Passion’s Eyes of Blue

"Come and see what the sweet passion of love means to me."

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There’s passion in the notion,

and the potion known as you,

in the emotion and the ocean,

flowing in your eyes of blue.


It’s in the poetry you bring me,

with a gesture, look, and kiss,

in a gentle touch that says so much,

wrought in euphoric bliss.


It is passion and it’s rapture,

how your captured my old soul,

and made it feel brand new again,

virginal, pure, and whole –


as pure as December snow,

up on a mountain top,

or by a brook or steam,

that doesn’t want to stop –


as whole as all the stanzas,

that are written on this page,

that softly rhyme in melodic time,

that have truly come of age.


If passion comes in stages,

With you – It’s always there!

We have a passion in its fashion,

that’s genuine and rare.


It’s genuine and rare,

this passion known as you,

that rises HIGH to a million skies,

through passion’s eyes of blue.





Published 8 years ago

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