The defiling of a Gorgon 1/2

"The Adventurers endeavor lead them to a disastrous, arousing meeting with a Gorgon."

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Blood and bloody mission.

He forced her head down to the ground as the snakes in her head flayed around, leaving oily traces down his legs. Unlike in the mythology, this serpentine haired creature had no special particularity. If you ignored the oily toothless snakes attached to its head, of course.

“Hold her down you dimwit!” What wouldn’t he give for a pair of ropes right now.

“Use the fecking hair and bind her! What’re ya waiting for?” Poor excuse for hair if you ask anyone, but he was not in a judgmental mood. Several minutes and a whole lot of cursing later, the creature — or snake-haired human — was bonded tightly; double bonds on the legs and arms to be sure she didn’t pull any tricks.

“The bitch sure had a lot of fight in her, eh boss?” Geralt said, excited as a little kid. Rand just could not be mean when he looked up at those disconcerting kind eyes, out of place on that gruesome face. He ignored him instead.

“My honest comrades.” He was pretty sure an honest thought never passed on through their ugly heads, but it never hurts to be polite. “Today we become rich. Or at least some of us.” Better make them know how the share goes. “After a wholesome of shit, beasts, and poor hunting, we finally found the ever grand reward fitting our exploits…”

At that moment he glanced at the cursed creature, and she decided to show him wrong by giving the most seductive glare he’d ever seen, tilting slightly her head to the side, looking straight over his shoulder, at the third and nearest member of the surviving group. As he turned he felt the air shimmer, emanating a heavy dusty-scent, and to his horror, his companion was turning into stone. Pink skin turning to green then, dull grey. Instinct kicked in, and he ran to the bonded piece of treacherous -albeit seductive- monster still glaring at his underlying.

“Stop gaping you ugly fool and turn her around unless you want to become a fecking stone tree!” He could have found a more witty insult if he wasn’t fearing for his life at the moment. Probably.

As neatly as he could —which was far from neat considering the strange lubrification the snakes had — he blindfolded her with three layers of snakes and made a triple knot. Just to be sure.

“Fuck. Fucking cunt! Not the hair, though, sure is handy to have. Ain’t that right boss?” The fat turd had just lost a friend, but not a speck of emotion remotely close to compassion on the bastard. Wait, the frown did look real. Was he too hasty in judging others?

“Boss, look…” He looked to the monster, where the fat finger was pointing. For several seconds he saw nothing.

“What the f…” the words died in his throat, now he really saw. The humanoid shaped monster was beautiful, once she got over the screeching and dire threats. The word beautiful couldn’t describe its perfectness. Her body was harmonious; you could make out her soft curves under the pale silk robe. Her breast had a sinuous feel to it, heaving with each breath she took.

He couldn’t help but stare at it, becoming more and more aroused while imagining himself kissing those pink rosebud lips. She was more of a God than a monster, he could see that now. And her helplessness only increased the bulge between his pants.

“We probably should avenge Tommy. What she did to him… wasn’t fair.” Poor excuse for vengeance, but he was seeing where the fat turd was leading him to.

“Johnny,” he corrected, “Was his name, not Tommy. Ahem, we should honour his sacrifice. Since, after all, he won’t be getting his part of the money. Being stuck here and all…” Geralt’s eyes glittered at that. It could have passed for sentiment if he hadn’t mentioned the money.

“I propose we relieve ourselves of the stress her naughtiness caused. We’re but simple men after all, and we carry a lot of failings. Although some more than others.” Most likely, the bastard was born evil. Geralt had a tender voice which carried mischief. That illusion of kindness surprised him half the time, considering his built and ugly face. Not that the bulge in his pants had twitched after he talked. None of that.

“What do you propose my righteous companion?” Geralt smiled at that. For the compliment, sarcasm or evil thoughts lurking in his head, he couldn’t say.

“Aghhh,” Geralt slowly groaned. “Ahhh…” he whimpered as the boot came off, flying by at flashing speed.

“Are you done? Just take off the other shoe and stop making a show of it, ” he snarled, “I’m waiting.” His enormous companion had some grace to him, though. Standing there on one leg, he focused his whole being on that dirty boot.

“Grace? Blood and bloody hell. The Gorgon must be affecting him, best be done with it.”

“Eh Boss?” Geralt whimpered as he struggled with the second boot. To which he responded with a silent glare as he knelt over the creature’s head.

Sensing his presence, the creature burst with energy. Fighting against her bonds and screaming in a shrill, inhumanly language, with what must have been curses and insults.

He did automatically the only sensible thing anyone would do. He plunged his cock deep into her mouth. That did not shut her up, though. Saliva bubbles began to pop up at the base of his cock, so he ran it deeper down her tight throat. He never felt so good in his whole life; shivers ran through him as she continued to gurgle around his shaft. He only now noticed that it possessed a slightly pink flesh hue to it. Which only increased his arousal.

