When Fantasy Meets Reality, Part 2

"Sarah meets her Master at last!"

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It was about three months and many wonderful sessions later when Michael really rocked Sarah’s world. The pair had had many sexy and exciting adventures, and Michael had made sure that his new slave didn’t go unfulfilled either. In fact, she had more sex since meeting him than she ever had before! Granted, it was self-pleasure, but that didn’t seem a concern to Sarah… she just thought of it as her Master commanding her to perform. And as long as she was serving him, nothing else mattered. 

Then one night after Sarah and Michael had set up a regular meeting time, Sarah got herself ready and got everything set for him early so she wouldn’t be late. She wasn’t sure what he had in mind for her tonight, but she knew it was going to be exciting and she didn’t want to be interrupted. She went into the chatroom right on time, and he was already there waiting for her:

Sarah enters the room and walks confidently to her Master stopping in front of him with her head lowered and her eyes on the floor in front of her. She kneels in front of him awaiting his next command, sitting on her heels with her knees spread, her back straight, and her shoulders back. 

“Hello, Master, how may this girl serve you tonight?”

“Hello Sarah. It is nice to see you,” he wrote.

“Thank you, Sir. I am sorry I wasn’t here to meet you,” she wrote.

“That’s all right, I came in a little early to talk to the others anyway.”

“I’m glad,” she said.

“Are you ready for tonight’s lesson?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Then after you excuse yourself from the room, meet me in our usual private chat.”

“Yes, Sir.” And Sarah did just that.

Once they were alone, Master dropped the bomb on her. “Sarah, you and I have been meeting here regularly for some time now and I have thoroughly enjoyed our time together.”

“As have I Sir,” she wrote.

“I’m glad. But now I have something I wish to discuss with you and I hesitate to ask, however I want to know how you would feel about coming out for a visit with me so we could meet and get to know each other on a real-world basis,” he wrote.
Sarah didn’t know how to respond to this request at first. She had often dreamed about meeting her Master and had fantasized about this very day many times. Her body was jumping at the chance, but she was also sensible and remembered the stories of girls getting into all sorts of troubles meeting online contacts such as this. After a couple minutes, Michael wrote back 

“Sarah are you still there?”

“Yes, Sir I am just thinking…”

“I know it is a big step and you have every right to be concerned and even turn down the offer, but I am hoping you won’t,” he wrote.

The last thing in the world she wanted to do was disappoint this man that had brought her so much pleasure and had helped her find a part of her she didn’t even know existed until now. But still…

“All right, Sir. I would love to come for a visit,” she decided. 

“Wonderful. I will have tickets sent up for you to fly here and make all the other arrangements. When do you think you could come?”

“Well, Sir I have two weeks vacation coming from work, I could do it then.”

“Two weeks would be great. Not only will I be able to spend time with you here, but I could show you the sights of Los Angeles as well. Have you ever been to Los Angeles?”

“No, Sir. But I have always wanted to see it. This sounds like fun,” she wrote.

“Yes… and it will be good to meet the face of my Midwestern plaything!” he said.

And so Sarah began making plans to meet her Master, the man who now controlled her every thought and soon may even control her body as well. She researched Los Angeles and made a list of the tourist destinations and activities she would most like to see and do. She knew that she only had two weeks and that he would probably want some time alone with her, but still she didn’t want to go home without seeing some of the sights. 


Sarah’s plane landed after an uneventful flight some seven hours later. As she disembarked the plane and walked down the ramp into the terminal building, her heart raced. A flood of thoughts tumbled about in her mind. What if he doesn’t like me? What if I can’t do what he asks? What if he wants me to stay with him? 

She wanted to stop and think more about this, but the crowd behind her would not let her back down. She sucked in a deep breath as she entered the terminal. She looked around trying to spot her Master before he saw her, but she didn’t see him. Her heart began to race and she thought he may have backed out at the last minute and wasn’t coming. She was just about in a panic when she felt two strong hands grab her by the shoulders.

“Do not turn around, Sarah. It is me,” a deep voice behind her said.

Sarah froze and then smiled. It was him. “Hello Sir,” she said. “I was afraid maybe you changed your mind.”

