Sitting in my car, my short skirt wrapping my thighs like a boa constrictor, my finger plays along the top of one thigh, gently nudging the hem ever upward. I want someone to see me and to look harder. When they do, I’ll let my knees fall apart so my cunt is on full view, but right now I need to be careful. I don’t need to get arrested for public indecency.
There are lots of cops around. Public parades like this draw a heavy police presence. There is always someone trying to screw things up for everyone else.
I’m not trying to do that; I just want to show off a little. If doing so brings me a friendly response, all the better. In the meantime, I’m just a girl who got trapped by Christmas parade traffic. In the wrong place at the wrong time, and nothing to do about it, officer.
People are streaming on foot past my window. I know, if they look down as they pass, they can easily see the bulge of my pubic mound, wrapped inside my baby blue thong,. It stands out beneath my white skirt; my tight, tiny little white mini-skirt. It’s a true camel-toe, for sure. For a skinny girl, I have a nicely plump pussy.
Just thinking about it makes me tingle inside. I know, if it’s not already obvious, that I’ll show a wet spot soon, and that makes me even hornier. I want somebody to see how aroused I am; to stare and to maybe make a comment. I want to feel embarrassment for being the dirty little slut that I’m feeling like right now.
I’m surprised to hear a girl’s voice. And turned on when I turn to look at her!
“Hey, girl,” she says, leaning in. “How’d you get stuck in all this?”
Her eyes are electric blue, flitting from my own eyes downward to my crotch. There’s no mistaking that she sees what I have on display. I can’t tear my gaze from her eyes, even as she takes my wanton display in. They’ve swallowed me up. They have to be contacts! I drop my knees apart, further stretching the material of my already too-short skirt.
“Wow, I don’t know,” I lie. “I just took a wrong turn and here I am.”
She smiles, drawing my eyes further into hers. “Yes,” she says, “here you are. Lucky for me,” she adds.
Now I know I’m showing wet! Oh my god, I’ve never been so turned on, so quickly! I’m sure she can see my chest rising and falling as I try to breathe. I feel trapped, admittedly by my own actions, but knowing I can’t turn back is exciting. I look at her hair. It’s short and pitch-black; dyed that way, no doubt. She reminds me of my punk goddess /lover back in North Carolina, Miss Gina.
“I like your hair,” I stammer.
“Yeah? Feel it.”
I reach upward slowly, just to touch it, but she snatches my wrist in her hand. “Don’t you dare touch my hair!” she snarls, then laughs. She knows what she wants to happen, and she’s exerting her dominance over me already.
“Sorry, You said…” My voice sounds so lame, just the way I intend it to. I want her to know I’m a nothing; that I can be used as she wishes. I wonder why it can’t be this easy with men. They never read the signals, they just barge into your space, hoping to bludgeon you with their testosterone and their need. This girl, like most, understands sublety, and it is soooo much sexier!
“Where are we going after this?” she suddenly asks. Oh my god! My heart skips more than one beat! I take a deep breath.
“I was gonna go to the beach,” I lie. There are places there that are private. That’s one thing I love about Cocoa Beach, and the ocean in general. There are so many little roads that lead to the shore, most of them seldom used. I have taken advantage of them myself a few times, when I wanted to drink or smoke a joint. Or to suck some guy off.
“Good. Lemme in.”
She rounds the front of my car, giving me my first full look at her body. She’s lean like me, wearing a jean skirt shorter than mine, and a crop top. Her breasts are small, also like mine, but she wears a black bra under her white top. Tattoos cover her tummy , arms and sides. Her oversize earrings , I notice, are upside down crosses. Hmmmm, that’s kinda wicked looking! When she climbs in the passenger side I see she has black, soft leather boots on, almost up to her knees. The look is sexy; a slightly intimidating, take no prisoners sort of style. It’s also slutty as hell, and my body responds accordingly.
“Start the car. Put the windows up,” she orders, and I do. I flip the air conditioning onto high, though it doesn’t work worth a damn. I don’t want her to be turned off by my perspiration.
Almost immediately she slides across the seat to me and breathes in my ear. “What’s your name, cupcake?”
I mumble that it’s Kacey. She doesn’t tell me hers, but repeats mine over and over in my ear, then licks my neck. I can feel goose-bumps the size of golf balls rise along my skin, and I sigh softly, not daring to look into her eyes again. I’m in complete surrender to her. She knows it, and laughs again. Her hand grazes along the back of my neck.
“You’re very cute, Kacey,” she says, and I mumble my thanks, to which she laughs again.
“Do you know what I want to do with you?”
Oh my god! My heart rate speeds up to about 120 beats a minute! I’m sure she can feel my pulse pounding through my blood vessels as her hand kneads my neck, in a kind of half-squeeze/half-caress. I imagine her hand closing tighter around my frail neck, and now I know I’m sitting in wet panties. One glance downward confirms this.
“No, ma’am.”
Her hand slides around my shoulder and is now under my chin, forcing my head back against the headrest. She leans over and our lips meet for the first time; a deep, soul-robbing kiss that leaves me literally gasping. Her right hand is now on my breast; how it got there, and when, I don’t know, but I can feel her fingertips search for and find my nipple. I try to lean back, to grant her more access, but I’m pressing into my seat now, and she doesn’t need me to, anyway.