“Wait for me! I’m ready Rand!” An excited voice cried out. That made him reconnect with the present like a cold shower. Never before had any of his minions addressed him by his name.

He seemed hypnotised by Geralt’s swinging cock, as he walked towards the other side of the Gorgon. He tried to stare at it nonchalantly. He just has a bigger one. Enormous one. He doesn’t know how to use it… does he? Geralt clearing his throat interrupted his thoughts. Nonchalant! Nonchalantly!

“Hm?” He responded trying to sound uninterested. “Yes?”

“I claim her feet. I’ll do her feets!” He bleated challengingly, with his newly adopted hungry voice. His long thick cock seemed to perk up and down, at the rhythm of his voice. Nonchalant! Try to focus on something else.

“Err…” Feet’s? He would have to change his recruiting methods.

“Why, of course, my large membraned friend.” The fuck! “Reckon you always had an eye for the best prizes, eh?” His companion seemed to cringe at the word friend but took the permission with relief. As if he expected a fight over it, he plunged towards her naked feet, tongue already out in anticipation.

Slow precious minutes passed as they continued their mouth fucking and feet licking. The Gorgon had stopped wriggling minutes ago and seemed now to take pleasure as she licked Rand’s cock, every now and then before he plunged it down again.





It was an odd clash of spit, tongue, and suction. He could not take his eyes off his underling, all previous discretion forgotten.

“Owww fuck. No. Not yet! I’ll cum…!” Geralt screeched as he gave her toes the last lick. Cumming came at that. A wonder he lasted so long, wiggling as he was while licking those feet. How someone could come by doing that, he couldn’t say.

“Enough ah, sex, ah, for me.” He stuttered panting. Sex? However, considering his girth, this was probably the closest he’d ever get to actual sex. Slowly, like an actual flower at night, he closed himself in a ball and lay curled on the ground. A moment passed.

“Geralt?” It seemed he was all alone with the Gorgon. She seemed to notice too, for she accelerated her gurgles and tongue play. He had no choice but to cum, which he did deep in her throat, only retiring his cock from her swollen lips when she had swallowed it all.

Her breasts heaving up and down as she caught her breath.

“Libère-moi et baise moi,” she rasped uncertainly, “Liberarme y folla me.” Was she trying to communicate? “Free me and fuck me,” she finally said.

“Yes!” He screamed excitedly. “Well, yes.

I’ll gladly fuck you, but freeing you is another matter.” Silence.

“Have you got a big cock?” She whispered. Eh?

“Have I what?” Is this one of those trap question? “No… Well, I reckon I’ve seen bigger pricks.” Another silence. He could hear Geralt’s slow breathing as he slept. Fuck, why didn’t he say big cock?

“Err… are you still asking?” Pause. “For being ploughed that is.” He rectified mouth dry.

“Yes…” she seemed now to hesitate. “Take me and impregnate me with a human child?” An odd request but he did not need to be told twice this time.

He circulated around the Gorgon placing himself between her thighs and was astonished at how wet she already was. As he entered the Gorgon, she began to moan loudly, switching between languages.

“knulla mig! ебать мяне…” He pounded her pussy hard. Getting more and more speed, as he felt her wetness drip down his cock with each thrust.

He grabbed those perfectly sized breasts in each hand and squeezed, violently. Her nipples seemed to pop-up at that, the most beautiful pink he had ever seen. Didn’t take him long to bite and chew them. She howled at that.

“OWHHHHHH. Yes human, yes. Please, harder…” His kiss cut her off, not wanting Geralt waking up. Her mouth was warm and sticky with what seemed his own cum. He tasted it, sucking and swirling his tongue around hers, cutting off her cries.

“Mghhhhh…” she purred incoherently. Their bodies becoming sweaty, and producing those noises only wet-bodies can, as they slammed together.

“Urrrr…” he grunted.

“Ah!” She gasped, as her pussy clenched around his cock. “Cum in me. Come with me.” She begged, beginning to tremble uncontrollably. He choked her and clenched harder as he came, watching her eyes roll back.

He rolled to the side breathless as he started to feel dizzy. Also tired, very tired.

Oh no, Geralt, do not… God, it feels so good. Don’t stop now you piece of…

“Having sweet dreams sweetheart?” Cold slow panic washed over him. He couldn’t move his hand, nor his feet. “Open your eyes. It seems we have an unfinished business me and you.” A slurred feminine voice said as she giggled.

He slowly opened his eyes, to find himself staring at yellow, lizard ones.

Women are known to be unnecessarily vengeful. Give them a good cause, and abandon all hopes of forgiveness.

Nobody told him about Gorgons, though. But looking at that perfectly symmetric face and sharp eyes, he had no doubt that next minutes wouldn’t be pleasant.

“How…?” He whispered in a trembling voice. “I had you tied up.” Where is my sword god dammit. The cunt… my clothes!

“Well my dear, what an idea to bind me using my own serpents,” She chuckled, “Original at best. But like all human things, lacking insight.”