“No I haven’t. I was… indisposed for a moment.”

“That’s okay, Sir. May I turn around now?”

“Yes.” And Sarah turned to see her Master for the first time.

Michael was an impressive sight, standing there in front of her. His 6’4″, 234 pound stature combined with his well-defined muscular body was enough to impress any woman. He had a strong jaw and handsome face with brown wavy hair that almost reached his strong shoulders and the bluest eyes she had ever seen. They seemed to look right into her soul and she could feel herself melting into them already.

“Did you have a good trip?” Michael asked Sarah.

“Yes, Sir I did.”

“Shall we get your bags?” Michael said.

“Yes, Sir.” 

She followed him down to the luggage area and she showed him which bags were hers. She only had two, one of which had hardly anything in it. She planned on doing some shopping while she was here and bring back a few things for her friends and family once she got back home.

Once they had her bags, they made their way toward the car. The car was not very far away and as they approached it, Michael stepped forward to open the door for her. She sat down and once seated, he shut her door and went around and got into the drivers seat.

The drive took just under an hour but Sarah had no sense of time, as she was far too busy looking at the sights of “the big city” to take note of the time. They finally pulled up in front of a large house with a well-maintained lawn. 

Sarah waited in the car as she had been taught while Michael got out and opened the door for her, extending his hand to help her to stand. She took his hand smiling and then he walked her to the front door of the house. He opened the door for her and stepped inside himself, with her following right behind him. He took her coat and hung it on the hook next to the door and leading her by the hand he took her into the living room where they could be more comfortable.

“Make yourself comfortable while I get your bags,” he said.

“Yes, Sir.”

Michael went to retrieve her luggage while Sarah took the room in. Michael had a very nice home, well-appointed, with nice furniture and a pleasant feel to it – not stuffy and pompous, yet still showing good taste and sophistication. She admired the fireplace and the mantle with the two French doors on either side leading to the expansive deck, the leather sofa on which she sat, and the rest of the room’s decor. Soon he returned with her bags which he sat next to the stairs leading to the bedrooms.

“Okay the bags are by the stairs – we’ll take them up in a bit and you can unpack. First though, rise so I can see my Internet student better,” he said smiling.

Sarah rose to her feet, keeping her head down shyly. Michael came over to her and taking her gently by the chin raised her face to look at him. “Don’t be shy, my pet. I want to see you.” She looked at him in return.

“You are quite lovely, Sarah. I am pleased,” he said.

“Thank you Sir,” she said, blushing. 

“Now let’s take your things upstairs and I will show you to your room.”

“Yes Sir,” she said. Michael picked up the bags and led the way upstairs to her room. He stopped at the door to her bedroom and she reached for the door, since his hands were full. 

“Wait,” he said. “House Rules: you are never to touch a doorknob in my presence. Either in the house or in public, if we are together, you will not touch a doorknob or a car door handle. Understand?”

“Yes Sir.” And Michael opened her door.

Sarah’s room was huge compared her bedroom back home. There was a queen-sized bed in the center of the room with a nightstand on each side and a chest of drawers that had two columns of five drawers each. There was a walk-in closet that was half the size of her whole bedroom back home and a vanity complete with a mirror and a makeup tray. She stood with her mouth open as she looked at everything.

“This will be your room. I hope you’ll find it adequate for your stay,” he said.

“Adequate – it’s gorgeous!” she said. Then she remembered. “I mean it’s gorgeous, Sir!” she corrected herself.

“I’m glad. Now here’s another thing. I will not come into this room at any time unless it is an absolute emergency. You can consider this your personal sanctuary. I may knock on the door but I will not enter.”

“Yes Sir.”

“Now you will find a robe and slippers in the bathroom there. You can put your clothes away and get settled. Once you are ready, I will be downstairs and we can go out for some dinner.”

“Yes Sir.” With that, Michael turned and headed for the stairs.
Sarah walked around her enormous room and looked in the bathroom. There was a big tub, a separate shower, sink and toilet. There was a small cabinet next to the sink with a towel rack on it and inside an assortment of clean towels and washcloths. She went back into her room and started putting her clothes away. She had so much room she could barely make a dent in the chest of drawers and only used a few of the hangers that were in the closet.

