The Discovery Center, Part One

"A Day Trip in the mountains of Tennessee turns into the ultimate sxxual aventure"

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It was a Rockwell Family Adventure – a short weekend away from “Mom;” Just the two of us. And as we always did on these trips, we decided to go exploring off-road, in this case in our four-wheel drive Jeep Wrangler. We planned a short weekend trip. Leaving mid-day on Friday, the plan was to drive up, spend Saturday off-roading and to see the sights, followed by our return home on Sunday.

It was early April, the chill of winter quickly passing in preparation for the warmth of summer. Days were still fresh. Nights were cold and crisp under a clear Spring sky. Deciduous trees were bursting forth with green leaves; streams were flowing swiftly down their sharply carved ravines.

After a hearty breakfast Saturday morning and an early start, 10 AM, we headed out from the Best Western for higher elevations and as little humanity as possible.

As we always do, we searched out the “roads less traveled.” Unpaved roads and rough fire trails led to rarely seen vistas where we would jump out of the car with binoculars and camera to see and record the sights. Beautiful waterfalls were at their finest, spilling over granite boulders, plunging down precipitous drops, and rushing beneath the roads and trails, through culverts or at times over the roads, leaving behind eroded and barely passable surfaces. But in our Jeep, we were confident and warm. I drove at a sedate pace, holding your left hand with my right, enjoying the near silence and sense of togetherness we shared after so many years.

I think it was about “threeish” when snow began to fall at a steady moderate rate. It was a small passing flurry I thought, having checked the weather before we left home. No storms of any kind were forecast. With sunset at about 8 PM, I had nearly five hours of daylight. We figured as long as we headed back to the paved roads toward the Best Western by 5 PM, we’d be just fine.

At about 4 PM I began to have concerns. The rate of snowfall had drastically increased. Conditions were deteriorating quickly. Not only that, but we were already losing our light with almost four hours until sunset. We had both forgotten that sunset comes very early in the mountains. With thick dark snow clouds obscuring the sun, combined with high mountain ridges further blocking the light, we found ourselves in near darkness.

The GPS had lost the satellite signals and was no good to us where we were. I broke out the old-style paper map and approximated where I thought we were and how best to get back to the paved road. It was only a couple of miles — no problem.

You see, this is how Rockwell Family Adventures always seem to go. Everything hunky-dory — Until it was not!

Visibility, even with headlights and fog lamps, had dropped to near nothing. I was intent on avoiding another experience similar to when we got stranded in the Cleveland National Forest, East of San Diego, years back. I would not again strand the car in a deceptive washout. When the trail suddenly disappeared in front of our car in a rush of water cascading across the road. I stopped in time and backed to safety. Okay, I thought. We’ll just turn around and head to the next closest intersection with a real paved road.

With considerable difficulty and great care, I turned the car about and headed for our next closest “exit.” It was only a couple of miles if we were where we thought. And although it was now almost as dark as midnight, visibility was almost zero and snow had begun to accumulate rapidly; I still was not too worried. Ever the optimist, we pressed onward until we descended a steep decline and found ourselves at a rushing river – one not obvious on the map anywhere near where I thought we were. One after another, our alternatives began to disappear as we tried them. More and more it appeared it would be another cold sleepless night in the car. Only this time, the car had a soft-top and would provide little insulation or warmth.

I had not yet given up hope of making it back to the hotel when I saw a small sign, carved in a slat of rough-cut wood, and painted to read “Discovery Center,” with an arrow pointing up a nearly invisible trail to the right. The decision was an easy one. We could continue to seek our escape to civilization with almost overwhelming uncertainty and rapidly increasing fear we might not make it at all, or we could knock at the door of the “Discovery Center” and beg a place before their fire for the night.

Slipping, sliding, and fishtailing the entire way, we forged our way up the hill until we came upon an open glade. The meadow, lacking a canopy of trees, was covered in at least a foot of snow. There was not a car to be seen. Small snowflakes were falling at an unbelievable rate, blown about by gusting winds. Drifts of snow had begun to pile against the side of the large log building just barely visible across the glade.

