MILF Real Estate Agent Becomes a Whore for Listings – Part 1

"I follow that advice of an older mentor and become a whore for real estate listings."

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The real estate business can be very lucrative, but most agents aren’t that successful. I got some good, although morally flawed, advice when I started my career in real estate, that helped me to be very successful. Looking back now, two years later, my husband, Mark, has accepted our somewhat perverse lifestyle, for the obvious monetary rewards that it provides.

My name is Shari, and I grew up in a religious, upper middle-class family in the Jacksonville, Florida area. After completing my marketing degree at the University of Florida, I moved to Orlando for job in a medium-sized marketing and promotions company serving the tourist industry. I also joined a mega, charismatic church, mostly at the urging of my parents, and that’s where I met Mark.

I was twenty-two years old and Mark was twenty-six when we met, and we probably seemed like an odd couple to many people. I’m college educated and came from a family with money, and Mark has a high school diploma, with some additional vocational training, and was raised in a working-class family. He is a skilled tradesman in carpentry, plumbing, and electrical work, and makes a pretty good living as a contract handyman for three, large retirement centers.

We started dating steadily, but it wasn’t until we got engaged, after being together for six months, that we had sex for the first time. I was a virgin, due to my strict upbringing, and Mark was determined to wait until we were fully committed to one another. I know now that his five-inch dick is rather average. But at the time, and for our first twenty years of marriage I didn’t realize what I was missing.

Our wedding was six months later, and we started trying to get me pregnant right away. By the time I was twenty-four, we had a daughter, and then a year later a son. Mark and I both wanted me to be at least a part-time, stay at home mother. Mark was still making good money, and luckily, I was doing very well in my job. They allowed me to work part-time from home, with a reduced salary. We lived in a modest home in a rural area near town that Mark already owned, so we didn’t have to struggle with a big mortgage.

Things went well for us over the next ten years, and we had sufficient income for a decent life, although not at all like I was accustomed to growing up. Then, unfortunately, my company was bought out by a bigger firm, and the new management wasn’t agreeable to my part-time status. By that time, I had honed my marketing skills, and I started a home business doing sales and marketing for several local and regional magazine publishers, and that almost fully replaced the income we had lost.

Over time my business became even more lucrative, and by the time our children were in high school, we were very comfortable financially. Then the unthinkable happened. Mark injured his back on the job, and he was put on partial disability through worker’s compensation. That put a big strain on our budget. We made do for the next few years, until our kids were out of high school and on the way to college. They’re both smart kids and got partial scholarships, but we still needed to make more money to help them with their college expenses.

Mark’s back injury was also unfortunate for our love life. I was forty-three years old at that time, and we had been used to having frequent sex over our married life. But the physical limitations of his injury, coupled with the pain and high blood pressure medications he was on made him mostly impotent. Mark was devastated that he could no longer perform sexually, and that led to us having oral sex. I enjoy sucking off his flaccid dick, and eating his cum. He became skilled at giving me fantastic orgasms with his mouth too, which are quite frankly better than when he fucked me.

I briefly considered trying to find another corporate job, since the kids were out of the house, but then I began talking to a friend of mine, who was doing pretty well as a real estate agent. I have an outgoing personality and am good with people, and I thought I could also be successful in that business. Mark was supportive, and I began taking real estate classes. I found the courses and the exam to be very easy, and within three months I was working with a licensed broker in an Orlando suburb.

The real estate business was a lot more difficult than I had imagined, even though I have the looks and smarts to be successful. I don’t mean to brag, but I’m five feet and nine inches tall, weigh one hundred and thirty-five pounds, and have below-the shoulder, warm blonde hair, and sparkling azure eyes. Most people think that I’m very attractive sexually, and my 36DD breasts and big, shapely ass add to the package. I’m what you would call a voluptuous girl, and I always attract a lot of attention in my tight jeans and tops.

After working for two months without getting a listing or a sale, I was becoming very concerned about our financial situation. Mark’s disability payments had run out, he was working on a limited-duty basis as the maintenance man for our church, and I was still doing some of my marketing work on the side. But we needed more money. One day I decided to talk with one of our pastors, Walter, to see if he had any suggestions.

Walter couldn’t keep his eyes off me, since I was wearing a tight top that really showed off my big breasts. We talked for over a half hour, and although he was sitting behind his desk, it looked to me like he adjusted his cock several times. Walter is a good-looking man, I’m guessing in his late thirties, and it seemed strange that he would be so obviously staring at me. He finally said that he would introduce me to one of the prominent church members, a real estate developer, named Phil, who would be able to give me some good advice. The church is so large, that I hadn’t met him previously.

