The weekend away had been amazing. They had spent many hours talking and really exploring their relationship and where it was going. Some conversations had been had lying on the lawn under the warm sun. Some conversations had been had sitting on large beanbags in the cellar, next to each other, but either side of the locked iron bars.
It was a week later and they had just returned from a Friday night out with friends. In the restaurant, they had sat at opposite ends of a table of eight, but had still been unable to keep their eyes of each other as they ate. At one point, the friend sitting next to Tom had slipped her hand under the table and placed it on his thigh. She had only been an inch away from the chastity cage and from then on Tom had been careful to watch her every move.
Tom used his key to open the Yale lock on their apartment door. They always used this lock and it gave more than enough security. Hannah had, however, added a high security dead lock for which Tom had no key. She loved having the power to lock him in, or lock him out at will, usually when he least expected it.
Hannah had been building up the courage to introduce her new toy for a few days now and as it was Friday and as she’d had a few drinks, this was as good a time as any. She showered slowly and came out of the shower with a white towel wrapped around her. The towel just about covered from her butt to breasts and looked liked the world’s skimpiest dress.
She sat down on the edge of the bed and towel dried her hair. Tom was now in the shower and so she pulled out a small package which she had hidden in her bottom drawer, hidden inside her folded jeans.
Tom finished in the bathroom and walked back into the bedroom wearing only his chastity cage. As had become customary, he knelt down on the floor in front of his girlfriend and kissed the inside of her bare thighs. Hannah giggled and opened her legs a little further, not wanting to get in his way.
“Well if you want me to make love to you, you’ll have to unlock me.”
This was the only time of the day where she let Tom take control. She would release him from the cage, and often other restraints, and then his size and strength gave him a natural advantage.
She loved it when he lay on top of her on the bed and pinned her hands down. Sometimes he would sit astride her and use his legs to pin her arms to her sides. Like this, he could kiss her or tickle her and she would just wriggle helplessly beneath him as she became more and more turned on.
A few times, at her request, he had slid forward and sat over her neck with his strong thighs towering up either side of her face. After proving to herself that she couldn’t escape, she had moved her mouth inside his boxers and done to him what he had done to her so many times before.
But tonight would be different, she would stay in control. The thought excited her and she had a feeling that Tom wouldn’t mind either. That said, she was still a little apprehensive, as this would be as personal as it could get.
“Hannah, the keys?”
“Not tonight, as least not yet.”
“Well my cock is pretty much useless without your keys.”
“Be patient honey.”
Hannah picked up her new toy and started to unscrew it with the special Allen type key.
“What’s that?”
“Let me show you.”
Hannah then took the small, one inch long device and held it against the bottom of Tom’s nose. With one curved bar inside each of his nostrils, she slowly tightened the screw so that the bars closed around the small strip of gristle at the base of his nose.
“Does that hurt?”
“No. What is it?”
“What about now?”
Hannah continued to turn the key very slowly until she was satisfied that the device wouldn’t come off.
“A nose shackle, what do you think?!”
Hannah removed the small key, lent back and crossed her legs and arms a little apprehensive of how Tom would react.
Tom felt with his hands and soon realised that it wouldn’t come off without ripping off the base of his nose. He tried to turn the screw with his fingers, but of course that wasn’t possible.
“Not without the key,” Hannah whispered and then gently bit his ear.
She stood up, stepped over Tom head and pulled a pair of hinged cuffs from her underwear drawer. With no naked woman sitting in front of him, Tom climbed to his feet and watched as Hannah gently took his wrists, positioned them behind his back and locked them together.
As she did so, her towel fell to the ground to reveal her naked body. She instinctively tried to grab it before it hit the floor, but then stopped herself. Given what she had planned for him, there really was no reason to hide her body.
Hannah then took a long pink ribbon and threaded it through the small metal ring on the front of the nose shackle. She then knotted it so that the shackle was attached to the midpoint of the ribbon. She pulled very gently on the ribbon to bring him closer to her.
“You see, there is no fighting against this ribbon, wherever it goes, you follow.”
Hannah loved the fact that with only a gently tug on the ribbon, she could lead his muscular body wherever she wanted. She gave him a quick kiss on the lips before walking over to her wardrobe and unthreading a thick brown belt from the belt hoops of her jeans. She then buckled the belt around her naked waist.
“Nice outfit,” Tom smiled.
“It’s just as well you like it, you’ll be seeing more of it tonight….”
Hannah continued to lead him by the nose around the room and then over to their bed. With Tom kneeling next to the bed, she placed the ribbon on the white sheets and then sat down on top of it, only an inch from Tom’s face. She crossed her legs and looked down at him.
“See if you can get up, sweetheart.”
Tom pulled on the ribbon, but the limited force he could apply without hurting his nose, wasn’t enough to pull the ribbon out from under her. Hannah giggled.
She then lay back on the bed and wrapped the ribbon around her thigh and tied it in a bow. Again Tom tried to pull away.
“Tethered like a dog, gorgeous.”
