Remembering Miss Templeton

"A lesbian couple attend the funeral of a headmistress from long ago and get chatting with a former teacher"

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Sandhya Chawla and Katherine Dunlop were both aged sixty-one and had started their lesbian relationship at school as seventeen-year-olds. They had been together for the vast majority of the time since and had been married for eight years, getting married as soon as same-sex marriage became legal in England.

Sandhya’s parents, in particular, had tried to split them up when their relationship first became known and they were successful in doing so for a couple of years after the two females left university, but ultimately Sandhya chose Katherine over her parents.

They also split up for almost a year when they were aged in their early forties and both had other female lovers, but they returned to each other.

The school that they attended was a very exclusive and very expensive all-girls school and, despite it being frowned upon, lesbianism was rife both among the girls and the teachers. It was very hypocritical, but girls caught in a sex situation at the time that Sandhya and Katherine were at school were likely to be caned but the caning would very likely be done by the lesbian headmistress, Mary Templeton.

Sandhya and Katherine had been caught naked from the waist down with each girl licking the other’s vagina and they had been marched off to Miss Templeton. They had been allowed to dress first but in the headmistress’ study, their knickers were lowered and they each received twelve savage strokes of the cane across their seventeen-year-old buttocks.

Despite the agony of their thrashings, or maybe because of it, the two girls pleasured each other that evening.

They were each caned by Miss Templeton as eighteen-year-olds but those canings were on separate occasions and did not involve lesbianism. Each girl had her recently caned bottom soothed by the other later on those two days.

Mary Templeton had recently passed away, aged in her nineties, and Sandhya and Katherine attended her funeral along with a lot of other former pupils and teachers from the school.

Miss Templeton was not much liked by the girls or most of the teachers, but she was respected and feared in almost equal measures. Attending her funeral seemed the thing to do and a lot of other ex-pupils and staff agreed.

After the funeral, Katherine and Sandhya chatted with various women that were in their age group at school. Some of them were lesbian then and were still lesbian, whereas some never were interested in all female sex.

They had not seen some of the women for more than forty years but none seemed particularly surprised that Sandhya and Katherine were still together.

Talk among the former pupils regarding Miss Templeton often turned to her legendary use of the cane and speculation as to whether she got sexual pleasure from caning a girl’s bottom. The consensus was that she probably did.

“So you two are still together after all this time?” said a woman that neither Sandhya nor Katherine immediately recognised.

Realising that they were unsure as to who she was, the woman spoke again, “I am sorry, I am Sally Harris,” said the woman, who looked slightly older than Sandhya and Katherine.

“Oh, Miss Harris,” said Katherine, realising that the woman had been a youngish teacher when they were at school.

“Yes, I am not surprised that you did not recognise me,” acknowledged Sally.

“How are you? it has been a long time,” said Sandhya.

“I am quite well, thank you; I understand that you two are married,” said Sally, who was six years older than Sandhya and Katherine.

“Yes, we are,” said Katherine, squeezing Sandhya’s arm.

“That caning did not deter you, then?” said Sally, making Sandhya and Katherine both remember that it was Miss Harris that caught them in their sixty-nine and marched them off to Miss Templeton. She had remained in the headmistress’s study and witnessed their thrashings.

“No, I had forgotten that it was you who caught us, a lot of what happened that day is a blur,” said Sandhya.

“Mary knew how to use a cane, didn’t she?” said Sally, with a strange grin on her face.

“You sound as though you speak from experience,” said Katherine.

“I do, once as a pupil and twice as a teacher,” replied Sally.

“A teacher? she caned you as a teacher?” asked an incredulous Sandhya, remembering that Sally Harris was also a former pupil at the school.

“Yes, once instead of sacking me and once when we, um,..we were lovers,” said a slightly embarrassed Sally.

“I didn’t know that you and she were lovers,” said Katherine.

“Although we did think that Miss Templeton had a fondness for women,” added Sandhya.

“Yes she did, as did I…, and I still do,” said Sally.

“I wonder how many female bottoms she caned in her time?” mused Katherine.

“Quite a lot but she liked to receive it too, I caned her once,” said Sally.

“Well, we are learning some new things today,” said Sandhya.

“Were you and Miss Templeton lovers for long?” asked Katherine.

“About ten years off and on, but Mary had lots of lovers including some of the other teachers,” said Sally, who both Sandhya and Katherine were thinking was rather attractive. She was attractive forty-odd years before but neither girl thought of getting involved with a teacher.

“We used to wonder which of the teachers were into women and which were not,” laughed Sandhya.

“Did you think of me as gay?” asked Sally.

“I don’t think so, I don’t remember thinking that you were,” said Katherine.

“You should have joined us instead of taking us to the headmistress when you caught us,” laughed Sandhya.