I pulled the Jeep as close to the front door as possible. “I’ll go knock and ask for shelter,” I said. I trudged through the now deep snow in my New Balance tennis shoes that were about as waterproof as a sieve. When I got to the door, I was dismayed to find no lights on within and a sign that said, “Opening Easter,” still a few weeks away.

Now I am not the kind of person who takes breaking and entering lightly. I checked my iPhone one more time, only to find no signal whatsoever. Frankly, I saw this as a life and death situation. I’d beg forgiveness and pay all expenses after the fact. To the left of the door there were mullioned glass panels, a means of entry if necessary. I figured that if I must, I could break out one of the glass panels, reach inside, and unlock the door. But first I tried the door, which of course was locked. But knowing people as I do, I reached to the lintel at the top of the door, and there out of open sight was a key.

I should probably tell you that many Rockwell Family Adventures nearly end in disaster. More than one had thrown fear for our lives into us. And yet, blessed as we seemed to be, things always worked out, and we look back fondly on our adventures. As Friedrich Nietzsche said, “That which does not kill us makes us stronger.” It seemed that perhaps our luck was holding this time as well. Little did I know!

Using the key, I unlocked the door, and then feeling about to the side of the door with my left hand, I felt a set of three light switches. Throwing all three of the switches I was pleased to see three sets of lights come on.Yes, the power was on, I thought.

One set of lights were outdoor lights that ringed the property, lighting the falling snow and the forest edge beyond. The second was a bright welcome light above the entrance that lit the way clearly from the car to the open doorway. The third lit the entry foyer with a warm and welcoming light. I waved at you to come in, and when you stuck your head out, I said, “Bring the flashlight from the door.” It was the small LED light we carried in the car for emergencies. Having no suitcases or clothes, we had nothing else to bring in from the car. I called out, just in case, “Hello! Anybody Home?” As I already suspected, we were alone in this place.

You asked me, “Aren’t we going to get in trouble for this?” I told you what I had reasoned – our lives were at risk unless we stopped here and we would make it right later.

I turned and said to you, “Welcome to the Discovery Center!” To which you replied, “What the hell is the “Discovery Center?”

Not knowing the answer, in my usual smart-ass way, I said, “Well, I guess that is something we need to discover.” You hit me with one of your sopping wet shoes that you were holding in your hand and we both laughed.

It was evident from the moment we walked through the entry that this was not just a cabin in the woods. I said, “I’ll be a monkey’s uncle if this place is less than 10,000 square feet. It’s huge.”

You said, “Let’s explore.” But I suggested there were some things we needed to do first, like find a thermostat, turn on the heat, check for food, and find a bathroom, at which point you said, “I’ve got to pee,” to which I mumbled, “Of course!”

A bathroom was just off the main entrance and visible – It had the international sign for both Men and Woman on the door.

While you took care of your bladder, I made a quick circuit of the surrounding rooms on the main floor searching for a telephone. If only I could call someone for help, we could be out of here shortly, or at least obtain permission to stay until we could get out. Of course, there was not a single telephone to be found.

I walked into what looked to be a large communal room. One entire wall was glass, except a large fireplace set in the middle. The air was well chilled, as though the window sucked warmth from the room. To the right of the fireplace was a small wood storage cubby, fully stocked with cut and dried firewood. To the left; fireplace tools, a tinderbox, and long matches set close to hand. In no time I had a roaring fire crackling and popping. With heat from the fire assured, I looked to the left and found a large open kitchen and dining area — a perfect next destination for my exploration of our temporary refuge. Checking the refrigerator, I was dismayed to find no sodas. However, I was very pleasantly surprised to see a filled wine cooler. I was even happier when I found at least half the wine was bottles of German Riesling Spaetlase, Auslase, and Italian Moscato di Asti, our favorite wines.

I grabbed us each two glasses. I filled two glasses with ice cubes and cold water from the refrigerator door. Grabbing a cold bottle of Moscato from the cooler, I found a corkscrew in a drawer, opened the bottle, then poured us each a full glass of wine, all of which I carefully carried to the sofa. The sofa sat facing the fireplace and the glass wall looking into the forest of snow covered trees.