“I’m not complaining,”
Tom positioned his head between her thighs and started to kiss her clit. He knew from experience that within a minute Hannah would be aroused and that that would maximise his chances of being unlocked and allowed to make love to the beautiful woman.
“Hey, stop it!”
Hannah knew she had to slow things down. She untied the ribbon from her thigh and lay down on her side. She then very gently and slowly pulled his head so that it was again between her legs, but this time with his face up against her butt. She then ran one end of the ribbon up her backside and tied it on to the back of the belt. She then ran the other end of the ribbon back between her legs and tied it on to the front of her belt.
“How does that feel?” she asked, peering over her hip to see him.
Tom explored the new position and found that whatever he tried, he couldn’t move his nose more than an inch from her naked butt, and more importantly his mouth couldn’t reach her clit.
“I can’t reach you from here.”
“I know. You’ll just have to ‘kiss my ass’ instead.”
Tom ran his lips over her butt and smiled as small goose bumps appeared. He then gently bit her, with just the right force to get a cry of pleasure from her.
As usual, Tom seemed to be able to tease her and turn her on even from the most restricted positions. Hannah had imagined him being much more helpless and smiled as she thought through her next move.
She untied the ribbon that was attached to the back of her belt and started to pull it tighter. As she did so, the ribbon disappeared between her cheeks and Tom’s nose had no choice but to follow.
Both ends of the ribbon were now pulled tight and the material felt nice rubbing against her clit. But Tom’s face, now buried into the lower part of her butt, felt even nicer.
“How does it feel now?”
“Very intimate,” Tom mumbled, his voice almost incomprehensible.
“It’s not that intimate, this is how I greet all my friends.”
“Hannah, it feels like I’m inside your bum!”
“Well, try and get out then, I’ll give you a chance.”
With that, Hannah lifted her top thigh to take the pressure of Tom’s neck. Tom was now able to climb to his knees and manoeuvred himself as best he could with cuffed hands. He tried pulling his nose straight out, then up, then down towards her crotch. He then tried to twist, but nothing would even get his nose out from between Hannah’s cheeks.
Hannah tried hard to suppress her delight as she watched his big muscular body try in vain to free itself from her bum. The day before, she had practiced this position with the teddy bear that Tom had won for her from the fair. The bear’s soft pointy nose had felt good, but this felt ten times better.
She could feel his warm breathe against her skin and nose tickle her. But best of all, she loved listening to his moans, a mix of frustration, amazement and increasingly, excitement. The teddy bear hadn’t done that!
“Okay I give up.”
“Oh dear, you really are going to be in trouble now then…”
Hannah squeezed her thighs tightly around his neck, while at the same time tensing her butt so that her cheeks closed around Tom’s nose. She then bent her knees until her heels were pushing against the back of his head and pushing him further inside.
Tom relaxed for a moment before realising that his nose and mouth were sealed and that trying to breathe only created a vacuum. His struggling started to arouse her and she held on for a few seconds longer than she knew she should. When she did relax her thighs, Tom was breathing hard and his cock was bulging out of the cage.
“I assume I have your complete obedience now?”
Out of the corner of his eye, Tom could just see past her butt and across the bedroom. That all felt a long way away and completely out of his reach. Hannah gave him a quick tense of her thighs.
“Yes sweetheart, mistress, honey, whatever,” he smiled as he relaxed back into her butt.
Hannah laughed and then inadvertently did a little fart.
“Oh I’m so sorry!”
She quickly tried to untie the ribbon but the knot had pulled tight. She swore to herself as she picked at the knot with her nails.
“Don’t worry honey, its fine.”
“Oh I can’t get this know undone.”
She was embarrassed and cross with herself, but amazingly Tom didn’t seem to mind. She tried to imagine what that must have been like, but her thoughts were soon distracted by the quiet moans of pleasure coming from her shackled boyfriend. She looked down at butt and her thighs. She had been to the gym every day this week and they were really looking good.
Now just about able to breathe, Tom was enjoying the experience. He may have been completely trapped, but her warm butt felt fantastic against his face.
“How long are you keeping me here?”
“How long would you like to stay there?”
“I thought you were in charge, sweetheart?”
Tom knew that would provoke her and sure enough, she tensed her thighs.
Ten minutes later, Hannah untied the ends of the ribbon and rolled over so that she could see him. Tom’s face was flushed and glimmered from perspiration. She felt a little self-conscious and modestly rolled on to her front. Although, his big brown eyes were looking lovingly up at her, which told her that she should carry on.
Hannah turned around so that Tom’s head was again between her thighs, but this time his face was resting against her clit. Again she tied both ends of the ribbon to the front and back of the belt, but less tightly than before. In this position, she could now look down and see his eyes.
“What do you think?”
“Fuck, you’re incredible!”
A big smile came across Hannah’s face.
“Since you’re down there…”
“Yes?” Tom asked teasingly.
“You know.”
“Do I?”
“Tom, stop it. I mean start it. You know what I mean!”
“Sorry Hannah, you’ll have to explain.”
