Gettin’ Some – Part 2

"Horny teenager gets all he can handle from mother and best friend"

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Sunlight from the new day permeated the living room as I blinked awake. Mom and I had spent the remainder of the night in each other’s embrace. The residue of our incestuous couplings had dried on my loins, making my pubes stiff and crusty. I didn’t mind. I rubbed my face back and forth against the pillow, finally pulling myself upright into a sitting position on the creaky sofa-bed, noticing my mother wasn’t there. Of course, I started analyzing the night we had just spent together, what I would say to her, and how this would play out in the ensuing days. No doubt, this was a bold, new phase of our mother/son relationship.

Then I thought about how satisfying our night together had been. Sighing, I relaxed against the supportive cushion behind me, taking in the sounds of late morning. Birds chirped outside in the tall pine trees lining the driveway. Already, I wanted more. Noises emanated from the kitchen, followed by wonderful aromas of bacon and coffee. I heard my mother humming distractedly, a habit of hers when she was busy at something. I tossed the blanket aside, wondering if I should remain naked or cover myself. Fishing around the foot of the bed, I pulled out my shorts and slid them on. I padded across the carpet in my underwear toward the sounds and smells. My first sight of Mom was her in her dark green bathrobe, frying eggs in the skillet, head lowered in concentration. When she caught sight of me in her periphery, she smiled. Not the usual broad smile of hers.  This time, it contained a tinge of what I considered embarrassment.

“Good morning, honey.” She said in a low voice. “Are you okay?  Did you sleep?”

“Yeah, Mom.” I stood beside her, watching the egg sizzle against the cast iron skillet. Several strips of bacon rested on a paper towel on a plate to the side. The cooking food and nearness of her body made me salivate, and dammit if my erection wasn’t returning. I didn’t worry about concealing it this time. The funk of sex radiated from her body. 

“And how about you?” I studied her long eyelashes.

She smiled again demurely. “Yes, very much so.”

She said nothing else, preparing two plates of bacon and eggs with toast and coffee on the side.  Black for her. Milk and sugar for me, and in a tall tumbler. We ate silently, clanking our silverware against the Corningware plates – the ones with the blue cornflower pattern around the rim. There was no doubt in my mind she was embarrassed now, not sure what to do next, and if we would ever do anything like that again. Perhaps this was a one-time encounter, a sweet, nocturnal incest odyssey that she now considered a mistake. Oh, God, I hoped not. I longed for more. Finally, I breached the topic somewhat awkwardly.

“Are you still wearing that cute nightie?”

She snorted a bit. A nugget of bacon scratched her throat. Raising a hand to cover her chewing mouth, she spoke.

“It’s in the laundry hamper,” she replied, “or what’s left of it.” Mom swallowed her food. “We weren’t very kind to it last night.”

“Sorry,” I said, also smiling with some satisfaction. She didn’t respond. Several more minutes passed without conversation as I spread orange marmalade on my toast. Suddenly, Mom placed her utensils down with a metallic clank.

“Baby…” she started, but I cut her off.

“Mom, it’s okay.” I gazed directly into her eyes, which welled with tears.

“Honey, I’ve ruined our relationship.” She didn’t quite sob, but her voice quavered. “Mothers and sons shouldn’t do that. It’s not normal.”

Thinking of the sexual awakening with my best friend Mike only days before, I came up with the only response I could think of at the moment.

“What is normal? I mean really, Mom?”

“Oh, come on,” she replied, reaching out to take my hand. I squeezed her back. “Incest is NOT normal, no matter how we sugar-coat it!” Her words lacked conviction.

I took a moment to chew and swallow the last of my toast. “Don’t get all upset, but I honestly enjoyed it. No fooling, it was fantastic!” 

She blushed furiously as a tear streaked down her reddened cheek. “Don’t say that, baby.”

“Why not? You’re still my mother, and I’m still your son. A bolt of lightning didn’t come out of the sky and strike us dead.”

“What if anyone found out?” She collected our dishes together.

“No way. That’s our secret.”