Mark and I met with Walter and Phil after our services on the following Sunday, and I was impressed with him. He appeared to be in his early fifties, is about six feet and two inches tall, and was fit at about one hundred and ninety pounds. He’s also very handsome, looking a little like the actor Tom Selleck, and his full head of graying hair makes him look very distinguished. We agreed that I would meet him at his office, at the end of the work day on Monday. I think Mark noticed how both men were looking me over, but he didn’t say anything about it then.

I arrived at Phil’s plush offices at 6:30 pm, after the rest of his employees had left for the day. I was dressed in stylish, black stretch pants and was braless, with a tailored, white blouse, with the top three buttons undone. He didn’t even try to hide that he was staring at my ass and tits, as we got a drink at the bar in his office and then took our seats at his desk. We discussed some generalities of the real estate profession for the first twenty minutes, and he did make some good suggestions that would be helpful in my career.

Then Phil got more specific, saying, “Shari, a smart, outgoing, pretty lady like you should be very successful in this business. I don’t know where you’ve been spending the bulk of your time, but you should really be focusing on getting listings. Having good contacts is critical. You should be using your good looks and charm to make those connections, instead of using your time showing other agents’ properties to endless, half-interested, prospective buyers.”

He paused, and I responded, “I have tried to get the word out to all of my friends and anyone I’ve worked with but haven’t had much success yet. I probably need to try a new approach, but I don’t know where to start.”

Phil continued staring at my breasts, which were swaying and jiggling as I moved in my chair, as he said, “Yes, I know that it’s hard getting started. What you need is a lucky break from someone who can help you get started; someone just like me. I use real estate agents, such as yourself on occasion, to help me sell my various properties. With the way things are going right now, I could try you out with two listings per month. If that works out, I could give you even more, since I haven’t been that happy with another agent I’m using now. I’m just not sure that you’re ready for that kind of opportunity.”

Mark and I normally never drank alcohol, and I was starting to feel a little woozy from my drink. So, I hoped that I wasn’t slurring my words as I excitedly replied, “Oh my goodness, that sounds like an amazing opportunity. But what makes you think that I might not be ready for it?”

He thought for a few moments and said, “Well, first, you’re very new at this, and I need someone who knows what they’re doing to move my properties as quickly as possible. Sometimes that might mean doing things that you probably won’t be comfortable with.”

I felt my opportunity slipping away, and I said, “Please, Phil, just give me a chance. I really need this for my family. I’m sure that I can do whatever is needed. What is it that you think I won’t be comfortable with?”

Phil cleared his throat and said, “I’ll try to put this as delicately as I can. Beautiful women like you can be very successful in real estate, but sometimes that means going above and beyond to please clients. And that applies to getting listings, as well as working with potential buyers.”

“You would be expected to provide, shall we say, a little entertainment, in exchange for lucrative listings and sales prospects. That can take different forms, depending on the clients, but I would expect anyone handling my listings to be willing to do whatever it takes. Walter told me that you and Mark are devout church goers, and that might be an impediment for you.”

I sat there staring at him for a few seconds, trying to gather my thoughts. I thought I knew what he was implying, but with my foggy mind I wanted to be sure. So, I asked, “Are you saying that I would need to have sexual relations with you and others? And if so, did Walter know about your requirements before he introduced us?”

Phil laughed and said, “You can’t be oblivious to the fact that men find you amazingly attractive. And my goodness, Shari, your body is fucking fantastic. So yes, I’m saying that you would need to be cooperative with me and our clients, to the extent necessary. And Walter knows me very well. He was so excited describing your beautiful face and body to me, and I’m sure that he would enjoy your charms too, since he will also be a good source of leads for you. I can also introduce you to some of my business associates who can help you as well.”

He paused for a moment to let that sink in and continued, “Look, Shari, nobody is being forced to do anything here. You and Mark just need to decide if you want to be placed in that position. And if you look at it from my perspective, I can’t be expected to hand very lucrative listings to a new agent like you, without getting something in return. You can explain as little or as much to Mark as you desire. I’d like your answer tomorrow evening, though. If you aren’t interested, I’ll need to make other arrangements.”

I thought he was finished, but he continued, “Your broker will have to be cooperative too. I will only pay two percent to your firm for the listing, and I expect that your broker will spilt that with you. And on your own listings that you sell, I will only pay two percent. That is the discount that I need to get for the volume of lucrative listings that I’ll be providing.”

“You can see that it will be to your advantage to work hard to sell your own listings, so you can end up with two percent personally. And since my homes start at five hundred thousand dollars, there’s a lot of money at stake. After two years as an agent, you can take the broker’s exam, and then keep all of the fees.”

Phil must have known that I was at least thinking about it, since I didn’t try to slap him or run screaming from his office. In the stupor of the alcohol, I was thinking about Mark, and how his chronic impotence over the past several years had worn down his ego and sense of self-worth, to the point that he might even get a sense of relief knowing that I was being satisfied by other men. He was always putting himself down for being less than the man I deserved. But in my heart, I knew that I couldn’t hurt him by making him aware of everything, at least not all at once.