But under her haughty air, he could still detect some traces of their prior activities. Her pale face possessed now a rosy tone on the cheeks, and her nipples were still hard. The Gorgon appeared to be clueless of the hand caressing her legs, arousal written all over her body.

I either try or die.

“You won’t kill me.”

“Won’t I?” She seemed genuinely surprised.

At least I hope so. “You will not,” Risking a little smirk, “Because you know that you liked it. And what I gave to you was just a taste.”

She seemed to hesitate at that. Eyes searching, as he tried to maintain an unreadable face.

His prick gave the lie as he spoke, erecting on his own. Well, cock, if we die, know that I’m proud of you, always.

“Mhhh… You may be right. I shall keep you, a while longer that is. Please me.”

He grinned at that, brimming with newly found confidence.

“I hope my cock isn’t a too deceiving sight, Mrs Gorgon, but it sure won’t reach you there.”

Her face lit up with amusement, as she swaggered towards him. Hips balancing with each step in a sensual, provocative dance.

His cock kept growing more erect. Well fuck. Maybe it will really reach her there.

“Do not presume too much adventurer; you are a breathing dead man.”Better than a non-breathing one. He didn’t dare push his luck, though. “You may call me Sanskrit,” she said.

“And you may call me Daddy’s big fat dick.” Her eyebrows rose at that.

“Well I’m a dead man anyways, might as well go down in style.” He shrugged. Damn you wit. There you have it, we’re dead this time.

That condescending chuckle again. “Your naughtiness has doomed you. Yet you do persist. Have you forgotten you are at my mercy, human?”

“Are you implying of possessing any?” He retorted.

Sanskrit smiled. “I must admit of not being diverted like this in centuries. I’ll indulge you… Daddy.” Mocking him. Oh, kneel before Daddy. “Other victims can be so dull,” She said, tracing her pointy black nail down his chest.  “But you won’t bore me… will you ?” Down his abdomen.

“I…” Her hand now reached the base of his cock, grasping it as she kneeled before him.

Any time now he would feel her voluptuous wet lips around the head of his cock. And her soft, long tongue.

Oh, wait. The feeling was different this time, her mouth was tighter, equally wet but with a permanent suction feeling. Looking down he saw what was happening.

What the fuck! The fuck, the fuck! Where his cock should’ve been, there was a snake, thicker than most, for it was sucking his cock, as Sanskrit played with his balls. Sucking and massaging them, slowly and sensually.

“Oh yes, best blowjob ever.”

“What about this ?” He tensed as he felt a snake approach his butt-hole. Prying a way trough his clenched ass.

“Hey listen. Don’t do this, please. Hey ! Listen…” the words died in his mouth as it got in. Performing back and forth movements.

Being milked by a snake, while both of his balls in her mouth as she sucked them. But the best was the sensation in his ass, as it dropped with lubrification overflow. He never knew being penetrated felt so good.

Like every great moment, this one came to an end rather quickly as he came for the second time today, into the snake. He watched the snake get filled with the load coming from his throbbing dick. Sanskrit smacked her lips hungrily at that as if she could taste his cum and found it delicious. 

He tried to sit and catch some breath as she jolted up. In one movement she grabbed his throat in one hand. Lifting him up one foot into the air.

“You will not rest. This is merely the beginning,” she whispered menacingly.

“Urgh, yeurgh!”

“Yes I will, please let me please you. Fair is fair.” Once his feet touched the ground, he’d make the lizard whore pay.

“How can I please you? Sanskrit, I will let you know that I’m pretty well acquainted with the Kamasutra.”

“I think not. A man like you wouldn’t be able excel in advanced sex, I’m afraid. Yet I still have a use for you.” She glanced at his returned erection lustily.

“Well… thank you? Nonetheless, I must assure you of my flexibility. I do pride myself…”

“No.” Piercing eyes now focused on his.

“You will be Zeus, Father of all. And act accordingly.”

“Hahahahaha. Oh god haha, seriously?” No response. Piercing eyes still glaring at his.

“Ah well, let me be Zeus – Father of all. Reckon I have a bit of godliness in me, eh? How do you want it done?”

“Tyrannically,” a cold whisper said.

“Oh yes, I like the sound of it. Tyrannosexually are we now?”

Iris focused on his. 

“Alright, shall we get started?” Silence.

“Uhm, right. I Lord Zeus! COMMAND YOU to bend the knee!” She will like it bold. And godly, being a god and all. “Or you shall have a taste of my thunder.” A cough. “I mean lightning!”

An irritated sigh was all the praise he got for his godly performance. 

“I may have misjudged you, or in any case, your acting skills. Nonetheless, you are here, one-step away from eternal contemplation. Shall I give you one more chance?” sanskrit said, slowly rubbing her eyes in a restless way. She looked up again. 

“It starts now.”

And he punched her. 




Published 8 years ago

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