“I fucked Becky Howard last night, and she has the smallest tits I have ever seen,” said Todd to his two friends. They laughed and went back to their hamburgers.
“Was she any good?” said one of the others after putting down his food.
“She was alright I guess, sucked my dick a bit but wasn’t very good at it. And she would only do the missionary position and that’s so fucking lame.”
The three young men continued to discuss Becky’s body and what she had done the previous night. I sat at the table next to them listening to all of it, they didn’t even consider that I was a woman and what they said was sexist and plain mean.
I got up and walked over to the bin where I deposited my trash and then stepped out into the harsh sunlight. While walking back to my dorm I wondered why it was okay for guys to discuss their sex life in public but when a girl did it she was a slut, a whore, or any other degrading word.
“Hi, Holly, how was lunch?” said Tina when I walked in. She was propped up in bed with her laptop on her knees.
“Food was good, company sucked.”
“Why, what happened?”
I sat down on my bed and sighed. “Todd and his friends sat at the table next to me and he told them all the details about having sex with Becky.”
Tina laughed. “Well, she is a slut, and you know it.”
“And there it is, even you, a woman uses that kind of word. I don’t get it, why should we be sluts because we like sex?”
She put away her computer and leaned forward taking my hands in hers. “Listen to me, we can like sex, but we shouldn’t have it according to the social norm.”
“That doesn’t make any sense at all.”
She sat back and shrugged her shoulders. “I know, but there you have it, life doesn’t make sense and even less in college.”
I thought for a minute and then said, “What do you think would happen if I did what Todd did?”
“What do you mean?”
“I fuck some random guy and then I tell you all about it over a coffee in a loud voice making sure everyone hears it.”
She stared at me and the slowly shook her head. “That’s a very bad idea, you will be branded, and you know it.”
“What if I don’t care? I only have a month left to graduation and then I will be gone and most likely never see anyone I fucked again.”
Tina got up and grabbed her bag from the floor. “Think about it, you might only have a month left, but it could be the month from hell. I’m late for class.”
“Yeah, see you later.”
It was Friday night and Tina had gone to the library to study with some other friends. I was bored and lay on my bed looking at the ceiling. I had thought a lot about what I had asked Tina and as I lay there I made up my mind, I would do it.
While showering, I shaved my pussy which had gone unattended and grown an unacceptable bush. I left a thin line of pubic hair and then washed my hair. Then I went into my room where I stood in front of my closet looking at the options I had which weren’t many. I hadn’t bought anything new in months. After a while, I decided on a little light green dress that went well with my red hair. Black stockings and four-inch heels rounded it off nicely.
Dressed for success I walked the short distance to Big Grey’s Bar and Grill. The kitchen closed at ten, and after that the place turned into a small nightclub.
When I walked in after eleven it was pumping. The music was loud and I had to elbow my way to the bar where I ordered a beer. I had decided not to get drunk but I couldn’t just drink water or soda which would make me look boring. I scanned the crowd and saw some familiar faces.
It didn’t take long before I guy I knew from my Physics class sauntered up to me.
“Hey, Holly, you look good tonight.”
“Thanks, Luke.”
He was drunk but still had clear eyes. Luke was a pretty alright guy and I felt a bit bad about what I was going to do, but in love and war, everything goes.
“Do you want to dance?” he almost screamed over the music.
I nodded and took his hand. He walked ahead and when we reached the dance floor he swung me around and held my hips from behind. In seconds he was grinding his cock against my ass and I could feel his hard on. I slid my body up and down against his while twirling my ass.
Two songs later he pulled me close and said, “Do you want to get out of here? My roommate is out of town for the weekend.”
I pretended to think for a while and then I said, “Maybe, but I don’t want to act like a slut you know. I don’t want you to think I go home with the first guy I meet.”
He smiled. “Of course not, I know you are cool. So, what do you say?”
“Okay, let’s go.”
His dorm was similar to mine and Tina’s with the exception that he had a small fridge under his desk. He took out two beers and after opening them he handed me one.