I just stared at Phil for what seemed like ten seconds, and then in an effort to appeal to his sense of decency, I said, “I’ll go home and discuss at least part of this with Mark, if I have to. Are you sure though, that entertaining my clients that way is totally necessary? I was a virgin until Mark and I were engaged, and I’ve never been with another man. It’s very demeaning for me to think of myself as little more than a prostitute for those listings. Isn’t there some other way?”

Phil looked at me with a creepy smile before responding, “As I said before, Shari, nothing is being forced on you. This is up to you. And as far as it being necessary, these types of relationships have worked well and been enjoyable for all parties in the past, and that’s what I want. Besides, Walter told me about Mark’s injury, and his resulting impotence. It seems to me that you might enjoy being with another man for the first time. Come back tomorrow at 6:30 pm if you’re interested. If you don’t show up, then I’ll know your answer.”

My drink had been wearing off, but I sat in my car for another half hour before leaving the parking lot. I took the back roads and called Mark to let him know that I was picking up a pizza, and by the time I got home, I was pretty much sober.

Mark was anxious to hear about the meeting, and instead of confusing him with the details and percentages, I explained, “Assuming that my broker agrees, I should personally be able to make at least ten thousand dollars per month, and double that if I sell the homes too, which would be reasonable since I’d be the listing agent and would get the calls. Plus, Walter will probably be willing to give me leads, and Phil will introduce me to some of his business friends.”

He was ecstatic, and replied, “Oh my goodness, Shari, I can see where you could be making at least two hundred and fifty thousand dollars a year, if you sell your listings and some of those other leads payoff. Damn honey, that would sure solve our financial problems. Although, there must be some catch. I know that you’re very smart and pretty and all, but this all sounds almost too good to be true. Is there something you’re not telling me?”

Mark is very perceptive, and I knew that I had to tell him at least part of the story. So, I responded, “Yes, honey, you’re right. There is more, and it could end up being a game breaker for both of us. Phil said that I would need to be willing to ‘entertain’ him and others to have that opportunity. I’m not too sure what that means, so we should be a little cautious. What do you think?”

I got up to put the pizza box in the trash while Mark was thinking. When I came back he said, “It’s obvious that I’m not the man I used to be, and that causes me to be more observant when you’re around other men. I don’t know if you noticed it, but Walter and Phil couldn’t keep their eyes off you when we met in church on Sunday. I’m surprised that you didn’t get a chill the way they were undressing you with their eyes. You’re a beautiful and vivacious woman, and they are clearly attracted to you. Having said all of that, I’m inclined to think this opportunity is too good to pass up. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to agree to the deal, at least until you know for sure what ‘entertainment’ means to Phil.”

Mark’s answer, and the way he seemed so upbeat about it was a little surprising to me, and I was happy to have his support, at least so far. I said, “Thanks, honey, I think this will be good for us. I’ll talk to my broker tomorrow, to make sure that he’s willing to accept the reduced fees. Then I’ll meet with Phil tomorrow after work.”

I told Mark that I was very tired, but I was really feeling the aftereffects of the drink, and we went to bed early. He was more anxious than normal to eat me out that night, and for me to suck his dick. It even felt like his dick was a little firmer than usual. It only took him a few minutes to cum, and it seemed like a bigger load than usual.

My broker was agreeable to the reduced commissions and splitting the commission with me, so long as I got at least two listings per month from Phil. After I explained everything to him, he did show a little concern, saying, “Just be careful with that guy, Shari. It seems a little unusual for a new agent to be handed such a beneficial deal, so be sure that he doesn’t try to take advantage of you in some way. I don’t want to burst your bubble, but I think your looks have a lot to do with it.”

Phil was smiling like the Cheshire Cat when I walked into his office at 6:30 pm, wearing my black, stretch pants and tight blouse, with no bra. Before he could say anything, I said, “Well, Phil, I only told Mark that I was expected to ‘entertain’, and nothing more. We agreed that I would accept the opportunity, at least until I was put into a situation where I felt uncomfortable. So, I can’t promise that I’ll be able to go through with everything. I’m willing to give it a try, though.”

He continued smiling and replied, “Given your past, I guess that’s about all I could expect for now, and we’ll take it real slow. Let’s get ourselves some drinks and sit on the couch to discuss things further.”

Phil put diet cola and a double shot of whiskey in my glass and fixed the same for himself. We sat on the couch talking about the process I’d use to list his homes and gain access for the photo shoots. After about twenty minutes I was feeling the calming effects of my drink.

He could tell that I was a lot more relaxed and patted the couch next to him with his hand, as he said, “Slide on over here next to me, Shari honey, so we can get better acquainted.”

