Carlie Came Through

"Sarah's dull life is suddenly full of exciting new possibilities when Carlie stops in town."

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The dusty wood shelf in the town grocery store always bothered me. Staring at it, I couldn’t help but wonder when the last time someone might have cleaned it, if ever.

I blinked and awoke from my daze, having no clear idea how long I’d been standing in the aisle, staring at bags of flour on that dull, unchanging shelf.

Every Friday, I walked into town to get things my Mother needed for the coming week. I guess I didn’t mind too much, since it gave me a break from being in the field, picking vegetables out of the dirt all day.

“Is that everything, Miss?” the grocer asked, from behind his ancient mustache.

“Hmm?” I croaked, jolted from another daydream.

“Need anything else?” he offered.

I thought about asking for a different life.

“No, that’s it, thanks,” I responded, meekly, grabbing the groceries off the counter.

I watched the cars and trucks pass through town as I walked home. Where were they all going? Sometimes, I wondered what they thought of this lost place in the middle of nowhere; where nothing ever happened.

My summer dress was drabber than the sidewalk. It bounced and swayed above my ankles. Despite my lazy, meandering pace, I eventually arrived home and helped my Mother make dinner.


“Thank you Lord, for this meal on our table,” my Father muttered, neck bent at the head of the table.

In all twenty years of my life, I don’t think he’s ever thanked me, nor my Mother for making dinner.

“We offer thanks and gratitude for this house and this family. And know we are blessed to have you watching over us. Amen.”

I picked up my fork, finally able to eat, but the lukewarm pile of grey and beige on my plate, slowed my urge.


Cleaned the kitchen and dishes. Fed the cows. Checked the hens. Showered.


Climbing into bed, I pulled the covers right up to my chin and felt the familiar pangs of loneliness ache in my chest. The empty, almost painful hole inside me, begged for some special, loving person to fill it. What would they look like? How would their smile make me feel? How would they smell? How good would it feel to touch them?

A hot twinge of arousal pulsed between my thighs. I rolled onto my stomach and pressed my hips down into my firm mattress. The small blip of pleasure it granted me only made the aching want grow between my young legs.

Becoming moist with desire, I felt tormented and lonely. I wished I could make someone happy. I thought about sliding my fingers down there and touching myself, like I had done once before. But, I worried it would just make me feel lonelier.

Why would someone special like me? That question always haunted me and tainted my arousal with sadness.


“Make sure to get some flour, Sarah.” Mother didn’t need to remind me. I was more than familiar with the shopping list she painstakingly prepared for me every week.

I slid a headband over my tired-looking hair and set off into town. Away from my parents and the old house, I was sometimes able to trick myself into feeling free.


Staring at the old, stained wood shelves of the grocery store, I decided I knew what purgatory felt like.

The ungreased sound of brakes caught my attention outside the store window. An old pickup, painted yellow to cover the rust, squeaked to a halt.

Out of the passenger side, jumped a pair of legs, unlike any I’d ever seen. They were long, golden and feminine. My mouth dried up as I watched her wave goodbye to the truck. Gorgeous, copper hair blew wildly in the wind, as the woman looked around, almost puzzled.

I knew I would never look like that. That girl could probably do anything she wanted. What the hell was she doing in this town?

The mysterious woman crossed the street and I lost sight of her.


I lugged my groceries out the door and turned the corner to head home.

“Hey, hon!” an alluring voice called, from behind me. I stopped, frozen. “You have any idea where I might find a motel or something around here?”

Before I turned around, I knew it was the girl from the truck. No one who lived here talked like that.

As I faced her, my nerves overtook me. My lip trembled and my chest tightened. My drab dress was stained with flour and brown dust from the walk into town. My face grew hot and my mouth was cotton as I tried to speak.

“Huh? Me?” I managed, immediately regretting my choice of words.

The effortlessly beautiful lady giggled. Her charming face scrunched cutely as she looked at me. “Sorry,” she said, restarting. “Apparently, I am stopping over here and am looking for a place to spend the night.”

I probably should have been focusing on formulating a response, but was too distracted by the candy-pink nail polish adorning her perfect toes.

