We took different paths
until both of our lives reached the crossroads
that brought us together
Our ages, as far apart as they are
do not hold boundaries of the pounding of heartbeats
that beat the same tune
While you found sex as an easy road traveled
compared to my own slow path of the waiting game
in search for the one to share this precious moment with
When we discovered each other
it was only then
that our lives became complete
Love was a word you found easy
to which I’d discovered another
‘broken’ behind each sentence
The moment you stepped into my life
into my eyesight, the vision in front of me
instantly showed me the rewards
The smell of your perfumed fragrance
lingered in the cool air
even hours after your departure
The fluttering of butterflies
that made my stomach churn with emotional torment
of pleasure and fear combined as one
The curve on your lips
that offered warmth and comfort
during those coldest hours of need
Your whispers into my ear
offering wisdom beyond your youthful presence
that stood before me that day
Your soft skin of your hands
you rested my head within and
wiped away the tears of pain that I cried
Those lips of which laid softly
upon my own rough edges of facial scars that
revealed the sense of shame I fought against
You looked upon me without judgment
of the creation that God had made me
walk with this life of demonic appearance
The guilt that had haunted me
to find someone to be with quickly faded
into oblivion as if it never existed
You took me into your world
and showed me life
that I had longed for in years gone by
And together our hearts became one
single heartbeat to which every breath
was taken together till the end of time ….