Psychosomatic- Part Two: Let Me In

"Even the purest of hearts cannot resist the allure of the dark..."

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My friends had no idea what it was like to live with someone who appeared to have dissociative identity disorder. Sure, they had seen Kai’s stone cold moments, but Sarah and Bonnie had never seen his manic episodes. They had no idea just how mentally unstable he could be at times. Yesterday was the first time I was actually scared of him. That argument we’d had in the morning… the way his face had twisted… his eyes… Whatever he was, he was not entirely human.

I’d gone about my day like I always did, but when I got home he wasn’t there. A full twenty-four hours had gone by and he still had not returned home. It was a Saturday evening and I was spending it alone instead of going out and partying. I kept calling and texting Kai nonstop. I was about to send him one final text saying “why are you punishing me for caring?” when the front door unlocked, and in walked my brooding brother.

“Where the hell have you been?” I shouted, unable to keep my temper.

He took off his jacket, revealing a blood stained shirt.

Oh my God, I thought in shock as he avoided my eyes and walked past me.

“I’ve been worried sick about you!”

He continued to ignore me and made his way into the kitchen.

“How can you do that to me? The least you could have done was text me back and let me know you’re okay!”

He gulped back a beer, acting completely indifferent toward me.

“Why the hell is your shirt all bloody?”

The question made him divest himself of the bloodied shirt before he tossed it on the counter.

“You’re not gonna tell me? Fine! You know I’m scared of being alone! How… how can you just…” I started to cry. “After everything… after Mom and Dad…” I was about to leave when he grabbed my wrist and pulled me into his arms.

“I’m sorry,” Kai whispered. “I’m sorry, Layla. I was in a fucked up head space yesterday, okay? Please don’t cry.”

I wanted to slap him and pull away, but deep down all I wanted was comfort. I needed to feel his arms around me. I needed to feel safe, even though everything about him was chaotic and dangerous.

“You know I have abandonment issues.” I sniffled, sobbing in his chest.

“I couldn’t come home last night. I didn’t want to hurt you.” He stroked my hair and rubbed my back, consoling me.

“Nothing makes sense about my life anymore, Kai. I don’t understand what’s going on with you. What kind of double life are you living? You keep too many things from me and… and…” I choked on tears and closed my eyes when he lifted my chin.

“Layla”—he cupped my face—“there’s nothing and no one in this damn world who could keep me away from you. You know that. Sometimes I feel like I really don’t deserve your love.”

“How can you say that? You’re all I have. You take care of me. You rescued me from the fire.”

“I couldn’t save Mom and Dad.”

“It wasn’t your fault, Kai!”

“I’m not a good person. I’ve got real demons in my head. I hurt people.”

“Did you kill someone last night?” It was stupid of me to ask. I already knew the answer. “Kai…”

He exhaled deeply and frowned. “Not someone… there were many.”

Dear Lord… why?

“Please tell me what’s going on with you,” I said. “What I saw yesterday… that wasn’t…”

“Normal?” He snickered under his breath. “Trust me, I know. I’ve known for a long time now that I’m far from normal.”

“Please let me in. Let me help you.”

“How? Our parents tried to help me and they failed.”

“No matter how bad your struggles are, I’m here for you. You’re my brother—my family. I’ll never stop loving you. I won’t ever abandon you.”

“I’m a murderer, Layla.” He fixed his dark gaze on me. “And I like it.”

I felt intimidated. Everything about my brother was intimidating. I had so many questions I wanted to ask him; so many questions I was afraid to ask.

“Why?” I finally uttered.

“Because I’m a prince of Hell.” He grinned.

“That’s not funny.”

“Not trying to be funny. We both know I can levitate shit and manipulate minds… I must be related to somebody down there…”

I didn’t believe in God or the Devil. I was an atheist and so were our parents.

“Whatever’s going on with you,” I began, “I know it’s linked to your past. You never talk about it with me.”

“Never had a reason to.”

“Well, now you do. We both know you’re not entirely human—and I know you’ve been murdering people in town since we moved here. What I don’t understand is… why?”

He leaned in closer and whispered, “Because the voices in my head tell me to… and they don’t shut up until I do it.”