“Hi, umm, sorry,” I stumbled. “There is umm, well, we don’t really have any hotels or anything here.”

“Oh, I see,” she said, pulling some hair behind her ear. “Well, thanks anyways.”

I don’t know what came over me, but I piped back in without thinking. “You could stay with me. I mean, at my family’s house.”

She looked at me and smiled in a way I’ve never been smiled at before. “Oh, yeah?” she giggled.

“We have a spare room where people, umm, like you could stay for the night. For like, really cheap. I’m sure if you help with dinner and stuff, I mean, it would be basically free.”

What the hell was I doing?

The girl chuckled, amused. Leaning her wide hips against the store wall, she appeared to glimmer in the sunlight. “Alright, then. You make a convincing pitch. I’m sold.”

She picked up a small suitcase and introduced herself. “I’m Carlie, by the way.”

“Oh, hi,” I stumbled. “It’s, umm, I’m Sarah.”

Carlie pressed her chest into mine, gently hugging me.

“It’s great to meet you, Sarah,” she said, softly.

The sweet fragrance of her hair and skin caused my arms to go limp. The bag of flour dropped to the earth with a thud.

“I’m sorry! Let me get that for you,” she offered, leaving the hug and grabbing the flour. “Lead the way!”

I swallowed hard. What did I get myself into?


Carlie dropped her suitcase on the bed.

“I’m sorry my parents are charging you for the room,” I said, apologetically.

“It’s okay. It’s not much at all, it’s fine.”

“I think, it’s just, maybe you caught them off guard. They’re not really used to someone, dressed like, well…” I trailed off, at a loss for words as I analyzed Carlie’s extremely feminine body.

“Maybe you’re right,” she chuckled, running her hands up the inside of her thighs. “This isn’t exactly family friendly is it? I’ll tell you though, it sure makes hitchhiking easier.”

I took a deep breath. Why was I so flustered and panicked? What was I so nervous about? I couldn’t take my eyes off her. Unfortunately, she noticed.

“See something you like?” Carlie arched her eyebrow, almost deviously.

My face became hot and flushed. I averted my eyes, embarrassed.

“I’m sorry, hon,” she soothed, inspecting the clothes in her suitcase. “I’m just teasing you. Sorry, I couldn’t resist.”

“Hmm,” Carlie pondered, quietly. “I’m not sure I have anything more… suitable.”

“Oh,” I mumbled, bringing my gaze back to her. I felt a desperate urge to get closer to her. “Don’t worry about it. I’m sure whatever you have is fine.”

Carlie pulled out a tight, red skirt and held it up for me. She smirked at my reaction.

“Yeah, that’s what I thought,” she scoffed, throwing the sexy garment back inside. “Hey, you got anything I could borrow?”

“W-what?” I stammered, wide eyed.

Carlie hopped up past me and into the hallway. I couldn’t escape the pull her beautiful, giddy energy had on me. I wanted to experience more of her.

“This is your room. Right, hon?” Carlie asked, peeking her head around the doorframe.

“Uhh, yes,” I stated, hesitant. “But I don’t think any of my stuff will–”

Carlie danced right into my closet and started perusing outfits.

“This one is kind of cute,” she said, holding it up against her body. “What do you think?”

None of my clothes ever looked like that on me. God, she was captivating. Was I attracted to her? Maybe this was how everyone felt around a woman like her.

“I think it’ll do nicely,” Carlie decided, removing her top.

Her immaculate, lightly tanned breasts sat plump in her sexy bra. When I realized what was happening, I quickly turned away. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her jean shorts fall to the floor. Carlie’s little, painted toes wiggled as she fit herself into the dress. I felt dizzy.

“I’ll be right back,” I trembled, escaping to the bathroom.

I didn’t know what I was feeling. My nipples were stiff and all I could think about was Carlie’s body and her soft, pink lips. What was I supposed to do?


“Pass the butter, Sarah,” my father commanded. I quickly followed orders.

I could feel the odd tension in the room as my parents tried to figure out the girl dining with us.

I watched Carlie adjust herself on the wooden chair. It was odd seeing someone so beautiful inside my clothing. My mind started to wander and I imagined what she looked like underneath.