As I sat on the sofa facing the roaring fire, I noticed some flyers and booklets on the table in front of me. One was titled, “Welcome to the Discovery Center.” I was about to open the booklet when you said from behind me, “What’s that?”

I patted the seat beside me, pointed to the wine, and said, “Let’s find out together.”

The brochure or booklet was a slick, professionally produced document with a shiny cover and great photos and graphics. You sat beside me, and then after we had each take a decent gulp of the delicious wine, I opened the brochure so we each could see and I began to read.

“The Discovery Center is a combination of an Academic place of study, a research laboratory, and a private ‘Couples’ learning center and retreat, all dedicated to Human psychosexual behavior and health. We are devoted to improving the human psychosexual experience through our study, research, and the experiences of our guests.

The Discovery Center is divided into the following integrated ‘Research and Learning Hubs:’ Sexual Psychology, Female Sexual Response, Male Sexual Response, and Couples Sexual Response. Additionally, there are private ‘Guest’ rooms for five couples, communal areas, and the Academic and Administration offices in the basement of the building. Except for a small ‘Hotel staff’ resident on the property adjacent to the guest rooms, all other staff members commute from local communities. Due to our remote and highly private location, combined with the impact of snow and ice on mountain roadways, the Discovery Center functions only between Easter and Halloween and is closed at all other times.”

I said to you, “The Academic and Administration Offices have got to have telephones. Let’s go find the stairs and a phone.” A short search found a stairway leading both upward to the second floor and downward to the basement. Using our flashlight and turning on lights as we went, we descended into what looked like any regular business with a few private offices, cubicles, and office equipment. Every desk was equipped with a telephone and a computer. Grabbing the telephone from the closest desk, I raised it to my ear and found only silence. Going from phone to phone throughout the office complex, nothing but silence came from the telephone handsets. “I guess they must turn off the phone system during the off months, or else the lines are out,” I said. “Let’s see if we can use a computer.” 

I sat before the keyboard and looked for the processor, finding a little Dell on the desk behind the display. I pushed the button and watched the boot process, as usual, waiting forever for Windows to complete its job. Once running and stable, I double clicked on the Microsoft Explorer icon. After another long wait, Explorer came up with an error code “Address Not Found.” I opened preferences and looked for the Networks icon. Sure enough, there was no connection. As a last hope, I checked to ensure the Ethernet cable was plugged into both the wall and the computer – They were.

“I guess they shut off their Internet connection as well as the phones,” I said. “It looks like we are stuck here with no way to get out and no way to let anyone know where we are,” I said.

Turning off the lights as we went, we returned to our place before the fireplace. The fire had died considerably, so I threw on several new logs. Then as I turned to head back to the sofa, I saw on the opposite wall, off to the left a thermostat. I walked over to check, and sure enough, the temperature had been set back to 50 degrees, just enough heat to keep the building pipes from freezing. I set the temperature back up to 70 and joined you on the sofa.

Again I picked up the brochure, which was turned to the page where we had left off, and began again to read.

“The Sexual Psychology Hub is located on the main floor as shown on the following map. Sexual Psychology focuses on the will and desire of women, men, and couples to have sexual relations using techniques of relaxation, mood-setting, and hypnosis. Everything at the Discovery Center is recorded to support our scientific research. Wherever data is collected, that too is kept for research purposes. However, guests never are photographed or identified by name to protect your privacy.”

I suggested we go to check out the Sexual Psychology Hub and see what it was all about. Following the directions, we walked down a corridor, turned right at the end and walked on until we saw a door on the right with a sign that identified the door as leading to the “Sexual Psychology Hub.”

As we walked through the door, a pleasurable man’s voice quietly said, “Welcome to the Sexual Psychology Hub.” Both of us almost jumped out of our skins until we realized it was a recording.

The recording went on, “There are three primary guest stations here in the hub. Each is numbered. Number 1 is the Hot Tub, number 2 is the massage center, and number 3 is the hypnosis station. Beside the number at each station, you will find a green button. Push the button to activate the station and to receive instructions.”