Kai was so antisocial and unpredictable. He never brought any women home and I never met any of his friends, which led me to believe that he had none. Every time I asked him, he’d say that friendship meant nothing to him. He had me and that was enough for him, apparently. I refused to believe that, though. Everyone needed friends and relationships outside of immediate family members.

“I feel like shit,” he said. “I need a shower. Please don’t stay upset with me.”

I was too slow to respond and press him further for explanations, as he kissed my hands and disappeared out of the kitchen.

My brother is a murderer. I’m living with a murderer, I desolately thought while I stared into space.

I loved that fresh scent of body wash that permeated our apartment whenever Kai got out of the shower. It was either Axe or Old Spice. I was listening to some tunes and finishing up my homework on the couch when my brother walked out of his room… half naked. A white towel was wrapped around his V shaped waist, as water dripped down his chest and arms. I bit my lip and forced myself not to stare.

“Like what you see?”

“Geezus, Kai, put some clothes on.”

“Is my body that repulsive to you?” he teased, flashing a smile. “None of the broads I’ve fucked have ever complained.”


He laughed and stood in front of me, hooking his thumb along the edge of the towel. My face was literally inches away from his crotch.

“Wanna see it?”

“Ew! No!” I moved toward the end of the sofa, hoping to put a safe amount of distance between us before he could try anything.

“Relax.” Kai laughed. “I was only teasing. You couldn’t handle seeing the size of this snake, anyway.”

Oh my God! He did not just say that!

“Are you deliberately trying to traumatize me?” I said.

“Don’t tell me you haven’t thought about it…”

“No! What the hell, Kai! I’m seventeen and I haven’t even gone all the way with a guy, much less think about your…”

He laughed harder, and my face went crimson red.

“So not funny!” I slapped his muscled arm, but instantly regretted it when he pulled me over him.

I screamed when he started tickling me. Attempting to get off was a pointless effort because he overpowered me and forced me to stay mounted on top.

“Don’t make me torture you, Layla.” He smirked, poking at my sides. “You know I will…”

“You already are!” I howled uncontrollably. “Stop! Stop!”

I was almost in tears when he finally showed some mercy and stopped the tickle war.

“You’re so horrible, you know that?” I said, trying to breathe.

“Just add it to my long list of unwavering flaws.” He brushed the hair out of my face.

Unfortunately, I was wearing a skirt and my panties were in direct contact with the giant bulge that kept growing beneath me. It was making me uncomfortable and I tried to get off, but he held my hips down and pressed himself into me.

“Kai… let me off, please.” I shuddered in reaction, breathing out my arousal.

“Hmm… no. I think I like you this way… on top.”

I could see there was no use in trying to get away. He was unbelievably strong and part of me didn’t want to get up. My brother truly was handsome. Kai rarely smiled, but whenever he did, his dimples always made me melt.

“Are you going to tell me about what happened last night?” I asked.

“You really wanna know?”

“I deserve to know.”

He folded his hands behind his head, never taking his eyes off me.

“You’re welcome to get off now.” He simpered.

I was instantly relieved and tried to move, but quickly realized that I couldn’t. He was using his telekinetic abilities to keep me in place.

“So not cool,” I sighed.

“Yeah?” He chuckled. “What about this…”

I immediately gasped when he started pounding his hips into me as I bounced up and down.

“Oh my God! Kai! Stop!” I dug my nails into his chest and felt a wave of pleasure ripple through me, which was totally embarrassing. I couldn’t believe he was trying to simulate sex with me.

“I swear to God… if you don’t… I’m gonna…”

He finally listened and stayed completely still. I was no longer bouncing, but I was nearly out of breath. Kai lay beneath me, smirking like an idiot and seemingly amused by my obvious frustration.

“My sweet, virgin sister,” he teased. “You better stay that way.”

“You’re not the only one around here who’s allowed to get laid.”

“I’m a man. Our sexual impulses are different than a woman’s.”

I rolled my eyes and told him that I hated double standards.

“No one’s worthy of you, Layla. That’s simply a fact.”

I could feel him throbbing right against me and it was driving me insane.

“Kai, seriously… let me off, please.”

He was enjoying torturing me like this, but finally relented and sat up to kiss my forehead.

“You’re free to move now. No more games—honest.”

With rushing relief, I shifted off his lap and was thankful when he stood up and disappeared in his room.

Breathe, I told myself, drinking a glass of water that had been resting on the coffee table.

