It’s nice to be rich, I thought to myself while lying on the sun bed by the pool. People around me were talking, laughing and drinking from exotic cocktails. The palm trees swayed lazily in the breeze coming in from the ocean just a few yards from where the pool ended.
My mega rich husband had surprised me with two tickets to an all-inclusive complex in Costa Rica and I had jumped up and down like a silly school girl. I had immediately gotten into my Ferrari and driven to the most exclusive shop I could find and went on a shopping spree. I spent more money in that hour than I had earned during a year working at the diner where Jack met me.
At the time I was just another trailer trash girl with tattoos a bad attitude and too many boyfriends. He was in his forties and almost twice as old as I, but he didn’t care. He told me later that he fell in love with me the moment I put down the dirty coffee mug in front of him.
Maybe he was telling the truth but I think it was more about my hot body and bouncy boobs than actual love. Not that I cared, I wanted to get out of the trailer park and when he asked me to move in with him I said yes.
So, what was a man like Jack doing in a place like that? It turned out that he would fly around the country in his private jet looking for trailer parks he could buy and then turn into a profit. Where I lived was so run down he didn’t even consider buying it, but he came back twice before I said yes and went with him.
My new lifestyle was out of a magazine, but as the saying goes, ‘you can take the girl out of the trailer park, but you can’t the park out of the girl.’
What this meant was that I continued to fuck around on Jack as much as possible. Don’t take me wrong, he has a nice cock and fucks pretty well, but my pussy needs filling every day, or it becomes sad. Jack traveled a lot and I would spend weeks by myself in our mansion.
I quickly realized that all the gardeners and pool boys that worked around the houses were a bunch of horny men. It didn’t take long before I had a steady stream of willing cocks lining up outside. At first, I was very careful, but over the following weeks and months, I didn’t give a shit. I just let the entrance door stay unlocked and the men would walk in and usually find me by the pool or in the living room, naked and willing.
At noon I decided it was time for a shower and then lunch. When the elevator stopped on my floor I walked along the corridor and there was a man standing on a ladder changing light bulbs.
“Hello,” he said.
I smiled and nodded politely. He was a good-looking guy in his early thirties, with very dark skin and black eyes with his hair slicked back. Under his T-shirt, I noted a strong body and his biceps were impressive.
As I reached my door I turned and said, “Hey, why don’t you come in?”
“Why? I am not allowed to mix with the guests.”
I bit my lower lip and cocked my hip. My bikini was tiny and the thong bottom showed off my apple shaped ass.
“Oh, I don’t mind, and there might be a tip in it for you.”
He got down the ladder and by the time I had the door open he was right behind me.
When I closed it he grabbed me from behind and walked me over to the bed where he threw me on my stomach.
“Oh, yeah, fuck me, fuck my pussy,” I moaned as I felt him entering me from behind.
His cock was thick and spread my lips until I moaned with pleasure and pain. He pulled at my hips and I got on my knees and elbows. Thrusting himself in and out of my pussy, he slapped my ass cheeks.
“Yeah, baby, fuck me like that, slap me, slap my slutty ass,” I moaned.
“You are such a whore,” he moaned and turned me over.
Grabbing my ankles he pulled me to the edge of the bed where he again penetrated me. He pushed my legs against my chest and pounded me so hard my tits hurt from bouncing up and down.
I came hard and arched my back as he pulled out his cock and let his cum rain down on my tanned body, leaving little white droplets on my skin.
I loved to smear the stuff over my skin which I did while giggling. Fucking always made me happy. The man watched me for a moment and then got off the bed and began to dress.
Suddenly the door opened and Jack stood in the doorway. He stared at the scene in front of him and then stepped aside as the man ran out.
“What’s happening, who was that?” said Jack and closed the door.
“I am so sorry, honey, I feel so bad about this,” I lied.
He looked at me for a while and then walked over to the table and mixed two drinks. I stayed on the bed watching him. He was strangely calm and that worried me a bit. If he had freaked out and screamed or even slapped me that would have been better than this eerie silence.
He walked over to the bed and handed me a glass of whiskey with two ice cubes.
“I think this is my entire fault, for leaving you alone so much,” he said.
I drank from the glass while deciding what to say. “Yeah, I guess it is. You knew I was a highly sexual woman when we got married and well, if you don’t keep my happy I have to get it somewhere else, I guess.”
He slowly nodded and stood up. He walked over to the table with the bottles where he had placed his briefcase on the floor. After opening it he took out a folder and came back to the bed.
Suddenly my head began to spin and I felt very tired. I dropped the glass and the liquid ran out over the sheets.
“What’s happening?” I moaned.
“Look, a brand new life insurance. I get half a million bucks if you keel over, honey,” he said with a smile.
My vision blurred and darkness crept in from the sides. “What have you done?” I managed to say before falling on my side.
He looked down at me, stroking my cheek. “Baby, this was the last time you cheated on me, I just can’t have that, can I? You were the love of my life and I would do anything for you. If you had asked I would gladly let you fuck other men, but this? Sorry, I just can’t have that.”
The last thing I saw was Jack looking down at me and a tear ran down his cheek.
And here I am, in limbo with all the other fornicators who have died before me. I just hope I have done something good so I can go upstairs but we have been told it might take eons before a decision is ruled. Meanwhile, all I can do is to repent my slutty lifestyle.