He leaned against the door to the bathroom and looked at me. I could feel his eyes undressing me and then they zoomed in on my boobs.
“Are those real?” he said.
I put down my beer on his desk and cupped my tits. “You mean these?”
“Uh-huh, they are natural C-cups.”
“God, I had no idea you had such a sexy body. You always wear those baggy clothes around campus.”
“Thanks,” I said and walked up to him. I took his beer from his hand and put it next to mine. Then I let me hand slide down over his tummy to his jeans and when I fondled his already hard cock I whispered in his ear, “Should we get started?”
He responded by kissing me and while our tongues danced I opened his pants and put my hand into his boxer shorts searching for his cock.
He sighed when I grabbed it and began to slide my hand up and down his shaft. His hand came around my waist and up under my dress. When he realized I didn’t wear any panties he stopped kissing me.
“That’s so fucking sexy,” he moaned.
I slowly slid down along his body and pulled down his jeans and boxers. His cock popped out and I took it in my mouth while looking up at him.
“Oh God, that feels so good,” he sighed.
I bobbed my head up and down a few times and then let go with a slurp. While stroking his cock I said, “Yeah, did you like me sucking you?”
“Mm, very much.”
I continued to blow him and when I felt his balls contract and his breathing changed to gasps I stopped and got up. I turned around and leaned over the desk where I pulled up my dress showing him my round firm ass.
“C’mon, give it to me,” I said while caressing my ass cheeks.
He entered me hard and his cock slid in and out of me while he held on to my hips.
“You are so tight and hot, Holly.”
“And you are so hard inside me, go on, fuck me harder, Luke.”
He did and a few minutes later he pulled out and his hot cum rained down on my ass cheeks.
He stood back and I turned around pulling down my dress. His cock was still hard and when I stepped up to him I took him in my hand and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
“It was nice, but I got to go,” I said.
Before he had a chance to answer I grabbed my purse from the chair where I had left it and walked out.
The following Monday I found Tina sitting at our usual table in the cafeteria. I looked around and smiled when I noted it was almost full.
“Hey, how was class?” she said when I sat down.
“Good, and yours?”
I hadn’t told her about me and Luke.”
“Fine, I forgot to ask you, where did you go on Friday?”
“Big Grey’s.”
“Cool, lots of people?”
I raised my voice, making sure the people around us heard. “Yeah, and I fucked Luke. Picked him up at the bar and went back to his place. God, he sucks in bed, and not only that, his cock,” I giggled, “it’s so small I hardly felt it.”
By now the people around us had stopped talking and were staring at me. Tina looked shell shocked.
“Anyway, he took me from behind and then he went limp, I didn’t even come.”
“Shut up, Holly,” Tina snarled at me.
“What? All I’m doing is telling you about a guy I fucked, it’s no big deal. Actually, I think I am going to do another later today.”
Tina got up and left the table. People were still staring at me.
“What, you guys never have sex?” I said.
“Are you insane?” Tina almost screamed after she had slammed the door to our dorm shut.
I was at my desk working on an essay. “No, why?”
She threw her bag on her bed and sat down on mine. “Stop typing, Holly and listen to me.”
I turned to her. “What? I am busy.”
“The entire campus is talking about what you said in the cafeteria, and it’s not nice.”
“I guess I am a whore and a slut?”
“No, they are talking about how useless Luke is in bed. I heard some girls calling him micro-dick to his face.”
It made me laugh. “So?”
“It’s not nice, okay.”
“I don’t care. Do you have any idea how many girls on campus hear things like that about their bodies?”
“You are impossible, I can’t be around you.”
She got up and left. Alone in the dorm I smiled and checked the time. It was close to seven at night and I knew Todd would be on his way to Big Grey’s by now. There was a weekly pool competition which he always attended and it was time for me to get ready.
Dressed in a short black cocktail dress I walked into Big Grey’s at nine that evening on a new pair of six-inch heels I had bought. I had decided to let Todd play a few games and becoming suitabley drunk. He was a completely different kettle of fish than Luke. Where Luke was a bit shy and actually quite nice, Todd was an asshole. I had chosen Luke as my first victim because he was easy to handle and I knew he liked me.
