Memories Fade

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Was there a time
you were not here
with me

Looking back
I can not see
All there was is now

Time our only enemy
The clock counts down
Days rush by

Each moment felt
A touch, a whisper
Are more special now

Years pass quickly
Faster as we both age
Can we please slow down

Memories will fade
Even now some slip
Quietly away each day

Fix your gentle
Touch upon my body
Face and all over my soul

Rolling over it’s you
I see each morn
You smile into my eyes

Will that smile falter
One day if you see
The cracks left on me

Your promises I once
Eschewed, I now need
With you, I am home

Your love allows me
To be truly happy
My soul can roam free

In your arms I find
A safe place to rest
To my flaws you are blind

Remember this even if
One day you can’t
Without you, I am just half
Never truly quite whole


Published 8 years ago

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