Hannah tightened her thighs and squeezed. Tom smiled back at her innocently at first, but then he felt the pressure building around his neck. He looked up at her big determined eyes, her pert little nose that turned slightly up at the end and her lips that were squeezed closed. It was time to get to work.
Tom loved to listen to Hannah orgasm, it was a mix of breathing, almost purring and cries of pleasure. Once she was satisfied, she lay still catching her breath. Her hair lay randomly around her head. She smiled down at him and started to run her fingers around the features on his face. Tom kissed her clit and Hannah’s body jumped.
She untied the ribbon, stood up and led him like a horse into the shower. She tied the ribbon to the metal shower head above where he stood.
“I love being able to tether you with just a pink ribbon.”
“I can tell.”
“And you really can’t do anything to get away.”
“Oh I can, but my nose won’t come with me.”
She knelt down and put the chastity cage in her mouth.
“Hannah, please, I can’t take it.”
She looked up and smiled.
She then left the shower and returned with a key that she held between her lips. She knelt down and with the key still between her lips, ran its tip around his waist and down to his crotch. By the time the brunette actually unlocked the cage, Tom was almost crying out her name.
Hannah untied the ribbon and unlocked the cuffs before turning on the water. They then spent the next thirty minutes in the steam engulfed cubicle making out time after time.
They dried and lay on the bed together, Tom pulling at the nose shackle.
“How do get this off?”
“It doesn’t undo, sorry.”
“Yes it does, give me the key.”
Hannah threw a pillow at him, which started a pillow fight which Tom won. Hannah looked out from under a pile of pillows.
“Don’t you want to keep it on tonight?”
“You mean do I want to spend the night with my nose secured to your crotch?”
“Well if that’s what you really want, honey.”
“I’ll wear some panties…. your favourite ones?”
“Is that your idea of compromise?”
“I think I’m being very reasonable.”
Tom looked over at Hannah’s butt. Shit, she was cute.
“Front or back?” he asked.
“Back, just for a few minutes while I read my book.”
Hannah lay on her side, with Tom’s head between her legs and tied the ribbon to the front and back of her belt. Hannah hadn’t cuffed him and so he could have untied himself at any point, but instead he chose to lay his head on the inside of her thigh, close his eyes and within a minute he fell asleep.
Hannah pulled him tight against her and closed her legs to make sure that he didn’t inadvertently turn in the night and hurt his nose. Once she was happy that Tom was secure, she too fell asleep.
Tom woke early the next in need of some water and it took a couple of seconds to work out where he was. Once his memory had returned, he started to untie both ends of the ribbon. Due to Hannah having tightened the knots, this wasn’t easy.
He gently eased himself out from her thighs, which were slightly sweaty from having spent the night wrapped around his neck. He took a drink and then walked to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. He untied the ribbon from the nose shackle and then with the aid of a screwdriver, tried to undo the shackle from his nose. After a frustrating ten minutes, he gave up and took a long hot shower.
By the time Hannah had awoken, showered and dressed in blue jeans and pink t-shirt, Tom was sitting in the kitchen drinking black coffee. He looked up as she walked in.
“Good morning.”
Hannah giggled.
“I was going to run down to the cafe to buy you coffee and breakfast, but….”
“But you have a lump of steel locked to your nose,” Hannah helpfully finished the sentence for him.
“You noticed.”
“Well, I’ll go instead.”
While Tom did want a decent coffee, Hannah’s solution didn’t solve all of his issues. Hannah kissed him on the cheek and picked up her purse and keys.
“Well if you’ll take this off I can come with you,” he offered.
“Oh yes, the girl in the cafe.”
Tom remembered their earlier visit and his playful banter with the friendly serving girl. Despite the fact that he had been there with Hannah, the girl had gone out of her way to smile and wink at him. He had been flattered. Hannah hadn’t been impressed, though. She jealously guarded her relationship with Tom and was quick to take offense if other women were too friendly. She put down her purse.
“Okay, on two condition.”
“You don’t know want I’m going to say.”
“I’ll take my chances.”
“First condition is I lock you in the chastity cage.”
Okay, he wouldn’t be able to fuck the girl at the cafe, but then he wasn’t planning on that.
“Second condition is that these will stay in your mouth until we return.”
With that Hannah held up the black silk panties that she had worn yesterday.
“But I won’t be able to talk.”
“It your choice.”
Fuck she was sexy when she was in this mood. Determined, mean and bitchy, it was a combination Tom couldn’t resist. Especially when every now and again her act failed and a cute smiled crept over her face, or better still, when she couldn’t hide her arousal.
Tom unbuttoned himself and positioned the cock ring and cage and held them in place waiting for the denim clad brunette to lock him up. Hannah secured the two piece of steel together with the padlock and then theatrically dropped the key into the front of her knickers.
“Are you sure it won’t fall out?”
“You have a spare?”
“So if it does fall out?”
Hannah put her arms around him, kissed him and whispered into his ear.
“You’re fucked, honey.”
They laughed.
Tom then opened his mouth and let Hannah stuff her dirty silk underwear inside. He closed his mouth and used his tongue to position it so that no one would notice.