Excited in anticipation, I said to you, “Shall We?”

You replied, “Sure, sounds like fun.”

We walked hand-in-hand to station number 1, and I pushed the button. The sounds of pumps and flowing water began. As the instructions began, soft instrumental New Age music began to play, and the Hot tub started to fill. “The tub will fill to the appropriate level of water at which time the bubble jets will cut on, indicating when to enter the tub. The water will feel uncomfortably hot to begin, as it is set to 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. A timer will advise you when 30 minutes have elapsed. We recommend no more than 30 minutes to avoid heat stress. When you exit the tub, please feel free to avail yourselves of slippers and terrycloth robes we have provided to the right of the tub.”

As much as we both love hot tubs, it took us no time at all to undress. Just as we stood naked by the steps up to the tub, the jets cut on. Our timing was perfect. I gave you my hand to steady you as you climbed the two steps. You daintily stuck your toe into the roiling water, then slowly lowered the rest of your foot, then your leg, your other leg, and finally slowly sat in the water. I carefully followed your lead, climbing the steps and lowering myself into the tub beside you. We leaned our heads back onto the vinyl pillows, slid our bodies fully into the water and let our tension from the day wash away. I gently grasped your hand and said, “I love you.”

Of course, you answered, “I love you too,” as I knew you would. After 43 years of marriage, there was no longer any doubt or hesitation in our relationship. Only our passion sometimes flagged.

I reached to put my arm around you, and my butt slid on the bench on which we sat, dunking my head fully into the water. As I struggled to stabilize myself, we both laughed out loud. The next time I more carefully reached over to stroke your breasts you placed your hand on my thigh. At a leisurely pace, we kissed and caressed one another as we both relaxed from the hot, bubbling water. My pulse began to speed up, and your breathing got shorter and faster. We kissed and caressed some more, then reached for more intimate parts to explore. And that’s when the bubbles stopped, and the recorded voice said, “You have reached the maximum permissible time in the hot tub. Please exit now.”

We climbed from the tub and grabbed towels to rub ourselves dry. You asked me to get your back. As I toweled your back and rubbed your muscles, you sighed and said, “Well that was fun, should we try Station number two?”

“Sure,” I responded. “Sounds like fun.” We each grabbed a terrycloth robe and headed to Station two.

Station two was clearly labeled “Station #2” with a large sign hanging from the overhead. The station seemed to be a professional massage table and a small pedestal with a button on it that had a large green button with a red “2.” There was nothing else there. I pushed the button and waited for a response.

After a brief delay, the same recorded voice spoke. “Welcome to the massage station. This station is intended for one partner to give a massage while the other receives. If you wish to change roles, we highly recommend you come back another time to do so.” A tray slid out of the adjacent wall, holding an assortment of creams, and oils as well as a massage vibrator. Soft music began again, and the lights of the room dimmed. The voice went on, “Please listen and follow along with the instructions we provide. The receiver of the massage should now lie upon the table face down. Rest your face into the pads on the left.

The giver should now squirt a small amount of lotion from bottle A into your hands and rub your hands together to spread the lotion. Now, starting with the left hand, please gently but firmly massage the lotion into the hand and fingers of your lover. Take your time. Slowly work your way up the left arm, taking more lotion as needed to get a nice smooth flow of your hands over your lover’s skin.” There was a pause while I did as told. Then, after a few minutes, the voice said, “Now I want you to shift to the other side of the table and do the same.” Again there was a pause while I gently massaged your fingers, hand, and arm up to your shoulder. No sooner had I reached your shoulder than the voice began to speak once more.

“Please now take bottle B and drip a moderate amount of the warmed oil down the back of your lover’s neck to waist. Starting on the neck just below the hairline, firmly massage the neck using your fingers and thumbs, working your way down, then up, then down again. Do this several times. Now I want you to start to massage the muscles of the back and shoulders down to the waist, kneading the large muscle groups with both hands. If you need more oil, squirt additional warm oil from bottle B. Please make sure to get the sides.”