“You’re not going to brag to your friends about ‘getting some from Mom’?”

Her comment annoyed me. I knew she was near-babbling with some ridiculous guilt churning in her brain, but please. I took the offensive. “Mom, who do you think I am? What kind of son do you think you raised?” My voice filled the kitchen. “Please, let’s get over this guilt and remorse nonsense and enjoy what we have. You know I’m leaving for college in a couple of years and we’re going to see less of each other.”

“I know, I know.” Mom stood, taking the plates to the sink. I followed her.

“What made you want to do it?” I asked while she filled the sink with hot water, adding a squirt of dishwashing soap. Her hand swished back and forth in the steaming water, making suds.  “And why did you wait so long?”

That last comment made her grin somewhat. And it was an honest grin, with no shyness or embarrassment. “Well, it was obvious you were horny as hell.” Mom wiped a soapy rag across the plates, then rinsing them. “That erection wasn’t always hidden, although I know you tried.” The silverware clattered as she put them in the dish drain. “I was fascinated and sorry for you at the same time. It must’ve hurt, being so hard and for so long.”

Standing behind her in nothing by my shorts, I noticed that yes, my cock was again hard.

“And you’re practically a grown man,” she continued. “Then you started flirting with me, talking about my freckles.”

I placed my hand on her hip, standing beside her as she wiped her hands dry.

“It’s been so long since any man…anyone…has complimented me on my appearance.”

“Where did you find that sexy nightie?” I asked as she turned to face me. Leaning against the counter, we joined hands, facing each other. Our bodies were mere inches apart, allowing me a little space for my jutting erection.

“I picked it up at Montgomery Wards the other day,” her full lips glistened. “It took me a full two hours of browsing to work up the courage. I felt like I was preparing for a date.”

“Well, you were,” I said. The heat between our bodies had returned. “And I’m glad.”

“You don’t know how nervous I was last night,” she gazed into my eyes. “I haven’t felt that way since my dating days.”

“I never understood why you stopped dating, Mom. You’re so beautiful.”

“Oh, please,” she kissed my forehead. “Mom’s turning into an old bag.”

I snorted. My hands now rested on her hips. “You know that’s not true.”

“I certainly had an effect on you, angel,” she said. “My poor baby with his hard cock, and when you started beating off right beside me, I knew I had to do something.”

“Whaaat? But you were asleep!” I pulled back in surprise. “You were snoring to beat the band!”

“Women know these things, honey.” 

With that, I leaned over to kiss her. Mom hesitated for a moment, but knew there was no need for alarm. Our mouths pressed together for several seconds, our lips smacking as we pulled apart. I pulled open her robe, expecting that demure nightgown underneath. I wanted to wrap my arms around her and hug her tightly, but was presented with a naked woman.

“Wait, sweetheart.” 

Again, her words didn’t convince me. Being naked for me to discover was a conscious decision.

I took in the amazing sight of her bare breasts. The odor of old sex and new arousal comingled to form a heady brew. I slipped my hands around her waist, pressing my face between her sweet mounds. She returned the embrace.

“Oh, what an odd pair we are,” she whispered into my hair. Of course, she felt my erection pressing against her. “Oh, baby,” she said with a mixture of surprise and exasperation. “You’re incorrigible!”

With that, I brushed my lips against one of her nipples, taking it into my mouth. I began to suckle her. For a delicious minute, the only sound was my mouth feeding on her breast.

“Ohhh…” she exhaled with pleasure. “I love that, honey. It feels like showers of sparks.”

I cupped her other breast and began rolling the nipple between my fingers. She gasped slightly, her body squirming with arousal.

“God, I’m such a sinful slut.”

I had her body firmly pinned against the counter, my covered erection nestling against her bush. I pulled my mouth away from her hard, wet nipple for a moment, then took the other one.

“Mmmm, yes.” She slipped her hands underneath my shorts, cupping my buttocks, squeezing them.

Again, I pulled back, slipping my shorts to my feet, standing naked before my mother. She looked down at my bobbing erection, but before she touched it, she stopped short.