I drank the rest of my drink as I slid over next to him on his right side. His right arm was already draped over the back of the couch, and I was feeling even woozier as he lowered his arm onto my shoulder and hung his hand just inches from my breast. We talked about business for another few minutes, and then he nuzzled my left ear and neck, as he whispered in my ear, “My goodness, Shari, you’re a very beautiful woman, and your voluptuous body gives me chills.”

His comments were very flattering, and I felt relaxed from the drink and being hugged by such a handsome and powerful man. I turned my head his way to thank him, and he covered my lips with the most passionate kiss I had ever experienced. My lust was rising as we deeply probed one another’s mouths with our tongues. We kissed for what seemed like ten minutes. I couldn’t say anything and didn’t want to resist as he dropped his hand down and began to rub my bulging breasts.

We were both breathing hard as he slowly unbuttoned my blouse, and in only another few moments both of my DDs were exposed. Phil slid down to the left on the couch, so he could lay across my lap and suck my breasts. He first sucked on my right areola and nipple as he massaged my left breast with his hand. Mark had never sucked my breasts with such passion. I cradled his head with my right arm and pulled him more tightly against my breasts.

My pussy was soaking wet as he continued sucking me, and when he stood up to move to the other side, so he could more comfortably suck my left breast, I saw a sizeable lump in his pants. I was no longer thinking of Mark, as my alcohol-fogged brain could only process the most erotic sensations I had ever experienced.

The way Phil was positioned, leaning towards me and against my breasts, my right hand was naturally resting on his hip, just above his crotch. I almost subconsciously began to rub his hip, and when Phil rolled his hips back, my hand slid onto his very hard cock. It felt so long and thick compared to Mark’s dick, and I instinctively began to stroke it through his pants. Phil kept sucking my breast as he reached down to unfasten his belt and pants and placed my hand on his zipper.

Phil obviously wanted to see how far I was willing to go. I was too far in lust at that time to do anything but push down his zipper, and soon felt his hot cock lump in his underwear. I pushed my hand into his underwear and he reached down to push his underwear and pants to his knees. His bare cock felt so think and heavy compared to Mark’s, and I liked the feeling of his foreskin, which was sliding easily up and down as I stroked him. My hand was wet with what had to be his precum.

I guessed that Phil’s cock is over eight inches long, and I could barely touch my fingers when gripping it. I was stroking his cock and fondling what felt like lemon-sized balls, when Phil stopped sucking my breast, and gently pressed my upper body down towards his crotch.

He said, “That’s it, sweetie, stretch out on the couch and lean on down there to get a taste of old Phil, and I’ll lay down this way to get a taste of you.”

He had moved us into a side-by-side sixty-nine position, with my back pressed against the back of the couch, and his big oozing cock right in my face. I was mesmerized by his throbbing fuck meat, and the idea that I was about to suck a cock other than Mark’s for the first time. I had no will to resist as I took his big cock head into my mouth and began sucking him. At the same time, he pushed my pants and underwear down and off my legs. I felt his mouth cover my wet, hairy labia, as he pushed his long tongue inside me.

I took about six inches of his thick cock into my mouth, and was actively sucking him, as he began to thrust, fucking my face, with my head pinned against the back of the couch. He also pulled my left leg back on over his head, which opened me up fully for his aggressive sucking. I had never felt such passion with Mark, and my orgasm was quickly approaching.

We sucked one another for another few minutes, and just as my orgasm was washing over me, Phil began to moan and buried his huge cock in my mouth and throat. I felt his thick meat throbbing and pulsing as my mouth was filled with his thick and tasty cum. I swallowed to get down his load as his cock began to soften, and he also kept sucking my adulterous pussy. I couldn’t get enough of his thick cock, and knew that if he wanted to fuck me, I would be unable to resist.

His cock was soft, but still long and thick, as I moved up to take his big balls into my mouth. Phil used the opportunity to pull my leg farther over his head, which tilted my hips farther. He first sucked my taint, and then moved down more to actively suck and lick my ass. That was a totally new experience for me, and I knew that he had to be extremely turned on to do such a thing. We stayed in that positon for another ten minutes sucking one another, until he finally pulled back and rolled off the couch to stand up.

Phil looked down at me and said, “Stay right where you are, pretty lady, and don’t get dressed while I fix us another drink.”

We sat on the couch sipping our drinks and talking while I casually fondled his soft cock and balls, as he fondled my pendulous breasts, weighing them in his hands and periodically leaning down to kiss and suck them.

He kept staring at my breasts and hairy, thick-lipped pussy, as he said, “Shari, you are an amazingly beautiful woman, and I could sit here staring at you all night. I think you really came out of your shell tonight and I’d like to do more. But I need to be getting home. Please come back tomorrow night, and I’ll give you your first two listings. I’d also like to get my big cock into that tight pussy of yours.”