The pause was longer this time.

I was about to stop, my fingers and hands tired, when the voice started to speak again. “Please again use the lotion from Bottle A. Beginning with the toes and foot, massage each foot thoroughly, including the toes and between the toes, the ball of the foot, and the arch. When you have finished with both feet, using the warm oil from Bottle B, massage each leg thoroughly from the ankle to the waist. Make sure you give adequate attention to the insides of the thighs and between the mounds of the buttocks. Do not hesitate to massage oil around the area of the anus and perineum.”

At this point, it was becoming more and more apparent that you were sexually stimulated, as I certainly was as well. I followed the instructions, careful not to focus too strongly on your vulva or vaginal opening, although I have to admit you were becoming a bit wet.

The voice continued to give instructions after a pause, “Please place the massage unit over your dominant hand and turn it on using the on-switch located on the back. Please renew your massage of the large muscles of the back, buttocks, and legs using the vibrating massager. Your purpose now is to relax your partner fully, not stimulate them.”

I continued to use the massager, focusing mainly on your shoulders, back, and legs. I could tell you were well relaxed when the instructions began again. “Please have your partner turn over onto their back.

Using the lotion in Bottle A, carefully massage the face, using care not to get the lotion into your partner’s eyes. Focus on the temple, cheekbones, and muscles of the jaw. Gently massage the neck being careful not to cause discomfort. Now, using the warm oil in Bottle B, strongly massage the muscles of each thigh. Once you have completed the thighs, use more of the oil in Bottle B to massage the torso of your partner. Deeply massage the large muscles of the chest, then more gently massage the oil into your lover’s breasts and nipples. Please do not rush this part of your massage because this is an area that is all too often overlooked or given only passing attention. Massage, rub, knead, and squeeze the breasts. Pinch and roll the nipples between your thumb and index finger. Vary the pressure from intense to an almost feather touch.”

The voice paused for quite some time while I did as I was instructed by the recording. Finally, the voice began again to speak, “All of the massage to this point has been in preparation for what I am going to ask you now. If the recipient of the massage is a female, please press the Green Button once. If the recipient is a male, please press the green button twice in rapid succession.”

There was a brief pause, and then the recording began again. “The recipient of the massage is a female. If this is not correct, please press the green button again. If this is correct, wait a moment for instructions. Please take Bottle C from the table and liberally squirt the liquid around the pubis. Also, please spray some of the liquid into your hand and rub your hands together. Now please begin to rub the liquid onto and around the pubic area making sure to apply it all the way to the perineum (the small area between the vaginal opening and the anus). Apply the liquid to the vaginal lips, opening, and clitoris. In slow, gentle rubbing motion, massage the liquid from bottle C well into the flesh. Once you have liberally applied the liquid, intensify your massage of the pubic area. Do not hesitate to rub the clitoris, vaginal lips, and opening, but take care not to focus too much on any one spot.

The liquid in Bottle C is specially formulated to maximize the sensitivity of the area to touch, to help flood the area with blood, and to add certain sexual hormones such as Oxytocin and Progesterone. These hormones will maximize the sexual response of your lover and will facilitate later steps in the Discovery Center process. You partner should be feeling quite sexually stimulated with increased breathing, heart rate, and erection of nipples and clitoris. Watch for your partner to begin pelvic trusting in an attempt to force more intense contact with her vagina and clitoris.

When your partner does start pelvic thrusting, rising to meet your hand or to force deeper penetration of her vagina by your fingers, you may focus with your dominant hand on massaging her clitoris and with the other on her vagina. If your lover prefers direct stimulation of the clitoris, then vigorously rub her clitoris in an up and down or circular motion. However, some women prefer less direct manipulation on the side of the clitoris. If your lover is left-handed, focus on the right side of her clitoris. If she is right-handed, focus on the left side.