“Oh, shit,” she said. “What time is it? You have to be at school and I have to get to wor…”

“No,” I interrupted. “It’s the weekend. It’s Saturday.”

“Oh,” she relaxed, leaning against the counter again, pulling my body against hers.  “Yes…yes…Saturday.”

I kissed along Mom’s collarbone, my face coming to rest against her neck. Her hand wrapped around my cock and squeezed.

“Jesus,” she exhaled, feeling the aftermath of our sex crusted in my pubes. “What a mess! I’m all over you.”

“As you should be,” I replied.

She pulled the skin taut on my cock, making it twitch and throb. Guiding it against her equally crusted bush, she began rubbing it back and forth against her clit.

“Ahhh…” Her lips opened as she pleasured herself. “I need just a little more, honey.”

“Just a little?” I asked. “What about me?”

“Oh, okay,” she smirked. “You need to get your fill.” Giving my cock another squeeze, she added, “I wouldn’t want you fucking your pillow again.”

“Oh, Mom!” I slapped her thigh.

Like the brand-new lovers we were, my mother and I ran back to the sofa-bed. The well-worn springs squeaked violently and we jumped on them, our bodies immediately coupling. While I enjoyed making love in the dark in the wee hours of the morning, the daylight allowed me to see more of everything – Mom’s beautiful face, which changed expression the moment I pushed inside her, her breasts, which jiggled with each urgent thrust of my hips, and how she bared her teeth at the moment of orgasm.

“Yes!  Oh, yesss…” She hissed, holding by body snugly against hers. Her snug, wet pussy milked my cock as we came together. After pounding out three more orgasms while she spurred me on, I fell exhausted into my mother’s breasts. She cradled me, whispering words of love and satisfaction.

“My baby,” she cooed. “Now my young stud.” She pulled the blanket over us, kissing the top of my head.

Then the phone rang. Dammit!

“Oh, what?” Mom groaned, not appreciating the outside world interrupting our together time.

“I’ll get it.” I slid out of my warm cocoon into the cool air, trotting naked across the living room to the telephone. I snatched it up on the fourth ring.

“Hello?” I said, somewhat impatiently.

“Hey.” It was Mike’s voice. At that moment, I realized I’d stood him up on our agreed return visit.

“Damn, I forgot,” I murmured into the mouthpiece. My world had changed so much in the past few days, it was difficult to keep up with everything. “Sorry, man.”

“Did I scare you off?”

“No,” I replied.  “It’s just…” I noticed Mom slipping out of bed, naked. I watched her buttocks jiggling as she disappeared down the hallway to the rear of the house. Once she was out of earshot, I continued.

“Mom dumped a lot of chores on me,” I lied.

“I hear ya. My Mom decided we needed to fill our weekend with yardwork.”

“How about Monday?” I kept an eye on the hallway, lest my mother return. “After school?”

“Yeah, that’s good,” Mike replied. “Mom has to work late, so we’ll have more time.”

“Great, see you then.” I placed the handset back in it’s cradle. I treaded the soft, shag carpet up the hallway to hear the shower running in the bathroom. Although there was a half-bath in the master bedroom, I decided to join my mother. I stepped into the steamy bathroom, lined with white and aquamarine tiles. The silhouette of Mom’s naked body moved behind the opaque glass sliding door to the shower. I tapped on the glass.

“Knock, knock.” My voice echoed off the tiles.

“Come join me, baby,” she said. 

I stepped into the shower, warm water drenching my body. 

“God, I needed to wash the funk off,” she said. “And Jesus, so much come! I didn’t know I could hold so much.” 

By the tone of her voice, she didn’t mind at all. Even though we had fucked multiple times in less than twelve hours, and my cherry was long gone, it was still strange listening to my mother speak up-front like that! She grabbed the soap and began rubbing it all over my body.

“Lift your arms,” she said.

I obeyed as she soaped me up thoroughly. She ran her hands over my junk, lathering my cock, balls and ass crack. The sensation of her slick fingers rubbing against my anus made my tumescent shaft jump.