She licks my neck again, this time from my collarbone up to my chin, then lets her lips slide across to my lips. I kiss her desperately, my mouth opening as wide as possible. Her tongue stabs toward the back of my throat as she moves over me, her hands going to my shoulders.
“I could eat you up,” she growls, “you’re so fresh and sweet, just like a little peach.”
I murmur my acceptance, hoping she means what she says. I want her to consume me, leaving me spent and wasted, like fresh fruit mauled by a wild animal, then left to rot on the ground. Her hands on my shoulders press me back into my seat, owning me.
Suddenly she is astride me, her knees on either side of my hips on the seat and her face looming over mine. “Put the seat back,” she orders. My hand goes instantly to the control along the door panel, dropping us backward in a rush. She pushes me down by my shoulders and crawls up over me.
Now my shoulders are pinned by her knees, and I’m staring under her jean skirt at white mesh panties. A black shadow is beneath; her pussy hair. I suddenly realize she wants me to eat her. Right here! Right now! My body craves her, but my brain reminds me that we’re sitting in the middle of a crowd. What if somebody looks in at us? I begin to fight. I can’t do this, not here! My foot goes to the accelerator, unbidden, and the motor races, though we don’t go anywhere. That scares me. Thank god we haven’t run over anybody!
It’s enough to draw attention, though. A throng of faces has turned to watch her mount me, though I can’t see them. My impatient lover presses her panty-covered pussy down over my mouth, and all I’m aware of is her aroma. It’s a little rank, but that only makes me want her more, and my tongue swipes across the mesh of her panties. I hear her voice, a hoarse growl.
“That’s a good girl,” she coaches me from far above. “Lick that pussy like you own it.”
She begins to move, grinding her cunt across my face. I can feel her pubic hair through the mesh, caressing my slutty lips as I lick her obediently. My hands rise to cup her ass cheeks; the only thing I can do, with my shoulders pinned the way they are. I’m grunting like a bear, literally trying to eat her through the mesh that separates her flesh from me. I can hear her, urging me on.
“Yeah, baby, eat that fuckin pussy, girl! You know you want it!”
I begin to feel her wetness cascade over my tongue as she climaxes. The thrill of dominating me pushes her over the edge, and her voice rises.
“Oooooooh, fuuuuuck!” She renews her energetic grinding, and I can hear her grunting as my face is pressed further into the seat back. My own orgasm is close. I press my thighs together, working my leg muscles, and as she is finishing I feel a release wash over me. It’s the perfect ending, though I don’t want it to stop. My hands squeeze her muscular buttocks as she rubs against my face one last time, then she slides down me so she’s straddling my hips again.
“You’re just a hungry little slut, aren’t you?” she laughs, leaning over to place a quick kiss on my cum-soaked lips. She glances out the side window and then kisses me again, this time much harder. As she pulls away I hear applause outside the car windows.
“You’re a star, baby,” she whispers.
I don’t dare look. I can only imagine how many people have seen the way she used me, mounting me like a cheap whore, right out in the open like this. I close my eyes tightly and concentrate on her lips. She holds my jaw as she uses my face again, twisting her own face back and forth as her tongue probes my open mouth. My heart is still hammering.
At last she is finished with me. She swings my door open and climbs off me, half-falling out of my car. I hear voices, distinct now.
“Fuck, that was hot!” “Me next.” “You owned that girl, baby!”
And the worst: “I got it all on video,” one guy brags. When I dare to look out the windshield, he is still pointing his phone at me. I know my face is red, and probably coated with the glaze of her secretions. I turn to see her face in my window as she shuts my door softly.
“Thanks for the ride, Kacey. I think you and I ought to get together again.”
I lean over to grab a piece of paper, to write my name and number for her, but when I raise up she is gone. My audience, meanwhile, leers at me from all sides of the car as the parade passes. Not all of their expressions are of approval; I see disgust on many of them. There is no place to go, though; not until this parade is over, so I stare at my face glowing red in the rear view and replay in my mind the crazy sequence of events of the last few minutes, trying not to show my arousal. The more I think about it, though, the more embarrassed, and the hotter, I get. My pussy is literally spasming. When the parade is past and the police allow us, I want to bolt across the street, but pedestrian traffic is too heavy. I have to be cautious.
Suddenly I begin to smile at myself in my rear view mirror. “Cautious?” I ask myself. “NOW???” The idea seems so ironic I can’t help but laugh out loud. My face still wears the evidence of some nameless girl’s climax on it; the police were so close it’s a miracle none of them saw us, and my car smells like a rolling cauldron of sweat and girl-juice.
I roll my window down and look around at the faces as I pull slowly across the intersection, wondering how many just saw me do that. I feel somehow proud, now; if anyone even looks like he or she recognizes me, I’ll smile at them and hope they want to use me, too. Fuck! I’m a walking Christmas miracle – the girl anyone can have. I don’t even need to be wrapped up with a bow!