“And your mouth stays closed until we return, understood.”
Tom smiled and Hannah couldn’t help but smile back. She then pulled a small Allen key from her jeans pocket and used it to unscrew the shackle.
They left the flat and walked the five minutes to the cafe. As they walked, Tom’s hand slipped from Hannah’s waist down to her butt.
“You’re brave.”
Tom pinched her.
“Very brave!”
The same serving girl was on duty and smiled to Tom as they entered. She looked disappointed when Tom barely acknowledged her.
“Much better, sweetheart, it’s amazing what a pair of panties can do.”
The mix of danger and dominance brought about by being gagged in public with Hannah’s panties was really turning Tom on. A feeling only heightened as he watched Hannah’s denim clad butt standing at the counter. He pulled out his phone and texted Hannah ‘Nice butt!”
He watched as she pulled her mobile from her back pocket and read the text. Tom then watched as Hannah pretended to stand with her hands on her hips, but instead slid her hands down so that they were massaging her own butt. The serving girl kept looking over at Tom, but his eyes stayed firmed glued to Hannah.
Hannah sipped her coffee as they walked back, something Tom couldn’t do. It didn’t matter, when they got home, Tom would get coffee and more, much more.
It was Friday night and Tom was in the elevator on his way up to their apartment. It had been a hard week at work with difficult negotiations with banks and investors and he desperately needed to wind down. In the past that would have meant a bottle of wine and then on to the spirits, but not anymore. He knew that Hannah had something planned for them and that she would soon take him to a whole new world of fantasy and escapism.
Hannah was constantly thinking up new games and ways to explore their shared passion. She had recently introduced a new game that had made Tom more focused than usual on his girlfriend’s underwear.
It had started a few weeks back, after they had made love together. Hannah had been picking up her clothes, which as usual had ended up all over the bedroom, when she had decided to put her dirty knickers over Tom’s head.
The elastic material had clung to his face and moulded itself around his features. Hannah had run her fingers over them, exploring how the material clung to every chiselled contour. She had felt herself becoming more and more aroused and had ordered Tom to leave them on his head until the morning. Given that it was already 1am and he was exhausted, he had happily compiled.
When Tom had awoken the next morning, everything still looked dark and blurry through her black panties. Hannah was cuddling up to him and he kissed her on the lips. She kissed back, even though she was actually kissing her own underwear.
“Permission to remove your panties?”
She had hugged him more tightly and shook her head. It was just another secret that they shared, one that no-one else would ever know. A successful guy, an attractive, slightly shy woman, a social couple. But no-one would ever understand the real magic in their relationship.
While Hannah would only choose to play this particular game once or twice a week, timing was completely at her discretion. Every day Tom would admire her outfit and wonder what was underneath and what that might feel, smell and taste like. Every night just before they turned out the light, Tom knew that his world might become filtered through the brunette’s used underwear, still warm as the elastic pulled tight over his face.
Not that Tom minded at all, and he had on occasion he had felt a little disappointed when she placed all her clothes in the washing basket instead. The underwear felt nice on his face, her beautiful scent giving him a permanent reminder as he drifted to asleep. It also felt nice to be claimed, to be wanted by someone so beautiful.
Hannah loved Tom’s obedience, knowing that once positioned, he would never remove them until morning. She would look at him as he lay next to her and see a physical demonstration of his complete trust and commitment to her. Added to that, the anticipation of what she might do with her panties when she returned home from work, aroused and distracted her throughout the day. In private, she would rub her hands over her butt and imagine his fate.
Some mornings Hannah would stand in front of the full length mirror teasing Tom while trying on different underwear. Tom would watch with interest and amusement. ‘Do you think you’ll be able to breathe in these, sweetheart?’ Or, ‘would you prefer cotton or silk tonight, honey?’ She also enjoyed sending him regular updates throughout the day and sometimes even photos of the garment in question.
Tom had joking offered to but her some g-strings, which would have both revealed much more of her butt and have been less all encompassing around his face. After a playful smack on his hand, she had instead threatened to buy even tighter underwear in future.
The elevator doors opened and Tom’s thoughts returned to what she might have planned for him this particular Friday evening. Wearing his suit without a tie and his shirt undone a couple of buttons, he walked through the front door and stopped and stared.
It was Hannah, but he had to look twice to make sure. She was standing in the middle of the open plan living area dressed as an air hostess. She was wearing a long blonde wig, which hung down over her shoulders and her makeup was much heavier than usual, particularly around her big brown eyes.
Hannah stood in front of him, one hand on her hip as he studied her outfit. She was wearing a red skirt suit with gold insignia over a white blouse. The jacket was buttoned halfway up and was tightly pleated around her waist.
“Good evening sir, welcome aboard,” Hannah said in a slight accent.
Tom was still staring. She was even wearing different perfume.
“Wow, it really doesn’t look like you.”
“I’m sorry sir?”
