When Fantasy Meets Reality, Part 1

"Bored one night, Sarah goes to a chatroom... and changes her life!"

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Sarah Jordan settled comfortably into her seat and buckled her seatbelt. She was aboard an airplane flying into an uncertain future. She was sure of her decision, but unsure where it might lead. Still, this was something she had to do – and suffer any consequences from it later.

Sarah had been born and raised in Blaine, Nebraska – a small town of around twenty-five thousand people right in the middle of corn-farming country. She had led a typical small-town girl’s life; been head cheerleader of her small high school football team, had boyfriends most of her dating life, and even got a job showing vehicles at a local Chevy dealership. Yes, it was a pretty good life, she admitted. But still, there was something intangible that she longed for.

With little to do in the way of entertainment in her little town, she had been introduced to Internet chatrooms by her best friend and galpal Lisa. She had come over one night for a “girl’s night in” on another lonely Friday evening. Since Sarah had moved out of her parents’ house, her new place had been kind of empty and she had invited Lisa over to have some company. Lisa introduced Sarah to Internet chatrooms, one of her favorite pastimes, in order to give Sarah something to do when she was bored at home. Sarah took to the chatrooms with a vigor, making new friends in this medium just as she had in real life. 

One day in her surfing, she came across a room ominously called “The Dungeon” and peeked inside for a look. What she saw was to engulf her in a way she had never experienced before. She found Masters and Mistresses, submissives, and slaves. And although she had heard of BDSM, she knew very little about it. So as she watched, fascinated, she saw the interactions between these people and how they spoke and acted toward one another.

What amazed her most was when a Master would make his slave do something and how the slave would do it without question or complaint. And more amazing to her, was that the more humiliating and shameful the act seemed, the more she seemed to enjoy it!
Sarah left the room after awhile but strangely, the room never left her – she found herself thinking about it the next day at work and even dreaming dreams about it at night. Her curiosity peeked, she went back the following night for another look. She wanted to learn more about this strange relationship system and how people could possibly seem happy in it. After all, aren’t people supposed to dislike being treated in such demeaning ways? It was all very puzzling to her, but at the same time oddly appealing too.

It was Sarah’s second or third visit to the room when she met the man she would eventually call Master. He called himself “Michael” in the room. That’s it. No “Master Michael”, no “Michael Somethingorother”. Just Michael. And a lot of people in the room seemed to know who he was. Sarah was just sitting there watching the conversations when a message popped up on her screen. It read “You have received a PM from Michael.” Sarah didn’t know what a “PM” was or who this Michael person was but she clicked on the link anyway just to find out. The screen came up with a small text box that contained a message: 

“I notice that you are new to this chatroom. A word of advice – it’s a good idea to come up with a screen name right away and decide what your status will be, either declare yourself a free woman or find yourself a good Master to serve. Otherwise, you will be hounded incessantly by some of our “wannabe” Masters and Mistresses.”

She thought that whoever this Michael was, he obviously knew his way around this chatroom so she decided to write him back and ask him for some advice on how best to work the room. She clicked on the “Reply” link in his message and wrote:

“Michael, thank you for the advice and I will come up with a screen name. But I do not know what a “free woman” is or what that entails. Could you please explain this? Also, you said there were a lot of “wannabe Masters and Mistresses” here – how can I tell them apart from someone who knows what they’re doing? Please help me. I am new to this whole thing and I want to learn.”

Sarah pushed “Send” and went back to watching the room. Things were picking up a bit as a Master had come in looking for his slave. She responded to his call and after greeting him in the way she had learned, the two of them began talking more casually. Sarah was about to leave the room, figuring it was a slow night. She was frustrated, because all day long she had been looking forward to some exciting chatter, but so far it wasn’t very promising. It was then that her world changed.
He answered her reply for help with a suggestion – “Don’t set your character as a “free woman” if you want any action. A free woman, he wrote, are those who do not want to get too close to anyone and they usually just hang out. Instead, find a Master or Mistress and learn how to serve them. You will find it’s a lot more fun and more exciting. As for finding a suitable Dom, that can be hard. There are a few good ones, but a lot more are players that talk a good game but don’t really know what D/s is all about.”
Sarah took his words to heart and used her first name – Sarah – as her character’s name. She noticed that none of the submissives had capital letters in their name so she used all small letters too. She figured it would be easy to remember this way as well. And she set her characters’ status as a submissive at Michael’s advice so she could get the Masters to hopefully pay attention to her. Now the only thing left was to find a good Master. She wasn’t interested in Mistresses, that wasn’t her thing. But finding a Master to serve really excited her.
She didn’t have to wait long. About a half an hour after she posted her new name and status, she started getting requests to go into what the room called “private chat”. She didn’t want to seem too eager (spelled desperate), so she turned the first few down politely. Then she got another message from Michael:

“I see that you took my advice and now you are getting harassed with chat requests! I figured this would happen – most of the Masters in this room pounce on new talent like it’s a raw steak! If you really want to learn the true meaning of D/s, I would be willing to work with you to get you started and to help you avoid the wolves in the room. But if you agree, you must be sincere and willing to follow my orders to the letter. Just as you don’t want a player for a Master, I don’t want a submissive that is just in it for the evening’s entertainment.”

