I started the morning my favorite way, really the only way I know how: with my bull’s big cock between my lips. This was one of those nice slow blowjobs that he liked to start the day with. I made it especially wet for him today, slobbering all over his thick shaft while lovingly looking up at his eyes. I grasped the base with my dainty hands and licked the head like a lollipop while smiling up at him. If this wasn’t heaven, I don’t know what is.
“Lollipop, lollipop, lolli, lolli, lollipop!” I sang playfully while flickering my tongue all over the beautiful pink cockhead.
Ray chuckled, “Lollipops for breakfast? I must be spoiling my sissy.”
“I wish I could have lollipops for every meal, master! Please, won’t you let me?” I teased while licking more and more all over that delicious cockmeat.
“The lollipop is just the appetizer, girl. The real meal is much saltier.” He winked at me.
I giggled and tossed my hair around while batting my eyes at him.
“Well, your sissy is famished. Won’t you feed her your salty treat?”
I gobbled his cock, taking as much as I could in one go and choking myself on it.
“Guuuuuuuh…” I made throaty sounds on his cock.
I sucked in harder, pursing my lips and tightened up around the cock while pulling back slowly. When my lips were wrapped around the ridge of the cockhead, I sucked in harder, hollowing my cheeks. Then I abruptly tossed my head back with a loud POP! I loved doing that for him and, by the grunt he made, I knew he liked it too.
“Please won’t you feed your hungry little sissy?” I moaned.
“You’ll have to work up a bigger appetite,” he responded.
“I think I can do that!” I said before stroking the base of the cock with both my hands, making a corkscrew motion while bobbing quickly on the end of this cock. Mmmmm, this piece cockmeat could do everything. It fed me, fucked me, and kept my insides warm at night! It was only natural that I’d repay it with all my oral love.
I took more of his cock in my mouth while stroking faster. My moans grew louder, “Mmm! Mmm! Mmm!” Ok, maybe I was exaggerating those moans but they truly captured how warm and fuzzy and slutty I felt in my head. Plus, the vibrations made ray crazy!
“Ooooh girl, you better get ready for a big meal today. You’re gonna get a nice thick sauce for breakfast today!”
Hearing that just made me suck faster and harder. Faster and faster I bobbed my head while twisting more with my hands. I was gonna earn my meal today.
I felt it first in my hands, I felt the force rocketing up from the balls to the base. Then I could feel the contractions in my mouth. It was happening! Sissy was getting her morning treat!
“Aaaaaaaah,” Ray grunted satisfactorily.
The first shot hit me in the tonsils and I could feel it start to drip down when the second shot slammed into the roof of my mouth. I pulled off the cock and stroked vigorously. Shot after shot after shot fired into my mouth and landed on my tongue. Lots of girls close their eyes at this stage, but I like to keep mine open. I like to watch each shot fly out of the cockhead. It makes me completely admire the alpha dominance of my Bull.Where sissies like me just dribble cum, ray shoot it out like their cock is a high-powered rifle locked and loaded with salty gooey cum!
Seven or eight shots later and Ray looked spent. I kept the cum on my tongue while I gave the head a lewd kiss.
Then I got back up on my knees and peered over at Ray with my mouth open showing the big load of cum. He gave me a nod, knowing how obedient I was that I wouldn’t swallow until he gave his permission. I closed my mouth, and just savored it for a few seconds. Mmmmm, I loved this part, where I could revel in his taste like sampling a fine wine at a restaurant before the waiter gives the full pour. But all good things must come to an end and I tilted my head back and swallowed. Wow, he wasn’t lying – this was a big cum! He could feed ten sissies a day on his cum if he wanted to.
I laid back down on top of Ray and kicked the sheets down further. My ass was in a light pink thong that gave a good view of my round perfect ass. I wanted Ray to have a nice view while I rested my head on his inner thigh and gave his cock some licks to clean him up. I was like a cat lapping at milk as I used my tongue to lick every inch of his cock.
“You are turning out to be one of the better sissies I’ve kept.”
I beamed, I loved when Ray gave me a compliment. But just “one of the better”, why not one of the best? Why not THE BEST? I had only been with this new master for a few weeks now but I was in a constant cockhaze of pleasure and I was sure giving him my best work.
“How can I better serve you, Sir?” I knew my manners. After all, I was valeDICKtorian of my Sissy School class. Even when a sissy is disappointed, she always remembers that Sir’s pleasure comes first.
“I’ve got some ideas in mind. While I mull it over, why don’t you go get me some breakfast first. You may have gotten your fill, but I need myself a big meal to replenish that cum you love so much.”
I kissed His cock one last time before jumping back on my feet and bounding down the steps to the kitchen.