Hannah had positioned chairs in a row to recreate an aeroplane. She showed Tom to a chair that they had recent bought at an art market. It was like a regular dining chair, but made from curved pieces of wrought iron. It was incredibly heavy, something Tom knew well after having carried it from the market and back to their car.
“Can I get you a drink, sir?”
“A beer would be great.”
Tom watched Hannah walk to the fridge, it really was a tight skirt. This was his kind of role play, beer and a sexy outfit, although he knew that Hannah wouldn’t be this accommodating for long. He watched as she turned and a mischievous smile crossed her face.
“I’m sorry sir, but we’ve had a complaint about your behaviour,” Hannah said seriously as she returned without his beer, but with plastic zip ties in her hand.
“And under flight regulations I’m afraid I will have to restrain you for the remainder of the flight.”
It was as if the words were being spoken by a stranger. The play acting, the voice, the hair and the outfit all seemed very real.
“I’ll have to ask you to put your hands on your arm rests sir.”
Tom looked up and smiled, but the serious look on Hannah’s face soon made him stop.
“I hope you’re not going to resist.”
Resisting any order from Hannah was near impossible for Tom. He positioned his arms as instructed and watched as she tightened the plastic straps around his wrists and the metal frame of the chair.
“That’s quite tight.”
That was the wrong thing to say, as Hannah then tightened them further. And as she did so, she couldn’t help but smile. She then crouched down carefully because of the tight skirt, and used two more zip ties to secure his ankles to the chair legs. Within seconds Tom was helpless.
“Sorry sir, let me get your beer.”
Hannah curtseyed slightly, turned and walked back to the fridge. She returned and placed the beer bottle in Tom’s restrained hand.
“Very amusing, umm…. ‘blonde Hannah’!”
Hannah giggled, dropping her act for a moment. She then sat down on his lap, turned her head and kissed Tom. Wow. She always found that the more she restrained him, the more passionate his kisses. She assumed that was simply because under such circumstances it was even more important to please her.
“I don’t think the airline would approve,” he smiled kissing back.
Hannah ignored him and positioned a stool in front of Tom’s chair and sat down facing him.
“Crew please be seated for landing,” she giggled.
She looked down at Tom from her much higher stool, crossed her legs and ran her tongue around her lips. Her boring week at work was now completely forgotten, as she completely immersed herself in yet another fantasy with her fantastic guy.
Tom could feel the pressure build inside the chastity cage. Shit, how he wanted to take her right there and then. He really struggled against the zip ties and watched as Hannah unsuccessfully tried to hide her arousal.
Hannah uncrossed her legs and opened them as far as the skirt would allow. She watched him carefully, a teasing look in her eyes. Tom was strong, and right then was using all of his strength against the zip cuffs. He knew that if he could break free, then she was his. He would pick up the blonde air hostess, carry her into the bedroom and do whatever he wanted with her. He knew from experience that she would love whatever he did.
Hannah continued to watch him struggle. She had Googled how much force was required to break the zip ties and so knew that he hadn’t a hope. She pulled her skirt halfway up her thighs and opened her legs a little wider.
Hannah eventually stood and pulled her skirt back down. She carefully tilted Tom’s chair backwards and lowered it on to the floor. Hannah then walked back and forth, her heels only an inch from where Tom’s head rested.
“Red panties as well, you really are a company girl,” he observed, having good reason to pay attention the blonde’s underwear.
Hannah looked down at his strong, restrained body, his eyes were following her every movement, his lips slightly apart with anticipation. The urge to pull up her skirt and kneel down over his mouth was almost too much to resist. It reminded her of some of the things she did when she was younger.
She would often take a soft toy, or even an old doll, and tie its hands and feet together with a ribbon or belt or whatever she had to hand. Then, wearing her briefest underwear and with her pretend victim lying on her bed, she’d sit on top of it, her legs open, her victims head just sticking out between her thighs. With one hand, she’d pull its head into her crotch and massage it from side to side. Her old teddy bear’s face was now very worn, although no one, not even Tom knew why.
Once finished, she would stay sitting on her prey, talking to it, pretending that beneath her was the man of her dreams. She’d brush her long hair, continually looking down between her legs at the helpless toy. Now her toy was real and it really was the man of her dreams.
Tom could tell that her mind was wondering. She stopped walking and knelt down by his head, again careful of her tight skirt. She could feel the cheap polyester of the uniform sliding against her silk underwear. It felt nice and she moved her hips from side to side to feel it again. Would she use that on him tonight? Possibly.
She saw that Tom was still holding his beer and amazingly hadn’t spilt a drop, even when she’d tipped him backwards on to the floor. She took the bottle from Tom’s hand and slowly poured a little into his open mouth. He automatically smiled. What was it with guys and beer? She poured some more, but a little too quickly and he coughed.
“Oh I’m sorry.”
He coughed again and went slightly red in the face, but soon recovered and opened his mouth for more.
“It’s good to see that blonde Hannah is so considerate.”
“Don’t speak too soon!”
“I guess it’s all relative, brunette Hannah can be a right sadistic bitch.”