Sarah was shocked by the words on the screen and read the message a couple times just to make sure she hadn’t misinterpreted it. Then Michael came back with another message: “Do you need some time to think about it?” he wrote. Sarah didn’t want to lose this opportunity. She figured that if he was willing, she shouldn’t turn the chance down – the worst that could happen is that he turned out to be a player himself, and she could always walk away. After all, this was an Internet chatroom – what harm could it do to take him up on it? 

“Michael, thank you for the chance to learn at your side. I would very much like to accept your offer and I hope that I can serve you properly. I look forward to learning all that I can in the ways of a submissive and await my first lesson with anticipation.” She figured that talking like this would please him, since it seemed to be how the other subs spoke.
And so began Sarah’s journey. Michael told the room’s occupants that the new girl, Sarah, was now spoken for and that he would be her mentor and her guardian. This put an end to the harassing chat requests that she had been getting. Instead, some of the Masters and Mistresses in the room publicly congratulated Michael on his new acquisition and they sent approving messages to her telling her that she was very lucky to have Michael as her guide. She felt a lot better about her decision and said that she was looking forward to learning as much as she could about all this. 

Sarah and Michael chatted more and she told him about herself and her real life. She was careful not to go into too many specifics, but she also noticed that her caution wasn’t really warranted – Michael didn’t ask any personal questions. He was more interested in what she wanted to gain from him…what she wanted as a submissive. She didn’t really know what he was getting at, so she made general statements like “I want to learn how to serve you” and “I want to learn how to be a good slave”. 

Michael, knowing that she was obviously very new and inexperienced, gave her some Internet URL’s to look up as her first “assignment” so she could see what she had opened herself up to. Sarah promised that she would indeed look up the links he gave her but that it was very late now and she had to go to bed. Michael and her made arrangements to get back online together the next evening and she signed off and went to bed.
The next day was Saturday and she didn’t have to work, so she did a few things around the house and prepared a supper that she could eat at the computer. She looked forward to a leisurely meeting with her new Master and didn’t want anything to interrupt it. Finally, the time had come to meet with him and she eagerly entered the room. She greeted the room’s occupants – first a respectful “hello” to the Masters and Mistresses in the room and then a more relaxed and casual “hi” to the submissives and slaves that were already there. It wasn’t long until Michael entered into the room, promptly at the time he had pre-arranged. 

“Greetings, Master. How are you this fine evening,” she wrote.

“I am fine, Sarah. However, you may address me as Sir, since you are not yet a slave and I have not officially become your Master,” he corrected her.

“Yes, Sir, my apologies at my presumptiveness,” she wrote quickly.

“It is understandable, since you are just learning. Are you ready for your first lesson?” he asked.

“Yes Sir,” she said.

“Very well. Let’s go into a private chat so we can talk uninterrupted. Before you leave this room, however, it is courteous and proper that you excuse yourself to all the Doms in the room,” he instructed.

“Yes Sir,” she wrote, “Please excuse me, Masters and Mistresses as my own Sir requires my attendance.”

After Sarah said her goodbyes, she followed Michael to a separate private chat area.

“Well, little one, are you ready to begin your training?” Michael asked.

“Yes Sir,” she replied.

“Good. First then we shall begin with a little introduction of what you can expect from me. I will guide you along the path to knowledge about the D/s lifestyle. During your journey, you will learn what we do, why we do what we do, and how we do what we do. You will learn not only the physical aspects of this world, but also the mental and emotional side of this D/s lifestyle. BDSM is only a small part of what we do – the tip of the iceberg so to speak. You will learn the four sides of BDSM; Bondage, Discipline, Sadism, and Masochism.

Those last two terms, Sadism and Masochism, you will learn in definition only – I do not practice them as a general rule. Some Masters and Mistresses do, but I prefer other methods of gaining my slaves’ cooperation. You will find me fair, but firm. I will challenge you to grow and to expand your limits, making you do things that for now, you may feel you couldn’t possibly do. However, bear in mind that I will never hurt you; I will never ask you to break the law; and I will never endanger your person or your reputation. This is important to know because the Master/slave bond is based on and built on trust. Without trust, we have nothing. Trust is the most important key to our continuing relationship. Do you understand, Sarah?” he wrote.