When Kai returned, he was finally dressed in a white undershirt and ripped jeans. Anything he wore looked amazing on him; his body was just too flawless. Without warning, he dropped his weight down on the sofa and rested his head in my lap.

“I’m so fuckin’ tired,” he said, shutting his eyes.

It was only 9pm.

“Can we have that talk now?” I asked, brushing my fingers through his thick, dark mane.


“Where were you yesterday?”


“I knew that, but where?”

“Took a small road trip…” he exhaled loudly.




“Unfinished business.”

“You’re being so evasive. It’s annoying me.”

“Sorry, sweetness.” He opened his eyes and smiled at me. “I’m just tired. Can we have this conversation tomorrow?”

Sigh… why does he always get his way?

“Fine. But do you promise to tell me everything?”

“I promise,” he said in a sleepy stupor.

I was surprised to wake up in my bedroom the following morning, and even more surprised to find that Kai wasn’t home. He had promised to talk with me, but he wasn’t around. When I managed to checked my phone I noticed that he had left me a text: he had to head to the bar to take care of a work issue, and wouldn’t be home until late. As disappointed as I was, I spent a majority of the afternoon cleaning, doing laundry, and hitting the books. I had a history presentation next week with three other group members, so I thought it was probably a good time to contact my classmates and see if they could swing by to do some group work. Jake and Felix were able to make it, but Ashley had to work.

The guys came over around four with all the right materials we needed for the presentation. Jake was the typical blond haired, blue eyed jock, while Felix had a buzz cut and was more the nerdy type. They were both cute, though, and really nice.

“Make yourself at home,” I stated as I walked into the kitchen and grabbed some energy drinks.

“I love your place,” Jake said.

“Thanks!” I smiled and handed him a Gatorade. “I live here with my brother, but he’s not home at the moment.”

We gathered in the living room and sat on the sofa, bouncing ideas back and forth about our topic. Half an hour had gone by since the time they’d arrived when the front door suddenly unlocked.

“Hey, beautiful! I’m home!”

Everyone whipped their head around to the source of the sound.

“Kai…” I stood up and noticed that he had a big bouquet of long stem roses in his hand. They were dyed black and red, giving the illusion that they were bleeding roses.

My brother was all smiles until he noticed my friends. The roses immediately fell to the floor as he glowered at me. “Who the fuck are they?”

My face went red with embarrassment. I was afraid he was going to have a jealous tirade in front of my classmates.

“These are my friends from school. I have to work on a project with them for my history class.”

Jake rose to his feet and walked right up to Kai to shake his hand. “I’m Jake, nice to meet you.” He sounded friendly enough, but my brother’s reaction was far from friendly. Kai didn’t bother to reciprocate the hand shake. Instead, he scowled at me and looked as if he was desperately trying to control his temper.

“Why didn’t you tell me you were planning on having company over today?”

“I… forgot.”

You forgot?” He snickered, folding his arms in his chest. His dark eyes left my gaze as they scornfully pierced through Jake and Felix. “Get out.”

“Don’t be upset,” I pleaded.

“This is my place and I want them gone, now!

My friends appeared to be so shocked by his deranged reaction that they started packing up.

“Guys,” I said. “Please don’t go. We need to finish this project. My brother’s just having a bad day. Don’t take it personally.”

Without any regard for my feelings, Kai marched straight to the door and opened it. He tapped his foot impatiently and waited for my friends to hightail it out of here.

“Text us later, Layla.” They walked out, despite my insistence that they stay.

As soon as Kai slammed the door shut, he faced me and looked terrifyingly upset.

“I can’t believe you just humiliated me and yourself like that!” I shouted. “What is wrong with you?”

“What’s wrong with me? What the fuck is wrong with you! You brought those bastards in here! How can you trust them? They could’ve raped you!”

“Will you listen to yourself? Do you know how crazy you sound right now?”

“Yes! I’m fucking crazy, psychotic, possessive—call me whatever the fuck you want, I don’t give a fuck! You had two boys over without supervision!”

“We were working on a goddamn project, Kai! It wasn’t some threesome orgy!”

“It could have easily turned into one!”

“That is a serious insult to my character. They weren’t strangers I picked up at a bar, they were my classmates!”

“I don’t give a fuck if they were British royalty! I know how guys are, and when they see a beautiful girl, they only have one thing in mind!”