Hannah reacted instinctively with a slight intake of breathe. Damn! She knew Tom was just teasing her. And now he was smiling. Shit.
“Careful mister, look where you are and where I am.”
“If I don’t release you, how long will you stay tied to that chair?”
“I’m cool.”
“How long?”
Tom thought about the question for a moment and then struggled again against his bonds, she was right, he was helpless.
“I could leave you tied to the chair all weekend!”
“I could call for help.”
“And I could gag you… you know what with.”
They both loved these conversations and they watched each other intently for a few moments. Hannah then stood back up with one foot either side of his head.
“I know that brunette Hannah would never agree to this, but could you unlock the chastity cage?”
“And you think I will?”
She looked down at him. Which way would she play it? She pulled down his boxers.
“This outfit really works for you, doesn’t it?”
Hannah walked over to her handbag and picked up her key ring, which these days held over twenty keys. She jangled them like a medieval jailer above him. She then crouched down so that her butt rested gently on his face and unlocked the steel cage.
“Don’t get used to this treatment, brunette Hannah will be back soon.”
Seeing an opportunity for a little fun, Tom used his head to nudge Hannah’s hips, which made her lose her balance and she had to use her hands to stop herself falling over. She stood up and placed one shoe next to his now unprotected balls.
“Please no!”
“Don’t worry, I have a better plan. A return trip in the cargo hold.”
Tom looked confused as Hannah walked into their bedroom and out of sight. Once there, she couldn’t resist the chance to touch her butt in the tight shiny skirt. When she finally returned, she wheeled behind her a very large suitcase. She laid it down next to him and started to unzip.
“Borrowed it from Kate, what do you think?”
“You’ll never fit the chair in.”
“I’m going to release you from that, you fool!”
“Then I might run away.”
“And miss out on the delights of being locked inside a suitcase by blonde Hannah? Who’s very considerate by all accounts.”
Hannah took some scissors and effortlessly released Tom from the zip ties. She then undressed him and down to his boxers ran her hands over his body. Shit, she didn’t want to wait too much longer. Tom could see that look in her eyes and ran his fingers up the inside of her skirt. Hannah moaned with pleasure, almost passing the point of no return, but pulled away just in time.
Following directions, Tom squeezed into the suitcase and Hannah folded the lid over on top of him. This was already turning her on and she hadn’t even zipped him up yet. She knelt on the lid as she started to pull the zips closed.
“Aha, you’re all done up!”
However the two zips just happened to be by Tom’s hands and using his finger tips, he started to pull one open.
“Hey, stop it!”
“Brunette Hannah would never make that kind of mistake.”
“Right I’m going to padlock you in.”
Tom could hear Hannah run to the bedroom. He could have unzipped himself, but being padlocked inside seemed like more fun. He heard her heels clip back and saw the zip slide shut again. A second later he heard a little click.
“Try and get out of that, Houdini,” she breathed as she stood back to watch.
Tom tried the zips again. He pulled one, but the other zip moved with it. He then pulled one zip one way and the other zip the other way. Nothing. He was hit by the usual shiver of excitement.
Hannah pulled the keys from the small padlock and let them drop to the floor. She carefully sat down on one end of the suitcase, on top of where his head would be, and put her legs out in front of her across the lid.
“That’s a bit mean of blonde Hannah, isn’t it?” she giggled as she wriggled herself above him.
Tom tried to push her off balance, but with almost no room for him to move, Hannah sat there easily able to ride his limited efforts. She stayed sitting on top of him until he was exhausted and lay motionless beneath her.
She then jumped up, there was only one more thing she wanted to do before she let him go free. She kicked off her high heels and after a struggle managed to lift the suitcase up on to its end and started to pull it across the room.
“Hey where are we going?”
“The cargo hold of the next flight back!”
Hannah put on her running shoes and dragged the suitcase out of the apartment, along the corridor and into the lift. Once they arrived in the basement, she wheeled the case over to their walk in storage locker. She unlocked the barred door and wheeled him inside. She positioned the case between their own suitcases and threw an old sheet over all three items of luggage. She then sat down on Tom’s case and described to Tom his predicament.
“That bitch, blonde Hannah, is going to leave you here.”
Tom was breathing hard with anticipation. Hannah was trembling with excitement and couldn’t keep her hands off her own legs. Fortunately there was no one who could see her.
“But luckily for you, brunette Hannah may let you out at the other end. Assuming of course blonde Hannah doesn’t take the keys to the suitcase with her…”
Tom cried out in pleasure. Hannah smiled, she more than felt the same way.
“Will brunette Hannah wear the red skirt?”
“From time to time,” she smiled.
Unable to control herself any longer, Hannah left the locker, padlocking it as she went. As quickly as possible in the tight skirt, Hannah ran back to the apartment and stripped off the uniform. She would have a head start tonight, but Tom wouldn’t be far behind.
Back in the locker it was dark and silent, the air was cool, although the temperature inside the suitcase was rising. Tom felt for the zip and managed to push one finger through to the outside. He felt the small luggage padlock. He tried to pull it open, he would love to see the look on Hannah’s face if he could get out. Although five minutes later he had given up. He would still be inside the suitcase when she returned. He really hoped that she wouldn’t keep him waiting for long.