“Hmmm,” she smiled in the steamy confines. “Can’t keep a good man down.”

I shivered every time our slick bodies touched. She obviously relished my hard cock bumping into her at every turn.

As we toweled off, she asked, “Who was that interrupting us?”

“Oh, just Mike. He wanted me to come over.”

“What did you tell him?” She took the towel from me and rubbed it all over my body. I didn’t interfere. Her loving, motherly touch made it all the more erotic.

“Monday. We need to study for a math test.”

“Math?” She asked, hanging the white towel back on the rack. “Is that the class with that big-titted bimbo Mrs. Nelson?”

“Yes,” I replied. “She’s quite well-endowed.”

“No kidding.” Mom coiled her hair up in a towel, her breasts jiggling as she completed the task.  “Bet you guys would like some of that.”

“Mmmm, that wouldn’t be unpleasant,” I teased, “but her husband, Captain Nelson, is a Marine, so none of us with any sense of self-preservation would have that much courage.”

“Smart.” She slipped on her heavy cotton robe, leaving the front open. “A boy needs to stick with his mother and stay out of trouble.”

“That’s what I plan to do.” My hands caressed her exposed flesh that wasn’t covered by the robe.  “So I’ll be late coming home that day.”

“Okay, but don’t be too late. It’s a school night, you know.” She had her stern mother face on.

I rolled my eyes dramatically. “I’m almost a senior in high school, Mom!”

“Yeah,” she replied. “But not quite, and I’m still your mother, so behave!”

“All right, all right.” All of my life, I tended to obey my mother. Not always, but as a single mother, her constant effort and sacrifice to make a decent home for us never faltered. She even gave up dating, not wanting a strange man in the house who might upset the equilibrium. I owed it to her not to be a pain in the ass. My hands roamed up to her breasts.

“I’m glad it’s Monday and not today,” she said, gently pushing away my hands and tying her robe shut with a sideways glance. I wasn’t happy about her concealing her body. “I’d like us to be together this weekend and just be lazy.”

“Me too.” Still naked, but dry, I kissed her on the mouth. She returned the kiss, and I responded with a more passionate one. Our tongues rubbed together for a few seconds until she pulled back.

“Damn.” Looking at my bobbing erection, she couldn’t contain her amusement. “Doesn’t that thing ever rest?”

“You make me this way.”

“Oh, come on.” I suspected her humility was false. She was pleased as punch what she was doing to her only son, and what had developed between us. “My pussy’s going to need a rest at the rate we’re going. Maybe some more later.”

“Or sooner.” I pulled her robe back open and nuzzled the valley between her breasts. My hands clasped around her waist as a nipple disappeared into my mouth. I was learning what my mother liked, and was eager to please. Sighing as she nursed, Mom didn’t resist.

Mike and I spotted each other a few times between classes that Monday, but never had the chance to talk. The moment school let out, I hopped on my red-and-white Schwinn and pedaled furiously toward his house. A mile down the road, he caught up with me on his own bike and we made it to his driveway in record time.

“Here, follow me,” he said, panting as we walked our bikes around the side of the modest, asbestos-shingled structure. I wondered for a moment why he wanted us to park our bikes inside the patio at the back of the house, but I was more occupied thinking about what we would be doing once inside his bedroom.

“Mom’s going to be late,” he said, repeating what he told me on the phone that Saturday. He said nothing else until we entered the back door into the kitchen. 

“Want some milk, or a Coke?” He asked. I was trying to act cool, although my cock had been totally erect for the past hour out of anticipation.

“A Coke,” I responded. 

He dug inside the fridge for a moment, pulling out a couple of soda cans.

“Shit, we only have Sprite,” Mike said, handing me a can. “I hope Mom stops by the grocery store on the way home.”

“That’s fine. I don’t care.” I pulled the tab from the top of the can, discarding it in the trash bin beside the back door.

“Let’s go to the bedroom,” he said. I…

Published 2 years ago

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