With your non-dominant hand, insert one to four fingers into the vaginal opening with your palm facing up. Curl your fingers upward and back toward yourself, then vigorously rub the upper surface of the vagina where the G-Spot is located. You can simultaneously move the fingers and hand in and out in a thrusting motion. Continue these combined actions until your lover nears orgasm, then back off or pause all movement on your part. She will thrust her pelvis to try to force greater contact and penetration, but resist for a few moments until her breathing slows slightly, then begin again. Repeat this several times until she verbally begs you to let her orgasm (Come).

You should only provide or allow one single substantial orgasm or several smaller ones. When you have done so, please move to station 3, the Hypnosis station, sit in the reclining chair, place the headphones on your head covering your ears and relax until prompted.”

I continued to rub your clitoris and stroke the upper surface of your vagina. Each time I saw your physical response begin to increase, I back off and allow your state of excitement to relax slightly.

After several cycles of this, you said to me, “Stop playing with me. Make me come. I need to come now.” I vigorously began to massage your clitoris between my thumb and finger, squeezing, almost pinching it while pushing your clitoral hood back to expose your clit. I began to almost feverishly stroke my fingers in and out of your vagina, pushing upward with my fingers to put pressure on your G-Spot. Suddenly you arched your back, bit your lips and moaned, bucking your hips against my hands. I could see the muscles of your stomach clench and release rhythmically as your orgasm took total control of your body in a massive orgasm. When I saw your orgasm begin to pass, I stopped what I was doing, leaned over and kissed you hard on the mouth and said, “I love you more than ever, Hon. One of the things I love most in this world is to see you come.”

“Come on, get up. Time to move on to the next station. We’re supposed to sit in the reclining chairs, put the headphones on and wait for instructions.”

Each of us sat in one of the recliners, put the headphones on, leaned back and relaxed. I’m not sure how long we sat like that, but I felt like I was starting to doze when the recording started. “If you are ready to start, please push the green button on the pedestal to the right of your chair. Now, please pick up the iPad sitting on the table beside you and answer the questions to the best of your ability.”

I began to read the instructions. The instructions said, “You will be presented a set of questions. These questions will be asked one at a time. Each question will be followed immediately by a list of possible answers. Please touch the answer that best represents your thoughts. Some questions allow you to give more than a single answer and will tell you ‘Multiple Answers Okay.’ Once you have finished with a question, please touch the ‘Next’ button at the bottom right corner of the screen. If at any time you wish to go to a previous question, you may push the ‘Back’ button. Please start.

Please use the virtual keypad to enter your first name __________________________

“Are you a male or female?

o          Male

o          Female

What is your age group?

o          Under 20

o          20 – 29

o          30 – 39

o          40 – 49

o          50 – 59

o          60 – 69

o          Over 70

What is your sexual orientation?

o          Heterosexual (Straight)

o          Homosexual (Gay)

o          Heterosexual-Bisexual (Primarily Heterosexual with bisexual tendencies)

o          Homosexual-Bisexual (Primarily Homosexual with bisexual tendencies)

o          Polysexual (No sexual preference)”

These questions were followed by some questions regarding race, religion, national origin, and health & medical status. Then the questions started to focus on what I hoped to gain from this session.

“’Multiple Answers Okay” for all of the following questions

What about your personal sexual health and function do you hope you can improve or change?

o          Improve your self-image/body image

o          Increase your attention to “romanticism”

o          Relieve stress you feel from outside factors that affect you psychosexual health

o          Increase your libido

o          Decrease your libido

o          Lower your inhibitions

o          Reduce or eliminate jealousy

o          Increase your physical sensitivity to sexual stimulation

o          Decrease your physical sensitivity to sexual stimulation

o          Improve your ability to obtain and keep an erection

o          Eliminate Premature Ejaculation

o          Enable you to share your sexual fantasies and fetishes with your lover

o          Eliminate your inhibitions preventing you from participating in your lover’s sexual fetishes, fantasies, or practices

What about your lover’s sexual health and function would you like to improve or change and which of the following would you hope to achieve?

o          Improve your lover’s self-image/body image

o          Relieve stress your lover feels from outside factors that affect you psychosexual health

o          Increase her libido

o          Decrease her libido

o          Lower her inhibitions

o          Reduce or eliminate jealousy

o          Increase her physical sensitivity to sexual stimulation

o          Decrease her physical sensitivity to sexual stimulation

o          Increase her orgasmic intensity

o          Increase her ability to achieve orgasm

o          Enable her to share your sexual fantasies and fetishes with you

o          Eliminate your lover’s inhibitions preventing her from participating in your sexual fetishes, fantasies, or practices.”

