Today, I waited patiently at a stoplight
My head was in a daze as I felt it
Warm sunlight on my face
As the traffic light changed to green
I remained paralyzed and unable to move
I recall suspecting that the sun had tried
In vain to shine its friendly light on me
To remind me of who I once was
But anger kept me within the shadows
I was unprepared to feel the warmth of the sun
Too numb to feel that glow that once made me smile
Once making my spirit radiate with happiness
All I ever wanted once was for my own light to shine
A beacon of hope in a dark place of despair
Instead, you stood before me
Casting your shadow over my luminance
Begging me to help chase away your demons
I tried in vain believing in you but you deluded me with your words
I stood with you side by side
Until my heart was heavy
My body worn and ragged
Succumbing to the demons as I fought foolishly
As they devoured me like their prey
Wounded, I turned to you for help
Only to find you laughing at my plight
Astonished as I watched you
Turn from me and walk away
Looking over my shoulder
At the carnage left behind
The casualties were my beloved
Also stricken by your viciousness
Then fell to my knees devastated
I wish I had never met you
I long to turn back the clock
And keep myself from trusting in you
You showed me in your cunning ways
That of my energy you were unworthy
Your soul-sucking has changed me
It reshaped my faith in mankind
The way that you have hurt me most
Is how you’ve hurt what I loved so much
And damaged who I am
You have dimmed my soul which once shined so bright
And yet here you stand callous and uncaring
Of the devastation you yourself have caused
I fear for those who cross your path
Those who naively believe in you
As you weave your tale spreading lies and deceit
Convincing those who lend you an ear
That you are in fact the victim rather than the villain
The villain must be taken down
Or the story cannot end
I will gather up my strength
But not for myself, you see
I must protect the others
And like all warriors before me
I will make my final stand
To protect what is most sacred to me
My weapon of choice that I carry with me
Is the sword of truth to render useless
That armor which you believe protects you
I will be a mirror to your crimes
I will never again allow you to hurt those I love
Perhaps you have seen the wreckage
As you hold tight to your blissful denial
That the devastation was warranted as the outcome
Perhaps those that once truly loved you
Were never enough to chase your tormentors away
Simply because you are being lured by the siren
The siren does not exist or at least not as you would hope
The siren will soon consume you as all sirens do
Just as your demons have destroyed the poor souls
Unfortunate enough to fall under your spell
And when the siren has condemned you
I will be ready once again to lift my sword
But this time it will be directed against you
You cannot take back the hands of time
And expect to be welcomed into open arms again
I have no more strength to battle your demons yet again
And I will not allow you to take those I love
Making them into your little toy soldiers
Into vulnerable pawns as you act as the martyr
What irony it is was when you called me out
As the fearless warrior on your behalf
When in fact, it was you all along
Soon to cause the true damage
I know so much better now
Nevermore will I allow
My precious ones to be toyed with again!
I know you won’t bother with me again
For you always recognized my warrior spirit within
Perhaps at one point you trifled with the possibility
That you could learn the same ways
That you could wear the kind of armor
And wield the blade that guides me now
This can never be after what you have become
Dishonorable and weak
Perhaps this is what you have always been
My light will shine again
For the sake of those I love it must
I cannot allow you to take me from me
And I will rise up from my knees
A proud warrior perhaps wounded
Covered in the ashes of the wake
But I had to burn to get here
Had to fall to remember this true strength.
I’shall shine once again though
Growing much wiser this time
I will not succumb to that darkness once again
As I finally begin to accept
The sun’s warmth once again
I take a breath and move forward
I have to keep moving forward
I find myself wondering, though…
How unfortunate it is for you
To have no fear of your darkness,
Yet you are terrified of the light?
**This poem is dedicated to the sweetest friend I have ever known who deserves someone to fight for them always.