“Yes Sir,” Sarah wrote.

“Good. You will need to remember this and keep it at the front of your mind always. Trust is all we have at this point since I cannot force you to do anything. I have to be able to trust that you will do what I tell you and you will have to trust my judgment and know that what I ask of you is for your own growth,” he said.

“I will remember, Sir.”

“Okay then. Now, yesterday you told me a little about you. I found out you are in Nebraska and that you work in a coffee shop there in your hometown of Blaine. But now I want to know more about you so I can see where to take you,” Michael wrote.

“What would you like to know, Sir?” she wrote.

“For starters tell me more about you. What do you look like?” he asked.

“Well, Sir, I am 24 years old, 5’4″ tall with long brown hair and hazel eyes. People have told me I’m pretty, although I think I have average looks. I don’t like my nose – I think it’s too small for my face and it turns up at the end. But I do like my eyes – they are rather cat-like, I think,” she told him.

“I see. What ethnicity are you?” Michael asked.

“I am Caucasian. I’m of Scottish/Irish decent with a little French in there somewhere,” she told him.

“And your measurements?”

“Measurements, Sir?”

“Yes, Sarah. Your measurements,” he repeated.

“I am 34-26-32, Sir.”

“I see. 34 what?”

“34C, Sir.”

“Okay got it. Are you married/single/engaged/in a relationship with anyone?”

“I am single. I don’t have anyone in particular in my life at the moment,” she wrote.

“Except for me, you mean.”

“Yes, Sir… except for you Sir,” she said. Sarah could feel herself blushing at this thought. I do have someone in my life now – someone I don’t know and who I can’t see or touch. A mystery Sir! she thought. The idea made her heart beat a little faster.

“Now tell me about your home. You live alone, I presume?” he asked.

“Yes, Sir.”

“Good, that will be helpful,” he wrote. Sarah wasn’t sure what he meant by that but she figured it will become clear later.

“And where in your house are you now?”

“In my living room. I have a small desk here with my computer on it,” she said.

“Any windows nearby?

“Yes, I have one window that looks out on my backyard. Why, Sir?” she asked, puzzled.

“Does it have shades or drapes you can close?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Then close them and come back to me,” he told her.

“Yes, Sir.” She went to draw the shades and came back to the computer. “I’m back, Sir.”

“Very good. Now the reason for this is that from now on is that when you are here with me I want you to be naked. You are to be completely nude in my presence unless I tell you otherwise, understand? This is your first command.” Michael wrote.

“Yes, Sir. Shall I get undressed now?”

“Yes Sarah,” he said. 

Sarah stood up and removed her pajamas, panties and bra. “There, Sir I am completely naked now.”

“Good. Now, then, did you look up those URLs I gave you last night?”

“Yes, Sir, I went to some of them. I haven’t gotten to them all – some of the sites were quite extensive.”

“And what did you think?”

“I really liked some of the poetry that the people had written… it was very beautiful.”

“Yes, it is. You see D/s can be very loving and very emotional,” he wrote, “It isn’t at all what most people think of. When someone mentions BDSM the first thought in their minds is how can anyone get off on being beaten? But that is NOT D/s. The only real binding in D/s is the emotional bonds between two people who, for whatever reason, need each other and what they have to offer. A Master is not a Master without a slave to control. And a slave is not a slave unless she has a Master to obey.”

“I understand, Sir.” Sarah wrote.

“Did you have any questions about what you read so far?” Michael asked her.

“No, Sir. I just loved the way the sub wrote about the feelings she had for her Master. It almost made me cry it was so heartfelt and powerful,” she wrote.

“Yes, the bond between Master and slave can be a strong one indeed,” Michael told her.

“Have you ever had such a relationship, Sir?” she asked.

“Yes, I have Sarah. I have had a couple such relationships.”

“What happened, if I may be so bold in asking?” Sarah wrote.

“Well in one case the slave had to move away because of personal reasons. And the second relationship is still going on with an online slave that I currently tutor just like you,” he wrote. 

“Oh, I see. I am sorry, Sir, that I jumped to the wrong conclusions. Please forgive me,” Sarah wrote quickly.

“I am not married and I am not looking to be,” he said. “But, you also need to understand that a Master may have more than one slave. A Master is entitled by his status to have as many slaves as he thinks he can handle. Personally, I find that too many slaves are more trouble than they are worth. But I do have more than just you, just to let you know. It doesn’t mean that I don’t love them all – on the contrary.