Once she had put away her clothes, she decided to freshen up a bit so she took a washcloth and gave herself a quick face-washing and then put on fresh makeup so she could go meet Michael. Changing into fresh clothes, she then shut her door and made her way downstairs.
“Hello Sir,” she said as she entered the living room where Michael sat, watching the big screen TV. 

“Are you ready for dinner?” he asked.

“Yes, Sir.” 

“Fine. What are you in the mood for – it’s your choice tonight.”

“I like Mexican food.”

“Mexican food… I think we might be able to find that in Los Angeles!” he said, laughing.

 The pair walked to the car and as Michael told her, she waited at the passenger door for Michael to open it.

“Thank you Sir,” she said as he helped her to get seated.

Sarah didn’t talk a lot during the drive. She was too busy looking at all the sights and sounds of Los Angeles. Michael took her to a nice Mexican restaurant and they ate dinner and talked a bit there. Sarah found that what passed for Mexican food in Nebraska was a far cry from the real Mexican food in Los Angeles. But it was very good and she made a mental note to come back here again before she left.
When dinner was done, Michael and Sarah left the restaurant and took a drive so she could see more of Los Angeles. They eventually found themselves in the San Gabriel hills looking across the valley at the famous Hollywood sign. It was a quiet little parking spot that was empty that night except for them. Sarah felt a bit uneasy being alone like this with Michael so soon and he took note.

“Sarah you can relax. I am not going to try anything. I know you just got here and haven’t gotten accustomed to things yet. There won’t be any demands put on you tonight. But tomorrow morning we will begin your training. So tonight we are just getting to know each other, okay?”

“Thank you, Sir. I feel better now. I hope that my discomfort wasn’t too obvious.”

“Well if I can’t pick up on a slave’s discomfort and emotional state, then I shouldn’t call myself a Master then,” he said with a grin. Sarah smiled in return and snuggled closer to her gentleman Master. When they returned home, Michael took Sarah a tour of the house and grounds.

“I’m sorry we weren’t able to get to this before now, but your plane arrived just before dinnertime and we didn’t have time until now. But let me show you around a bit.”

“You have seen your room, the study, the living room and kitchen,” he started. “The laundry room is down the hallway this way and there’s a laundry chute in the upstairs hallway that drops the dirty laundry into the laundry room. 

“Yes Sir,” Sarah said. 

“Now downstairs across the hall from my study there is a small den, and at the end of the hall is the door to the basement,” he said. “The two doors in the living room lead outside to the deck, hot tub, and if you take the stairs at the end of the deck, you can get to the beach.”

“Yes, I want to see that before I go!” she said excitedly.

“Well, that is about all there is to the house,” he said. “It’s no mansion, but it serves me well enough.”

“It’s a lovely home Sir,” Sarah said, smiling at him.

“Thank you. I’m glad you like it,” he said. After the tour, he excused Sarah and the pair went to bed. Sarah hesitated at first, not knowing exactly which bed she would be sleeping in that night. But Michael, true to his word, went to his room without any suggestion of having her join him. She went to her room and got ready for bed, wondering what the next day would bring.

The next morning came early for Sarah. After a wonderful dinner and a great night’s sleep in her bed, a knock on the door awakened her. She came to the door and opened it to find Master fully dressed. 

“Good morning sleepyhead. It’s time to get up. We have a lot to do today. How long does it normally take you to get dressed and put on your makeup?” 

“Can I have a half-hour?”

“You can have twenty minutes. Now, when you have showered and gotten your makeup done, come downstairs in only your robe. Understand?”

“No clothes, Sir?”

“No. Only your robe.”

“Yes Sir,” she said, confused. Maybe he had something special in mind for her to wear. Whatever… her job was to obey so she would come down in her robe if that’s what he wanted. She turned to get ready – twenty minutes wasn’t much time. A quick shower and she had some time to put on her “face”. She wanted to be presentable to him this first morning, so she took great care in how everything looked.

A quick once-over in the full length mirror. Hair…check, face… check, robe… she pulled the neck of her robe down over her shoulders a bit exposing more of her chest as she had seen movie stars do it with their gowns. That’s it. She walked out of her room and downstairs to meet him.