“And what’s that?” I provoked him.

“Fucking your sweet virgin cunt!”

“Is that what you think about when you look at me?”

“Shut up!”

“It must eat you up inside knowing you can never have me…”

“Shut the fuck up, Layla!”

The furniture in the room began to vibrate. I was afraid he was going to lose it like he had a few nights ago.

“Stop breaking things!” I demanded.

“You’re fucking pissing me off!”

I knew I had to be the one to calm down and help him through his rage, otherwise there was going to be more damage done to our property.

“Kai”—I stepped forward—“please, calm down. I’m sorry. You’re right. I should not have let them in. It’s my fault.”

I took the blame in hopes of soothing his temper so that he wouldn’t lose control and destroy everything in sight.

“I get upset because I love you! Because I care! I’m sorry I can’t trust anyone else, but you know why, Layla! You know!”

Slowly, I gravitated toward him. “I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Don’t be mad.” I hugged his neck and felt like I could breathe again when he enveloped his arms around me.

The furniture stopped vibrating and all tranquility was quickly restored.

I trembled when he slid his icy hand up the back of my shirt, until he found the dimpled area near my lower spine. I didn’t like upsetting him, but he was unpredictable that way. Anything could have set him off.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to lose it,” Kai said. “I’m just very protective of you. I can’t help it.”

I withdrew and affectionately caressed his handsome face. The scar on his eyebrow hadn’t disfigured him. If anything it made him more attractive.

“I know you love me and want to keep me safe,” I said.

“I’ve already lost too many people, Layla. I don’t know what I’d do if I lost you.”

I was overwhelmed yet again with an immeasurable amount of love for him. He was a completely different person around me compared to everyone else. Every time we went out he was constantly on edge, like he was incapable of letting his guard down and being himself. Kai was always paranoid and felt as if someone was out to get us. If no one knew him, they would have assumed he was neurotic, narcissistic, and conceited. But behind closed doors when he and I were alone, he was able to relax and show the sweeter, vulnerable side of his complicated nature.

“Were those for me?” I asked, noticing the roses on the floor.

“Yes.” He let go of me and picked up the bouquet.

“They’re so beautiful.” I smiled and took the flowers to arrange in a vase.

A few moments later, Kai hugged me from behind and said, “Not as beautiful as you.”

I smiled as he softly kissed my neck. He really was amazing with sweet gestures and surprises. “You’re such a good brother to me.”

“You need someone to take care of you. I love taking care of you.”

He kissed my neck again, sending shivers all down my spine. Last week I truly did feel that his little pecks on the neck were inappropriate, but now I didn’t mind so much. Kai had an unconventional way of expressing his affection. The world didn’t have to understand, but I understood him, and that’s all that mattered.

“So what happened at the bar?” I asked, facing him.

“Some kitchen equipment broke down. I had to make a few phone calls. The rest you don’t want to know.”

“Are we going to have that conversation now, since you dipped this morning?”

He studied me in silence and said, “I want to show you something.”

Kai took my hand and led me into his bedroom.

“Why are we in here?”

He took off his shirt and threw it on the bed. “You wanted to know…”

I stood in sheer shock as every vein in his body began to pulse and spiral around his skin. He closed his eyes for a moment, and when he opened them I found myself staring into a pair of gleaming gold eyes, just like the night before. There was nothing human about his metamorphosed state, and yet I could still see his humanity beneath the vicious mask that he wore. Was this his true face? I wondered.

“Kai…” I stepped forward, but he immediately stepped back.

“Don’t. I don’t want you to touch me when I’m like this.”

He suddenly crippled over in pain and held out his forearm; the branded crucifix was burning as it glowed on his skin. I couldn’t understand what was happening to him. He growled and fell to his knees. Clearly Kai was battling something fierce within; something terrifyingly real and supernatural. I felt powerless to help.

“Kai, what’s—”

“Stay back!”

“But I just—”

Before I could finish my sentence, I was pushed against the wall and felt a sharp pain pierce through the side of my neck. My body went limp in his arms as I saw a pair of black wings arch above his shoulders.

Am I hallucinating? Is this a dream?

Something wet was dripping down my arm, tapping onto the floorboards.

“Kai…” I weakly uttered, before everything faded to black.

Published 8 years ago

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