What about your sexual health and function as a couple would you like to improve or change and which of the following would you hope to achieve?

o          Increase the frequency of sexual activity

o          Decrease the frequency of sexual activity

o          Share and incorporate your and you lover’s sexual fantasies and fetishes into you sex life

o          Improve the quality of your sex life, e.g., more and better orgasms, multiple orgasms, greater sexual pleasure

o          Try new and exciting things to spice up your sex life

When I touched the “Finished” soft-key to indicate I had completed the questionnaire, the voice spoke to me through the headset, “Thank you for completing our questionnaire. Our software program will evaluate your and your partner’s responses. This evaluation will then be used to create a tailored hypnosis program for each of you designed to help you best achieve your combined psychosexual health and happiness as a couple. Please keep in mind that as in all relationships, optimum satisfaction, and happiness often is a result of compromise. Please lie back and relax while your partner completes her questionnaire and we perform our evaluation and tailoring.”

I “wake up” feeling fresh and energized. I vaguely remember the voice speaking to me in calm, quiet tones, asking me to do various things like curl my toes, clench my stomach muscles, and other things that made no sense. But I have no recollection of what was said, what I was told, or anything else except I do remember something about saying the word “Forevermore,” if I want to reinforce or activate my “programming.” I also remember that I am supposed to say “Enchanting” to you anytime I want to reinforce or activate your “programming.” Unfortunately, I don’t know what either of us was “programmed” to feel, experience, or do.

I look across to you and see you beginning to stir. You remove your earphones and look over at me. I say to you, “So what do you think?”

You pause with a look of introspection and answer, “I’m not sure. I feel healthy, energetic, and happy; but I remember almost nothing. I don’t feel any different than before, though.”

I say to you “Well that pretty well sums up my experience as well.”

I look at my watch and realize that it’s getting late. I also feel incredibly hungry. “Let’s go find something to eat and then go to bed. We have to see if we can get out of here in the morning.” We decide to leave on our robes and slippers, so we grab our clothes and head back to the living area and kitchen. I toss a few logs on the fire and then head into the kitchen. Opening drawers and cabinets, I see the kitchen is well stocked with staple supplies such as herbs, spices, oils, and so forth. I check the refrigerator pretty much knowing what to expect, and I’m not surprised to see it empty. Next, I look into the large freezer and am thankful when I see a large selection of frozen prepared foods. They all look like they were prepared by a gourmet chef, and although I see a lot of things I might like, I pull out some Chicken with Matzo Ball Soup, raised yeast rolls, and small individual containers of Chili Con Carne.

With very little effort, I have heated our food and carried it to the coffee table in front of the sofa. Both of us are famished from the long day, scarf down our food, and then sit on the floor in front of the fire satiated and relaxed.

Curious to learn more about your experience in the hypnosis center, I ask you, “Do you remember anything about the words ‘Forevermore’ or ‘Enchanting?’”

No sooner have the two words left my lips than I feel and see a transition begin to come over us both. My heart starts to pound, my breath quickens, and I feel almost like I did when I was 18 and about to have sex. Every cell in my body is excited and humming. My balls almost ache, but in a pleasant way I had almost forgotten. Best of all, my cock has begun to stiffen in a way it has not done for years. I practically jump on you and push you to the floor. It feels like there is no time to waste on niceties. I rip open your robe and roughly grab one of your nipples in my mouth, not so gently biting and sucking. You arch your back to meet my mouth, and I slide my tongue down your belly where I devour your pussy as if it were a steak and I was a starving man.