“I am ready, Sir. What would you have me do today?” she said, hoping her appearance was presentable to him.

“First off, come stand in front of me,” he said. Sarah complied quickly.

“Now then, the first thing we have to do is see what we are working with. I know that we have worked together for a long time via the computer, but this is a different matter,” he said.

“Sir, I’m not sure I understand,” she said, with a puzzled look.

“Put your hands behind your head and lace your fingers together,” he said. Sarah did as he told her.
Michael stood directly in front of her. 

“Now whatever happens, you are not to lower your hands from this position. Understand?”

“Yes, Sir.” 

Michael took hold of the edges of her robe and slipped his hands inside. Sarah gasped a bit as for the first time he touched her in a sexual way. As his hands wrapped around her body, Sarah stood motionless in front of him. He ran his hand up and down her sides and she swayed slightly. He moved his hands to her hips and she involuntarily moved her hips closer to him. He was playing her like a fine instrument and she was completely in tune with him. He moved his hands up her sides again to her armpits and Sarah moaned aloud. 

“You like this?” he asked, in a low soft voice.

“Oh, yesss Sir,” she whispered. Michael moved around Sarah and took up a position behind her now. His hands continued roaming over her soft body, this time coming up to cup her breasts. 

“Ohhh, Sirrrr…” she moaned. He smiled to himself as her sexual excitement grew. He rubbed her tits and gently pinched her now-swollen nipples. She responded by swaying and moaning her approval.
“How long has it been, Sarah?” he breathed in her ear as he took her wrists and wrapped both their arms around her waist.

“Too long Sir,” she said, as she felt his hands moving back up to her heaving tits.

She closed her eyes and tilted her head back to rest it on his shoulder.

“Ohhhh, God, Sir… that feels soooo good,” she moaned louder. 

“Are you wet for me, my pet?” he breathed.

“Ohhh, Yesss… soo wet Sir,” she hissed.

“Show me,” he commanded. Sarah turned around and parted her robe showing him her wet, slick womanhood.

“Part your legs further so I can see,” he said. Sarah kicked her legs further apart and displayed her sex prominently. She was on fire now as he had complete control of her. Michael slowly reached out to trace his finger around her sex, careful not to touch it directly, but in soft slow teasing fashion. Sarah’s body took over as she moved her hips in time with his finger. Her breath was ragged now and she was quivering with sexual tension. Michael moved his finger to her slit and with the lightest touch ran his fingers along her pussy lips.

“Oh God, Sir, Please don’t tease me… I can’t stand it,” she pleaded. 

“What would you like then, Sarah?” he asked.

“Sir, please… can I… feel you… inside?” she begged.

Michael obliged the sex hungry girl and slipped a finger, then two inside her soaked pussy. She howled in pleasure and he pushed his hand deep into her pussy. He began fingering her, slipping his hand back and forth over her throbbing, swollen clit. Sarah began to buck her hips in time to his hand and finger and screamed “Oh Sir… that feels so good! Fuck your slave with your finger!” Michael pumped her slippery pussy until she reached the crest of her orgasm.

“Sir, I’m going to cum… Please… may I cum… for… you?” she struggled to get the words out.

“Yes. Cum for your Master, slave,” he commanded. Sarah didn’t need a second prompting. Michael had barely got the words out of his mouth when her orgasm took control of her and she screamed as it crashed over her. Sarah bucked and twisted on Michael’s hand as he continued fingering her pussy, probing her and teasing her even as she came.

This was his favorite part – making his subject squirm and writhe as he prolonged her orgasm to excruciating lengths. It was only when his slaves could take no more than he would relent and let the orgasm pass over them. Sarah’s finally did and before she could recompose herself, Michael pushed the still shaking girl to her knees.

“Sarah, show me how grateful you are that I allowed you to cum. Come over here and suck my cock,” he said. Sarah quickly crawled to him and unbuckled Michael’s belt. After having a little trouble getting his pants off she quickly engulfed her Masters cock into her mouth. She sucked him slowly as she treated his cock very tenderly.  