Phil paused for a moment, as if thinking if he should say something else, and then continued, “I don’t know what you plan to tell Mark, if anything. Although, you might find that with his impotence and likely feelings of inadequacy, he might get a perverse thrill knowing that you are being satisfied by another man. Just break things to him slowly, over time. I have cuckolded several other husbands who came to find out that they enjoyed having their wives fucking me. And hell, some of those men even sucked my cum out of their wives’ pussies and sucked my cock for me.”

I was still woozy driving home, and I called Mark to tell him that I was on the way. I took the back roads and drove slowly to avoid having an accident. I decided to follow Phil’s advice and tell Mark at least some of what happened. I knew that if Mark was able to tell that I had been drinking, I could blame some of my behavior on the booze.

We sat down to a nice dinner that Mark had prepared, and he was anxious to hear what happened. He took my hand and said, “I can tell that you’ve been drinking, honey, and your cheeks are flushed. I’m almost afraid to ask how it went tonight, but I have to know.”

I hung my head like I was ashamed and replied, “I’m so sorry, honey, but I’m not used to drinking and I think things got a little carried away. We were talking on the couch, and when Phil sensed that I was a little woozy, he put his arm around my shoulder. I probably should have pushed him away, but when I didn’t react, he leaned down and kissed my ear. When I turned to ask him to stop, he kissed me”

Mark was on the edge of his seat and said, “Go on, honey, there must be more.”

I continued hanging my head and responded, “It must have been the booze, and that he is a handsome man, because I felt so comfortable in his embrace. Before I realized what was happening, we were kissing passionately. I’m sorry, honey, but I really enjoyed kissing him. I enjoyed it so much that when he dropped his hand down and began rubbing my breasts, I didn’t want to stop him.”

It looked like Mark’s eyes were tearing up, and at the same time he seemed excited. He asked, “My goodness, Shari, were you actually French kissing him? And you let him rub your breasts? Was that the end of it?”

I moved my chair around to sit next to Mark, so I could hug him. I answered, “It felt so good with him gently rubbing my breasts that I didn’t stop him when he unbuttoned my blouse. In only another moment, he was sucking on my breasts, and it felt so good. As he was sucking my breasts, he took my hand in his and placed it on his crotch. My goodness, honey, his cock lump is so long and thick, and I really liked rubbing it. Nothing else happened, though. I came to my senses and was concerned about where it was leading, and we stopped all of the kissing, sucking, and fondling.”

It was hard to tell how Mark would react, and I was surprised when he said, “Tell me more about his cock. How does it compare to mine? Is it really that big?”

I hugged him tightly and replied, more excitedly than I should have, “It was hard to tell the size exactly through his pants, but it seemed to be at least eight inches long, and so thick that I think my fingers would barely be able to touch when gripping it. So, it did feel longer, thicker, and meatier than your dick. I don’t want to compare though, honey. You’ve always been able to satisfy me.”

Mark started sobbing uncontrollably, and I asked, “What’s the matter, honey? Nothing else happened with Phil.”

He looked at me and said, “That’s just it, honey, and I feel so ashamed. Not long after I became impotent, I began to feel so worthless as a husband who can’t satisfy his beautiful wife. I know it’s wrong, but I have been fantasizing for the past couple of months about you sleeping with other men. And well, hearing the excitement in your voice describing the size of Phil’s cock and being kissed, fondled and sucked by him, I just wonder if it’s meant for you to sleep with him. I’m so ashamed for thinking of you in that way, but I can’t help the way the vision of you with another man excites me.”

I decided at that moment that I would tell Mark everything. But first, I kissed him passionately on the lips, as I began rubbing his dick. Then I said, “I had no idea you felt this way, honey. Now that I know, I want to tell you the truth about tonight. Phil and I did have a passionate, tongue-probing kiss, and he did suck my breasts, but there was more. I sucked his big cock to orgasm and swallowed his big cum load, and he sucked my pussy to a huge orgasm. And as I was leaving, he said that he wanted to fuck me tomorrow night. And I do want to fuck him, honey, I really do.”

Mark looked to be momentarily stunned, but then he smiled and said, “I knew from the way Phil and Walter were staring at you in church, and then hearing about your listing deal, that one or both of those men would be trying to get into your pants. And the fact that you want it too makes it easier. I have been afraid to bring my fantasies up to you for fear of what you’d think of me. But now…but now…, shit, honey, it sounds like it will happen tomorrow night. Let’s go to bed right now; I just have to taste you.”

I followed Mark into our bed, and we got into our familiar sixty-nine position. He was hungrier than ever for my wet pussy, and we gave one another orgasms in only a couple of minutes.