“Fuck! I was so turned on; I watched you for a little while before breaking you up,” confessed Sally.

“You pervert,” teased Katherine.

“Yeah, and you watched us get our arses caned,” pointed out Sandhya, smiling.

“Mary and I made love in her study after you two had gone, and again later that night,” confessed Sally.

“Ha, we fucked later too; but fuck, our backsides were on fire,” said Katherine.

“Yes, she certainly gave you two a thrashing,” remembered Sally.

“Shit, thinking back to that day is making me wet,” admitted Sandhya.

“And me,” said Katherine.

“Me too,” said Sally.

There was a brief silence whilst all three women thought of what had been said, and all three wondered what to say next.

“You said that you and Miss Templeton were an item for about ten years, what have you been doing since?” Katherine asked Sally.

“I have had a couple of long-term relationships with women but I am single at the moment,” replied Sally.

There was another brief silence before Sally spoke again, “Have you two used a cane in your relationship if you do not mind me asking?” said Sally.

“No, we have done some spanking but no caning,” answered Katherine.

“Thinking back to school canings is exciting though,” added Sandhya.

“The cane has been a big part of my life, both giving and receiving,” said Sally.

Whilst these conversations had been going on, other women that had attended the funeral were milling around but the three women were oblivious to everyone else.

“This does not seem right getting turned on at a funeral, would you like to meet us away from here, Sally?” said Katherine.

“Yes, please do, we have a lot to talk about,” pressed Sandhya.

“I would like that very much,” replied Sally, wondering if meeting these two attractive women would lead to sex.

Katherine and Sandhya gave Sally their address and phone number and they tentatively arranged a date and time for her visit,” Shall I bring my cane?” smiled Sally.

“Yes, bring it,” replied Sandhya, glancing at Katherine to see if she approved.

“Bring it; maybe you would like to stay the night,” said Katherine, leaving all three women thinking of the possibilities.

Katherine and Sandhya both had high-pressure office executive jobs during the week but liked to unwind at weekends, Sally was now retired but comfortably off financially.

It was arranged for Sally to visit the other two women on a Friday evening with the intention of staying that night and possibly Saturday night. She was to bring her cane with her but there were no guarantees that it would be put to use, they would just see how their time together developed.

Sally arrived at Sandhya and Katherine’s house and they were both at the door to greet her. Sandhya gave her a big hug and kissed her on the cheeks, “Might kiss your other cheeks later,” smiled Sandhya.

“Promises, promises,” laughed Sally.

Katherine then hugged and kissed Sally, “So might I,” said Katherine.

“This looks like it will be a great evening,” replied Sally.

“Did you bring your cane?” asked Sandhya.

“Of course, shall I get it out of the car now?” responded Sally.

“Yes, please do; and your overnight things,” said Katherine.

Sally took her overnight bag and the cane from the boot of her car and Sandhya and Katherine both inspected the cane.

“Last time I saw one of those Miss Templeton was bending it before caning me as an eighteen-year-old,” said Katherine.

“Yes, me too,” said Sandhya.

The couple escorted Sally to what was in theory her room for the night although sleeping arrangements might be flexible. The cane remained downstairs for now.

The three women sat and drank some wine, Sandhya and Katherine next to each other on the sofa and Sally in an armchair. They chatted generally about what had happened in their lives in the forty-three years since the two younger women left school but then the subject got on to Mary Templeton and her cane.

“You said the other day that Miss Templeton caned you as a teacher as an alternative to sacking you, what was that all about?” Katherine asked Sally.

“Well it was a set-up really, I think she just wanted an excuse to cane me; she caught me in the senior girls changing room and said that I was spying on them naked in the showers,” started Sally.

“And were you?” asked Sandhya, with a smirk.

“Well, I was in the changing room and there were naked eighteen-year-olds there; she said that I should not be there,” continued Sally.

“Maybe you shouldn’t have been; were you looking at their arses?” chuckled Katherine.

“I might have been; anyway, we went back to her study and she told me that I must accept a caning or dismissal,” remembered Sally.

“Did you protest your innocence?” asked Sandhya.

“Yes, but it did no good; she said that I would be sacked and the reason given as showing an interest in naked girls,” said Sally.

“Which was basically true,” laughed Katherine.

“I suppose; anyway, I chose the caning,” said Sally.

“How many did she give you?” asked Sandhya.

“Twelve on my bare arse,” replied Sally.

“We both know what twelve on the bare arse felt like,” said Katherine, gripping Sandhya’s hand.

“Did you and Miss Templeton have sex after she caned you?” enquired Sandhya.

“Not then, but about three weeks later she made it clear that she wanted us to go to bed together, so we did,” recalled Sally.