While cooking breakfast, I thought of all the changes over the past week. This was just my second Master since graduating Sissy School and my first one trained me right. He was partial to new graduates, enjoying molding them further into perfect sissy pets. Being with him was like going through my first sissy internship after school. The hours were long and I sure as hell didn’t get paid. Well, except for all the cum I earned! My favorite thing that he would do to me was –
“My my, that sure smells delicious, my little sissy.” Ray’s booming voice interrupted my reverie.
“Only the best for my Master. I have to thank you for filling my sissy tummy up with his delicious treat this morning.” Still in my thong, I only wore an apron that covered my front. As Ray approached from behind, I stood up on my tiptoes so my ass looked bigger and rounder for him. He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me against his towel-covered cock. He smelled so fresh, clearly having come from the shower.
I could feel his cock harden against my bare ass cheeks.
“Mmmm, feels like Sir is getting lunch ready for sissy.” With that, I turned around and smiled up at him while stroking his cock through the towel. His strong chest was exposed and as I pushed up against him, I felt so submissive. I kissed up and down his chest as I felt his cock get harder.
“Stop playing with your food, sissy,” Ray joked. I giggled while batting my eyelashes at him.
“Why don’t you run upstairs and get ready for the day. I’ve laid out your outfit on the bed.”
I was so excited, wondering what sort of outfit he had chosen for me today! This master was particularly interested in what his sissies wore. He had a thing for roleplay and loved to have his sissies try out new costumes. In the past couple weeks, I had been a schoolgirl, French maid, and even sexy Pikachu. This just made me even happier, since I loved to dress up and play different roles. It made me feel like I was living a hundred different slutty lives.
I smiled up at him before breaking away and running up the stairs. I scampered to the door and threw it open. There on the bed was a white outfit. Upon closer inspection, I saw a couple white crosses on the shoulders. Could it be? Yes, it was! A sexy nurse’s outfit! I was so excited, I had never tried this one before but I always wanted to.
I went to the bathroom and put on the outfit. It was a one piece costume that attached with velcro. The hem of the bottom came up just below the ass, but barely! The top was cut deep for a girl to stuff big tits. I switched to my strawberry blonde wig and put on bright red lipstick before putting on what may have been excessive eye makeup. I sat back and looked the mirror. One sexy sissy nurse, just as the doctor ordered.
I tiptoed down the stairs to see ray eating at the table while reading his newspaper. I ducked low and approached the table while his vision was obscured by the newspaper. I took my manicured finger and grabbed the top of the newspaper and bent it down so rays eyes peered over the edge.
“You ordered one sissy slut nurse, stat?” I lilted sensually while bending over and giving ray a peek at my tits. I had gotten C cups put in when I graduated. I paid for it with the scholarship I won for 2 straight years of Summa CUM-GUZZLING Laude grades in Sissy School. My last master had commented that I could pull off bigger ones, but these were nice and perky and seemed to please my current master.
“Alas, I’m not the one that needs a checkup today, nurse.” I love how ray would always play along.
I pouted, “Well, I just started my shift.
“Oh no, nurse. Today I have a much bigger assignment for you. You’ll be sure to be handling your fair share of swelling.”
I was intrigued. I wasn’t sure what he meant.
“Sir, what’s your sissy’s assignment for today? She sure is looking forward to a full day’s work!”
He put down his newspaper and leaned back. He looked so authoritative. No wonder he was so rich. Rich enough to have been able to afford me.
“Well, some of the guys at work have been complaining about the planned long hours for this upcoming holiday season. The warehouse crew in particular is disgruntled. And I just can’t have that.”
Where was he going with this? Did he, like, want me doing paperwork for him today?
“I promised them bigger bonuses, but they still seem unhappy. Seems with recent layoffs they’re on edge. You know, I started in the warehouse before working my up into management and then the executive suite. I know how hard they work and how difficult their jobs are. I want to start this holiday season right. They deserve to get, let’s call it, a well-being checkup.”
I was starting to catch his drift. Maybe he wanted me to bring them gift packages and play nurse by massaging them or something. I sure did a lot of that in Sissy School while a freshman. I had to get all those men ready for the upper class who were doing advanced cock work courses.
I looked at ray and asked, “So how can I help with these ‘well-being checkups'”
“I need your services today. When I acquired you, I did so not just for personal pleasure but also as a business decision. I knew that your training in Sissy School would make you a real asset in my career rise.”
Whatever could he mean?
“My employees need to like me, not just respect me. I want you to make sure they are in good spirits, that they are in a clean bill of health. You will assure their well-being. And part of well-being is endurance. My men need to be light on their feet. I can’t have them being weighed down by anything.”
“I especially can’t have them being weighed down by big full balls. Some of these men haven’t had a date in a while, with all this work. They’ve been building up loads of cum in their balls that must be weighing them down. I can’t have that.”
Now I got it. I sure was a sissy bimbo but when I got it, I got it!
I smiled wide. “Well sir, it seems that these men need a good sissy nurse to take their sperm samples. Luckily, I’m just that kind of nurse. I trained in oral medical techniques, especially swallowing. Swallowing lets them know they’re doing a good job and have a good sperm count.”