Then I said, “You’d better be sure about me fucking Phil. Once that happens, I don’t think I’ll be able to stop”

He snuggled with his face in between my breasts, and just before he went to sleep, he said, “Do me a favor if it happens with Phil tomorrow night. Don’t clean yourself afterwards, and maybe wear a pad or something. I want to be able to see you as naturally as possible after being with him.”

Phil already had drinks fixed for us when I arrived at his office at 6:30 pm the next evening, and he complimented me on my short skirt and tight blouse. We settled down on the couch with our drinks and he said, “I need to see how receptive you’re going to be before we sign those listing agreements. But you’ll have to tell me how Mark reacted to whatever you might have told him about last night.”

I had already decided that I wasn’t going to tell Phil how receptive Mark and I were to me having sex with other men, since I didn’t want to appear to be too easy. I wanted him to think that I was struggling with my infidelity, implying that it was a sacrifice, for whatever leverage that might give me in the future.

So, I responded, “I told Mark that we kissed briefly, and that you rubbed my breasts from the outside of my blouse. He was upset, but after we talked it over, he agreed that was a small price to pay for the kind of money I would be making. I don’t even know how I will react and feel about myself being an adulteress, if this goes any further. I sure don’t want to say too much to Mark, at least not until I know what I’m capable of.”

It seemed that Phil was being a little cautious with me, since he waited for the strong drink to take effect before he moved in to kiss me and rub my breasts. It didn’t take him long to unbutton my blouse and begin sucking my breasts, though, since I was giving him no resistance.

After several more minutes he stood up, pulling me with him, and kissed me as he began to unzip my skirt. He placed my hand on his belt, as a hint to unfasten his belt and pants. He pushed my skirt and panties to the floor, as I unfastened and dropped his underwear and pants, and I felt his rock-hard cock pressing against my belly. We continued kissing as he pushed me back onto the couch, and he settled in on top of me.

His big cock head was pressing into my wet, hairy vulva, as he broke our kiss and said, “Now just relax, Shari, and I’ll take it easy with you this first time. Spread your legs a little wider and take my meat into that tight pussy of yours. That’s it, that’s it, your pussy is like a hot, wet vise gripping my thick cock, and sucking it into you.”

He resumed kissing me as his big cock stretched my married pussy, and I felt like I was going to faint from the sheer pleasure of having his thick meat stretching my vagina and putting pressure on my G-spot. He began sucking my breasts, and I was surprised when I felt his cock buried to the balls in my pussy, and his big balls slapping against my ass.

We fucked for about five minutes, and I was moaning and having one orgasm after the other, and Phil was breathing hard and moaning too, as he moved his head down next to mine and said, “Oh my, Shari, what a fantastic, wet, fat-lipped and tight pussy. I think you are my best fuck ever, and in just a few more strokes I’m going to flood your womb with my semen and sperm. You’d better be on birth control, sweetie, or I’ll be giving you my baby.”

My vagina was convulsing with my biggest orgasm of the night, just as Phil began a deep French kiss, and his big cock began to throb and pulse in my pussy. I felt his cum shooting in, and we held still and kissed as our orgasms washed over us. Phil stayed in me for another five minutes, slowly fucking me with his softening cock. When he finally pulled out of me, I took my clothes and went to the bathroom in his office, so I could insert a pad in my underwear to cover my leaking pussy.

I came back out with my panties and skirt on, but with my blouse off, since I knew that he would want to continue looking at and fondling my breasts. I sat next to him at his conference table signing the listing agreements, while he rubbed and sucked my breasts.

When we were finished, he said, “I’ve got a great feeling about our relationship, and I can tell by the way you responded to me on the couch, that you are going to be a real MILF; happy to fuck all of the big cocks you can. I hope you realize after tonight what a valuable commodity you have in your face and body. And when coupled with your smarts, I predict that you are going to make a fortune in the real estate business.”

I was pretty much sobered up by that time and drove home as fast as I could safely. Mark was waiting for me with dinner almost ready, and as soon as I walked in the door he looked at me with anticipation and said, “Please, honey, tell me what happened before I burst.”

We were both silent as I took his hand and led him to our bed. I dropped my skirt and lay back on the bed, with my head on the pillows, as I spread my legs and raised my knees up. Then I slipped off my panties, and the pad came with it, leaving my hairy, cum-soaked pussy in clear view of Mark. He got down on the bed on his belly between my legs, staring and sniffing at my oozing pussy.

Before I realized what was happening, he moved in and covered my pussy with his mouth as he gripped my upraised thighs for leverage. He sucked and tongued my pussy like a man possessed, and I heard him slurping as he swallowed Phil’s cum. I had no idea that his fantasies would go that far, and I realized looking at him down there between my legs, that I loved the nastiness and eroticism of him swallowing the leavings of the man who just fucked me.