My slaves mean the world to me, each one of them. And I spend just as much time and attention as I can with them all… that’s why I don’t juggle a bunch of them. My “harem” if you want to call it that, only has four slaves, including you. I have you, the other online submissive I was referring to, and two other real life submissives that each come by from time to time, whenever they need to, but don’t live with me. So now you know about my other slaves. Does this make you feel any different about us?”

“No, Sir. You are the Master, and it is your prerogative. I do thank you for being upfront about it and telling me. But it doesn’t change anything. I still wish to learn from you if you’ll have me.”

“I’m glad,” Michael wrote, “because I can see quite a bit of potential in you already and it would be a shame to waste such enthusiasm so early in your training.”

“Thank you, Sir,” Sarah wrote, feeling better now.

“Now before I leave there are a couple more things we need to discuss.”


“One of these is how to greet me online in the room. After I type this description, I want you to cut and paste it into a document you can refer to each time we meet. Okay?”

“I am ready, Sir.”

When entering the room type this: 

Sarah enters the room and walks confidently to her Sir, stopping in front of him with her head lowered and her eyes on the floor in front of her. She kneels in front of Him awaiting His next command, sitting on her heels with her knees spread, her back straight, and her shoulders back. Hello, Sir, how may this girl serve you tonight?”

“This is how I wish you to greet me whenever we are in the chatroom. It is a formal greeting and shows the room that you are mine and respect me.”

“Yes, Sir. I have it now and will use it as you wish,” she wrote.

“Now the second thing is a couple rules that I want you to follow in your “real world” life. Since I am to be your Master, I want you thinking of me even when we are not together. And so the following rules will apply; First off, you are not to play with yourself ever without my permission. I want you to be horny and ready for me when we meet and you can’t do that if you take care of things in between our visits. Understand? You are my property now and as such your body is my property as well. I do not like it being used without my permission.”

“Yes Sir,”

“And on a similar theme, you are not to date or go out with other men without my permission. If you must go out with another man, I need to be informed and grant you permission. I am a jealous Master and do not like to share my slaves. All my slaves have the same rules and are expected to obey them.”

“Yes, Sir. I will obey your rules,” Sarah wrote.

“Very good, then. Now I must be going. You have done well, tonight, Sarah and the next time we meet I will talk to you more about your lessons.” Michael wrote.

“Thank you, Sir. I look forward to it,” Sarah wrote.

The pair had decided that meeting twice a week was about the right frequency – any more often and they would soon run out of things to talk about. Any further apart and they may get bored with the whole thing. Besides, twice a week gave Sarah time to dream about what Sir would reveal on their next meeting. Sarah found herself daydreaming of Michael quite a bit and the lessons that he gave her only helped to stir her desires for him all the more. Michael knew his slave well…

About three weeks later, Michael and Sarah were in a private chat. He was discussing her progress so far and he seemed pleased with how well she was doing. Then as their time was coming to a close, he gave her the next assignment.

“Sarah, I am pleased at how well you are doing and how enthusiastic you are about learning this new lifestyle. Before I give you your next assignment though, I would like to talk to you about your sexual experience. What kinds of sex have you tried? For example, have you ever been with a woman? Ever had anal sex? Ever had more than one man at a time? Tell me your past sexual experiences,” he wrote.

“Well, Sir, I have kissed a girl before but nothing more than that. And I haven’t had anal sex or been with more than one partner at a time. We are pretty conservative here Sir,” Sarah confessed.

“I see. And what about your fantasies? If your real life is so conservative, what do you dream about? Tell me your wildest fantasies,” he said.

“Sir, up until I met you, my wildest fantasies involved finding a good man, settling down and raising a family. You know – the little house with the white picket fence, three kids, and a station wagon kind of life,” she said.

“And now?” he asked.

“Now, Sir, I’m not sure what I want. That white picket fence dream doesn’t seem like it will be enough for me now. I’m not sure if I could life that ordinary a life now,” she said. 

“Now that you’ve had a taste of something more exotic than what you have known before, you want to see what else is out there…is that what I’m hearing?” he asked.

“Yes, Sir. I want to know more about this D/s life before I commit to anything like marriage and settling down.”

“Wise choice, little one. One should always take the time to look around as they go down life’s path… you never know what scenery you may be missing along the way.”

“Yes, Sir. I am finding that out,” she said.

“Well, Sarah, our time for tonight is about over. But before I go, I want to give you your next assignment. For your next lesson, I would like to move from the realm of the Internet and move into something more substantial, if you are willing,” he said.

“Substantial, Sir?” she asked, a bit uncertain.

“Yes, I have told you that I want you to be naked when we meet, but next week I want you to wear panties.