“This is a wonderful dinner, thank you,” Carlie offered, more charming than ever.

My father grunted and nodded.

“Your welcome,” my mother added, somewhat pleased. “Are you in town long?”

“No, no. I am just passing through, really,” Carlie explained, cutting her carrots into small bites. “I’ve managed to cross half the country in just a few weeks. Thanks to the help of a lot of kind people, much like yourselves.”

My father grunted again, mouth full.

“I see,” my mother said, navigating unfamiliar waters. “I like your outfit, dear. I think Sarah has something very similar.”

My eyes widened. What would my parents think about her wearing my clothes? Was that weird? Would they think something was going on between us? Was there?

“Oh yeah?” Carlie asked, casually. “Your daughter must have excellent fashion sense then.”

My mother smiled plainly and brought her attention back to her food.

Carlie looked over at me and winked. I couldn’t help but giggle to myself; she excited me.


Carlie and I finished the dishes. The whole time we just talked about the house and the farm. She seemed to really get a kick out of my boring life.

Afterwards, she took a long shower and I ironed some clothes and read my book.

Eventually, I headed off to my bedroom. I unbuttoned by dress and looked for my nightie when I heard a knock on my door.

“Hello?” I called, a little startled.

“Hey, it’s Carlie. Can I come in?”

“Umm, sure,” I said, pulling my dress back into place and fixing my hair.

Carlie stepped inside and shut the door behind her. She smiled as she sat on my bed.

I felt more nervous than ever before. I had no idea what she was thinking, or what she thought I was thinking. I knew I had to relax, but I couldn’t.

“Umm,” I coughed, trying to settle my voice. “Did you have a nice shower?”

“Awe, yes. Very nice,” Carlie purred. She reclined onto my covers, still wearing the dress she’d borrowed. Her long, smooth legs made mine feel weak.

“So, what are we doing tonight?” she asked, watching me closely.

“I was, umm,” I stumbled. “What did you want to do?”

“You need to loosen up a little,” Carlie encouraged, warmly tapping her hand on my bare leg. Electric excitement spread from her fingertips to every inch of my body. My skin became clammy and sensitive. Did she know what she was doing to me?

“I– I do?” I stammered, trying to act surprised.

Carlie smiled, stripping me of my defenses. Her soft lips curled as she slid her fingers off my leg.

“I’ve got an idea,” she squeaked, popping up off the bed. Her perfect, pedicured feet skipped her out of the room.

“Come on,” Carlie called from the guestroom. She waved at me as I slowly entered. “Shut the door behind you.”

I followed her instructions. I would have done anything she asked me to.

She sat on the bed, wearing my nightie. Her little toes wiggled as she arranged herself into a cross-legged position. She patted the covers in front of her, inviting me to sit.

“Let’s get to know each other a little better,” Carlie suggested, leaning over the bed and pulling a small bottle of whiskey from her suitcase. She took a sip and handed it to me as I got settled next to her. “Ask me something fun. Anything.”

“Do, umm, you have a boyfriend?” I asked, bravely.

She giggled. “If I did, he probably wouldn’t like the fact that I’m hitchhiking across the country all by myself.”

I nodded. That made sense.

“What about you?” she countered. “A boyfriend?

“No,” I said, making it seem ridiculous for her to have asked.

“A girlfriend, then?”

“What?” I choked, pulling the bottle from my mouth.

“Do you have a girlfriend?” She repeated, slowly. She studied me closely as I planned a response.

“No,” I admitted, defensively.

“It was just a question,” Carlie explained, calmly. “I’m sorry, hon. I didn’t mean to imply–”

“No, no. Don’t be,” I interrupted, unsure of the hole I was digging myself. “I’m sorry. I’m just weird.”

“What do you mean?” She asked, repositioning herself a little closer to me. Her soft skin rubbed against mine. It was all I could think about.

“I like the way you are. It’s nice,” she noted, softly.

Warm happiness spread through me. I tried to thank her, but didn’t know what to say.

Carlie leaned forward and gave me a long, close hug. I became hyper aware of the thin material separating our breasts. My nipples stiffened and my stomach bounced anxiously as we embraced.

