mom called me Jacob, to everyone else I was Jake. I invited her in and as she walked past me the smell of cigarettes and beer past my nose.

“Can I help you?” I asked, sitting my pistol on the table.

She turned to me with a smile, but when she turned, she wasn’t the elderly lady, but the young mother whose car had been broken down on the side of the road. She saw my reaction. I reached for my pistol and it was gone.

“Calm down Jacob, I know this is a bit strange,” she started. “Every year, we spirits of Christmas are sent to see if there is any good left on this earth. More times than not, we are saddened by the selfishness that has plagued this world.”

Slowly before my eyes she began to change yet again. Her face thinned and her lips became rosy. Her tangled hair changed to silky dark strands that flowed down her back. Her breasts perked and became full under her now silk gown.

“Three times Jacob, I presented myself to you and three times you helped me. Tonight you have shown us that there is still good in the world, and to thank you, I am here to please you beyond your wildest dreams”

She was inches away from me as she slowly knelt on her knees. Her hands moved from my knees up my thighs to the waistband of my shorts. Her soft fingers traced the band to top of my hips and she tugged them down my legs. My cock sprung from its confines.

Her mouth felt like warm velvet as she took me between her lips. Her soft hands moved to my ass and pulled me in. Her warm tongue pressed against my cock as she slid me down her throat. I was frozen. I couldn’t move, even when I tried.

She began to bob up and down on my hard shaft. She slurped and sucked me for what seemed like hours. It felt like heaven. I could not hold back much longer as my breathing became staggered. I was about to release, the feeling was so strong that my toes curled up. As fast and as strong as the feeling was, it vanished just as quickly.

I opened my eyes, and she was standing in front of me. “Your pleasure has just begun.”

She took my hand and led me to my bed. As we walked her silk gown vanished and by the time we made it to the bed, she was as naked as I was. Her beauty was beyond compare. Her breast were full with hard rosy nipples. Her body had curves in all the right places, and her mound was as smooth as glass.

She pressed against my chest and I fell back onto the bed. Slowly she climbed up and straddled my thighs. Her hand took my cock and pressed it against her wet opening and she slowly took me in. She was so warm, wet and tight.

Her soft fingers pressed into my chest as she began to slowly rock herself on my cock. Each time I would try to move my hands up her body, she would nod and my arms would not move. She would smile and continue pleasuring me.

Her passion began to grow. Soft moans escaped her rosy lips. She tossed her head back and gave out a loud moan. I could feel my cock being drenched by her heavenly juices. She draped her body over mine. Her perfect breasts just inches from my lips.

Her pussy clenched my cock even tighter and the feeling from earlier returned. Pleasure washed over my entire body. My legs tensed, my toes curled and my ass clenched. With a load moan I felt my balls release. My body convulsed with each jet of warm cum that I shot into her welcoming body. As my orgasm eased, my eyes became heavy and I drifted off to sleep.

Christmas morning I woke up still naked in the middle of my bed. I looked around to see if the woman was still there. To my sadden heart, she was gone. I sat up and spotted a note on my nightstand. The note read, “See you next Christmas.”

Published 8 years ago

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