I saw Todd and his side-kicks on the other side of the bar where they stood watching a couple of guys playing pool. After ordering a drink and went over to the side of the bar where they would see me but at the same not close enough so they could talk to me without coming over.
The bar wasn’t very full since it was a weekday and people had classes the next morning. There were a couple of girls giggling at a table in front of me and a few guys at another. No dancing and no loud music. I watched Todd who wore jeans, a sweater, and tennis shoes. He wasn’t known for his fashion sense. Watching him I could see why some girls would be attracted to him. He was tall, had an angular face and thick blond hair that he kept sweeping back from his face.
When he saw me he took a double take and then stared for a few seconds before turning back to his friends and the game. I figured it took him that long to realize who I was. Like Luke, he was used to seeing me in my baggy and scruffy clothes I usually wore. With my long red hair flowing down my shoulders and back and with a bit more makeup that I should have, I made a stunning picture sitting at the bar. I had skipped the garter belt but wore black stockings and the way I sat made my dress slide up showing the last two inches of the stocking before my skin.
I seductively sucked on the little straw that had come with my Margarita and when I let it go there was a smudge of red lipstick and I saw Todd staring at me. A quick smile from my part and he moved in like a shark on its prey.
“What’s up, Holly?”
“Not much, having a drink, that’s all.”
He looked around. “Are you alone?”
I nodded and drank from the straw. His eyes on my lips and then down towards my cleavage.
“You look good, stunning actually.”
“Thanks, Todd. How’s the game?”
He looked over at his buddies. “Garry and I are doing okay, but David and Rick suck.”
There was a long silence and I took the opportunity to finish the Margarita.
“Sure, thanks.”
He leaned in closer and whispered. “I heard about you and Luke.”
“Uh-huh, and what did you hear?” I whispered back making sure my lips almost touched his ear.
“That he wasn’t, how do I say this, very impressive in the sack.”
I tilted my head to the side and ran my fingers through my hair. “No, he wasn’t. I was quite disappointed actually.”
“Can I assume there is nothing between you two?”
I giggled. “Of course there isn’t. I’m not interested in a serious relationship, I just needed to blow off some steam, you know. I hope you don’t think I am a slut.”
He stood back and took me in. “Never, Holly. I can appreciate a woman who takes what she wants when she wants it.”
“Good, I think your friends need you,” I said and pointed at Gary who was trying to get Todd’s attention.
“I’ll be back.”
I gave him a seductive smile. “Don’t take too long, it’s a school day tomorrow.”
When he left I slid off the stool and leaned against the bar. I cocked my hip and then waited. I knew he and his buddies were checking out my ass and that was the point. After a while, I turned so they got a good look at my cleavage and then I asked the bartender to keep an eye on my drink while I went to the bathroom.
As I walked by the pool tables I gave my hips a bit of extra swing and one of the guys actually whistled. I turned and winked my eye at them.
By the time I walked back to the bar Todd was waiting for me. Most of his friends had left and the bar was quieting down.
When I reached him he said, “what about you and I having a drink together somewhere more private?”
I knew he lived off campus instead of in the Frat house he belonged to. That way it was easier for him to take home the girls he wanted to fuck.
“Where did you have in mind?”
“My place, I got beers, wine, anything you want.”
“Sure, but I can’t stay long.”
He smiled and said, “I can be fast if that’s what you prefer.”
I giggled and took his hand. He was hooked, time to reel him in and then bag him.
The apartment was much nicer than I had expected. Clean, with no dirty clothes or women’s panties thrown on the floor. The fragrance of an air-freshener hung in the air and when I peeked into the kitchen the dishes were done and neatly put away.
“This is nice,” I said and sat down on an old couch.
He went to the kitchen and called, “what do you want?”
“White wine, if you have it.”
“No problem.”
