As I walked into the bar I was quickly able to pick him out. The trendy bar was full of 30-somethings and younger, and I knew he was my age. We were the only men in the place with graying hair. I walked over and he immediately stood and shook my hand. David quickly explained why the big smile. “I’m so glad you came, you wouldn’t believe how many men I talk to don’t show and when I return home I get some lame excuse.”
I knew exactly what he was talking about having been on the receiving end of it myself and told him so. We sat and he motioned the waitress over and I ordered a beer. A little more small talk and then discussion moved towards the purpose of our meeting, his wife.
He reiterated a little of what we had discussed through emails. They had a wonderful marriage and were still deeply in love. Their kids had grown and were out of the house. Like many the empty nest syndrome did not scare them at all, in fact they embraced it and began to explore and enjoy their lives in many ways. Some of them were typical things they and many others talk about not getting the time and chance to do, like travel and hobbies.
He took a drink of his beer I thought at first to build the courage to tell me the other aspects. But he was grinning and almost blushing like a teenage boy when he put it down. I was wrong, he was thrilled and excited to tell me about their sex life, and the new things they were exploring. I smiled and listened as he told me about how after just a few discussions her curiosities had turn to an eagerness and excitement. David’s initial idea of sharing her to give her the experiences of a few more lovers turned into much more. His excitement confirmed he was just as excited about it as she apparently was.
We discussed some of their past experiences. How she had changed from the nervous wife to a true HotWife. Eager to meet and flirt and enjoy her sexuality with other men. David passed on much information and I had to ask only a few questions to keep the conversation and information flowing. It was clear in our emails it wasn’t a cuckold situation. David enjoyed watching his wife and photographing her with her lovers. He loved watching her cum. Felt he was as much a part of giving her the orgasms as her lover as he either allowed or set up the encounter. He’d join in on occasion, but mostly watch.
As before I enjoyed watching the look on his face as much as hearing the exploits. He was so happy to be part of giving his wife the incredible sex life she was enjoying. He was proud he was married to such a gorgeous and fun woman. I imagined his chest popping out every time he walked with her and saw other men gaulk at her. David talked about how he used to be afraid she’d leave him for a lover, but the two of them were obviously still in love.
When David’s talking began to slow, I guided the discussion to the next phase: What he wanted from me.
We had exchanged emails for several weeks. He had done a great job vetting me and ensuring he was comfortable with me. I am quite certain he knew his wife would be as well. I knew he wanted to set the two of us up for something special but he had been secretive and wanted to hold that secret, until now.
To my surprise, David had three things in mind. He explained that after seeing a picture on one of the sites I enjoy he immediately thought of the first. The picture was simply me in my Dress Whites. My old uniform from my time in the Navy still fit and I have worn it a time or two with women. It not only made for great fun and fantasy type situations for them, but did make for erotic pictures. David though his wife would enjoy that as well. The whole “Officer and a Gentleman” scenario.
But as my mind began to picture it and I was ready to offer some ways to set it up David cut me off. He said when he read my email about my boat and times I spent in the Caribbean, he thought of sending his wife off on a cruise with me. Where we went and what we did was less important to him as it would be the first time he would send her out alone. In all their playing it had always been with him there, always watching from a spot close enough to touch her and protect her, or at least listening from another room. The idea of the risk involved in sending her off with a man for days, unavailable for contact, scared him.
I looked at him and said, “Before we decide or discuss, would you like to tell me your last idea?” He chuckled and said of course. For the first time he seemed embarrassed to speak but stumbled through. “From your emails I could tell you are educated and lead a wonderful life. We live a great life but our means afford only so much. I have always wanted to see my wife with a man of means; whisked away in a luxurious way with gifts bestowed upon her; someone to make her feel like a true princess.” Again I tried to blurt out that this was possible, but was again cut off. “I don’t in any way mean to ask you to spend your money on her. I have secretly saved a substantial amount that you would use.” I stopped him there.
I told him that all three sounded wonderful. Everything I knew of his wife would make any of these both interesting and enjoyable to me. I told him of all the couples I had played with, never had I come across a husband who was so happy and unselfishly eager to let his wife play, and that added to my desire to see this through. And I told him that my own ego pushes me to ensure I would do my very best to give her the time of her life.
But I now asserted myself a bit more, not as a show of power over him, but since it was clear to me that the smallest of risks and surprise excited him, I told him that I would chose which of the three. I would make all arrangements. He would pick one week, and ask her to keep it unscheduled, but he could tell her nothing more. And when the time came I would give him just enough details to initiate the encounter.
I watched him for his reaction and saw exactly what I expected. I told him I could see concern for his wife in his expression, and that I was sure he was worried if he was going too far. “But the look in your eye is clear to me you want this.”
I looked at my watch and knew she was nearby and now free from work.
“I do not want her to see me in advance of the encounter. I am going to take my beer to the bar. Text her, invite her here for a drink before dinner and show her to me. I will not approach or speak to her. Do not look at me. But know I will see her. That is all you must do to tell me you want this for her, and for you.” I pulled from my pocket a tiny gift wrapped box. “You can give her this to explain your invitation.”
I took my glass and moved to a seat at the bar. I had a clear view. It was but a few moments and he was texting. His hands shaking just the tiniest bit. It was a 20 minute wait but the time went very quickly for me. I was already planning and scheming. But I was certain the 20 minutes were torturous for David, wondering which of the three; wondering how she would react, and what I would have in store for her.
But the wait was finally over. I had seen several pictures of her. The pictures all showed a beautiful woman. And when she walked in, my head was not the only one that turned and stopped. She was stunning. She walked in, saw David and smiled, walking towards him. A lovely black skirt and heels highlighted her legs. Until she kissed him and removed her warm coat I could not make out her figure, but again she was even more appealing than the pictures I remembered. The white shirt was tailored to fit her slender waist, yet fit her ample breasts perfectly. As she turned to climb into the chair I had vacated my eyes darted between her legs and then the hint of her nipples pressing against her shirt as she twisted. My eyes moved up to see the necklace around her neck highlighted by her hair on her shoulders. She looked up at him and smiled the most spectacular smile made only more wonderful by the look in her gorgeous eyes.
I watched David stumble through a little small talk and then slide the box to her. It was my cue to leave. Walking out I saw her open the box out of the corner of my eye. I knew she would be pleased with the earrings. But I knew the card would set the hook.
“Tana, David has entrusted me with giving you another wonderful HotWife encounter. Though there are surprises ahead, you will have a wonderful time! Until we meet, smile for him as I know how much he loves you.”
To Be Continued………