The reason for this is that I want you to masturbate in them and get them soaked in your sweet cum. Then you will seal them in a plastic bag and mail them to me at the address I will provide then. Understand? This way I will know that you are doing your lessons and that I am your Sir when you turn off the computer as well,” he said.

“Yes, Sir, but you are my Sir, all the time. If I may be so bold, I fantasize about you even in my dreams now. So yes, I would be most happy to complete this lesson for you, Sir,” she wrote.

Sarah could hardly wait for the next meeting. She went out and bought a brand new pair of sexy panties just for the occasion and set them next to her computer where she would see them every time she passed by her computer desk. This only served to excite her and make her want him even more. The days before her next meeting with Sir would drag agonizingly slow. 

The day did come however and on that day she made herself up extra special for him, even though she knew he couldn’t see her. The very act of getting dressed up for him was an incredible turn-on for her. She put on the sexy panties as he asked and was ready for him.

He entered the chatroom and she was already there waiting for him. She began the session in the manner he had taught her.

Sarah enters the room and walks confidently to her Sir stopping in front of him with her head lowered and her eyes on the floor in front of her. She kneels in front of Him awaiting His next command, sitting on her heels with her knees spread, her back straight, and her shoulders back. Hello, Sir, how may this girl serve you tonight?”

“Hello Sarah, how are you tonight?”

“Very well, Sir. Thank you.”

“Are you ready to go into our private room, then?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Very well.” And after saying her goodbyes to the room occupants, she and Michael left to go into their regular private chatroom.

“I am here Sir,” Sarah said.

“Good. Are you wearing the panties I asked you to?” he asked.

“Oh yes, Sir! I went out the very next day and bought a brand new pair just for you. They are very sexy and I hope you will like them. I also took extra care to make myself up special just for tonight. I do wish you could see me, Sir. I think I look especially hot and sexy!”

“I am sure you do, Sarah and I appreciate the extra effort… it proves to me that you are serious about these lessons and that pleases me. It is a shame that we live so far apart, but who knows what the future may bring. My work demands travel from time to time, I may just stop in to see you someday,” he wrote.

“Oh, Sir! I would love that! To meet you in person would be a dream come true!” Sarah said excitedly.

“Speaking of cumming, are you ready to get on with tonight’s activity?” he asked.

“Yes, Sir. I have had these panties next to my computer since I bought them and every time I passed by them I thought of you. I am so horny tonight this will be an easy lesson!” she wrote.

“Well, then you’d better get to it… I hate to keep a horny slave waiting! And no need to type until you are finished – just concentrate on the task at hand – so to speak. Imagine it’s my hand playing with you and making you cum,” he wrote.

Sarah slipped her hand down to her crotch and began by rubbing her pussy through the panties. She closed her eyes and imagined her Sir’s hand on her pussy, rubbing it and toying with her, making her hotter and wetter as he did. She let out a soft kitten-like mewl as she started heating up and her breath started getting labored. She rubbed the silky fabric into her wet slit and got it soaked with her juices. She was sooo wet, sooo hot. 

She slipped her fingers under the panties and into her slippery hole teasing the walls of her pussy and flicking her clit with her finger. Her mewls turned to moans and then to cries as her passions rose and it wasn’t long at all before she was cresting. She screamed out loud as she fell over the edge and shoved four fingers deep into her pussy. Somehow she remembered what she was supposed to be doing and she rubbed the panties in her pussy. getting them as wet and pussy juice stained as she could before coming back to the computer.

“O-okay, Sir… I am back,” she typed, panting and trying to get her fingers to type what her mind was saying.

“Did you cum for me?” he asked.

“Yes, Sir… really hard too!” she typed. 

“Good girl. I am proud of you. Now be sure to put those panties in a ziplock bag and you can mail them to me. Michael gave her the address and she wrote it down so she could mail them out.

“Thank you, Sir… for the orgasm,” she typed, now that her mind was clearing.

“You are welcome, Sarah. And thank you for your service – and your panties!” he typed. 

They chatted for awhile afterward and after they said goodbye, Sarah took the panties and the ziplock bag she would put them in and went to her room. She laid back on her bed, closed her eyes and masturbated again, just to make sure that her panties were good and soaked. As she did, she shoved her panties completely into her pussy so her juices could saturate the fabric. She knew that by the time they reached him they may not have much of her scent left on them and she wanted him to smell her sex. She put the soaked panties in the plastic bag, sealed it and put it in another envelope that she sprayed a little of her favorite perfume on – just for an added, thoughtful, touch.

Sarah and Michael’s meetings went on like this for several months and Michael guided his new charge slowly at first until he could gauge her pace better, Then he accelerated her training, challenging her all the while to grow and expand her boundaries. She was soon doing things at his command that she had once thought totally out of bounds.