He finished sucking and cleaning me and moved up next to me on the pillow. I decided to play into his fantasy and said, “Oh, honey, the way Phil fucked me with his big cock, I thought I was in heaven. I was having one orgasm after the other, and when I felt his cock throbbing as he ejaculated into the depths of my married pussy, I had my biggest one. I have to ask, though, what got into you just now when you sucked Phil’s cum out of my just-fucked pussy?”

Phil was blushing as he replied, “I know it seems sick, but I want to share in your infidelity, since I can’t satisfy you myself. I want to put my face and mouth where other men give you such pleasure, and I loved the taste and texture of your combined fuck slop. I hope that you’ll want to continue fucking Phil and other men and let me be a part of it to the extent possible.”

I kissed Mark and licked some of Phil’s cum from under his lip, and said, “After experiencing Phil’s big cock, and knowing that I have your support, I want to fuck other men as often as possible. Your willingness to share this with me is so hot, but I have to wonder how far you’ll be willing to go? Phil told me that he’s fucked other married women whose husbands ate them out afterwards, but they also sucked his cock. Does that have any interest for you?

He thought for a second and responded, “I don’t know about that, honey. I’ve never had any attraction to men or their genitals, but I’m not saying that it couldn’t happen if I got turned on enough watching you fuck another man.”

We talked more at dinner about our new lifestyle, and I let Mark know that I would be talking with Walter the next day about getting listings from church members. Mark was a little squeamish about me becoming involved with a pastor, but as far as I was concerned, leads are leads, and cock is cock.

I called Walter a little after lunch the next day and let him know that I wanted to stop by his office at the end of the day. He seemed surprisingly eager for me to stop by, and there was little doubt that Phil had already spoken with him about my adultery.

I arrived about 6:00 pm when no one else was in his office area, wearing a half-unbuttoned blouse with no bra and tight stretch pants. I said, “Thanks so much for the introduction to Phil. He is starting me out with two listings per month, and that will be a big help to Mark and me financially. Phil told me that you might be a good source of leads too, when we consider the thousands of people in the congregation. Will you be able to help me?”

Walter was staring at my breasts as he responded, “Oh yes, Shari, I am usually aware of members leaving or moving into the area, and other situations where they are upgrading to larger or newer homes. I’d be happy to help you, if you’re willing to help me out.”

It was certain then that Phil had told Walter about fucking me, and I decided to tease him a little. I said, “Gee, Walter, I don’t mind a little pleasurable reciprocation with you, but I’m surprised that you would want that, being a man of the cloth and all.”

He blushed a little as he said, “I may be a pastor, but I have human needs too. My wife believes that sex is only for making babies, and I don’t get much action at home. Seeing how fantastic you look, especially today, and knowing that you are willing to share your voluptuous assets for monetary gain, you can’t blame me for wanting you. Let’s go sit on my couch, and decide together if you deserve a lead that I have.”

Walter took my hand and led me to his couch, and he began kissing me with a deep tongue kiss as soon as we sat down. His hands were all over my breasts, and he soon had my blouse unbuttoned and pulled out of my pants. I started rubbing the very large bulge in his pants, as he began to suck my breasts and rub my prominent camel toe. Walter seemed to be out of control with lust, and in only a few minutes he was pushing down my pants and panties, as I unfastened his pants.

I quickly got his pants and underwear down too and felt his very thick cock. It’s just a little shorter than Phil’s cock, at maybe seven and a half inches long, but even thicker.

He pushed me back on the couch, and with his cock poised in my wet, hairy vulva, he whispered in my ear, “You fucking Jezebel. I’m going to enjoy stretching out your pretty, adulterous, little pussy with my thick cock.”

Walter began sucking my pendulous breasts as he shoved his thick meat in me to the balls. It sure seemed like he really did have the blue balls from his dispassionate wife, because in only about five minutes his buried his cock in my pussy and moaned, “I’m cumming in your slutty cunt, and I hope that I get you pregnant.”

I was just having my third orgasm when he ejaculated into me, and I felt his big cum load filling my vagina. When he finally pulled out of me after another several minutes, he watched as I grabbed my underwear and a pad form my purse and pulled them on.

He looked at me quizzically and asked, “Why are you covering up with that pad, Shari? Don’t you want to clean up before you go home to Mark?”

I decided that I would tell him the truth and said, “Promise me that you won’t tell anyone else this, Walter. Mark is aware of and approves of me fucking other men, and he wants me to come home to him this way after I’ve been fucked. This is only the second time, but he wants to eat me out afterwards. It’s his way of sharing in my infidelity, since he can’t satisfy me himself.”

Walter smiled and said, “Wow, that seems pretty nasty to me. But hey, if that floats his boat, then that’s fine with me. I have to admit that it does turn me on a little knowing that Mark is eating my cum out of your slutty pussy.”