Only ten minutes later, a slim brunette in white cotton shorts and fitted pink t-shirt casually walked into the basement. A bunch of keys in her hand, a smile on her face.
It was Saturday morning and already 10am. They had been at a friend’s house until past midnight and hadn’t got to sleep until gone two in the morning. Tom was still tired and slightly hung over, but this would hopefully be a very big day.
As he started to focus, he checked to make sure that he was free of chastity cage, panties and anything else that Hannah might have used on him. For once he was unrestrained. He looked at Hannah who was cuddling up against his chest with her long brown hair sprayed out in almost 360 degrees around her head.
He kissed her, eased out of her embrace and got up to get some water. By the time he returned, Hannah was kneeling on the bed, completely naked, with her big brown eyes watching him.
“What shall we do today?”
“It’s a secret,” Tom replied as he bent over to kiss her.
“Tell me!”
Hannah pulled him on to the bed and sat astride his chest, she would keep him pinned here until she had an answer. She ran her hands over his chest, feeling the muscles.
“You’ll find out soon enough, sweetheart.”
“Tell me!”
Tom rolled Hannah off, took her by the hand and led her in the shower and turned on the hot water. When they were done, he carried her out of the shower, with her legs wrapped around him, and deposited the cute brunette on the bed. He then opened Hannah’s wardrobe and lay his favourite yellow dress on the bed next to her. She had worn that dress the first time she had offered to be a dominatrix, the memory of which was still very clear in Tom’s mind. She had also worn the dress on other occasions where she had wanted to be at her most persuasive, such as when she’d locked him in a safe.
Without stopping for breakfast or even coffee, Tom took Hannah by the hand and led her down to the underground parking garage.
“Let’s take my car, I’ll drive.” Hannah said.
The very thought of Hannah’s car with its built in smother box turned Tom on and he was already getting hard simply from her suggestion. They would take her car, but Tom would drive for now. He sat in the driver’s seat, with the hole beneath him that was usually filled with his head, now filled with a cushion. Tom started the car and drove out of the garage and then out of the city.
He looked across at his girlfriend. Her initial excitement of dressing up and Tom taking her somewhere as a surprise was now tempered by the fact that he was driving. She sat on the ‘regular’ passenger seat, wishing that she he was underneath her, kissing her, massaging her, making it almost impossible for her to drive. Maybe he was starting to lose interest in that, maybe he was starting to lose interest in her. She hadn’t locked him in chastity before they left and he hadn’t even reminded her. She crossed her legs and arms and looked silently out of the window. Maybe she was crazy to think that he’d like her and her games forever.
Half an hour later they arrived at a restaurant perched on the side of a hill, overlooking the coastline. The waitress smiled at Tom as they walked in, but then that wasn’t unusual. The waitress led them to a private room furthest from the bar, showed them inside and then closed the door behind them.
Hannah walked over to the balcony and looked down over the steep cliff edge to the water beneath. She was about to speak when she turned around and saw Tom on one knee in front of her.
“Oh my God!” she held both hands to her mouth.
“Good to see you’re playing it cool.”
Hannah didn’t react for a few moments, but then walked closer until her dress was almost touching his face.
“Will you marry me?” he asked.
Hannah put her hands to her mouth again and turned away for a moment and then back to face him. Tom looked up at her almost uncontainable excitement. All she had to do now was to say yes, but then Hannah was never that accommodating or straightforward and would never pass up a chance to tease.
“You realised that you would be condemning yourself to a life of…. well, slavery!”
“Slavery? I hardly think so.”
“You don’t know what I have in mind.”
“That’s true, but…”
“And complete obedience.”
“I’m looking forward to that,” he smiled.
Hannah had now recomposed herself, which Tom knew would only make his task harder. She always took advantage of her power over him and he guessed that his proposition would be no exception. Hannah checked that the waitress wasn’t in sight before lifting her dress.
She stepped forward and dropped the dress back down with Tom’s head now inside. She could be crazy, but that was just one of the million reasons that he was so desperate to marry this fantastic girl. He gently kissed the front of her knickers. Surely no other guy in the history of the world had had to resort to this while proposing.
Hannah knew her answer, but even at a time like this she wanted to exert her power. His kisses felt fantastic. What must he be thinking inside there? How long could she keep him waiting under her dress? At all costs she had to accept his offer before he changed his mind. Hannah stepped back so that her dress pulled away from his head.
She looked down at his hopeful eyes, “Yes, I will!”
Tom jumped up and hugged her, lifting her off her feet and swinging her around. After kissing for a few more minutes the waitress coyly opened the door to give them the wine list. Tom studied the list and quickly ordered. He then asked the waitress for directions to the bathroom.
Hannah was sitting at the table, bouncing her legs excitedly under the table when Tom returned and sat down opposite her. Shit, he was sexy, could they do it here? Tom then dropped a small key on to the table in front of her.
“You forgot to lock me up this morning.”