One day during one of their chats, he came up with the idea of having her masturbate in a public restroom. But not just any public restroom… he wanted her to go back to her old high school and use the same bathrooms she used years earlier! At first, she balked at the very idea. But as her Sir had told her, she had agreed to become a slave and if she wanted to continue, she must learn to obey him even if she didn’t like the commands. So she agreed, figuring if it got too hard, she could always back out. 

She went to the school one day just before school let out and hung around trying hard not to be noticed. Which wasn’t hard, Sarah still looked young enough to pass easily for a high school senior. Once the school had let out and the crowds died down, she walked up the two floors to the bathroom she had decided to use for this test. She looked at herself in the mirror. She had always considered herself one of the hottest girls in school, as she bloomed early, and had always been aware of the latest trends and styles to come to town, using that to stand out from the crowd. With her long brown hair, brown eyes, tight body, and a cheerful personality, she had never been at a loss for friends or male companionship. 
She continued to look in the mirror for another little while, and began to get horny thinking about what she was there to do. She hadn’t had sex in awhile, which was unusual for her, but since she had met her online Sir, she had been obedient to his rule about dating another. Sarah finally decided to get the task over with and opened up a stall that she thought would be a safe distance from the door. She closed the stall door and locked it, and settled herself on the toilet inside. Sarah parted her legs and began to massage her pussy. 

He had told her not to wear panties that day so she didn’t have to worry about pulling down her panties or her pants – she just hiked up the skirt she was wearing and tucked it’s hem into the waistband. She was already wet with the excitement of doing something so naughty, so her fingers easily slipped into her pussy. The thoughts going through her head were unbelievably arousing. All she could think about was getting caught, but oddly it did not worry her at all. Instead, it served to excite her, and she began to rub her pussy with two fingers, speeding up quickly, constantly listening for anyone that might wander in. 

Sarah felt so dirty and so slutty there, masturbating in her old high school bathroom! If someone was to catch her there, she would just die! She soon began to moan, and the more she moaned, the more excited she got, as anyone walking by could surely hear the sound of her growing passions. This excitement and the fear of getting caught increased her pleasure and caused her to moan even more. She had to bite her lip to stifle her moans to keep them from getting too loud. Her fingers flew over her swollen clit and she rammed them deep into her pussy. 

Very soon, she could feel an orgasm coming on, and it quickly rippled through her body, sending shivers through her thighs and up her spine. It was way faster than she had ever came before in her life, faster than when she was with a guy. Not only that, but she found that she was still as horny as she had been when she first started!
As far as Sarah knew, nobody outside had noticed, so she continued to masturbate, shoving her fingers in and out of her pussy as her juices poured all over the toilet. Her excitement began to increase again and once more she began to moan, getting louder by the second, exciting her even more. Her second orgasm was about to hit her, this one harder than the first and she found it even harder to keep quiet this time.

Then she heard the door open and someone walked in! Sarah almost died as she knew she was too close to her orgasm to stop it – she was cumming and there was nothing she could do to stop it! She bit down on her lip hard and the spasms of her orgasm washed over her. She tried desperately not to make noise but her body was jerked and twisted as she came and the toilet let out an occasion squeak as she writhed on it. Thankfully the other person in the room didn’t speak and was soon gone. Sarah let out a soft, but much needed moan, as she heard the door click closed.

That was close! She sat on the toilet for several minutes as the last of her convulsions passed and more juices flowed from her saturated pussy. It had been less than twenty minutes since she began, and she had not one, but two orgasms! That was faster than most of her first orgasms when she had been fucking a hard cock! She decided that she had better not press her luck any further and she left the bathroom, checking at the door to make sure the coast was clear.
The next night she told him about the excitement and recalled the whole event to him. He was very pleased that despite the danger of getting caught, she had gone through with it. Sarah was happy that she passed the test too and looked forward to more of her Sir’s “lessons”. Michael didn’t disappoint either. He made each challenge a little harder and a lot more exciting as time passed. Some of the challenges were simple for her. But most of them were things that tested her limits in both willingness to obey or in her small-town moral mindset. Michael knew that growing up in a small town would have instilled certain restrictions on her and he wanted to test whether her limitations were stronger than her desires.

 A week or so later, during one of their meetings, Michael was in the middle of teaching her something when she interrupted him.

“Excuse me, Sir, but I need to go pee. I’ll be right back,” she wrote, then hurried off to the bathroom. He was waiting for her when she got back.

“Okay, Sir. I am back. I’m sorry, but I held it as long as I could,” she wrote.

“We’ll have to do something about your bathroom breaks. Do you have a metal bowl, like a big salad bowl at home?”