I suck hard on your clit, pulling the bud from its hood. I am insane with lust; beyond rational thought. Our lovemaking is not gentle. It’s raw, savage, violent sex. Your animal sexuality challenges mine. Almost out of breath you practically scream, “I need to be fucked! Fuck me now you bastard. Fuck me hard!” You grab at my head, but my mouth is locked onto your clit, so you grab hold of my ears and pull, forcing me to release your clit and to crawl across your body. I place my arms beneath your legs and push them toward the sky. The backs of you calves push against my shoulders. I aim my cock at your pussy, but I am taking too long for you and you grab my cock with your hand, quickly place it at your opening, and thrust yourself onto my rigid cock.

The pleasure is intense – your heat, wetness, and silky smoothness all pull me inward, sucking my cock into your very soul. The beast inside of me has seized control, and I begin to hammer and pound at your pussy. With each stroke I take, your body rises to meet me. We collide and rebound, only to do it again and again. It’s not long before you begin to bite your lip and to rake my back with your fingernails. Your stomach muscles and your pussy begin to rhythmically contract as the peak of your orgasm hits, wave after wave of massive orgasm. Your pussy floods with your cum, making it even silkier to my plunging cock.

Seeing that you have cum, my brain tells me its now my turn. Like a freight train rushing onto a car upon the tracks, my orgasm is a sudden explosion of pleasure throughout my body. It is an orgasm unlike any I can recall in years. But I suddenly realize that I am not sated, and my erection still strains the boundary of my cock’s skin. 

Instead of rolling over and relaxing, in a move that surprises you, I grab your hips, and while holding you in place, my mouth dives for your pussy again. I begin to tongue fuck you with everything I have. I cram several fingers of my hand into your pussy beneath my chin. I need you again, the fire of my thirst not slaked. You are so slick and open my entire hand almost enters you, and you push as if that is what you want. I again clamp my mouth onto your clit and almost savagely fuck you with my hand until again you come in a shattering orgasm.

Without warning you scissor your thighs around my head, then roll over on top of me, pinning me to the floor. “Your turn!” you mumble. You shove your pussy down into my mouth to hold my head in place against the floor. The smell of our combined scents is like a powerful aphrodisiac, driving conscious thought farther from my brain. The liquids of our passion drip from the lips of your pussy onto my tongue, their hormone-charge further fueling my out of control desire.

I feel your hot mouth swallow my still rigid cock. One of your hands grabs the base of my cock while the other grabs my balls in a hold that borders between pain and pleasure. The feeling of your mouth on the head of my cock is painfully pleasurable and pleasurably painful. I writhe and buck beneath you, but you are determined to control me. My body is telling me I am on the verge of coming, but something in the back of my mind prevents me – demanding every second of pleasure your mouth and hands require of me.

Your hot mouth and writhing tongue work over the head of my cock, sucking and licking with abandon. Your hand feverishly strokes my shaft as your other hand massages and squeezes my balls. Finally, as if from a long distance away, I can sense a massive orgasm approaching, slowly at first, then faster and faster it comes. My entire body and mind are suddenly overwhelmed as a massive orgasm takes me and shakes me like a wild animal shakes its prey. My cum erupts, filling your mouth.

You roll off of me, and we both lay there on the floor, totally spent, no energy left even to move. Finally, after long minutes, I turn myself around so that we are head to head and we hold one another. As I turn my face to you, I see your face turn to me as we both simultaneously say, “WOW!” Then, we both crack up laughing in the euphoria of what just happened, and in our synchronicity, that forty three years of love and marriage have brought us.

Exhausted, we head for the “Guest Rooms,” to grab some sleep. Lacking my APAP and you lacking your sleep medications, we both seem to crash into sleep, but often wake in a daze. Our sleep is fitful, but when a ray of blazing sunlight shines into my eyes from the window, I wake feeling well rested and wonder if this all has been a dream. I quietly slide from the bed so as not to awaken you before you are ready. As I glance out the window, I am shocked to see what looks like about three feet of pristine snow. There will be no leaving here today I think with incredible glee as I look down at you and whisper, “I love you, Forevermore.”

Before I can slip from the room, I hear you say to me, “I love you, Forevermore.”


Published 8 years ago

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