“Deeper,” he demanded as he grabbed her head and shoved his prick deep into her mouth. “Don’t forget, I’ve seen how well you can take a cock in your mouth. Now show me.” He began fucking her mouth at an slow, leisurely pace. “That’s it, Sarah, suck it,” he moaned.  
After a bit, Michael pulled his cock out of her mouth. She made sucking faces for a second, not aware he had pulled away, until she looked up.

Michael, wanting more than just a blow job, said “Get on the couch, on your knees, I’m going to fuck you from behind like a dog.”

Sarah quickly followed the demand wanting it as much as he did and got on all fours and spread her legs, so her Master had easy access. He walked up behind her and began fingering her pussy from behind. Sarah moaned again as he entered her pussy and began to rock against his thrusts, wanting more of him inside her. She tossed her head back as the wonderful feeling of her rising desire took hold of her again. Just when he thought she was ready, he pulled his hand out of her pussy and  placed the head of his cock at the entrance of her fuck hole. 

“Beg me, Sarah… beg me to fuck you.”

“OHH please… Sir, please shove your cock in my pussy, fuck me hard and fast, treat me as the slut I am. Oh, God, please.”

Michael eased his length slowly, tantalizingly into her aching belly as Sarah’s moans climbed higher and more intense with every inch. She could feel his hard cock inside her and it was better than she ever dreamed. He began pumping in and out of her hungry pussy and she bucked and moaned her approval with every thrust. Sarah was overcome with a lust that she had never know before. She was an animal, a sex-crazed, primeval animal and she had only one desire – to fuck and to cum with this man. As her passions climbed to their inevitable peak she cried.

“Sir, I… I am going… to… cummmm, Sir!” she panted.

“One the count of three then,” he said, teasing her a bit more.


“OHHHH…” she moaned


“OHMYGOD OHHHHH. Pleeeease!” Her moans became a desperate cry.

“THREE!” he said.

Her cries echoed off the walls of the living room as she crashed. She felt like her whole world was exploding in a flash of light and the sounds of fireworks. She bucked and twisted until her knees slipped off the cum drenched leather of the couch and she fell on the floor, still writhing and squirming in the throes of her orgasm. She lay there twitching occasionally as the last spasms left her body and she gasped for breath. Michael stood over her to make sure she recovered and as she finally came back around, he knelt beside her, gently brushing her matted, sweat-soaked hair from her eyes.

“Who are you?” he asked.

Still in a bit of a fog, she replied, “What?”

“I said, who are you?” he repeated.

“I am Sarah, your obedient slave. Sir. I am yours,” she breathed with a smile.

“Good girl. Now while you are here you will be expected to remain ‘available’ to me at all times. You are a submissive, you are an instrument of my pleasure and your only purpose is to provide me that pleasure.”

“Yes, Sir. I understand.”

“Good. You will get accustomed to how this house runs and how I like my submissives to act. For now, though, go upstairs and get properly dressed. When you are done come downstairs.”

“Yes, Sir. I won’t be long,” she said as she turned to leave. He let her get a couple steps before he spoke.

“Aren’t you forgetting something, Sarah?” Sarah stopped instantly and turned around. 


“You haven’t asked to be excused,” he said.

“Oh, I’m sorry Sir, I just assumed.”

“And that’s something we will have to work on.” he said. “I will let it go this time, but from now on remember to ask first – even if you assume it’s okay.”

“Yes, Sir. May I be excused to go change now, Sir?”

“Yes, you may. Be quick about it. I have something planned.”

“Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir.” She left to go upstairs. Upon entering her room she went to her bed and saw the clothes that he had laid out for her. The outfit consisted of a black stretch mini-dress with a plunging front that went down past her tits and put her 34C tits on display in an almost too candid manner. The hem of the dress came up alarmingly close to her crotch and the whole outfit was so tight it looked as if it was painted on her!  Along with this outfit, she found a pair of stiletto heels with tiny straps that wrapped around her ankles. There were no panties or other clothing… it was definitely designed with one thought in mind! 
Sarah looked at the outfit for a few pensive moments. “Well, if this is what he wants me to wear, then I guess I’ll wear it. I did come here to be his slave!” she thought to herself and decided to just put it on. After getting into the outfit and shoes, she went to her mirror. She was surprised to see the hot, sexy, erotic form looking back at her! She admired her Master’s taste and then touched up her makeup so she could go downstairs. 