“So she caned you before you caught us if you were not lovers then?” stated Sandhya.

“Yes, but it was not very long before because Mary and I had not been lovers for long when I found you two eating each other,” answered Sally, smiling.

Sally went on to say that she had caned a number of her lovers and also presented her arse for strokes from her lover at the time. Sandhya and Katherine said that they sometimes spanked each other, occasionally very hard, but they had never considered acquiring a cane. They agreed that they both found the post-caning feeling to be very arousing on the two occasions that they had felt Miss Templeton’s cane.

Sandhya and Katherine made room on the sofa and Sally sat in between them, the two hostesses each had a hand on one of Sally’s thighs and Sally had her first mouth-to-mouth kisses, first with Sandhya and then with Katherine.

All three women were very aroused and it was fast heading towards lesbian sex.

“Sandhya and I have still got our school uniforms,” smiled Katherine.

“Fuck Katherine, we would never get into them now,” said Sandhya, they had not attempted to wear the uniforms in something like fifteen years.

“I was thinking, maybe you could catch Sandhya and me together again, there is no Miss Templeton to cane us now though,” said Katherine.

“Shit, Kathy, what are you suggesting?” said Sandhya, although what Katherine was suggesting was quite obvious.

“If you ladies are both up for it I would love to catch you at it again and deal with you appropriately,” said a very excited Sally.

“Sandhya?” smiled Katherine.

“Fuck yeah, why not?” answered Sandhya, seeing how erotic the situation would be.

“Give us about fifteen minutes to get changed and get started and then come and catch us,” said Katherine, getting off the sofa.

“Um, how many strokes?” asked Sally.

“Twelve, give us a dozen,” replied Sandhya, also getting off the sofa.

Sandhya and Katherine went upstairs and Sandhya went into the loft to find the old school uniforms. Sally checked her watch.

Sandhya found the uniforms and the two women giggled as they stripped naked before re-dressing in the uniforms. They were both much thicker in the thigh, wider at the hips and bigger in the buttocks and breasts than they had been as teenagers.

They got dressed as schoolgirls and actually, both looked very sexy.

They had already used more than five of the fifteen minutes that Katherine had asked Sally to wait but now they set about making love. They knew that they would be interrupted, and they knew that they were to be caned, but they were both hugely turned on as they kissed.

They thought it best that they got caught in a sixty-nine as they had been forty-four years before so they each removed the other’s knickers and started licking the other’s cunt.

They were both wet with excitement before they started and as tongues flicked clits and lapped at cunts, they got closer and closer to orgasm.

Sally checked her watch, her knickers were soaked in anticipation of what she was going to find and what she was going to do when she found it.

Sally waited two more minutes before heading to the stairs and from above, there was the wail of a woman orgasming. Before Sally got to the top, a second woman announced her climax with a long moan.

Sally appeared in the open doorway of a bedroom and got a great view of Sandhya’s bare arse with Katherine’s head below it, feasting on Sandhya’s cunt.

“What is going on here?” Sally shouted, in her sternest voice, but it cracking in excitement.

Sandhya raised herself off Katherine’s face and turned her head towards the door, Katherine turned her head towards where the voice had come from.

“Miss Harris, we, um,…,” said Sandhya in genuine shock, she knew it was going to happen, but it still surprised her.

“Downstairs the pair of you; you will not need your knickers,” said Sally, pleased with herself for the second sentence.

“Miss Harris, please,” said Katherine, not expecting or even wanting leniency but she thought that begging added to the excitement.

“I said downstairs, now,” re-iterated Sally.

The very aroused Sandhya and Katherine got off the bed and went downstairs, followed by Sally.

Sally picked up the cane which was near the front door and ordered the two adult schoolgirls into the living room, “Get in there, you are going to feel this cane across your buttocks,” said Sally.

“Katherine, bend over the back of that armchair,” said Sally, pointing with the cane.

Katherine bent over and her short skirt rode up so much that it hardly covered anything, but Sally rolled it up further so the woman’s buttocks were completely uncovered. Sally was close to cumming in her knickers as she looked at the glorious arse on the sixty-one-year-old Katherine.

Sally measured the cane across Katherine’s backside, raised it then whipped it down CRACK. Katherine yelped as the first cane stroke that she had received since she was eighteen, lashed her buttocks.

The caning went on with uneven intervals between strokes and Katherine’s arse became streaked with cane marks and Katherine squirmed and shouted but remained bent over. Sandhya had one hand to her mouth and one to her cunt as she watched her wife getting her arse thrashed and knowing that it would be her turn soon.

Sally was about to cum after she had delivered ten strokes and she rapidly lashed the last two strokes down before her juices flooded her knickers. Sandhya’s eyes met Sally’s and there was a recognition of the fact that Sally Harris had orgasmed.