“No, why?” she wrote puzzled at the strange question.

“You will need to go to the thrift store or the second-hand store and get a used one then. Make sure it’s a metal bowl and good sized,” he wrote.

“Why, Sir, if I may ask?”

“Because it is going to be your potty bowl. Whenever we are in a private session and you have to go, I want you to use the bowl so you don’t have to run off and leave me here waiting on you. I am a patient man in some regards, but I don’t like to be kept waiting on an inconsiderate slave,” he wrote. “A metal bowl won’t stain or smell and it can be cleaned easily.”

“Yes, Sir. I will find one,” she wrote. The idea of peeing in a bowl in front of him made her pussy tingle. The next day on her lunch hour, she went to the local second-hand store and found a suitable bowl. Since her floors were hardwood there in the dining room where her computer was set up, she put an old towel down to catch any spillage and she was all set. The next time she had to go while she was talking to him, she would be ready. And it turns out their next meeting afforded her the opportunity to try out her new potty bowl.
Michael and Sarah were in the middle of their regular meeting when the coffee she had had earlier that afternoon started to kick in.

“Sir, I have to go pee. May I?” she asked.

“Did you get the bowl I told to you get yet?” he asked.

“Yes, Sir. It is right here waiting,” she typed.

“Then you can wait a little bit,” he wrote.

“Yes Sir,” she wrote. They continued to talk and Sarah did her best to hold it in, but nature wasn’t going to be put off for long.

“Sir, I really have to go. May I please use my bowl?” she asked again.

“Not yet. I don’t want to be interrupted,” he wrote again.

A couple more minutes went by and Sarah was about to bust wide open.

“Sir, PLEASE!” she wrote desperately. “I have to go NOW!”

“Oh, all right then! But make it quick!” he wrote, sounding very impatient.

Sarah didn’t even take time to say thank you – she just squatted down over her potty bowl and let fly. She could hear the sounds of her piss-stream hitting the metal bowl and feel the warmth of her hot piss as it gushed out. Sarah felt like such a slut sitting there pissing into a bowl in her front room – if she hadn’t had to go so bad it might have really turned her on!
After she was finished, she wiped herself with a bit of toilet paper she had set next to the computer and sat back down on her chair.

“Thank you, Sir, for allowing me to go pee,” she wrote.

“Well, that was better than having you run off to the bathroom and leave me sitting here waiting on you.”

“Yes, Sir. Thank you.”

It was about a month later when, after one of their regular meetings, Michael was trying to set up the next one.

“Sir, I won’t be able to meet with you on our regular night. It’s my birthday and my friend, Lisa, is taking me out that night. Would it be possible to meet you the following night?” she asked.

“That would be fine. So Friday is your birthday, is it?” he asked.

“Yes, Sir. I will be twenty-five on Friday…kind of a big deal, I guess,” she said.

“Yes, it is. Tell me, are you a computer techie?” 

“A techie, Sir?”

“You know… someone who knows a lot about computers,” he said.

“Oh no, Sir! I can barely get this fool thing to work half the time!” she admitted.

“Well do you know of someone, then?” he asked.

“Yes, there are people here that can work on computers. Why, Sir?”

“I am going to send you a little birthday present then. A webcam. I want you to have it hooked up and that way we can use it for some of our lessons. I want to see my slave at work,” he said.

A webcam! Sarah thought. I can see him and he can watch me! The thought of performing for his pleasure almost made her cum right then and there!

“Oh, Sir! That sounds wonderful! Thank you so much!” she typed. “I will have it hooked up as soon as I get it!”

A few days later, just as he promised, a top quality webcam showed up on her door. And true to her words also, Sarah had the webcam set up and ready for her next lesson.

Sarah entered the chatroom that night trembling with anticipation. Tonight she would “meet” her new Sir in a whole new way. She would actually see the man she had been doing all these lessons for. Right on time, he entered the room and after the routine of greeting everyone, then excusing herself, she met with Michael in a private chat as usual.

“Sir, I have the webcam hooked up and ready,” Sarah said.

“Good, then let’s see what my slave looks like,” he said. Sarah turned on the webcam as Michael directed and in a couple moments, an image appeared on her screen. But to her dismay, it wasn’t what she expected! Instead of seeing her Sir in front of her, a hooded figure sat in front of her on the screen.

“Sir! I can’t see your face!” she typed. “That’s not fair! You can see me but I can’t see you!”

“Ah, but I told you that I wanted to see my slave… I never said anything about you seeing me!” he typed to her. “Besides, this way you are still being made to perform for your ‘mystery Master’.”

“Yes Sir,” she typed, a bit disappointed.