“Sir, I am back. Do you like the outfit, Sir?” she said.

“Yes I do. Very good.” he said as he took her by the hand. Sarah smiled.

The two of them went out for a bite to eat at a nearby cafe. It was a light lunch because Michael knew that he had more in store for her later that afternoon. They ate their lunch then stopped to do some shopping that needed to be done before heading home. Once they had gotten back to his house, Sarah began putting the things away that they had bought and joined Michael in the living room.

“Will there be anything else you need from me, Sir?” she asked.

“Actually yes, Sarah. Come here,” he said. She took a step towards him as he stood up.

“You look lovely in this outfit, Sarah. But I think you would look even better out of it.”

He reached out to caress one of her tits through the deep cut neckline. Her Master’s touch on her almost exposed tit flesh brought a soft moan from her and she moved a little closer to him. 

“Please, Sir…” she whispered. He took her by the shoulders and brought her around to face him. Standing in front of him, she was at the perfect height. He began removing her dress, kissing her where moments ago, the fabric of her silky dress had been. Inch by teasing inch, he peeled her clothing away leaving a trail of burning kisses along the way. Finally with her dress completely removed and thrown to the floor, she was naked and open for him once more. He eased her to the floor next to her clothes as he continued to tease her.

He began gently caressing her tits and flicking her nipples. She reached up her hands and hefted her tits for him, holding them so he could toy with them easier. She began softly swaying as he continued to tease her firm tits and now erect nipples. He took one nipple into his mouth and began twirling his tongue around the tiny bud.

“Ooooh.” Sarah moaned her encouragement.

“Do you like this, Sarah?” he asked

“Oh yesss Sir,” she said with closed eyes. Michael continued working her nipples and as they grew swollen and erect, her passion intensified. Soon she was on fire and her moans became louder and stronger.

“Mmmmm…” Sarah groaned as his tongue sent little electric sparks through her tits and straight to her brain.
He knew just how to work her nipples and was soon causing the girl to writhe and squirm on the floor under him. Sarah tossed her head back and forth as the sensations slowly drove her wild. She reached between her legs to begin playing with herself, the heat in her loins was just beyond description. 

“Ohhhh, God… Ohhhh,” she whimpered as Michael began moving south again. Leaving the girl’s sweat and saliva coated tits behind, he traced his tongue down her belly, slowly, licking her belly, tonguing her navel and moving on. He reached the top of her neatly trimmed fur patch and traced its outline – being careful not to get too close to her hungry snatch. A couple playful bites on the insides of Sarah’s thighs caused her to gasp loudly and part them for her tormentor. While Michael kissed her thighs, he moved around to take up a place between the lust-crazed girl’s legs. He ran a finger down the wet, slick crack in her pussy lips and Sarah groaned once again.

“Ohhhh, Shiiiittt,” Sarah moaned. “Ohhhhh, Goddd…”

“You like that, do you?” he said grinning broadly at the girl’s condition.

“Yessss…” Sarah hissed her reply.

“Tell me,” he insisted. “Tell me what you want.”

“Ohhh Sir… please, eat my pussy! Please… I want you to taste meeee,” she cried as she raised her hips off the floor in an offering to him. Michael parted her wet pussy lips and ran his tongue over the whole of her slit from pussy to her clit. The girl went wild with desire.

“OHHHHH,” she wailed as he began tonguing her crack ferociously. Michael lapped at her slit, then he would poke his stiffened tongue into her like a small cock, then he would suck Sarah’s throbbing clit into his mouth and flick it with his tongue. Always varying his technique kept Sarah on the edge of madness.
Just when Sarah felt she could take no more, Michael raised the stakes yet again. Bringing the vibrator into play, he touched the toy to Sarah’s clit and Sarah jumped like she’d been shot.

“FUUCK!” she screamed as the vibrator hit her sensitive bud. Her legs instinctively clamped shut on the device and on Michael’s head, but opened a second later as if to ask for more. He was more than happy to provide her with all the toying she could stand. Michael began rubbing the vibrator up and down the crack of her slick slit and touching it to her puckered asshole. Sarah was delirious, drool coming from her mouth and her moans had turned to one long continuous wail – broken only when she ran out of breath and had to suck more air into her lungs. 