I wanted Carlie to push me over and press her body against mine. I wanted to feel her, all over me. I wanted to smell and taste her.

She slowly let go of me and fiddled with her gown.

Was she trying to tell me something? I wanted to take a chance, but had no idea what to do.

Maybe this was all in my head.

Something inside me broke and my mouth opened.

“I like being around you,” I whispered, so quiet she might not have heard.

“Awe, thanks, hon,” she chirped. “I like being around you too.”

I never felt so happy and relieved. I never wanted this night to end.

“Can– can I have another sip?” I asked, extending my arm.

Carlie smiled.


The sun had set hours ago and I was exhausted. I hadn’t drunk much, but my mind was freer than usual.

My head rested on Carlie’s pillow. She sat behind me and played with my hair. I was in a trance of pure delight. Every time she ran her nimble fingers down my long blonde strands, my heart and body melted. I could have stayed like that for days.

Unfortunately, reality crept back into my mind and I asked the question that had been worrying me more and more by the minute.

“When are you planning to leave?” I asked, voice quivering. I shut my eyes tight, afraid of the answer.

“Ohh, hmm,” Carlie thought aloud. “I was thinking I’d get back on the road tomorrow. The friend I’m staying with kind of needs me to be there by the end of next week.”

Carlie’s porcelain legs were wrapped up with mine. Did she mean to be touching me like this? Did it mean to her, what it meant to me? I wanted to know, so badly.

“Ohh, okay,” I winced, heartbroken. I felt stupid feeling so upset over someone I had just met.

“Though,” Carlie hesitated, “maybe I can stick around another day. I mean, I haven’t even learned how to milk a cow or anything yet.”

Happiness overtook my face. I grabbed Carlie’s arm and squeezed it tight. She felt so warm and soft that I wanted to nuzzle into her even closer.

My pulse raced as she fell asleep behind me. The hot tightness between my legs started to grow ever more distracting. I tried to ignore it, but the way Carlie’s fingers rested an inch from my breasts, kept my body excited.

I had to go to my own bed eventually, but never wanted to leave. I wanted stay locked safely in her arms, smelling her hair and feeling her sweet breath against my neck. I decided to stay, just a little longer; just five more minutes, then I’d go.


A hard knock on the door jolted me awake.

“Morning, miss?” My mother’s voice rang from the other side of the thick wood.

I had fallen asleep in Carlie’s bed! What was I thinking? What would Carlie think?

Carlie hopped out of bed, still wearing my nightie and cracked the door open an inch. “Morning, ma’am,” she chirped, casually.

I hid under the covers. I couldn’t help but indulge in the scent of Carlie’s sweet body on the sheets.

“Hi there,” Mother greeted. “You wouldn’t happen to know where my daughter is, would you?”

“Sarah? Umm, you know, about an hour ago, I think I heard her head outside,” Carlie said, convincingly. “She is so hard working, your daughter.”

“Oh? I must have missed her,” my mother sighed, confused. “Alright, take care now.”

Her footsteps faded downstairs and Carlie shut the door.

My face felt hot as I awkwardly scrambled out of bed.

“Sorry, I must have fallen asleep,” I exclaimed, avoiding eye contact. “I– I should really get to work now.” I escaped the room and ran into mine to quickly get changed.


I picked vegetables at the furthest corner of the farm, cursing myself for how cowardly I reacted. I knew I must have put Carlie off. She probably thought I hated her now.

A dark pit of anxiety filled my stomach and I worried that I might never see Carlie again. She could have gotten dressed, packed and hit the road already. The thought scared me to death.

My eyes began to mist as the tightness in my chest grew. I felt like crying, but I didn’t want to accept the fate I had weaved.

I begged myself to go back to the house and apologize. I wanted to look Carlie in the face and tell her how I felt, fearless of the repercussions.

I stood motionless in the dirt field, basket in hand, thinking about making such a brave, grand gesture. But I didn’t move, and the will to act, slowly slipped away.

I dropped my head, defeated. This time, I couldn’t stop the tears from pouring.

“Hey, you!” Carlie called, from behind me.

Surprised, I swung around and quickly tried to hide my sadness.

“There you are!” she panted. “You ran off so quickly this morning. I hope I didn’t do something to upset you.”

