What you should fear
Is Passion’s voice
When it calls
Low and subtle
Because when she speaks
It feels like the wind
Against your skin
Right before it sweeps upward
And whispers in the leaves of trees
It is your new name you hear
What you will now call yourself
That pulls your eyes to the sky
That loosens a joyous tear
Passion is the color of twilight
Where darkness and light interchange
What both heats you
And gives you a chill
The movement within the clouds
As they glide past
Creating an ache
Passion catches your breath
And feeds it back to you
It is the moments that give you pause
It trickles down the spine
It is the first feel of time
Standing still
And you think
No one hears its beauty
Like you
Run before your legs grow weak
Run before she starts to hum
Because once her vibe
Saturates your bones
There is a rhythmic flow
That grows into deafening waves
Your heart is
Passion leaves you wet
Salty and sweet
A tinge of metal
A little taste of your own soul
Smear yourself across your own lips
This is how passion tastes
This is the new you
You should know these things
Before you witness
What your essence is capable of
Before your body makes demands
Your mind will need time to
You will want what you want
When you want it
Passion will demand this
Sometimes you will want softness
You will want warmth
You will be what soothes
Riding slowly
In circles
Up and down
You will open yourself wide
Begging for an invasion
Sinking deeper
And deeper still
Giving of yourself
Over and over again
Because passion has no limits
Your cries may be melodic
You will want no privacies
Know no shame
Even your tears will be a testimony
That there is glory in loss
These pieces of yourself
You will freely sacrifice
You are love
And you give
This is what Passion does
Passion will remind you
Because you will forget
Love is not always lovely
The same salt that makes sugar sweeter
Inflames a wound
With sweat already on your brow
You may need heat
Crave friction
Desire fire
You will become the flame
Consume all that lays in your path
You will burn
And take no prisoners
Show no mercy
Forgetting you are not alone
As you pursue
What you
Must have
Passion will applaud
The show of claws
Your keening will shatter glass
Redefining what it means to be feral
Sometimes love
Needs something to hate
Sometimes they are one and the same
There should be warnings
Passion is a complexity
You could have
Existed for an eternity
Without ever having answered her call
Without her
Pains are dulled
Hurt cannot debilitate
Love stays polite
Wants are negotiable
Needs are not always necessary
And life…
Cannot be