I looked down at the sofa I was sitting on and wondered how many women had been fucked on it. It gave me the creeps thinking of the bodily fluids that had been absorbed by it and dried. But, there was nothing I could do. I was on a mission and it was too late to pull out.
He gave me a glass and he had a beer in his hand. “How are your classes?” he said after sitting down in a chair opposite me.
Okay, I thought, he is being cautious, not assuming we will have sex. “Fine, I think I will get decent grades in all my classes. What about you?”
“I am a bit worried about calculus, but I still have the finals to make up the grade. You are graduating this spring, right?”
Oh, he was good. No mentioning of sex, no cheap jokes, nothing that would make me think he wanted anything else than a chat and a drink with a pretty girl. Sneaky mother fucker, I thought. I better get the show on the road, or I could be here all night.
I put down the glass on the table and leaned back on the sofa, my eyes on him. “Why did you invite me here? I don’t think it was to discuss our classes.”
He gave me a sly smile. “No, it wasn’t. I was curious about you. I have seen you around campus always keeping a low profile, and never going to any of the parties. What I didn’t know that you clean up so well, just look at you.”
“Thanks, but I think it’s time for me to go.”
There it was, the ball was on his side of the court. I was a bit worried that he would let me go because that meant I would either have to give him another go or pick a different guy. I didn’t want to mess around with my little project for too long and that’s why I had chosen Todd, the most popular guy on campus.
He got up and walked around the table that separated us and then sat down next to me. He put a hand on my thigh and leaned in close. “What would you like to happen?”
His hand was warm and I watched as it slowly moved up towards my dress. I turned to him and swiped some hair from my eye and then smiled at him.
“What do you have in mind?”
His hand was now at the hem of my dress. “Oh, maybe we could have a bit of fun.”
The hand was under my dress, on my bare skin moving further up. “Maybe we could, but I am worried that you will be a disappointment like Luke,” I said with a smile playing on my lips.
He laughed and then slid his hand down between my thighs and up. The ridge of it touched my black lace panties.
“You are hot, and I think a bit moist,” his hand pressing harder.
I let go of a little gasp and closed my eyes while spreading my legs so he had better access to his price.
“Mm, I guess I am and have been ever since I saw you in the bar.” I almost whispered.
A quick change of position and his hand slid inside my panties, his middle finger found my slit and as it moved down and over my clit I gasped again.
“I like it, very wet and hot,” he said.
I moaned and his finger slid inside me and I spread my legs even further.
I reached over with my left hand and opened his jeans and grabbed his cock inside his boxer shorts. It was his turn to gasp when I began to slowly stroke his hard shaft. “Wow, you are big,” I said.
“That I am. Are you sure you can take me?”
I looked over at his dick. Thick shaft, bulbous cock head which was dark red. “I think so.”
His right arm came around my shoulder while his left hand left my by now very wet pussy. I felt what he wanted as his arm began to push me down.
Adjusting my position so I was lying on my stomach with part of my legs over the armrest I took his cock head between my lips and gave the tip a lick.
“Oh, you look so sexy,” he said.
“Do you like it?” I began to lick his shaft and then took his cock as deep as I could without gagging.
“Oh yes, I do. Wow, Holly, you are amazing.”
His right hand moved down my back and then pulled up my dress exposing my round ass. Knowing what he wanted I spread my legs so he could get to my cunt.
When he entered me with two fingers I moaned and began to bob my head up and down faster. His middle finger found my clit and I must say he knew how to get a girl off.
“Slow down, baby, or I will come,” he said.
I looked up at him and then took his cock from my mouth. “Do you want to fuck me?” I whispered.
Instead of answering he pulled his hand away from my pussy and helped me straddle him. He pushed up my dress around my waist and then pulled it down so my boobs were exposed. No bra, just two heavy C cups in front of his face.
I grabbed his cock and guided it to my pussy and when I lowered myself over him I actually yelped as he opened me up. He kept on kissing and licking my nipples as I began to ride him.