“Now then, stand up so I can see you better,” he typed. She obeyed, displaying her naked body for him to see.

“Very nice,” he typed. “I am pleased to see that I have such a lovely subject to work with.”

“Thank you, Sir.”

“I am also pleased to see that you don’t have any tattoos or piercings either. That is good.”

“No, Sir. My parents would never allow it. I had to wait until my 16th birthday just to get my ears pierced – even though I bugged my Mom since I was 14 to get them pierced!” she said.

“Well, one should never mark their body unless they are certain that they won’t regret it later on. Tattoos are very hard to get rid of and piercings never go away,” he said.

“Yes Sir,” she wrote.

“So how was your birthday the other day?” he asked.

“It was fun, but it would have been more fun if I could have spent it with you,” she said.

“Well I’m here now… why don’t you show me what I missed.,” he said.

“I  don’t understand Sir,” she said.

“I want you to fuck yourself for me. Use your fingers or a toy if you have one and show me what I would have gotten had I been there,” he said.

“Yes Sir,” she said. “Let me go get my toy… I’ll be right back Sir,” Sarah went to her dresser drawer and pulled out her trusty seven-inch vibrator. She hadn’t used it in over six months, since meeting her Sir and his rule about pleasuring herself. In fact, she hadn’t had sex of any kind in a long time and the thought of performing an act for this man online was already getting her wet and excited.

She turned down the lights so he could see her without the glare of bright lights. She just had the glow of the monitor and when she was ready she leaned back in her chair and ran the dildo over her pussy. It nudged against her clit and caused her to shiver. She instantly cupped her breast and squeezed it.  Sarah slowly slid her vibrator down her legs and ran the dildo over her pussy, teasing herself as her Sir watched her action play out on his computer screen. Sarah could feel her pussy throbbing with anticipation waiting to be filled, so she ended the torture and put the dildo to her lips and pushed it in. She couldn’t help but let out a sigh of pleasure as she pushed it in as deep as she could without gagging, showing her Sir how talented she was at cocksucking.
She closed her eyes and imagined it was his cock and what it must feel like to feel him in her hot mouth. Sarah pulled her toy of out of her mouth and placed it back at the entrance to her love-hole. She shoved the vibrator deep into her hungry pussy again and concentrated on pumping herself faster and faster as she pinched her nipple. Her eyes shot open when she grazed her clit and caused her to jerk the dildo out of her. Thoughts of being watched by this man she called Sir were driving her mad with lust and desire. Sarah quickly shoved the dildo back into her waiting pussy. It didn’t take her long to work herself back into a frenzy, stabbing her pussy over and over.

“Oh fuck, Sir, my pussy is on fire!” she moaned aloud.

She let her tit go and slid her hand down her body until it was right over her clit and rubbed it furiously while she pumped herself full of fake cock. She looked down at her pussy as she assaulted and abused it to her satisfaction. Her right hand was going up and down with the dildo and her left was choking her clit with its fingers. Sarah was building to a really explosive, self induced orgasm and was fucking herself for all she was worth, moaning to no one as she frigged herself silly. Her orgasm was fast approaching. It may have been the fact that she was horny as hell, but the idea of being watched by her online Sir didn’t put her off at all, in fact, it excited her beyond belief! She began fucking herself even faster than before and pinched the holy hell out of her clit, breathing heavier and heavier with each thrust in her pussy and squeeze of her clit.

“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, fuck! I’m gonna fucking cum,” she gasped to the computer screen.

“Not unless I give you permission,” the voice from the monitor said.

“Oh, Sir, please! I… I’m gonna cum! Oh god, I’m gonna cum!” she moaned louder.

“Not yet. Don’t you cum yet,” the voice said again.

“Oh, Sir! Fuck me! Make me cum all over your cock baby! Please make me fucking cum!” she wailed loudly.

“Then cum now, slut! CUM FOR ME NOW!

The pressure in her pussy built and built until she felt the walls of her pussy shut tight against the dildo and she came, hard. Sarah closed her eyes and let it run through her as she came; legs shaking, arms twitching, unable to speak. She was hit with what was the greatest orgasm she’d ever given herself, but deep down she knew she couldn’t take all the credit. She left the dildo in her pussy and fell back into her chair and lay there. 

She had just orgasmed big time to a man she’d never met with no more prompting than him just telling her to! What a slut she was! The whole idea that he controlled her so much that she willingly did as he commanded made her horny again! The thought of him watching her as she fucked herself sent chills up her spine that usually only happened when something really turned her on. Sarah came so hard to the thought of being watched, that she just had to do it again, soon. And the next time it happened, she would be sure to make it a hell of a show! 


Published 8 years ago

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