“Stand up,” Sally said softly, her voice soft partly because of her sexual arousal.

Katherine pushed herself up and put her hands to her arse cheeks, her face was flushed and tear-stained and she sobbed as she hobbled away from the armchair.

“Bend over Sandhya,” said Sally, pointing the cane at the armchair.

Sandhya bent over and, as with Katherine, her skirt hardly covered anything but Sally flipped it up anyway. Sandhya’s arse was every bit as sexy as Katherine’s, although Sally had already had a view of it upstairs.

Sally lashed twelve strokes of the cane across Sandhya’s rear and, on being told to stand, she clutched her buttocks as had Katherine after her thrashing. Both women were moaning and sobbing and both were aroused.

Nobody seemed too sure of what to do or say next, but Sally chose to speak, “Don’t you girls dare let me catch you doing that again,” said Sally, as firmly as she could in her excited state.

“No, Miss,” said Katherine.

“Um, Kathy and I are going to go to bed now, join us if you want to,” said Sandhya, between sobs.

“Thank you for the caning, Miss,” said Katherine, and she probably meant it.

“We will cane you in the morning,” said Sandhya, her hands still cupping her caned arse cheeks.

“I would like that,” said Sally.

“You come into our room whenever you want to, Sally,” said Katherine, reinforcing Sandhya’s invitation.

“Yes, thank you, ladies, I will,” said Sally. looking forward to the night ahead.

Sandhya and Katherine went upstairs, their bottoms stinging, and removed their school uniforms. Each inspected and kissed the other’s caned-marked buttocks before they got down to some serious sex.

Sally had now come upstairs and had removed her clothes in the room that had been given to her for the night, she then appeared again in the open doorway to Sandhya and Katherine’s room.

The lesbian couple on the bed broke from their kissing and caressing and invited the naked newcomer to join them on the bed.

“Come and make love with us, Miss Harris,” said Katherine, and Sally got onto the bed.

Sally had long lingering kisses with Sandhya and Katherine in turn and had female hands caressing her large tits and big arse. She then had Sandhya tonguing her between her legs as Katherine kissed Sandhya’s bottom.

Sandhya licked Sally to orgasm and then moved so that Katerine could get her head between the former teacher’s thighs and Katherine’s mouth play took Sally to a second orgasm.

“Let me have a close look at your beautiful backsides,” said Sally, and Sandhya and Katherine were side by side on their fronts, kissing, as Sally looked at the mature arses that she had caned.

Sally loved female bottoms, in fact, she loved all of the female body, and she kissed and stroked Sandhya’s arse and played with her arse crack. She then licked Sandhya’s arse crack and fingered her cunt and had Sandhya cumming before moving over to play with Katherine’s arse.

Sally repeated the process with Katherine’s backside and cunt, before having her cumming too and then there was a free for all with all three bodies entwined in sexual activity.

The three women gave each other sexual pleasure before Sally went to her room to get some sleep. “We will cane that arse in the morning,” said Katherine as she and Sandhya watched Sally’s backside leave their room.

Sandhya and Katherine, aroused by the stinging in their buttocks, then made love again.

The women breakfasted together and, on having the invitation stressed, Sally confirmed that she would stay Saturday night as well.

They remained naked all morning, and then Katherine advised Sally that it was time for her caning, “Miss Harris, Sandhya and I will now apply six strokes of the cane each to your bare bottom,” said Katherine.

“Oh, a teacher being caned by pupils, whatever next?” chuckled Sally, who liked having her arse caned.

“Bend over the back of the armchair, Miss Harris,” said Sandhya, picking up the cane.

Sally bent over and Sandhya was about to administer the first ever caning that she had ever delivered, Katherine had never caned anyone either.

Sandhya decided that if it was worth doing, she should put everything into it and she lashed the first stroke across Sally’s backside as hard as she could.

“Wow, that stung,” said the woman on the receiving end.

Sandhya lashed five more strokes of similar strength across Sally’s buttocks and had the slightly older woman squirming.

Sandhya handed the cane to Katherine who added her six strokes to Sally’s rear end, they had both done a good job.

Sally’s face was flushed with excitement as she stood up and rubbed her caned cheeks, “You ladies both did well, it stings wonderfully,” said Sally, who was near cumming.

Minutes later, Sally was in a sixty-nine with Katherine as Sandhya kissed Sally’s caned buttocks and further threeway sexual gratification was had.

There was more lovemaking that night and Sally left on Sunday morning but only after the three of them had agreed that she would return soon, with her cane.

Memories of the late Mary Templeton had led to Sally Harris meeting and having sex with two females that she had not met for over forty years and all three were to meet again, with memories of Miss Templeton and her cane to be revived.

Published 2 years ago

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