He was really getting me off with his dick. I must have been the biggest I had tried and I rode him faster leaning forward so it would rub my clit making my orgasm grow from deep inside.
“Yes, yes, ride me like that, you slut. Who’s your daddy, bitch?” he moaned.
And there it was, Todd’s true colors coming out. I really had to constrain myself or I would have slapped and scratched him silly. Instead, I played along.
“You are, I want you to fuck me hard, take me from behind.”
I got off him and in no time I was leaning over the armrest while Todd pounded my pussy. After what he had said my pending orgasm had receded and now I was just waiting for him to finish.
“God, you are tight, bitch. Say that you like it, tell me how good I am,” he said.
“Todd, baby, I have never had anyone fuck me like you do. I want you to come over my ass, give me your full load.”
With a roar, he pulled out and then jerked himself off until his cum sprayed over my ass cheeks and ran down the back of my thighs.
“Suck me dry, slut,” he said and turned me around.
I went down on my knees and within seconds I had him nice and clean, sucking out the last few drops from his dick. When I stood up and pulled down my dress he said, “Do you want to clean up?”
“Sorry, got to run.”
I left his apartment feeling a mixture of hate and pleasure. He was an asshole, but he had a beautiful cock which had almost made me come. Too bad it was attached to him and not a nicer guy.
When I got back to my dorm I cleaned up and then went to bed. I heard Tina snoring lightly in her bed and I was happy she hadn’t been awake when I came in. I had to figure out how to make the campus know what a useless piece of shit Todd was in bed before he told everyone about his new conquest, me.
I dragged Tina out of bed before the sun was up and she wasn’t happy about it.
“What the hell, Holly. It’s still dark outside and I don’t have classes until ten this morning.”
“Get up, we can have an early breakfast, the bacon and eggs will be much fresher.”
Tina loved a good breakfast and I figured when I mentioned her favorite foods she would get up, which she did.
After dressing we left and while we walked to the cafeteria she said, “Where were you last night?”
Big Grey’s and guess who I met.”
She stopped and said, “What did you do?”
I smiled at her but didn’t say anything.
“C’mon, Holly, tell me or I won’t have breakfast with you.”
“I’ll tell you on the way.”
We continued walking and I gave her a made up story about how I had gone to the bar after being in the library and had a couple of drinks. I made sure I dragged the story out so that when I came to the part of meeting Todd we were already sitting at a table of my choosing with our breakfast trays in front of us. The table was smack in the middle of the cafeteria and to my satisfaction, there were at least another fifty people around us.
“So, while I was having my drink, Todd came up to me and he was as usual hunting for girls,” I said and made Tina drop her fork.
“You didn’t?”
Raising my voice a bit I continued, “Sure I did, and it was the biggest mistake of my life. God, that guy, I have no idea why the women like him. Sure his cock is alright, but he stinks of sweat and he can’t fuck for shit.”
“Shut up!” Tina almost screamed and began to get up.
“Not only that, he couldn’t make me come and then in the middle of the thing his dick went limp, it was completely useless.”
By now Tina had put on her jacket and grabbed her purse. I didn’t stop.
“So, eventually I had to leave him on the bed with his limp cock, it was the worst night of my life.”
Tina walked away and I smiled a big grin and took a sip from my coffee. The people around me stared at me, and I heard a few whispers from the table next to me.
I looked over and one of the two girls sitting there whispered, “Is that true?”
“All of it. I swear to you, he couldn’t keep it up for more than five minutes.”
I went back to my food and enjoyed a long breakfast. Todd never showed up or his friends, I had been right, it was too early.
During my first break, Todd found me sitting on a bench eating an apple and enjoying the sun.
“You fucking bitch!”
I looked up at him and noted that his face was flushed and his hands were shaking.
“You lying cunt, you have been spreading rumors about me that aren’t true.”
“Well, I was there, remember. I know what happened and I am so sorry you couldn’t keep it up. You might want to get some help.”
For a second I thought he was going to hit me but he turned and began to walk away from me.
I called after him, “who’s the bitch now, bitch?”