A million emotions smashed through me at once. I didn’t know what to say to address any of them, so I did the only thing that I could think about.

I rushed over to Carlie and gave her a long hug. Her aroma filled me with love.

“I’m sorry I was weird,” I said, finally relaxing my arms. “I just, I don’t know what you… I feel confused, Carlie. And stupid.”

She leaned back from my embrace so she could see me. She spent a long time just looking into my eyes, reading my face. It seemed like she instantly knew everything that was going on inside me, almost like she’d seen it before somewhere.

“It’s okay, hon,” she said, gently brushing some hair off my face. “You know, why don’t you teach me how to be a farmer?” She scrunched her face afterwards and it made me giggle.


We spent the rest of the day right next to each other as I showed her how to carry out my daily routine.

Closer to bedtime, Carlie disappeared upstairs to shower. After finishing the kitchen I went up to look for her, but her door was shut and it looked like her light was off. She must have been tired, I thought. She probably wasn’t used to working outside all day.

I decided I’d take a shower and head off to bed too. If I was lucky, I’d get to spend one last morning with her before she had to leave.


I hadn’t quite drifted off, when I heard the door to my room creak shut.

I listened intently as quiet footsteps approached my bed. I knew it was Carlie by the way her soft, girly feet made the lightest, little patter as she walked. She lifted up the covers and climbed into bed, behind me.

I couldn’t speak; I could barely breathe as her firm breasts pressed into my back. I wanted to scream I was so nervous and excited, but was paralyzed by her presence.

Her lips found my neck and I trembled.

“Is this okay?” Carlie whispered, rubbing her legs up and down mine.

“Yes,” I gasped, unable to believe this was happening.

Carlie’s hands wrapped around in front of me. One of them squeezed my breasts tight as the other traced its way down between my legs.

“I want you,” Carlie confessed, kissing my neck affectionately.

I could feel myself shaking as her hand reached my panties. Her fingers hesitated for a moment, perched above my mound.

I opened my legs up, inviting her to explore me further. Her fingers pushed under my panties and my wet opening greeted them hungrily.

Carlie moaned as she felt my warm honey on her skin.

I had never been so turned on or excited in my life. And instead of being alone and tormented, I had Carlie in my bed, taking care of me!

She tightened her grip on my breasts and groaned as she pressed her hips into my bum. I almost screamed when her finger started to play with my dripping slit. She knew exactly how to touch me; I vibrated with arousal.

“Oh, sweetie,” Carlie moaned, into my ear. “You’ve got me so turned on.”

She continued to tease my soaking entrance for a few more minutes, until her finger slipped inside me.

“Ohh,” I whimpered, overcome with pleasure. She teased my nipples and flexed her fingertip deep inside me. I wanted to cry it felt so good. I started to whine uncontrollably.

Her digit slipped outside my swollen femininity and began rubbing my clitoris. The intense, violent pleasure overwhelmed me. I spread my legs wider, desperate for more.

“You’re so wet and cute and sexy,” Carlie gushed, pleasing me in ways I never imagined. Her finger sank back inside my engorged folds. “Feeling how wet you are, is making me crazy. I don’t think I’m going to be able to control myself,” she warned, licking at my neck.

“Don’t,” I begged, helplessly tightening my sex around her fingers. My denied, pent-up urges had me completely under Carlie’s control.

She deftly danced her thumb over my horny bead and I felt myself barreling towards an orgasm.

“Oh, hon,” Carlie encouraged, nibbling my ear. “Are you going to be a good girl and come for me?”

I couldn’t speak. All of my nerves were sizzling with intense pleasure, paralyzing me. Carlie moved her other hand to my mouth to quiet my moans. I opened my lips and took her fingers inside, sucking them gratefully.

I slid my hips back and forth, riding her fingers and the waves of erotic bliss they treated me to. The excited pressure between my legs started to trigger something inside me.

My dripping slit tightened firmly around Carlie’s agile finger and I shuddered as an extreme surge of indescribable sensations burst within me.

“Ohh!” I screamed, muffled by the hand in my mouth. I shook and quivered; delighting in the delicious spasms Carlie brought forth.

