The Prowler

"Not all women are housewives."

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In the hot night, my skin is covered in a film of sweat as I move through the throng of people. Heads turn and eyes are raised as I make my way towards the watering hole where I like to hunt. I smile, a flirt and I move with stealth until I am seated at the terrace bar.

The bartender looks at me, the usual, his eyes ask me? I nod and open my purse, taking out my makeup mirror. Lip gloss, rouge, mascara, eyeliner, everything is perfect. I put the mirror back and adjust my short black dress that hugs my body like a second skin. A quick adjustment of my cleavage just before the bartender puts my drink in front of me.

I take a long drink from the glass while the beat of the music moves up from the floor through the bar stool and into my body. I slowly begin to sway to the rhythm while I use the short straw to stir the ice cubes. I look around and try to spot an easy prey among the hundreds of bodies either sitting around tables or leaning against the walls. A few promising young things smile at me and I smile back.

“Hi, what’s your name?” says a sluggish voice next to me.

I slowly turn my head and within seconds I have evaluated the man standing next to me. He is drunk, sweaty, in his sixties, wedding band and cheap aftershave, not my style.

“I am waiting for someone, please move along,” I say in a sweet voice.

His eyebrows furrow and then he slowly moves back mumbling “bitch,” as he leaves my side.

Asshole, I think. I turn back to my drink and have another sip. Something catches my eyes and I zoom in.

She is wearing a white short skirt and a halter top. Her blonde hair moves gently as she laughs at a joke her friend has told. Her bright blue eyes sparkle from a little too much drink and when a strand of hair falls over her face she swipes it away in a sensual gesture. I keep watching her for a while but when a young man with a lot of tattoos plunks down in the seat next to her and kisses her with way too much tongue, I lose interest.

“Hi, can I buy you a drink?”

This time the man is standing on my other side. He is younger than the first and not as drunk.

“No thanks, I am fine.”

“Oh, okay, maybe later?”

“Maybe,” I say with a smile and a wink.

He moves away and I light a cigarette. Inhaling the smoke, I turn towards the other side of the bar and see a woman dressed in a long thin skirt. As she moves the lights show off slender legs and a round ass under the fabric. I watch her for a while and when our eyes meet she smiles and slightly raises her glass to me. I do the same and her smile grows, showing perfect white teeth.

We sit there and flirt with each other, no words are spoken but our eyes, smiles, and tongues do the talking. I lick my lips and wink at her. She laughs quietly into her hand and then nods her head and pretends to dance.

I get off the stool and walk around the bar but when I reach the seat she was sitting on, she is gone. Then I see her, inside on the dance floor. I walk up to her and we begin to move close to each other.

And there on the dance floor, it feels like it’s only us, dancing close to each other my hands on her hips and hers on mine. She turns around and pushes her body against mine. She is slightly taller than I and when she turns her head slightly I give her a quick kiss on the side of her neck. She reaches behind me and pulls me closer.

“Let’s leave,” I say into her ear.

She turns and says, “My boyfriend is on his way.”

“Forget him, I want you, now.”

She laughs and continues to dance.

I become frustrated and grab her around the waist and pull her closer. Our lips meet, we kiss and her tongue is warm and tastes of tequila.

“Come, trust me, you will not regret it,” I say into her ear.

“I’m not sure.”

“Yes, you are or you wouldn’t have flirted with me earlier.”

She scans the area and then takes my hand. “Okay, let’s go, but I have to be back soon.”


The sand is still warm against the soles of our feet as we walk across the beach towards a secluded area. We are carrying our fuck me pumps in our hands. As we reach the place I have chosen she falls to her knees and grabs the sand, letting it run through her fingers.

I sit down next to her and turn her head towards me with my hands. We kiss and she slowly falls backward with me on top. My hand slides along her leg up under her dress and, as I had thought, she wears no panties.

She is warm and moist under my touch and as I gently slide a finger inside her she moans and presses her lips harder to mine.

Her moans became louder and when I push up her top and take her nipple between my lips, she sighs and grabs my ass. I move further so she can reach me while still kissing her boob and finger fucking her.

“God, you are wet,” she moans in my ear as her finger runs down my slit.

“You make me wet, keep going.”

She rubs my clit and that warm feeling begins to run through my body as I fuck her harder using two fingers. Her pussy muscles grab like she didn’t want them to slide out by mistake.

The moon shines down on our sweaty bodies and we move closer to our orgasms. Her fingers run through my hair and she actually grabs a bunch of it in her fist and presses her mouth against mine, making me have to leave her firm boob.

“Yes, yes, yes, I am there, oh my God, I’m there,” she moans in my ear.

Her pussy cramps, and at the same time, I feel my own do the same and we both groan and moan as our bodies tense and then relax.

We fall apart, lying on our backs and looking up at the stars above us. The music reaches my ears as my breathing slowly becomes normal.

She turns towards me and runs a finger along my jawline.

“I didn’t get your name,” she half-whispers.

I smile at her and gently kiss her lips. When I pull away I say, “It doesn’t matter. This is here and now and there is no tomorrow.”

We stay on the sand a few more minutes and then get up. We help each other to brush the sand off our clothes and then begin the walk back to the bar.

When we reach it she walks inside and I begin the walk back home.


My husband and kids are watching TV. The balcony door is open to let in some cool air. There are soda cans and a half empty bowl of popcorn on the table.

“Hi, I’m back,” I say in the doorway.

Without turning my husband says, “Great, how was the night out with your friends?”

“It was okay, I guess. We had a few drinks and danced.”

“Cool, take a shower, it’s so hot, and join us.”

Under the cool water, I close my eyes and I can still feel the woman’s pussy under my touch. I wonder if she is dancing with her boyfriend or if she is having tequila.

I will go on the prowl the following Friday, but by then she will be gone and there will be other prey for me to feast on.






Published 8 years ago

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