“OHHH SHIT I’M CUMMMMING!” she screamed as the dam burst and a flood of pussy juice exploded from between her legs. She rolled and twisted in an effort to break free of the torture she was enduring but Michael held on tightly until he finally, mercifully, decided to let up on the poor girl. Sarah lay on the floor, chest heaving as she clawed the floor and sucked in air desperately. Michael sat up, pleased with his work as Sarah tried to regain herself. After several long minutes, she was able to sit up, although it would take several more before she was ready to stand safely.

“Have you caught your breath?” he asked Sarah after she had gathered herself. “Because we aren’t finished here!”

“What?” she asked, not believing that he could want more from her!

“Lie down… I’m not done yet!”

Sarah obediently lay herself down on the floor and prepared herself for who knew what else he had in store for her. Sarah was determined not to disappoint her new Master as he started again with a little kissing and petting. 

“Ooooh, yeah,” Sarah said, encouraging him. Sarah, had been taught to be more vocal and explicit in her speech and he was spurred on by her dirty language. Michael worked her tits and Sarah loved the sensations.

“Ohhh, yesss, oooh baby just like that!” she said as her own nipples rose and swelled. She squeezed her tits together and pulled his face into the tight crack between. Michael took a nipple into his mouth and nipped it lightly.

“OHHH yes! Bite it harder, HARDER!” she moaned. Michael obliged and Sarah raised her torso off the floor to get closer to his mouth. Michael bit down harder as Sarah had asked. 

“Oh YESS! OH bite my fucking nipple! Oh God that’s so hot!” Sarah cried. She reached between her legs to finger her steaming crotch. Sarah began fingering herself as Michael moved from her tits to between her splayed legs. crouching down close her fuming pussy, He could smell the musky odor of her sex and it turned him on.

“Want a hand with that, baby?” he asked. Sarah pulled her hand away and began sucking her juices off her soaked fingers. Michael knelt down and began lapping up the trickle of pussy juice that seeped from her wet pussy. 

“OHMYGOD! OHMYGOD! OHMYGOD!” Sarah repeated as Michael’s tongue began its work on her! Sarah was gasping herself now and he pushed one, then two, then four fingers into her. Sarah responded by spreading her legs further and holding them open with her hands.

“FUCK MY PUSSY! FUCK MY PUSSY WITH YOUR HAND!” she was screaming, his pounding at her pussy was bringing the little Midwestern girl to a powerful orgasm. 

“I’M… GOING… TO… CUMMMM! AAAAAAAAUGH!” With that, Sarah’s pussy burst, giving up its precious pussy juice pouring out of her and running over her ass crack onto the floor. As her orgasm broke, she threw her hips high in the air. Sarah fucked the air for a minute as the waves washed over her, then she collapsed on the floor gasping for air. 

He sat back and watched as Sarah rolled on the floor, first gasping, then giggling hysterically as the feelings passed. She rose and crawled over to Michael and wrapped her weary arms around him.

“You win,” she panted and planted a long, loving kiss on her Master’s mouth, before collapsing again in his arms.
Michael, pleased with the show called her onto the couch with him. He wrapped her in his arms and she snuggled close to him and closed her eyes, perfectly content and happy. He held her close for the next couple hours while she recovered from the exhaustive scene. She would have stayed there forever, wrapped in her Master’s arms, however Michael eventually broke the spell.

“Okay Sarah it’s been a long day. I’m sure you want to get some sleep as do I. So it’s off to bed with you!” he said.

“Awww…” Sarah said. “I was so comfortable, too!” she said in a smart-alecky way.

“Yeah I know, but my arm was falling asleep!” he said in retort.

“Sir, thank you for today,” she said, “and for this evening,” she added.

“You are welcome. You did very well.”

“Thank you, Sir. May I be excused now?”

“Yes.” he said. And she went upstairs to get ready for bed, blowing him a kiss as she started up the stairs. This was going to be a wonderful trip!


Published 8 years ago

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