“I knew you’d understand. Well, why don’t you call Andres to give you a ride. No use wasting any more time.”
I could barely contain myself as I hurried over to the garage where Andres, the driver, was waiting in the car. I threw on a trench coat and hopped in the back. s I hurried over to the garage where Andres, the driver, was waiting in the car. I threw on a trench coat and hopped in the back.
“Good morning Miss. Your master told me all about your plans for the day. Let’s get a move-on!”
Andres barely looked at me (ray had strict rules about the help) as he got in the driver’s seat. And we were off.
The whole way there, I could feel the butterflies in my stomach. It had been a while since I had taken multiple men. Plus, I had no idea how many guys would be awaiting me, needing my services, This could be one of the longest days of my life.
Andres pulled the car up to the warehouse entrance. I breathed deeply while he opened my door.
“Miss, I think you are going to make these men quite happy today. Your master will be proud.”
Hearing him say that gave me the courage I needed. I had to remember that I was doing this to please my master. I could only imagine what he would do for me if I did a good job! It also didn’t hurt that I was addicted to cock and cum!
I walked through the front entrance where I saw some fold-out chairs laying around and paperwork all over the desks. This sure was one busy season for the company.
I got to the door that led to the warehouse. I thought to myself, “Okay, gurl. This is what you trained for. This is what you love. Remember, there are sissies all around the world that would kill to get a chance at all this hot cock and cum. You better show how much of an honor this is for you! Make ray proud!”
I took off the trench coat, threw it on one of the folding chairs and opened the door handle. Inside, there were many men arranging boxes and stacking shipments. They all looked so strong and virile.
“Hello boys,” I croaked. I was still nervous. But I needed to find my courage. I knew my role.
“Hello boys!” I said louder. Heads turned to look at me.
“Your boss sent me here to do some health checkups. He really is quite concerned about your well-being in this busy work season so he knew a nurse was needed.”
Men approached and stood around me in a semi-circle. They were all smiling. It was like a deer being surrounded by a pack of wolves. But I wasn’t just prey, I knew how to handle men’s libidos.
“But I’m a specific type of nurse. I only know how to measure health one way and that’s by the quality of sperm.”
The men laughed and grunted. “So I’m going to need some sperm donations to check your health.”
One of the guys shouted, “How do you take your sperm donations?” I could see several men feeling their packages through their pants.
“Well, there’s really only one way to accurately check sperm for quality, isn’t there?”
I paused for a second. Then I took both of my index fingers and pointed them at my mouth.
The guys went wild at that, whooping and shouting. I heard a few, “Fuck yeahs!” I knew they would thank my master later with their hard work.
“So why don’t you boys line up so I can start my checks.” I saw a dozen guys line up side by side. They were all smirking at me while jostling each other and cracking jokes.
“I’m gonna start by checking the packages.” I went along the line of guys and swiped my hand at their mostly denim-covered cocks. “You all sure are well-equipped.”
“Let’s make sure your heart rates are up so the sperm comes out fast and strong.” With that, I backed up and slowly pulled away at the edge of the cleavage part of the costume. I perked my head up and smiled while pulling aside the shirt a bit to expose more and more of my pert breasts.
“Are your hearts racing yet?”
An almost unanimous, “HELL YEAH!” went up.
“Good boys!” I said before exposing my hard nipples to them. I could see a couple guys’ jaws literally drop. Mmmm, I sure do like to seduce men. And seducing twelve at one time? My sissy hormones were off the charts now as my own heart raced in excitement.
I dropped the top of the costume to the sides, making sure to leave the bottom covered. I wasn’t sure if these men knew that their boss kept a personal sissy for his use.
“I still think some of you haven’t gotten your heart rates high enough yet.”
“We’re trying, nurse! But we just can’t manage it! Can’t you help us some more?” The stout worker joked.
“Well, what can I do about that? Hmmmm…Let me look around here to see what I can find.” I turned around and pretended to look around for something. I walked over to the nearest table and bent over at the waist, my costume bottom riding up to reveal to all the horny men my round full ass. This was the ass that won over my current master and convinced him to bid for me.
“I can’t seem to find my tools. Well, I’ll just have to hope your heart rates are sufficient for the samples.”
The guys were stroking their cocks through their pants faster now. Some had their tongues out as they took in this vision of a blonde slutty nurse coming to extract their hot cum.
“Before we start, boys, I have to remind you. I need it all in my mouth! Okay?”
They all nodded as if in unison.
“Well we don’t have all day do we? Why don’t you take those big hard cocks out?” They hurriedly unbuckled and opened their pants and dropped them to the floor. The were rushing to get out of their clothes. I smiled and thought to myself, “Men like this need sissies of their own. They could get rid of their wives once they knew what we can do!”
Before I knew it, I had twelve hot throbbing cocks lined up side-by-side in front of me. Mmmmmm…time to get to work.