Moaning with me, she held me tighter and kissed my neck as I came. She made sure I was completely satisfied before finally releasing me from her grasp. I melted into her as Carlie’s perfect hand withdrew itself from me.

“You are so lovely,” she purred, giggling ever so slightly. “I want to taste you.”

I turned around and watched in awe as the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen licked and sampled my honey from her fingers. It was the most erotic, naughty thing I could have imagined.

Not knowing what came over me, I pressed my body into hers and started kissing her wildly. The taste of my own arousal on her lips only seemed to get me hotter.

We panted and gasped for air as we made love with our mouths.

“I want to taste you, too,” I confessed.

Carlie stopped. She looked at me with nothing but love.

“Are you sure, hon?” she asked, gently. “You don’t have to.”

“I don’t think I can control myself,” I teased, desperate to please the gorgeous girl who made me feel so much happiness. “But,” I hesitated, suddenly nervous. “I’m not sure how to do things.”

Carlie brushed the hair off my face and tucked it behind my ear. “I’ll help you.”

I nodded with loving gratitude as she removed her nightie.

I slowly kissed my way down to her waist. Her body was perfect. Every inch seemed, smoother, softer and sexier than the last.

“Now, take off my underwear, hon,” Carlie guided, calm but eager. I could hear the excitement in her breath.

I slowly pulled her white panties off her hips and around her adorable bum. I was so ravenous for her taste that my mouth watered. I parted Carlie’s legs and saw her gorgeous sex open up for me.

I lowered my head and greeted her precious opening, taking in its deliriously arousing scent. As I pushed my tongue inside her wet, delicate folds, she gasped ecstatically.

Despite the drastic change my life had taken today, nothing had ever felt so right.

I tried to mimic with my tongue what she had done with her fingers. I took long, greedy laps at her aroused clitoris, before diving back inside her lips.

“Oh, hon!” Carlie whined, trying to quiet herself. “That’s perfect. Just keep doing that.”

Since the first moment I met Carlie, I wanted to make her happy. Now, here I was, giving myself to her in the most intimate of ways. I slid my tongue deeper and enjoyed the sounds she made, her erotic flavor driving me wild.

“I’m so close, hon!” she yelled, in a whisper.

My desire to trigger her orgasm was unquenchable and so was my lust. I lapped and plunged my tongue into her pleasure spots, bringing her closer and closer to the edge.

Her slim legs wrapped around my shoulders and her wet sex trembled in my mouth. She clutched the back of my head, starting to writhe. The whole moment was so incredibly surreal; it was hard to focus on keeping my tongue right where she needed it.

I felt her whole body contract and convulse as I licked her as hard, deep and lovingly as possible. Her sweet beauty erupted with a chorus of whimpering moans. I couldn’t have been more elated and aroused as she gratified herself on my tongue.

When her swollen opening finally relaxed, I found myself lost in its allure. Its essence dripped from my lips and chin as I looked up at Carlie.

Speechless and overjoyed, she stared down into my eyes, passionately. I wanted to cry with happiness.

She pushed her hands into my hair and pulled me up to her face. We kissed deeply and thoroughly, becoming ever more entwined in each other.


The next morning, I didn’t run out of the room. I didn’t even leave the bed. Nothing could have made me leave that safe, secret place with her.

Carlie stayed for two more days, and they were the best days of my life. But eventually, the time came for her to leave.

We didn’t say much as we stood by the side of the road in town. Her hand found mine and held it tightly. It didn’t take long until someone stopped to offer her a ride. I felt so sad and scared. What would I do without her?

I remember closing my eyes as she kissed me goodbye, then the sound of the truck door closing.

“Wait!” I screamed, my eyes still closed. What had come over me? “Take me with you.” It sounded like a statement, but I was asking for Carlie’s blessing.

Her ecstatic face answered my question. She waved me inside, excitedly.

“I’ll be right back!” I shouted.

I ran home, stuffed some things into my bag, told my parents I was leaving for a while and jumped into the truck.

We drove off into the unknown and Carlie kissed me with enthralling conviction. I didn’t know where we were going, but I knew they probably wouldn’t have dusty wood shelves covered in flour.



Published 8 years ago

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