Then he looked at me sheepishly and said, “Sorry about the rough language, Shari. It helps me to rationalize cheating on my wife when I treat you and the other member’s wives’ I’ve fucked like whores. And after hearing about your and Mark’s relationship, it seems to apply to you. Damn, lady, you are one hot piece of ass.”

I had just finished buttoning my blouse and was pulling up my pants when I said, “So tell me about the lead, Walter; I think I’ve earned it.”

Walter smiled and replied, “You damn sure did earn it, and that’s the way you’ll earn all of the leads I give you. Some big tits and a nice piece of pussy to cum in for me, and a chance for a listing commission for you.”

He was still sitting there with his pants off, and I was slowly stroking his cock and fondling his balls, as he resumed, “I’ve become aware that two brothers are trying to sell their elderly mother’s home. Her husband died several years ago, and she is being moved to a senior home for nursing care. Oh, that feels nice, Shari, I may need to get you to suck me off before you leave.”

After the distraction about sucking his cock, he continued, “I think the older brother, Robert, is seventy years old, and the younger one, Charles, is sixty-six. I heard that they were in the process of interviewing several real estate agencies to decide who to list with. I’ll give them a call and let them know what a great job you will do for them, and that should get you in the door. But right now, go ahead and suck my cock for me, sweetie, I need to get off again.”

I sucked Walter’s cock and swallowed his cum, and then went straight home to Mark. I told him all about my meeting with Walter while he was down between my legs sucking my pussy clean, and then I sucked him off too. I was really getting into my new lifestyle as a whore for listings, and I couldn’t get enough cock to suck and fuck after all the years not being totally satisfied with Mark’s little dick.

Walter called me at my office the next morning and gave me the contact information for the brothers. I made an appointment with them for that afternoon. I wore my usual tight, partially unbuttoned blouse with no bra, and a short skirt that showed off my long legs and cushy ass. The brothers were very nice at first but weren’t the least bit ashamed to be staring at me.

We talked in generalities for a few minutes, and then Robert said, “We agreed to a meeting with you as a favor to Walter, but we have already pretty much decided on an agent. What can you tell us or show us that would make us consider you for the listing?”

Because of his ‘what can you show us’ comment, I was assuming that Walter had told them I’d be an easy fuck. But I gave them my usual sales spiel, before trying to find a seemingly innocent way to get them to approach me for sex. I didn’t want them to know that I was aware that Walter had told them about me, and I wanted to make it seem like I was naive and trying to make them feel sorry for me to get the listing.

So, I said, “My husband and I have been having financial problems since his accident, and I really need this listing. Please, I’ll do anything to get your business.”

Charles stood up and said, “We’re both seniors now, but we still have needs, and a pretty lady like you is sure enticing. Let’s sit on the couch for a few minutes and see just how willing you are to do anything.”

I sat on the couch between them, and they’re nice looking men for their ages. Both men are about five feet and eleven inches tall, and Robert is a little huskier, but not fat. They didn’t waste any time nuzzling my neck and rubbing my breasts from both sides. I knew what was expected, and I began rubbing their cocks, which were already hard. In just another couple of minutes they had my blouse unbuttoned and were sucking my breasts, as I fumbled around unfastening their pants and unzipping them.

Robert’s cock isn’t much longer than Mark’s, maybe five and a half inches long, but it’s as thick as Walter’s cock. Charles’ dick is smaller than Mark’s, in both length and girth, and I was pleasantly surprised that both men could get hard so easily at their ages. They pulled away from sucking my tits, and I leaned down in Robert’s lap to suck his cock.

I sucked Robert for a few minutes until he said, “Come on, Shari, let’s try another position.”

Charles laid back lengthwise on the couch, with his legs partially draped over the cushioned couch arm, as Robert pulled me up. Then he leaned me face-first over the couch arm in a perfect positon to suck Charles’ dick, while Robert flipped up my skirt and pulled the gusset of my panties aside to fuck me. His thick cock felt good in my wet pussy, and I learned that I enjoyed pleasing two men at once; sucking one and fucking the other.

Robert fucked me hard for almost ten minutes, and I felt his big balls slapping against my inner thighs as he pounded me. I was on my second orgasm when he finally ejaculated into my pussy, at about the same time Charles creamed my mouth. I was pleasantly surprised how well they serviced me, given their ages, and I sucked both of their cocks and balls clean after I pulled on my panties with a pad. I got the listing, and visited the brothers two more times to fuck them before the house finally sold.

I was in my third month of listing homes for Phil, and taking Walter’s leads, and I had fucked both, as well as other customers, many times. Mark was getting a steady diet of cum from my just-fucked pussy, but he had never actually watched me fucking another man. That changed when we were invited to a Memorial Day party at Phil’s beautiful home.

Please see Part 2 where I meet more of Phil’s friends and business associates, which leads to Mark becoming much more involved as my cuckold husband.      





Published 8 years ago

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