“Yes I did.”
Hannah smiled, she always seemed to feel happier when his cock was in lock down. She hurriedly picked up the key, knocking her fork as she did so. She slipped it underneath her and sat down on top.
“I guess today of all days you should own me,” he smiled.
The conversation stopped as they both took in their new relationship.
“I’ve always wanted a house with a dungeon,” Hannah finally said, almost to herself.
“With a prison cell?
“Yes, with steel bars and a big padlock on the door,” Hannah fantasised.
“And a pool table?”
Hannah gave Tom her sternest look before they both laughed. Tom refilled their glasses and they both studied the menu. Hannah looked up, thinking hard.
“I probably keep you chained or cuffed for three or four hours a day…..umm, so you would be imprisoned for five years out of the next thirty!”
Tom put down the menu and thought about her love of putting her dirty underwear over his head at night, often a couple of times a week.
“And I will have your panties over my face for maybe three year.”
Hannah blushed and put her wine glass to her lips. The idea was both sexy and crazy at the same time.
They spent the next three hours in their private dining room, eating, drinking, talking, kissing. By the time they left, a storm was building out to sea. Tom drove as they travelled up the coast to a remote house only fifty metres back from the coast.
Once at the house, they changed and then Tom led Hannah back out and down the steep path to the beach. He was in board shorts and white t-shirt. She was in a short white flowery summer dress that reached halfway down her thighs, but the wind from the building storm meant that it blew up constantly revealing white cotton underwear. In her hand she carried a pair of cuffs, although Tom doubted that there would be much to cuff him to on the deserted, windswept beach.
They reached the beach and Tom picked her up and gave her a piggyback down to the water. Hannah laughed, wriggled and hugged him tightly as he pretended to drop her off in to the ocean. When he finally put her down on the beach, she was looking very sexy and determined.
“Come with me!” she shouted over the noise of the water and the wind.
She took his hand and led him up to the back of the beach. Hannah had seen an old metal sign which she thought would easily be strong enough to secure her fiancé. She positioned Tom next to it and pulled his hands behind his back and chained them around the metal post.
Her face was inches away from his, her long hair blowing out in front so that it touched his face. He studied her excited features, her dancing eyes, her perfect lips that looked as though they were about to kiss, her pert nose that looked just a tiny bit posh. She looked at him, amazed as always that someone so good looking should be so madly in love with her. He looked particularly rugged in the wind and she couldn’t help but kiss him.
It was still hot and the humidity was even higher, a sure sign that the storm was approaching. It was starting to rain with heavy drops of water falling. Hannah threw her hands up and danced in front of her helpless guy. Her dress was now soaked and she pulled it off over her head and it blew away before landing on the sand in front of Tom.
Hannah walked seductively up to him, removing her wet bra and underwear as she moved. She pulled down his shorts to reveal the locked chastity cage.
“Oh damn!” she cried.
“Wait here!”
Tom stood helplessly as Hannah, now completely naked, ran back up the steep path to the house. He watched her pert butt bounce away and out of sight. The rain was getting harder and the wind stronger, although he still felt hot, due in part to his incredible girlfriend.
Five minutes later Hannah ran back and this time Tom watched her modest, pert breasts bouncing around. She knelt down in front of him and quickly unlocked the padlock and freed his cock.
“Hannah, my hands,” he reminded her as he shook the manacles.
Hannah was already climbing on him and positioning herself to make love, but without him to hold her it was too hard.
“Lie down,” she ordered.
With Tom still chained to the post, they lay side by side on the sand and making out over and over. They were both drenched by the rain and the noise of the wind and the water was deafening. After a while when Tom was exhausted, Hannah knelt astride his head and pulled him as close in to her as she could. The wind and rain only added to Hannah’s appetite. She tasted slightly salty, they both did as the spray from the sea covered them repeated.
When Hannah finally released him from her thighs, she cuddled up against his chest, sheltering from the wind. She felt safe and protected beside him, even though he was still helplessly chained up. She held him tight, showing no intention of moving.
“Hannah, where are the cuff keys?” he called.
Hannah nestled into him more tightly as they heard thunder in the distance. The storm was definitely getting closer. The evening light was now starting to fade.
His fiancé reluctantly stood up, with one foot either side of his body and looked around. As she did so, lightning lit up her lithe, naked body. She then skipped over him and went to retrieve the key from the pocket of her sodden dress.
Tom lay exhausted in the sand as he looked up into the driving rain to see Hannah’s naked form above him, swinging the keys from her fingertip.
“Fancy staying here for the rest of the storm? Or would you like to come to bed with me?”
“Bed! Please.”
Hannah put her hands on her hips and looked down at him.
Tom smiled to himself. Marrying Hannah was in many ways like being chained on a beach in a storm; a little crazy, sometimes frustrating, occasionally dangerous and painfully, but always wildly exciting.
Hannah dropped down on to his body, her wet hair hanging down, and released him from her cuffs. They ran back up to the house and into the shower, the water falling on to their already soaked bodies. This would be a night to remember.